Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/791

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Sua, King of Egj'pt VIII-C55c; .\I-7S8d; and Osee 1 1- 13d; I11-310C Suabia. 5cf Swabia Suaces, Jose Cayetano, Bishop of

Palencia X-47Sa Suacium, See of XIII-64Sb Sual VI-415d; X-676d Suamca, mission XIV-61b Suaqui Indians XIII-30c Suardi, Bartolomeo, painter II- 4fl0a; and Bramantc II-73()b; and Ferrari VI-74d: and Julius II XII-642d Suares, Joseph Marie de, Bishop

ol Vaison XVI-7Sb Suarez, Alfonso, Bishop of Mon-

doficdo X— 477c — Antonio, Blessed. See Antonio

Suares — Elias, missiouiirv III-675b — Federico Gonzalez, Bishop of

Il.arra VII lil:ic —FRANCISCO XIV-319b; 87d; 7Ulc; VI-7l.'3d; XII-656c; XIII-549C: on acts, indiilerent I-116d; on Antichrist 1-56 la: blasphem\^ II-59oa; on Canons Regular ill-290a; on Canon- esses Regular III-29Ub; on causes, secondary V-G54d; on chrism Ill-fi9l>d; on Christ, filiation of I-151c; on civil au- thority II-13SC; on civil soci- ety Xn'-77a: on the damned Vil-2I0c: on dead, satisfac- tion for XII-578d; epithet V- 74b; on essence V-340a; X- 233b —on Grace VI-699b; 71.3a; X- 441b; and charitv VI - 703d; sacramental XIII-302c; and sin VII-578a —on individuality VII -763c; on indulgences XII-o79c; on inspiration VIII -4Sa; and James I of England I-139c; XI - 178d; on knowledge. Divine X-440d: and Lessius lX-192b; limbus infantium IX-25SC; on man XIV-602a; on Mass X-1.5c: 22d; on Mass, irregularitv in I— 66d: on merit X-206d; XI-623b; on nature. Divine VI-706a; on Penance I -63a ; X I-C22d ; on personal it y XI-726d; portrait XIV-319d; on Precious Blood XII-372d; on predestination IV-252c: XII-382d: 383c; on presump- tion XII - 403b; on parish priests I-6o7b; on Probabilism XII-442b; 442d; psycholog>- XII-.>t6b; on quantity XII- .39 Id; on Religious Orders XII- 7.54c: and Rodriguez XIII- l()9c; on sacrilege XIII-321a: and Scholasticism XII-32b: XIV-.i94b: on souls in Pur- gatory Xll-379d; on space XIV-167c: on Spiritual Exer- cises XIV-22Sa; on spiritual states XI V-257a; on theology, moral XI V-I',01d; on St. Thom- as Aquinas XIV-699b: on tyrannicide XV-108d; 109b; and Vas<iuez XV-275C; on veils XV-.321d: on Virgin Marj- and Resurrection XV-46Sd; on virtues, infusion of \"I-707b; and Wadding XV-522b; Wer- ner on II i:ild — Juan, Bishop of Florida VI-

22<.id; .\II-C.i:id —Juan Rodriguez X-202b —Karl GottUeb XII-524d — Lope, \ iccrov of India I-270d —Mary 1-34 la — Pedro, Bishop of Salamanca

XIII-391C — Bravo, journalist XI-690b Suansm XIV-319C Suavabona III-704d Suayis, Bishop of Conuninges

XIV-7!ir,d Suavius, Jean, Cardinal de Mirc-

poii Xl-4:ifib Suawe, Bartbolomaus, Lutheran

Bislinp nf SiMtiu XII-226b Suba. .NV.- .-■Ii.-i Subadvocati Ecclcsiae l-169a Subanos, tribe Xll-lOd Sub- Arch I-OSxc Subari, tribe XIII-707C Subarrhatio IX-704d Subaugusta, ^e of XI— I2M

Subbiluliuma, Uethite King VII- 306b

Subbiretum (Zucchetto) XV- 765d

Subbotniki, sect XII-650b

Sub-cantor I-14b; XI-183d

Sub-cellarer I-14C

Subcinctoriiun. See Maniple

Subconsciousness, and imagina- tion VII-672C

SUBDEACON XIV-320b; VII- 323c: X-333a; XI-279d; and abbots I-19b; as acolyte I- 107a: age I-207a; ambo I- 3Sld; in Ambrosian Rite I- 400b: amice I-42Sc: burial of III-72d; at Carthusian Mass in-389c: ceUbacy III-481a; 487d: chasuble III-639d; Com- munion under both kinds IV- 178c; as cross-bearer IV-539a; degradation IV-678a; in Didas- calia IV-781C: duties III-396d: XIV-321a; in early Church I-196C: III-334C; Epistle, read- ing of IX-196C: Gallic an Rite VI-363b; and Gloria VI- 5S4c; and Gospel VI -661c; 662a; Greek Church VI-760C; VII-324a; XIV-320d; in hier- archy VII-323C; humeral veU VII-342C; Jacobite Church XIV-4ina: and liturgical les- son IX l!)4h; iii.niit.nance I- 312c; Mrr-i.ii.' ( liurch IX- 6S5a: :it -Ma-- I\ 7'.isc: at Pon- tifical. Mass XI I I'a-'d; Offertory XI-2I8d; in Passion, recitation of XI-525C; requisites XIV- 321c; in Russian Church III- 488a; salutation V-114b; Sanc- tus XIII-434a: Sarum Rite XIII-480d; and sedilia XIII- 679b: and stole XIV-301b; and surgical operations IX-18c; Sy- rian, Eiist XIV -417b: tunic XV-.S7d: vestments .\V-38Sb; and Viaticum XV-397d

Subdeaconess IIHS.3b

Subdeacons, Festival of the VI- 132a

Subdelegates n'-097b

Subdiaconale XV-88a

SubCj Hammurabi in VII-125b

Subeda, captured VI-419C

Subercase, general I-91c


—Abbey II-468a: 442b: (ills.) II- 443b; XlV-facing 322: Mosaic IV-405C; printing at .\I-444b; Swe\Tiheiin XIV-337b: vcrc nuUius I-16d; and Cassinese Congregation II-448a

— Carceri hermitage II-301d; St. Francis, portrait VI-229c; pil- grimages XlV-321b

—Abbey, .\rkaii.s,-is X-630d

Subintroductae, St. John Chry- soslom on VIII-456a; NicKa, Council of I-202C

Subiti. See Soba

Subject (philosophy) III-461d; IV-167b; VIII-674b; XV-73d

Subjectivism I-96c: XII-2Sb; XIV-324a: and art I-I7f.a; Berkeley I-97a: V-170d: Kant I-27a: 97a; 2iac: and knowl- edge I-218a; Locke V-407d; modern V-171a; in Protestant- ism XII-499C; 500c; and Quiet- ism XII-610d: and Scholasti- cism XIII-.331a

Sublaceum iSublacum; Sub- laquemi. .SVf Subiaco

Sublime Porte .\IV-t,.i.3c

Sublindius. Klemens, and Anima C.Win,- I-.5Md

Submission, Act of (1.323) IV- .i49a:V 442d: VII-224b;XIII- O.VIa; 6.36a

Submitrale XV-76.3d

Subordination, and science XIV- .38 lb

Subordinationism, in Apostolic Constitutions i-637c: in Clem- ent of Alexandria IV-47c; and Divinity of Holy Ghost VII- 409b

Subpinctis, in music X-767b

Sub-prior I-14b; XII-428a;

Subpromotor. for beatification II-

3r,rib SUBREPTION XIV-322a: XI-

19.3c Subrita, See of VI-738d


322b: cathedra III-42b: Taxa Innoceiitiaii.a XIV— 4(i7b

Subsistence, mode of XI-72t>d

Sub-species V-660b

SUBSTANCE XIV-322d; and accident I-96c; 97a; XIV- 323c; and action XIV-.323b; in Arian controversy I-707d; Aristotle I-714d; 7i5a; III- 433c; Attributes, Di\-ine II- 62d; Bacon, John II-191d; and iDCing X-227c; category III- 433c: and causality III-461c: 461d: 462d; Christology I- 79c; Condillac IV-211a; Des- cartes I-97a; XIV-323b; dy- namic theories V-222a; as es- sence XIV-323a; and energy XIV-324a; in Eucharist I-97b; existence XIV-323c; extension II-o6.Sb; V-714C; and God XIV-323a; Guitmund of Aver- sa VII-81a; and Homoousian formula I-708C; Hume XI- 791b: XIV-323C: Kant III- 465c: XIV-323d; Leibniz IX- 135d: XIV-323b; Locke I-97a; V-407d: VI-138C: XIV-323c; and matter II^62a: Mill XIV- 323d; nonads as X-447c; pri- mary xr\'-322d: and quantity XII-591d: and realitv XI-91c; Scholastic tljenry XI\-322d; secondary XI\'-322d; atul sense I-97b; and Sensii^m V-407d; separate XIV-323a; soul as I- S27a: XIV-153a; 156a; Spencer XIV-323d: Spinoza III-463d; V-792d: XIV -219a; 323b; spiritual XIV -323a; St. Thomas XIV-323a; time as XIV-725d; Tongiorgi XIV- 776c: Wundt XIV-323d

Substantial Grace. Sec Grace, .s^ubstantial

Substantialism XII-2.8C

Substitution, theological doctrine XI-.37.-,d

Substrati. Sre Prostrati

Subta. .Sr.- Rochet

Subtalares .\lll-434d

Subtan, Mother of St. iMaelrubha IX-32ild

Subtiaban Indians VII-756d

Subtile, vestment XV-S8b

Subtility, Descartes on XII-59d; and resurrection VII-174C; of Saints \ll-793d

Subunists, sect VII-589C

SUBURBICARIAN DIOCESES XIV-324a; in Italian Constitu- tion VIII-23.3b; (islia and Vel- letri X-.i4iib

Subvenite, hymn, in burial III- 73b

Sue, Notre Dame du. Sec Notre Dame du Sue

Succa. Src Rochet

Succensus, Bishop of Diocsesarea IV-79Sd; and St. Cyril X- 757d

Succentor I- 14b; III-306a; XI- lS3d; in cathedral chapter III-25.3a

Successa Vivas, on medals X- 112a

Succession, in Roman Law IX- S2b; among Vandals XV- 26Sd

—Act of ( 1334) and More XIV- R92a : I 1 7( K)) and Royal Declara- tion .Mil 21.3a

— Apostolic. Sec Apostolic Suc-

— Spanish War of XIV-184b; IX-372C: XV-1.38C: Aragon III-51.3a: Balearic Islands II- 222a; Catalonia III-42fla: cause VIII-2.3b: Clement XI IV-30a; Gibraltar captured VI-5.30c: Naples X-686b; and Portugal XII-304a; Sardinia, effect on XIII-47.3d; Victor Amadeus II of Savoy XIII- 49,3b

Successus, Bishop of Abir Gcr- maniciana, ana St. C>'prian XIV-31d

. — Bishop of Diocffisarea. See Succensus

Succinctotium XV-388b

Succoth. See Soccoih

Succursalistes IV-756a; con- troversy XV-494a


Suchet, Louis Gabriel, general Il-3.s2d

Su-chou, town, captured (1649) III-fi80c: and Japanese trade IlI-6S4d: treaty port III-686b

Sucre, coin V-279C

— See of II-629b; university XV-202b

— Antonio Jose de, at Ayacucho \lll-7rt.ic; (jiiito, battle (1822) XII-iil.:.c

Suction Pump XII-60b

Sudan (Ethiopia) , Africa V-566b ; -American Bible Society II- 545a; Bar-el-Gazal XVI-67d; Jews in I-185d; Khartum XVI-SId: Leo Africanus on \ 1-43 lb: Mohammedans in I l.M.b: neiirocs I-182d; bSOa; XlM;27a

— VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF XIV-32.3b: IV-236a: XVI- 8.3a; 67d: map I-facing ISO; mis.sions XIl-491b; XV-614a

Sudanese Race, and Abyssinians

I-7(ia: characteristics XII-

(i26b Sudario. .See Shroud, Holy;

W inding Sheet of Christ. Feast

of the Holv Sudarium .Maniple) IX-601d

- (Veil I \ II-24fic

Sudbury, Simon ot. Archbishop of Canterburv- III-300a; on con- fession XIII-652a: and Here- ford IX-334a; at London IX- 347c Suddhists IIl-.37:ia: XVI-SSc Sudermann, Herrmann, drama- tist VI-52sb: and Polish litera- ture XII-2(Ua SudeiMun, colonel XI-76b Sudhra, vestment XIV-J16b Sudists. .Sff Suddhista Sudo Nansui, writer VIII-314b Sudor Anglicanus IX-343C Sudra, caste II 731d: III-3Qd Sudre, William, Bishop of Mar- seilles IX-71Gb: and Jesuati VIII-458C Sue, Son of Cetura IX-S13d — father-in-law of Juda VIII-

536c Sue, Eugene, writer XIV-105a Sueiro, Bishop of Lisbon XII-

299d SueUo,.Seeof 1 1 1- 140a Suenkur, See ol XI-148a Suerbeer, Albert of, Archbishop

of Riga V-522a Suerche I, King of Sweden. See

Sverker I Suessa. Sec Sessa-Aurunca Suessula, battle XIII-166C Suet, in Lenten indult I-70a Suetonius Paulinus, proconstjl

X-753a Suetonius Tranquillus, Gains, on Cfiesar. adoration of \I-427b; on Christians VIII-374d; 375b; on Galba IV-519c; Medieval study of IX-3.3C; on Rome, Congregation of X- 753c; Welser's annotation XV- 582b Suevi, conversion XI-295c; at Fiesole (405) VI-70b; identity XIV-l2b; 42d; in Roman Empire 1I-109C; Spain XIV- 177a Suevia. .See Swabia Suez Canal, and Mediterranean

hiKliwav VIII -208c Sufetula, liaitle I-192d SUFETULA, See of XIV-325C;

e.mneil XIV-32.3C Suffavean, dynasty XI-718b Suffering, in Christian life III-

.3y3a; and perfection XIV-

516b Suffete fSufete), official II-552d;

XIII-71()a Suffi, Sheik X 1-7 18b Sufficient Grace. See Grace. Suf- ficient — Reason, Schopenhauer on III-

46.3d Sufiield, Walter de. Bishop ot

N<.rwich XI-122b Suffolk, Angles in I - 505d;

churches in V-103C — Duke of. .See Brandon, Charles Saffr., abbr. I- 26a Suffragan I-6ftla; VII-324d; in

Anglican Church VII-244b;

appeal to I-692b; as auxiliarica

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a. b, c, d, quarter of page.