Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/767

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Sigefredus. Bishop of Parma XI-

50(5a Sigehelm* Bishop of Sherborne

XI-a09c Sigel. Franz VI-J76b Sigerdo, jurisconault XII-112a Sigeric, Archbishop of Canter-


7S4a; .Vl'Ja; I-liWc; XII-32b Sigerson, George, writer VIII-

12tla: XI-(JS2b Siget, battle IV-512a Sigfrid. .See Siegfried Sigfrie, Abbot of Easterwine V-

24 Od Sigfiisson, Sfemund, historian


Sighadjilt (Tecs) XIV-513b

Sighaeh, Bishop of London IX- 347c

Sighigelli, Gaspare, Bishop of Imola Vn-(>93c

Sigia (Troas) XV-63b

Sigiiredo, Bishop of Ceneda III- 5 19b

Sigihard, Abbot of Wessobrunn XV-591C

Sigillo, Robert de. Bishop of I^n.ion IX-:i47d

Sigillography IV-504a

Sigipaldus V— 100a

Sigisbald, Saint, Bishop of Metz 1-26 7b

—Bishop of S&z XIII-681d

Sigisbert, monk I\-138a

— Saint, Bishop of Chur III-t3d

Sigismund, Arrhduice of Austria XI-62b: and coinage XI-155a; excommunicated Vll-lOb; and Nicholas of Cusa II-794a; XI- 61a; and Pius II XII-12Sa

— Saint, King of Burgundy I- 206a; II-161C; in Bobbio Mis- sal III-496C; 502b: and Clodo- mir IV-67b; foundation XIV- 362b; Orleans, veneration at XI-319d

SIGISMUND, German Emperor XIII-7S4C; 413c; 499b; VI- 49i;c; and Amadeus VI-31d; and Ambrose of CamaldoU I- 388b; and Basle, Council of II- 3^4c; and St. Bemardine II- 506b; in Bohemia II-613c; and Brandenburg II -739a; and Charles VI of France IV-554a; and Chrysoloras IX-614b; at Constance. Council of IV-2S8C; in Croatia IV-511b; and Eugene IV, Pope V-601c; and Freder- ick of Austria IX-407b; and Golden Rose VI-630c; in Hun- gary VII-551b; 587b; and Jo- hann III, Bishop of Eichstatt V-365a; and John XXIII, Pope Vni-»34b; and Martin V, Pope IX-72.5C; and Mercea XIII-225d; in Moravia X- 562d; and Nuremberg XI- 169d; and Ottoman Empire XIII-731b; and papal legates XV-739b; and Plantagenet, Henrv Beaufort. Bishop of Winchester XII-148d; and Vergerio XV-353b; at Vicenza XV-405b

Sigismund I, King of Poland Xn-184c; and Bona Sforza IV-576a; and Church XII- 190d; and Cistercians XII- 193d; and heresy IV-.566d; and Hosius VII-473b; Krzvcki on VIII-702d; and the Refor- mation XII-708a; and Sejnv XIII-688b; and Zapolva, Bar- bara IX-1 lb

— n, King of Poland VII-473b: Vlll-tWSb; IX-40.3b; XII- 185a; XIII-688b; and Counter- Reformation IV— 444c; and Kromer VIII-702C; papal mis- sion to XIV-760d; and the Reformation XII-70Sa; and religion IV-438c; religious war XII-191a; and Trent, Coun- cil of IV-157a; XV-31c; in Warsaw XV-55.5C

— m, King of Poland and Swe- den VIII-608b; XII-18.ic; XIV-349d; 353a; and Anerio I^75d; and Birkowski II- .578b; and Brest, Union of XV-131b; 131d; and Church XII-191b; and Demetrius VII- 700c; X-594a; and Jeremias II

XV-130d; papal legates XIII- 256a; and Reformed Francis- cans XII-195b: religion of IX- 460a; religious policy XII- 706d; in Russia XIII-246c; Skarga XIV-34d: in Warsaw XV-555C; and Zolkiewski XV- 763c

— Archbishop of Grosswardein VII-l,-)Sb

— Archbishop of Magdeburg IV- 156d

—Bishop of Sinigagha XIV-13d

—John, heretic XIV-113d

— See Sigmund

Sigl, Johann, poUtician XVI-22d

Sigla lll-434d; XI^09b

Siglo XIX, periodical XI-680d

Siglo Futuro, periodical XI-690b; XIV-1S8C

Sigmoid flexure, in Aristotle I- 458a

Sigmund, Alexander, Bishop of Augsburg II-76b

— Anthony, Count von Hohen- wart. Prince - Archbishop of Vienna XV^20a; Sankt Polten episcopate XIII-448a

—Carl II-72C

— Bathory, Prince of Transyl- vania XV-21C

— Franz, Archduke of Austria, Bishop of Augsburg II-76b

— See Sigismund

Signacula, in Manichffiism IX- 593c

Signal, periodical VII-536d

Signatura, of Sacred Penitentiary XIlI-147d

—Apostolic XII -700b; XIII- 149a; notaries XI-123a; offi- cials V-74a

— Sanctissimj. See Grace, Signa- ture of

Signature of Grace. Sec Grace, Signatura of

— of Justice. See Justice, Signa- ture of

Signay, (Sinai) Joseph, Archbish- op of Quebec III-235C; X- 548c; XII-.5'J6b; and Blancbet II-593b; and Cazeau III- 470b; and Demers IV - 706b; and Indian missions XIII- 666a; and Provencher XIII- t565c; and religious orders III- 236a; at Rimouski XIII-59a

Signets, Jewish inscriptions XIII-711b

Signini, Rosminian VI-423b; XIlI-201b

SIGN OF THE CROSS XIII- 78-'ic; IV-.lJDd; ■'"i25d; in abso- lution I-(i4d; t^t. Anthony, miracle I-.'i.")7a; on Ash Wed- nesday I-775C; in baptism I- 196a; and Beirftt amulet I- 443c; as blessing XIII-785d; and catechumens III-431b; Cyril of Jerusalem IV-596b; in dedication I-197d ; develop- ment XIII-786C; in Didache IV-779d; in early Church I- 197a; IV-520C; Xin-785d; in East and West Xlll-780d; in East Syrian Rite XIV-415d; formula Xlll-787a; at Gloria Patri V-151a; in Gospel, read- ing of VI-662C; in Greek Church VI-747a; Greek Schism VT-765d; at Introit VIII- 82b; in Mass Xlll-78.'jc; 787b; among Nestorians XIV- 417a; origin XIII-786b; power of ni-590c; XIII-787a; and worship XV-7inb

Signol, monastery XV-263b

Signorelli, Egidio Xin-787b

— LUCA XIII-787b; XI-400d; and Genga VI-415C; Goodly Fellowship of the Prophets (ill.) XII-477d; Head of Christ (ill.) Vni- facing 384; and JuUus 11. Pope XII-642d: in Orvieto Cathedral I-483d; XI- 331d; Perugia XI-736a; por- tr.iit XIII -7S7c: and San Sepolcro XIII-4.52b; and So- doma XIV-129C. in Urbino XV-221C; and Vas.iri XV-274C; in Vatican XV-27fld; Volterra XV-.50.ia

Signoria, Florentine IV-62.Sc; Vl-lOOb; in Lombardv IX- 34nb; Piazza delta, Florence (ill.) Vl-facing 1(M

Signoriello XI-684d; and Sansev- erino XIII-453b

Signs XIV-334a

Signum 1 1-4 19a

Sigo, Saint, Bishop of Clermont IV-54b

Sigogne in-234d; VII-118a; XIII-568C

SigoUna, Saint, Abbess of Traclar I-207b; XI-229d

Sigonio (Sigonius), Carlo, histor- ian VII-376d; VIII-218b; at Padua University XI- 387d; tomb X-413a

Sigrada, Saint IX-174a; XIV- 132b

Sigrid III-306d

Sigrist, Benedict, Abbot of Engle- berg V-429C

Sigrith VI-8Sld

Sigtuna, Diocese of XV-592c; church XIV-354a

Siguald, Bishop of Spoleto XIV- 234a

SIGIIENZA.DIOCESE OF XIII- 7Nsa: XlV-I74a; Biblical MS. at, XV .-.nib; cathedral (ill.) Xlll-fariiic 788; XlV-facing 170; map XlV-facing 200; statistics III-413C; and Toledo XIV -755b; 759a; university IV-239a; XIII-788d

Sigiienza, Jose de, writer XIV- 200a; pi.rtrait XIII-127b

— y Gongora, Carlos de, writer IV-Sd; XIV-203b

Siguin, Archbishop of Sens XII- 730b

Sigurd, Bishop of Skara XVI-75a

—Lays of V-280d

— Jorsalafari, King of Norway Xl-USb; XVI-76a; 78d

Sigurdsson, Ame, Bishop of Ber- gen XVI-9d

Sigward, Bishop of Minden X- 323c

Sigwart, Christopher von, philos- opher XV-84b; and material- ism X-43b; on space XIV- 168d

Sigy, France, pilgrimage X-99b

Sthabahu, King, in Ceylon III- 547d

Si Han. See Ts'ien Han

— Hen;i, commissioner X^80c

Sihnah, Diocese of. See Senha

Sihon. .S(v Sehon

Sihor Labanath. See Labanath

SIKHISM XIlI-789a; VII-728b; "Granth" XIII-789b

Sikhs, in India VII-728C

Siksika Indians II-590d

Si-kung, Chinese empress III- 66.5d

Sila, geological formation VIII- 20Sc


Silanus, Saint, martyr, P^rigueux XI-66SC

— Saint, martyr, Rome III-516a; VI-28b

— Junius X-753a

Silas (Silvanus) Vn-.332d; at Bcrna XlV-630b; at Corinth I\-304a; XlV-631b: and Eph- esians V-4S9a; in Greece VI- 737a; and St. Paul I-119b; 121c; IV-364d; \II-:i3.".a; XI- 570c; and St. Peter XI-7.5.3a; at Thessahmica XIV-629d

— Bishop of Tiberiopolis XIV- 717c

Silbereisen, Elizabeth III-26a

Silbermann, Andreas, organ builder XI-.300b

— Gottfried, organ builder XI- 3fl0b

— Johann Andreas, organ builder Xl-30llb

— Johann Daniel, organ builder .\I-30(lb

— Johann Friedrich, organ build- er XI-3n(ib

— Johann Heinrich, organ builder XI -301 lb

— Johann Josias, organ builder XI -300b

Silbemagl, Isidore, canonist IX- c.-id

Silchester, relics at XV-582c

SILENCE XIII-790a; in Blessed Albert's rule I-261a; amongst Basilidiana II-328d; and con- templative life IV-329d; and mystical union IV-32,5d; and


prayer XII-608b; respectful XV-446a

— system in prisons. See Au- burn, system of

Silentiarius, Johannes, Saint. See John the Silent

— Paulus, poet III-119b; VII- 375a; IX-577a; on ambo of St. Sophia I-382b; on holy water fonts at St. Sophia VII-433d

Silentium Obsequiosum, in Jan- senism I-95a

SILESIA XIII-790c; XII-181d; Bohemian Brethren in II-6 17d; Breslau 11-7618; Charles IV in II-613c; Church in II-136b; 761a; economical develop- ment Xni-791c; and Fred- erick II of Prussia VI-236a: 507a; IX-663c; German news- paper in XI~669d; and Ger- many VI-49.3C: history II- 761a; XIII-790d; Hussites in VI-496d; Jesuits in XIV-90b; Lutheraniam in IX-460b and Luxemburgs VI-495c; missions XIII-790C; and Moravia X- 563b; patronage VII-189d; and Prussia XII-523a; Re- demptorists in XII-686a; Ref- ormation II-763a; XIII-701b; Schwenckfeldians XIII-597d; tribes XIII-790C; Vandals in XV-268b

Silesian Catechism VI-27b

—War, First (1740-42) VI-507a: IX-663b; Second (1744-45) VI-507a

Silesius, Angelus. See Angelus Silesius

Sileson, Jesuit XIV-92b


Silfverstolpe, Carl, historian XV- 20,Sa

Si-liao (Kara-K'itai) III-681d

Siliceo, Juan Martinez, cardinal. Archbishop of Toledo III- 376d; XIV-759b; at Cartagena III-384d

Siligo, in Eucharistic host VII- 494a

Silinghol, league X-480a

SUingii, in Silesia XIII-790c

Silio, King of Asturias XIV-180a

Silivri (Selymbria) XIII-692d

Silk, in altar flowers I-357b; in amice I-429a; m antimensium I-563d; 564b; in pall I-355d; Pontifical Family use XIII- 153c; in sandals XIII-435a; in tunic XV-88b

Silkeborg, town, Denmark, Cath- olic population I\'-723d

Silken, Thomas Fitzgerald. See Fitzgerald. Thomas. 10th earl of Kildare

Silko, Nabatean king XI-147d

Silk worms, in Chinese tradition Ill-681b

Sille, town Italv, earthquak'^ (1908) VIII-214b

SiUery, mission II-751d; VII- 579b; IX-570C; X-512b; XII- 80c

— Madeleine Brulart de III-52d

— Soeurs de Jesus Marie de. See J^sus Marie de Sillery , Sceurs de

SilUngardi, Gaspare, Bishop of Ripatransone XIII-62d

SUIober, Maria IX-590d

Sillon, society IV-246b; VI- 188c; XIV-71b; Pius X on XI-676d; XII-139a

Silly, Francois-Marguerite de X- 357c

Silo, town VI-445C; altar at I- 360c; Anna at I-530c; XIV- 498d; and Bethel II-532d: ora- cles of XII-176C; tabernacle at I-722c; XIV-425C

—Bishop of Osma XI-3.39C

— Albricius C. XI-1.34C

SILOE, pool XIII-792c; XII- 235b; and Bcthsaida II-536d; inscription VII-176b; XIII- 711b; XIV-529d; location VIII-34.5C; 352b; and Taber- nacles. Feast of XIV-426a

Silos, Joseph, on Ven. Ursula Bcnincasa XIV-5.")8a

— Lectionary of III-162b

— Monastery of II-449b; 451b; reform III-67c; IV-».57a; IX- 247b; XIV-134a; 180c; library I 1-4 58a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.