Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/784

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Stacpoole, Duke of and Foate-

nelle Abbey VI-129C SUCte. plant ^ll-pec .

Stadacona, Quebec Ill-iJlc. VII-573b; X-547C

Stade, city, and Bremen ll-i-fl/a, college II-757d; monastery I- 9fi2c- Tillv in XI\-72ob

-MiSrt of. S^e Albert of Stade

-Bernard, exegete, on Anim- ism I-529a; IV-502d; _yu- 181b; on Zachanas X\--<«D

Stadel Institute. FranWort. Bon- vicino, work of II-6-8d

Staderini, catalogue system, \ ati- can Library XV -292b

Stadianus, Franciscus, and -Me-

Stadion! c£-istophe_r von. Bishop

of Augsburg II- -Db; -o^ 'i^d

—Franz von, count ll-Mua

—Franz Conrad, Count von,

Prince-Bishop of Bamberg U-

Stadlfer, Archbishop of Serajevo

— lOHN EVANGELIST, hagiog- ■■ __i.._ -i,-iv--'M(ld: dictionarj


.'apher XIV-240d; dictionary

Stadt Gottes, periodical XI-

StadSfohn, battle XIV-650a Stadt und Landbote, periodical

XV-6S0a Stse., ahbr. l72Sb Stael, Albertme de IJ^'^'* „„^ — (Stael-Holstein). Anne- Louise-Germaine Necker, Ma- dame de VI-20ac, and Liberal- ism IX-212d; on de Ligne \ 1- 204dT aid Meister X-697b: Miserere, musical setting -N- 353d- and Samt-Simon -\111- 377b; and Theopliilanthropy Xlll-llib ,

— AuKuste de, baroness, ana

BrJglie II-795d Staff, in Armenian Cliurcli Xlll 80i; of St. Edward XII-.13C. as emblem I-626d : of Eucharis- tic tower I-364d; in investiture ceremTny VIII-88a; of pilgrims XII-96C; 99a —Pastoral. See Crosier .

-if Jesus (St. Patrick's crozier) I-730C . ,,.

Stafford, archdeaconry l.v

-school VI~S4b; XIII-557b —Edmund de. Bishop ol Exeter

-EdwMd, third Duke of Buck- ingham VII-222d

—Henry, second Duke of Buck- ingham II-59c; marriage II- 376a . ,,,, -,,.

—John, identity VII-511b

—John, Arclibishop of Canter- bury III-300a

— Mary VII-504a

—Nicholas, in Brooklyn U

— Pe^er, martyr VIII-167C

— Raymund. martyr VI1I-167C

Staffordshire, Erdeswicke, survey

Stag, of" St. Eustachius V-627b;

of St. Hubert I-517a Stagai, Greek see VI-738c; 740d Stage, in Passion plays A-i

St^gefyr. See Ferber, Nicolaus Staiel. Elsbeth, mystic VII-

239a Stagirite. See Aristotle Stagnelius, Erik John, writer

XIV-35.5a Stags, silver, on font 11--' ^a —Church of the, Llaucarvan -VV -

Stk'helin, John Jacob, theologian, on rcnfitiMlch Xl-05ob

Stahl, Fredrich Julius, private nrolK-rtv XII-lli;ic

—George' Anthony von, Bishop of Wilrzburg iv--720b; and Hettinger Vll^SWd; at Vati- can Council XV-30.>b; and Weber XV-574b

—George Ernst, biologist 11- 574c; X- 132b; life, theory of IX-240a; and ophthalmology X-135d —Ignatius, theologian iy-737a Xheodor, editor XI-679« 

Stahleck, Hermann of, palsgrave

Stahlhuth of Aachen, organ- huilder XI-300b .

Stahlschmidt, Joseph, in Louis- ville VI— 479b; lX-388a

Stahremberg, count, in Vienna

Statmosl'-Alfons, and Ernst of Hcssi-Rcinfels V-524b

STAINED GLASS XlV-241a; Flemish VI-678d; in Gothic art VI-672a; introduced XI- iq7d- Neri, Antonio X-/o^a, at Tegernsee XIV-^72b; use

Stainlein, Hermann, and Theiner

XIV V.r.b .

Stain of sin, mcamng XIV-9b Stainton, Moses,spirituali3t \ 11

B90a J ,, „, „■

StainvUle, Comte de. .*« J-""';

seul, Etienne-Francois, Due de Staircases, Vatican Palace, de-

g,-ription XV-29Sb Stairs Holy. .Sff Scala Sancta Stairs'of Pilate. Sff Scala Sancta Stakes of Zion, in Norman church

Stiey,"Mrs., and Catholic uni- versitv III-456a

STALLS XIV-243d; carved wood XV-700a; (ills.) XlV-facing 242; 244 „ „ j. . ii

Stalz, Matthias, BoUandist 11-

Stamboul IV-SOlc; 305c: XV- 97c; Assumptiomst institutions in II-105a; Mechitarist house in 1 1- 100c; Melchite patriarch in I-'SO'c Sir Constantinople

Stambuloff, Stephen III-47b; and Ru^sii Xlll :;iid

Stamford 'Bridge, battle (10(56) XI-U8b ,

—Hill, College, England Xlll- 573b; XIV-lOlc .

—University, Sempringham Hall

StimTngei, J. B., editor of Chili-

.■,neumXI-07Sd _ ,

Stammler, Jacob, Bishop of Basle

ll-34(lc; at Berne II-509a Stampa, Gaspara, poet vm-

250b; XI -386c Stamp Act XV-I60d; 161a Stamperia, CottUe deUa, Vatican

Palace XV-277d Segreta, Vatican Palace XV-

Stampfer, Jacob, medallist XI-

Stai^berry, John, Bishop of Here-


XIV-244C; II-455b; ven.

Barlo^ relic of II-2„9 8c

Stanford, Leland, university III-

— Mrs. benefaction to Benedic- tines XIV-244d

Stang. WiUiam, Bishop of tall River V-771b; at Louvain College I-425C

Stangberg, Henry, Bishop ol Ribe XVI-70C , „ , . V

Stanhope, James, and Dubois V-

Stanihurst, Richard. See Stany-

hurst, Richard Stanislas, Mere S., and Martin,

—College, Paris VII-60C; XVI-

-KOSTKA, SAINT XIV-245C; Vin-09ob; canonization -\1>- 440d- Church of S. Andrea dtua'Valle, cell XIII - 170c; and Clement X II-366c; no- vena XI- 143d; and Peter Canisius XI-758d;. PO"-"| .v-T%' o.iKa- R-tt.h \ ircin and bt.

tjanisius .vi-i.^,-;-. . *"--;-5^ XIV-246a; with \ irgin and bt Francis Borgia (ill.) Vl-facing

Stanislaus I, King of Poland XII- 186b; and Lorraine IX-3b4c; on political economy XU 197d; and P^ad^s ^"l^^f?: -n. King of Po^ed X-6Sla, XII-561b; XV-55od; and Church XII-191d; and Free- masons IV-38b; Porwiut Vlll- 609; and Redemptorists lV-4aa —writer XII-199b — Xaverian XV -728c -Abbot of Card Xin-'20d —OF CRACOW, SAINT Xl\- 246c; IV-i64c; xn-183a; and Boleslaw II XII-189C; canon- ized VIII-18a; at Pans schools XI-495a; tomb IV-465a STANISLAWO W,DIOCESE OF, Galicia XIV-247a; and Lem- berg IX-146a; statistics II- 136d; Uniat Church VI-755d Staniukovitch, writer XII 1-2- 3D Staniukynas, A. XV l-oM Stankevitch, philosopher XIU

prYntlng office II-45SC; Teres- lan martyrs, relics ol XI \

Stancari, Francesco, at Cracow

University IV-466a .

Stance, Duke of Lower Austrasia

Standard^ periodical, Buenos

Aires X-626a ^, . , , ,

—Battle of the, St. Aelred on 1-

172d; II-.i40b „^ .

Standard-bearer of the Church

XV-3lila •,.i^.,.„.

Standing, and prayer Vl"^r-»a.

4^4d 42,5c; XI-467b; in prinu-

tive Church l-152b -Buffalo Reservation X1V-23C,

One, in Simonian doctrine

XIII-797a —Rock Reservation VII-74SC,

XIV-22C; 23b; 24b Standish, Henry, Bishop of

Siiat Vs.iph XIII-333a Standonck. John, at St. Victor

Standone', James, in Montaigu

Coll.Kc U-tUOa Standonk CoUege, Baius at II-

2U9C , , ,.,,,

Standon Lordship, school xm-

57:!a; foundiilioll III-'^65c Standring, Socialist XIV-6'9 Staney, William, and C.ennmRS

V 1-1 19a; and !• rnnciaran 1 hiru

STANFIELD. VVILLIAM CLARK- SON, painter XlV-245a; por it XlV-245b

Staiko (Bib.), island VI-437d Stanley, sculptor I^'r'32b —Arthur Penrhyn IV-161b, on St. Athanasius II-36a; and Test

—Charles, of Plymouth Brethren

—Edward George, fourteenth Earl of Derby. ,,,Na<'°°^ Schools in Ireland Vlll-UOb, XIII-576d; XVI-59C

—David Sloane, on De Smet IV-

— Henry Morton, and Congo

River IV-228b; 228d , —James. Bishop of Ely V -39, a —Thomas, Bishop of Sodor and

Man XIV-130b , ,^ , „ —Thomas, first Earl of Derby u-

376a; impeached II-59C — Venitia IV-792d —Sir Waiiam, and Allen I-323D, and Venerable Roger Ashton I-777a; treason XV-713d -FALLS, VICARIATE APOS- TOLIC OF. Belgian Congo XIV-247b; IV-236a; map 1.-

fttcing 180

Stanney, Thomas, and Humpn- revs VII-545a; and Venerable Rilph ^.l"er X-317C Stannum, in chalice 1-35 1 D Stanos. .'^ff Istanoz STANSEL, VALENTIN, astrono-

,,,..r XlV-247d Stanstead. rr.ulmes at XV-230a Stantareum III-218b Stanton, EUzabeth Cady, suffra- gist XV-692C —P. VIII-124b ,

-Richard V-113b; XI-273d; and

Bridgett II-782d —Vincent Henry, on Fourth Gos- pel IV-49t*; on St. Matthew

—CoUege, Natchez, Mississippi

X-396C Stenyhurst, James XIV-248a —RICHARD, historian, XIV-

248a; VIII 125a STANZA XlV-248b; oikos I-93a — d'EIiodore, V atican XI--738C Stanze, Vatican, Raphael Xii-


Stanzioni, Massimo, painter, and

Ribera XIII-32b StapehiU, Cistercian Abbey X V l-

Stapeldon. Walter de, Bishop of Exeter V-709a.

Stapelia, adaptation V -6bba

Stapellage, Friedench. See bta- pltiylus

— Ludeke XIV-248C

Stapf, jurist VI-26Sd

—JOSEPH AMBROSE, theolo- gian XIV-248b

Stapfer, and Girard VI-569d

— Edmond. on Protestantism VII-537a

Staphylococci XI-537b


theologian XIV-248C; o93a;

and Elsengrein V-368d;_and

Peter Canisius XI-.o9b; (bOc;

and the Reformation IX-458d

Stapledon, Walter de. Bishop of

Exeter, founds college. Oxford

XI-368d , „. , „,

Staples, Edward, Bishop of

Meath VIII-102b; X-97b;


Stapleton, Edward, martyr \ lli-

— Gregory, at Old Hall College XI-239b; XIII -366b; at St. Omer College V-139d —Robert I-621d —Theobald, martyr VIII-16-c. founds Irish C9llege, Madrid VIII-159C; at Irish College, Se- ville VIII-159b —THEOBALD, writer XIV-249a

X H O M A S , controversialist

XIV-249b; 593c; and Bering- ton 11-49 la; on Church, notes of III-450C; at Douay I-322C. at Irish College, Louvain V 111- 160a; portrait XIV -249c; and Bl. John Shert XIV-^i89a; and Thomism XIV-70-2d; and Walsh XV-.542a — WUliam XIV-249b Stapulensis, Faber, and Olarean

Star, periodical XIII- 282c; XV I-

55d . „ ,, ,. ;„

—town. Ruthenian Catholics in

VI-750b —Royal Order of X-306c Starch, for altar-hnens 1-355(1 Stargard, town, Augustinian monastery XII-225d; and Kos- lin Xll-226d ^ ^ , , „. ^ —John I of. See John I of Star-

Stariha, John, Bishop of Lead

IX-98c; XIV-162a Stariobriadtsi, schismatics -Ml-

Stark, John, general VIII-134b;

139a- X-787b; at Bennington,

battle of XV-356a . —von, Kulturkampf. in Hesse

VII-300a ,

Starke, Christoph, on matriarchy

XV-689C ,,

Starkey, Lawrence, mission 11-

— T^o'mas, and Cole IV-97b; and

Pole XII-202C .

Starkla, JuUus. and Dziennik

Literacki XI-6S7d Stamina, Gheratdo, painter, and

Masolino IX-769d Starodub. monastery, Russia

XIII-263a Star of Bethlehem II-2-»':l ^l":

IX-529b; Kepler on Ill-JSad of Bethlehem, periodical xi-

695c „ J , ,. . V

—of Our Lady, Order of the X-

"Staroviertsi. sect XII-b49a

iTAioWOLSKI. SIMON, his- torian and llu-ologian XIV-

StSn^'a-M.; wife of Genera. Newton XI-l»b

—Mary C. D. ^Mother Veron-

— ELIZA ALLEN, literary writer XIV-250b , ,. ..

—Frederick, on Mixe Indiana X- 408d; on Mixteca Indians X-

St^i?hember,. _^ Co^t Mdigex

Stl^°s'. William. Vicar-General of Now York XI-24b