Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/707

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Sacra Conversazioni, ami Bellini

Il-418a Sacrse Cardinalium Congrega- tiones. .Sec Roman Congrega- tions SACRA JAM SPLENDENT

XIII-292C Sacrament, Blessed. Sec Eu- charist

— Chapels of the, in catacombs III-123a; sub; frescoes V- 591d

— Chapel of the, St. Peter's XIII- 372b

— Chapel of the, at Siena XIII- 779d

— Confraternity of the, Rome XIV-122a

SACRAMENTAIS XIII-292d; 89a; 292d; administration XII- 417c; .\gnu3 Dei I-220b; ashes I-773d: beads I-361c; bells 11- 422c; blessing II-600b; 601b; bread, blessed II -750c; in Greek Church IV-320b; and priests XII-417c; sign of the Cross XIII-7S5d; Subdiaconate XIV-320C; suppressed I-502a; use XIII-292d; washing of feet XV-557C

Sacramentarians, and Calvin III- 19Sb; interpretations V-o75c

Sacrameatarium. See Sacramen- tary

— Gelasius. See Gelasian Sac- ramentary

— ^Leonianum. See Leonine Sac- ramentary

Sacramentary, Galilean XV- 381d; Gregorian III-260d; Gre- gorian, and acolytes I-108a; and keys, power of I— 62d; monogram I-21c; of Ratoldus II-4<i5a; Roman Rite IX-297c; nibrirs XIII-2IGC; term, use of X-35.5C: See Liturgical Books

— of Gelasnus. See Gelasian Sacramentary

Sacrament house V-713d ; in Ger- many XII-785a; in Pluscarden Priory XII-171b; as tabernacle XIV-424b

Sacramentines. See Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacra- ment

SACRAMENTO, DIOCESE OF XIII-294a; charitable institu- tions XII-24Sa; established XIII-441d; Germans in VI- 481b; Itali.ins in VIII-206C; Polish population (1907) XII- 211b; statistics XV-176C

Sacrament of Penance. See Pen- ance, Sacrament of

— of Redemption II-58d; Atone- ment called II-.'>7c

— of the Altar X-fic

SACRAMENTS XIII-295a; 30.3a; III 4. '.lb: in African Church I-r.tsc; administration V-17c; VllHiOd; XIII-89d; and age, canonical I - 208a; and Albigensea I-268b; 269c; and Amalricians I-379d; St. Ambrose, works of I -.387c; Amico in I— 129b; of Anglicans I -499c; 643c; XIII - 297b; 301c; Aphraatea on I -.593d; of Apostolici I-647c; Arias* works 1-71 la; Armenian Rite XIII-79C

— in art: Bcnoit, the Elder II- 71d: Poussin XII-323c; Van der Wcyden XV-270a

— Augsburg Confession V-760d; St. .\ugustine XIII-297c; and Baius II -211b; Baltimore, decree of II -237b; 238d; baptism II-2.58d; Baptists II - 278c; Bar-Kepha, Moses 1I-29SC; St. Bonaventure II- 631d; Byzantine Rite IV-3I9d; candles n-247c; catacomb paintings III-70Sd; Catholic doctrine XIII-297c; 297d; cause XIII-29Sd; character ni-586d; XIII-.301d; and Chardon IIl-58Sd; Christ, power of Xni-298d; chrism, use of nl-696d; comparison XIII-.301b; confirmation IV- 215b; in Cortms Juris fanonici IV-392C; delegation IV-fi97a; deprivation of in-.528a; Di- vine institution XIII - .303b; division Xlll-SOla; and Duns

Scotus V-197d; 610d; 611b; and effect III-2(>4b; IV-178c; XIII-301d; Episcopal XIII- 297b; 301c; and Erastus V- 515c; and escommunication V- 682d; and Flagellants VI-90d; form XIII-29Sb; France, State interference in I-651b; in French, administered III-7c; God, power of XIII-298d; grace XIII-301d; 408a; imme- diate or mediate XIII-299b; invahdity of XII-774C; Leo XIII on I-496d; and Luther IX-145C; XII-702C; XIII- 297b; marriage I-6S7d; IX- 700a; 707b; 712c; matter XIII-29Sb; and Mennonites X-190d ; Messalian teaching X-212a; in Methodist church X-239b; minister, intention of XIII-303c; Modernism XIV- 370a; and Mohler X-431a; among Montanists X-522d; of Mosaic law XIII-296b; nature XIII-295a; of the New Law XIII-296d; necessity XIII- 295a; number VI-702b; XIII- 299d; and offerings XII-470C; and St. Optatus V-120d; Orders, Holy XI-279a; and parables XI-463a; patronage II-2S5b; and Paulicians XI- 5S3d; penance XI-61Sd; Pres- byterian XII-393a; prohibition VIII-73b; proof, scriptural XIII-297d; Protestants XII- 496b; XIII-297b; 300c; Pro- testantism, French VII-S29d; and Quakers Vl-305a; qualifi- cations XIII-297a; and Ques- nel XV-129a; reception VI- 426c; reception, valid XIII- 304a; reticence V-32d; in Roman Catechism XIII-121b; rubrics XII 1-2 16b; and Sacra- mentals XIII-293a; and St. James of Compostela, Order of XIII - 353b ; Salmanticenses XIII -402b; Schwenckfeldiana XIII-597d; and sect XIII- 674d; sign of the Cross XIII- 785d; Socinianism XIV-114b; 114d; surplice XIV-344a; sym- boUsm XIII-295d; XIV-374d: SyTian Rite, East XIV-416d; system XIII-295c; Thomism XIV-667d; 700c; 701b; theol- ogy', dogmatic XIV-oS6b; theology, moral XIV-606a; tradition XIII-298a; Trent, Council of XI-SSOc; XV-33a; unity XV-180b; of Universal- ists XV-181C; validity XII- 774c; Victor of Antioch on V- 721d; Waldenses XV-528d; in Welsh Church XV-584d; and Wessel XV-590b; and witch- craft XV-674C; Wvclif II- lOOd; XV-723d; and Zwingli XIII-297b

— Congregation of the, matrimo- nial dispensations XIII-HOc; and Pius X XII-138d; Quam singulari XII-.590b

— Sacred Congregation of the DiscipUne of the, and private orat.Tl.-s Xl-272a

—of the New Law IX-707d

Sacramentum XV-557c

— exeuntium \'-716c

Sacramentum Pcenitentis, Con- stitution of Benedict XIV I- inOc; II-587b; V-690d; XIV- 135a

Sacrahum. See Piscina

Sacra Rota Romana. See Rota, Sacra Romana

Sacramm Cseremoniarum. See

Sacrates distinctiva, introduced XV-3S9a

Sacratissimo uti culmine, Bull of John XXII Xlll-2S9d

Sacra Tridentina Synodus, De- cree of Pius .\ IV-171b; VII- 403d; XI-16i;c

— Urbs, temple of, Rome XIII- 171b; 176d

Sacrc-CcEur, periodical XII-421c

Sacre - Coeur, Notre-Dame du. See Notre-Damedu.Sacr^CfEur

Sacred College. See Cardinal

— Congregation of Propaganda. See Propaganda, Sacred Con- gregation of the

— Heart, church, Baltimore II-

232c — Heart, church, Calcutta III-

1.54c — Heart, college, Chatham, Can.

III-240b — Heart, college, Chicago till.)

Ill-facing 654 — Heart, convent, D a I h o u s i e

VIII-743C — Heart, college, Denver IV-

129d; (ill.) IV-734b — Heart, Visitation Chapel, Dis- trict of Columbia XV-483c — Heart, church, Fortaleza VI-

145d — Heart, church, Freiburg VI-

265c — Heart, church, Hong Kong

VII-151a — Heart, mission, Idaho XII-

662a — Heart, college, Kwang-ttmg

Vni-713c — Heart, college. Limerick XIII-

578b — Heart, academy, Louisville

(ill.) VIII-622b — Heart, church, Lubeck IX-

402d — Heart, church, Memphis X-

705c — Heart, sanatarium, Milwaukee

X-320d — Heart, church, Montmartre

XI-48.Sd; XII-76b; 93d; XVI-

Sb; bell II-423d; congress "X'-

.593b — Heart (or Rideau Street) , school

of Grey Nuns, Montreal VII-

32a - — Heart, chapel. Nassau II-

205d — Heart, cathedral, Newark X-

"SOd — Heart, mission. North Dakota

IX-.-)S7c — Heart, school, Oakland, Cali- fornia XIII-442d — Heart, academy, Ogden, Utah

XV-240d — Heart, abbey, Oklahoma XI-

233a — Heart, college, Oklahoma XI-

233a; 233c — Heart, baailica, Paray le Mon-

ial, pilgrimage XI-477a —Heart, school, Portland XII-

2S8c — Heart, abbev, Pottawatomie

County, Oklahoma XI -23.3a — Heart, hospital, Quebec XII-

.■)97a; XIV-462d — Heart, cathedral, Richmond

(ill.) Xni-50d —Heart, church, Rome XIII-

171b — Heart, infant asylum, Rome

XII-,50Sd — Heart, college, San Francisco

III-173a; XIII-442d — Heart, missionary college, Syd- ney. Australia XIII-700a — Heart, orphan asvlum, Toledo

XIV-759b — Heart, orphanage, Toronto

XIV-7S2d — Heart, church, Trenton, New

Jersey X-792d — Heart, college, Watertown,

Wisconsin X-320c — Heart, shrine, Westminster Ca- thedral XV-600d — Heart, Association of secular

priests of the \11 ILMc —HEART, BROTHERS OF

THE XHI-.',ll.5b; in Canada

III-239b; founded IX-187C;

XV-703a; school XIII-56.5a;

at Trichinopoly XV-lOd — Heart, Carmelite Tertiaries of

the III-369d; founded XIV-

638b — Heart, Children of Mary of

the. See Children of Mary of

the Sacred Heart — Heart, Confraternity of the

XV-230a; indulgenced Vil- ified — Heart, Daughters of the, scap- ular XI 1 1 -.M lb — Heart, Franciscan Nuns of the,

.Soi.s.sons XI\'-132c — Heart, Holy House of the,

mission. Beagle Bay VIII-


— Heart, Missionary Sisters of the (Issoudun) n-721a; in New Guinea X-7S4d

— Heart, Mission Helpers of the. See Institute of Mission Help- ers of the Sacred Heart

— Heart, Priests of the I-lS9d

— Heart, Servants of the I-343c

— Heart, Sons of the XVI-68a; andConiboni lV-152d; founded XV-362b; mission I-191a; in Nubia XI-14Sb; in Sudan I- 190a

— Heart, Universal Archconfra- ternity of Our Lady of the XIIl-3(l(;b

— Heart of Jesus, church, Am- slpr.lani l-442c

— Heart of Jesus, church, Cone- wago. Pennsylvania Vl-477d

— Heart of Jesus, basilica, Lisbon IX-2S2C

— Heart of Jesus, parish. New Orleans XI-Mb

— Heart of Jesus, chapel, Roque- fort, pilgriniaac XI-4Sd

— Heart of Jesus, Auxiliary Priests of the, in Bavonnc Dio- cese Il-3Cla

— Heart of Jesus, Brotherhood of the priests of the, .Spain XIl-12!a

— Heart of Jesus, Confraternity of the, Romf XI\'-122d

— Heart of Jesus, Maid Servants of the X\'-3l.7a

—HEART OF JESUS, MIS- SIONARIES OF THE XIll- 306a; VI-17.5a: A r- " < t .. I i c

schools XIII-.5NI,d, it; Hi,llT-rS

II-721a; churcli Mil I7:;a; confraternity. \ i \ - 124a; in Congo 1\ -2.j7b. .\1\ - 247c; in Dutch Guinea X-7!>5a; in Gilbert Islands VI-557b; in Marshall Islands IX - 718c; seminaries XIII-700c; in Vic- toria Nvanza XV-4i:id


— Heart of Jesus, Priests Help- ers of the. See Betharramites

— Heart of Jesus, Priests of the (St. Quontin) in Congo I-lS9d

— Heart of Jesus, Scapular of the Xlll-olOa

— Heart of Jesus, Sisters of the Vl-171a: in Canada 111 239d

—HEART OF JESUS, SOCIETY OF THE XllI-3(J6d: XIV- 100a; Barat, Louis II-2S3C; in Canada III-239b; feast X- 600b; suppressed XIII-3n8a. See Society of the Sacred Heart of ,Tosns

—HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY, CONGREGATION OF THE Xin-3i1Sc; I-1.54a; VI-175d; X-446a; XI-490a; XII-7.58a; XIV-f)42d; Bacho- lot, Alexis XVI-6a; and Epis- copal jurisdiction XII-758d: foreign mission X-375b; in Marquesas Islands IX-6S8a; Picpus seminary XVI-6a: in Samoa XIIl-421a; in .Sand- wich Islands XIII-438b: .at Tahiti XIV-13llb

— Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Scapular of the XIII-510a

— Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the (Momiaison) IX -4 1. 3d

— Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the (Recoubeau) XV-251b

— Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the (Rennes) XII- 77,3c

— Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Sisters of the (Tours) .\'\-4c

— Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the (Franciscan) XI-3S.3C; XIV-r.43b

— Heart of Mary, Servants of

the (QuebcD 111 24l)a

— Heart of Mary, Sisters of the.

See Heart of Mary, Sisters of

the Sacred — Heart. See Heart of Jcsua — Rites, Congregation of. See

Rites, Congregation of — Rock, temple of, Jerusalem


Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.