Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/785

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Starry, Sigismond, Abbot -General of Pr^montr* XII-390d

Stars, ancient study XII -47c: in Apocalypse I-486a; SOfid; Aristotle on 1-7 16c; on Aster- isk fGreek Church) II-17d; in astrology II-18d; in Avcr- roism XIII-784c; in Babylon- ian mythology I-480d; binary II-27b; 29a; charts II-29b; chemistry of II-28d; distance II-27d; divination of XIV- 339c; eclipsing II-27d; Fechner on II-571b; fixed XV-184C; Gilbert on XII-58a; Hippar- chus II-25d; map of n'-736d; movement II-27d; multiple II- 27c; in Old Testament II- 30c; 31a; 31b; Origcn on XI- 310a; Piazzi on XII-73b; Ptol- emy's system XII-47c; and Sabaoth" XIII-286d; Secchi's classification II-28d; variable II-27C; da Vinci on XII-53a; in Zoroastrianism II-1.55b

Startz, Leocadia, and Poor Child Jesus, Sisters of the XII -25 la

Stary, Zikmund, Abbot of Stra- hov XIV-312C

Stas, Jean-Servais, and Dumas V-189C

StaSek, Antal, writer IV-600C

Stasofl, writer XIII-274d

Statalinus, deity IV-f)84d

State, and abduction I - 32b; accession by alluvion I-96a; archdeacons, appointment of I-694a; Aristotle on I-717b; association, right of voluntary Il-ld; and Atheism XIV-770C

—Authoritv 11-1370; over mar- riage I-687d; in Protestantism XII-497C: to make war XV- 547b

—basis of XIV-772b; books, con- fiscation of XIV-766C; and CathoHc schools XIII-5S3b; Catholic teaching H-141a; constitutions II-139a; in con- stitution of U. S. XV-165a; development II-138d: Estab- lishment V-548c; and ethics V- 564b; and eugenics XVI-39d; and family V-783d; XIV-70d; 78b; and God XIV-770a; Hegel's theory of VII- 193c: heretics, execution of XIV-768d; Hobbes on II- 140a: V-559C: ideal XII- 161c; individualism I-453a; VII-761d: and irreUgion XIV- 770b: justice VIII-572c; Kaut- sky, theory of IV-106b; mar- riage legislation IX-700C; me- dieval theory II-139c: monop- olies, control of X-498c; and moral law XIV-772a; as natu- ral society XIV-75a; 76a; ori- gin lI-13Sa; pagan attitude towards XI-389d; and penal justice XIV-708b; Plato V- 558a: XII-161b: and political toleration XIV-769b: and poor relief I-330d: XII-237a; 329a; power of prescription XII- 395b; and private property V- 563c; XII-463C; and religion XIV-770a; and religious con- gregations II-3d: rights of XIII-56a; rights of, in schools XIII-5o8b; Rousseau on II- 140b: Socialistic teaching XIV- 62c; 66b; Suarez on II-139d; Syndicalist teaching XIV- 3S5d; toleration, religious XIV- 764d; 769d: and voluntary as- sociations II-3b; worship, free- dom of XIV-765b

—AND CHURCH XIV-250d; III-700b; acts of I-115b: allo- cution I-325b: Alsace-Lorraine I-342b; St. Ambrose I-3S5a: Anglican \iewV-548c: inAnglo- Saion England I-507a: in Ar- gentina I-704b: 704d: Assize of Clarendon I-802b: in Austria II-129d: 132b: 134a; authority XIV-2o3a; Baader on II-174d; Baden II-195d: 196b; 198b: Bamberg II-243C; Bavaria II- 355d; 337a; Belgium Il-lOld: Belgium, clerical stipends II- 406a; Bcrtrand. thesis of II- 523d; bishop, early position of II-583b; Bismarck's view VIII- 7a6b; in Bohemia II-614d:

XII-341a: Brazil II-747a; By- zantine policy III-114c; Ceb- saropapism Xll-498d: in Can- ada XII-598d; Catholic state defined XIV-771b: church property I-144d; XIV-772c: chiu-ches, immunity of III-44a; "Clericis laicos" IV-50d; Co- lombia 1V-123C; compulsion of worship XIV-765b; concessions I-651d

-concordat IV-202c; XIV-251d; Austrian (1855) II-130b; defi- nition IV-196d; French IV- 206b

-Conatantine'a policy I-708d: XI-452c: counter theories XIV-253d; duties of State to Church V-564c; ecclesiastical penalties VIII -568d; Ems, Congress of (1786) V-409b: Erastus on V-515d; Exequator V-707d; False Decretals V- 773a

-in France I-7S6a; 795c; 797b; allocution of Pius X I-325C; taxes I-795C

—Frederick Barbarossa VI-491d; and freedom of faith XIV- 765a: GalHcanism VI-351C; in Germany VIII-705b; VI- 486a; IX-233d; Gregory the Great VI-783a: 793a; Guaran- tees, Law of VII-48b; Guclphs and Ghibellines VII-56d; in Hamburg VII-122c; Hohen- zollern policy XII~520c; in Holland VII-389c; in Holy AUiance Vn-398c; in Hungary II-133d; in Iceland I-746d: immunity VII-692a: investi- tures V-432C: VIlI-84d; Ire- land VI1I-113C: in Italy Vlll- 235a; Janssen on IX-74b: Jo- seph II VIII-509d; Josephin- ism II-127d

—jurisdiction I-650a; 650d: ec- clesiastical Vlll-.'r.Sd ; rniiL'f XIV-251b; resp.rin, I ] i:,b

-Kaunitz's policy \lll i.l-'c; in labour quostn-ii Xll-7s:ib; laicization VIlI-744d; Leo 111 and Charlemagne IX-158a; Leopold II II-68d; Liberalism, absolute XlV-253d: Liberal- ism, qualified XIV-254a: lim- its of state authority II-138b; Louis XIV IX-373a: Louis the Bavarian VI-494C; in Massachusetts colon v X-2Ga; in Middle Ages VII-368d: IX- 75b; XIV-771b; mutual cor- porate relation XIV-252b; in Naples I-337a; in the Nether- lands II-397d; at Nica-a II- 37c; Non Expedit XI-98d: Norway XVI-lOa; in Olden- burg XI-238d: origin II-138a; Otto I III-13d: XI-356a; papal secretariate XIII-152d; m Paraguay XI-471b; penal- ties, ecclesiastical VIII-3fi8d; and in Philippines I-162a; Piedmont XII-77d

-Pius IX. syllabus o/XIV-369a; on public schools XIV-369c; on separation XIV-771a

-Pius X, allocution of I-325c; in Poland XII-190a; Portugal XII-299C; 305b; purpose XIV- 231a: Reformation and growth of State XII-701b: Reformers, attitude of XV-142c: Regalists XIV-254b; relations between I-11.5b: III-699d: 796c; V- 564c; XIV-769C; 771c; and re- ligion XIII-677c; Richelieu on XIII-48d: rights, basis of XIV-230d: rights of State I- 115b; von Roskov4nv. work of II-135C; in Russia VII-429c; 431d; Scholasticism XlV-591d; secularists, attitude of XIII- 676c; separation, advantages XIV-771a; separation, and heresy XIV-769b: in Spain XIV-187b; state, aid of clergy XIV-296d: state, encroach- ments on rights of monasteries I-17d: in Switzerland IX- 408b: XIV-364C; Switzerland, reform III-196d; Tanucci. Ber- nardino XIV-446b; in Theoc- racy XIV-568a; and toleration XIV-769c; 772a; as types of society III-760b: lltramon-

tanism XV-125a; "Unam Sanc- tum" XV-126b

— union XIV-253b; advantages of XIV-770d: early VII-368a; effects X1V-771C

—Upper Rhine XV-205d; usur- pations l-651b; Vatican Coun- cil XV-304a; veto, the royal XV-392d :virtupsregulatingthe XIII-56a

—Boards of Charity, in U. S. XII-246d

— Consultations, Roman Congre- gation of XIV-34C

—Halls, Vatican Palace. See under Vatican

Staten Island, Quarantine Sta- tion II-359C: St. Michael's Home XII-399a

State Normal School, Trenton, N. J. X-7'Mc

State of fife XIV-602C

State of the Regular Orders, Congregation on the XIII-142

—OR WAY XIV-254b; consola- tion XlV-256b; desolation XIV-256d; directions XIV- 257a; division XIV-254C; illu- minative XIV-255b; purgative XIV-254d; unitive XIV-255d

Stater, coin II-551C

States-General, Dutch VII-109a; and Alva I-371b

—French, at Blois VII - 78c; Boisgehn at II-624C; convoca- tion of (1560) II1-443C; con- vocation of Louis XVI XIII- 9b

—OF THE CHURCH XIV- 257d; IX-74b; Apostolic Camera I-633b; Archdioceses and Dioceses VIII-241C: Audi- tor Camerae II-70d: and Aus- tria XIV-265b: Avignon pa- pacy IV-20d: XIV-264a; Bag- norea II-203C: Benedict XIV, as ruler II-i33d; Bologna II- 639c; and Boniface IX II-671a; Byzantine power XIV-258d: Carbonari III-330c: and Carlo- vingians XIV-261b; St. Cath- erine of Siena III-447b: and CathoHc powers XIV-266c; Charlemagne, donation of XIV-261a: confiscation of XV- 307b; conflict with lli.' iinpirc XIV-263C; (•ni,t-i.L'i,n..ris for XIII-136b: l)ui.:nil-iiii V- 203a; estaMishiii.iit .\l-t,i,:ib: extended XV-22lla; and Fran- conian dynasty XlV-263a: and Franks XIV-259d; and French Empire IV-263b: French Rev- olution XIV-265a; Garibaldi XIV-267b; German nation XIV-262d; Gregory XVI IV- 450c; Guarantees, Law of XIV-267b: and Hohenstaufens XIV-262b; Honorius IV VII- 460b: immunities in VII-692C. incorporation of fiefs XIV- 513a; Italian revolution XIV- 26fia: JuUus II VIII-562d XIV-2C4C; laicization VIII- 747a; legations, annexations ol XIV-267a; Leo X IX-166C; Leo XII IX-168b; Lombards, invasions of XIV-259a; Loth- air I XIV-261C: maps XIV- facing 266; Napoleon I XII- 132a; and Napoleon III XIV- 266c; nepotism, effects of XIV- 2C4c; and Normans XIV-263b; origin VIII-232a; XIV-260c; papacy in early church XIV- 258b: papal imprisonment XIV-267c: and Parma XI- 505c: Patrimony of St. Peter XIV-257d: Pepin, donation of XIV-260a; and Pius IV XII- 129d: and Pius VII XII-133b; Pius IX XIV-265d: Redemp- torists I-337d; the Renaissance XlV-264b; revolt VII-7a; 7c; Rome, sack of XIV-264C: Rota II-71a; and Saxon dynasty XIV-262b; seizure of XIV- 267a: Stephen (II) III XIV- 288d; subjection of I-293a: survey II-692a: XIII-670c; Sylvester II XIV-371d; the- atre XIV-.561b; Urban IV, policy of XV-213b: Venice, Treaty of XIV-26.5b: Victor Emmanuel II XIV-267b: Villa- franca. Peace of XIV-266d:


Waldenses in XV-529d; under Zachary XV-744a

— Rights, and South Carolina XlV-159a

Statics, in ancient physics XII- 4Sa; Gahleo VI-343b; in 16th century X1I-55C

Statilius Capella XIII-292a

Static IV-104b

Station, for Palm Sunday XI- 432b; procession XII-447a; in Rome XIV~383a; in Rome, acolytes of I-107b

Stationalis IV-525d

Station Churches XIV-268b

—DAYS XlV-268a; I-314b: in African Church I-194a; 195b; canonical hours XIV-515a: collect IV-103a; fast on XIV- 523a: at Milan I-400c: origin VI-782d; IX-287a; papal choir, duties of XIV-29d

Stationers' Guild IX-346d

Stationery, in ecclesiastical ad- dresses I-137d

Station Island, Ireland XII-580b; 580c

Stations, penitential XI-630C; 636c

— oftheCross.5ecWayoftheCroflB

— See Station Days

Statistics, agriculture X-280b; alcohol, consumption of XIV- 482b: Austria-Hungary, races II-121b; Austria-Hungary, religious orders ll-136d: blind- ness V-360a; Bosnia and Herz- egovina II-694d: California, agricultural III-171d; Canada VIII-150d; Canada, schools in XIII-565a: Congo, commerce IV-232a; deafness V-320b; divorce IX-696C

—of education: of deaf V-319b; New York XI-32b; in United States IV-89a

— France, general VI-16f)d; Geor- gia, general VI-460b: German form of table XIV- 275a: Hol- landers in U. S. VII-394b; il- legitimarv VII-650b: immi- gration il-620d: VlII-135a; Ireland, general VIII-114a: Irish in England and Wales VIIl-1.53b; Irish in Scotland VIlI-1.54b; Iroquois Indians \'IIl-17od: Italian emigration VIII-2(l3a: Italy, education VI I l-242a ; Italy, medical VIII- '244a: Jamaica, general VIII- 27Ia: Japan, commerce VIII- 317b: Japan, general VIII- 297b: Japan, naval VIII-304a; Judea. general V1II-545C; lep- rosy IX-182d; Maine, industrial IX -542a; Maine, population IX-542d; Masonry IX-778C; Massachusetts, general X- 24d: 26b; Mecklenburg, gen- eral X-l()9d; Mexico, general X-250C: Michigan, general X- 280b; Minnesota, population X-329a; Mission Indians of California X-374b; Mississip- pi, general X-396a; Missouri, general X-398d: Nebraska, general X-729d: negroes XII— 628b: New Jersey, education X-79b; New Mexico, general XI-4c; New York, general XI- 31c; Oklahoma, industrial XI- 231a: Ontario, general XI-

Xll-210b; Poles in the U. S. XII - 20.5c: Portugal, popula- tion XII-306a; Quebec. Prov- ince of. education XII-599d; Rhode Island, general XIII- 2(lb

^/^M»ia:agriculturalXIII-236d; commercial XIlI-238d; educa- tional X 1 11-24 Ic ; general X 1 1 1- 233c; International Congress for St. Petersburg XlV-277a

— Saxony, general XIII-503c: Sen'ia, general XIII-235c; Slavs in America XIV-51a; South Carolina, educational XIV-1.38b: suicidcsXlV-327d; temperance movements XIV— 482a; Texas, general XIV- 544b: Turkey, commercial XV- 99d: United States XV-176a; United States, migration to X— 292d; 293d; universities XV-


Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.