Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/792

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II-145C; Consistory, Congrega- tion of XIII-139d: residence of XII-786C

Sufirage, in Arizona I-720a; in Arkansas I-725c: in Colorado IV-130b: equal, English-speak- ing countries XV-695a: 696b: in Finland XIII-236c; move- ment XV-691d; Negroes XV- 173d; practicability XV-694b; in Washington XV-561d; in Wyoming XV-727a

— Our Lady of, archconfratemity, Paris XI-489d

— Our Lady of, purgatorial society, Rome XII-574b

Suffren, and Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement IV-184a; and Louis XIII of France XIV-S9C

Sufis, sect I-675a; X^22d; 425c

Sugagu, battle II-llc


SUGER, Abbot of St-Denis XIV- 326a: II-462d: XI-487a; XIII- 344a: and Abelard I-37d: and St. Bernard II-499C; 501b; chantry III-577d; and Gelasiua H VI-407b: at Abbey of St. Genevieve XI-486c: lectern IX-llOb: mosaics X-588c; por- trait XIV-326a; stained glass XIV-241d; statesmanship VI- 167d; on tiara XIV-915b

Suggestion, and common sense, p£losophy of IV-167d, and hypnotism VII-607b, and tel- epathy XIV-475d

Suham, tribe IV-616a

Suhr, Joseph, Vicar-General of Pittsburg XII-125d

Suhu, town VII-584b

Sui, dynasty III-664d: 681d

Suibbne, at Clonmacnoise IV- 66c

Suicer, on Agnotse Vin-675c

SUICIDE XIV-326C; VII-443a: Albigenses I-268b; burial III- 72a; 72c; Catharist III-437a; VIII-29d: causes XIV-328a; circumceUions V-125b; of con- demned ni-523c; Fijians XVI- 40b; in France XIV-328b; in- direct and negative XIV-327b; and insanity VIII-42c: Jainist VIII-270d; and melancholia XI-543b; moraUty XIV-326c; negative and direct XIV-327b; positive and direct XIV-326c; positive but indirect XIV- 327a; statistics XIV-327d; in "Utopia" XV-243d

SUIDAS XIV-328b; on Acacius of Constantinople I-82b; lexi- con III-117C; V-414C; 415d; on Procopius of Ccesarea XII— 450b

Suidbert, Saint. See Suibert

Suidger, Bishop of Kruszwica XV-681b

— of Bamberg. See Clement II, Pope

Sui-fu, Vicar Apostolic, residence of III-678b

Suiiiai, deity VIII-304C

SuiKo, Empress of Japan VIII- 299a

Suinitt, Emperor of Japan VIII- 311b

Suintila, Visigothic king XIV- 178a; in Andalusia I-465d

Suiones XI-U5d; XIV-350d

Suisum Indians X-:!70d

SUITBERT, SAINT XIV-328d: in Haxony XIIl-49Sa

Suitberts - I n s e 1 , Kaiserwerth XIV-328d

Sujanszky, poet VII-561d

Sujin, Emperor of Japan VIII- 311b

Sukallin (angels) I-480c

Sukanoff, Arsenius, writer XIII- 270a

Suker, John. See Sugar, John

Su-khapmuh Indians. See Shu-




Sukhavati, in Buddhism III-

31b Sukhovo Kobylin, dramatist

XIII-273C Sukka, in Talmud XIV-437a; on

Jonathan Uzziel XIV-456b Suk Wady Barada. See Abila Sula (thorns) Ml-l,',7a Sulaga, John. See Sulaka, John Sulak, in Chicago II-022C

Sulaka, John, Catholic Chaldean Patriarch ni-454c; 659d; in India XIV-682d; Rome XI- 723a

— Mar Joseph, Bishop of Mala- bar XIV-683d

Sulamitess, in Canticle of Can- ticles III-302d

Sulby, Abbey of, Premonstra- tensian foundation X-790a

Suleiman, Chinese prince, in Persia X-481d

— Turkish sultan. See Solyman II

— Pasha, Turkish general XIII- 2o0b

Suleimanleh, Constantinople IV- 301d; 305d

Suliac, Saint. See Sulinus, Saint

Sulinus, Saint XII-771d; at Rennes XII-773a

Sullaka, John. See Sulaka, John

Sulla, Lucius Cornelius VII- 692d; XIII-166d; at Athens IX-326b; and Carbo V-751b; at Ephesus V-490C; in Florence VI-105d; at Penne XI-638C; Populonia, siege of X-30a: Preeneste, capture of XI-421b; in Sulmona XV-264d; at Vol- terra XV-505a


— Annie, and Keller, Helen A. V- 319d

— Francis, martyr VIII-167d

— Isaac Newton, on Bible reading X~730d

— James, Governor of Massa- chusetts VIII-139b; 141d

— James J., and Daughters of Charity X-367b

— Jeremiah Cutler, general, in Civil War VIII-141a

—Jerry B., in Iowa VIII-97b

— John, in American Revolution X-787b : and Iroquois Indians VIII-170c; at Newton, battle of XI-33a; on Quebec Act II-703C; and Seneca Indians XIII-714b

—Lottie V-319d


— Quintin M., in Brookh-n II- 799c

— Richard, journalist II-120C

— Timothy Daniel XIV- 329a; and "Irish CathoUc" XI-682C

— W. K., and O'Curry XI-20oc

SuUy, Alfred, general, and Dako- ta Indians X-517d

— Bernard de. Venerable, Bishop of Auxerre XI1I-71SC

— Eudes de. Bishop of Paris, elevation V-380b; on Fools, Feast of VI- 132c; on Hail Marv Vll-lUb; and Philip II XI-482d; and PopUcani XIII- 720b

■ — James, psychologist, and Asso- ciationism II-5a; and Positiv- ism XII-313C

— MAURICE DE, Bishop of Paris XIV-329b; V-7I3C: XI^82d; 7fiSd; and Cathedral XI-485a

— Maximilien Bethime, and Bea- ton II-37,5a; and Henry IV of France VII-226b; 533b; union III-704C

• — Thomas, painter, and Healy


Sully-Prudhomme, Ren6, poet

VI-203b Sully-sur-Loire (Soliactun) XIV-

329b Sulmo (Sulmona) XV-2f.4d Sulmona, Diocese of. 5fe Valva

and Sulmona Sulphur Water, for baptism II-

26 1c Sulpice, Society of St. See St.

Sl.lliicf. Scciotv of SULPICIANS IN THE UNITED STATES XI\-;!29d:VII-719d; Catliolic rnivcrsitv of America Xl\-:i:iJa; Iroquois mission VI-17.^d; Vlir 17(lb; Mohawk nii»»i(m XI-222C: Mount St. XIV-3:ilb; Pcnnsvl-



Colk-ge XlV-332a; St. Charles' CollcBc XIV-330C; 331c; St. John's Seminary XIV-331d; St. Joseph's .Seminary XIV- 331d; St. Mary's College XIV-

331a; St. Mary's Seminary XIV-330b; St. Patrick's semi- narv XIV-331d; seminaries Xn"I-698a; 700c; 701d; Texas XIII-424C: XIV-546d

SULPICIUS SEVERUS XIV- 332d; VI-396a; on Christianity in Britain XV-582d, and Des- iderius. Bishop of Nantes X- 681d; history VII -374c; on Holy Sepulchre VII^25c; and Latin literature IX - 25b; on St. Martin I-734a; on miracles X-346a; and St. Paulinus IV- 533b; 531c; on Priscillian XII- 429c

Sulpitians. See Saint Sulpice, Society of

SULPITIUS THE PIOUS, SAINT, Bishop of Bourges XIV-33:!b; II-720c; as Bishop of St - Paul - Trois - Chateaux XV-250b; shrine Xn-91a

—THE SEVERE, SAINT, Bishop of Bourges XIV-333b; II-720C

Sulpizio, Giovanni, humanist, at Veroli XV-359C

Sultan, in Morocco X-574d

— Eschoir, town, Assumptionist institutions II-I0.5C

Sultaniah ( Sulthanyeh) , Arch- diocese of. See Sultanieh

Sultanieh, Archdiocese of I\'- .'j.-)2d; X-4Sld; XII-281C

Sulu Islands, Mohammedana in I-779b

Sulzburg II-194C

Sulzer, Johann Georg, encyclo- pedia V-41.5a

Sumaree Temple, Benares (ill.) \ll~73.3d

Sumarokoff, Alexander Petro- vitch, writer Xlll- 27(ld

SUMATRA, PREFECTURE APOSTOLIC OF X1V-33HC: Franciscan missions \I-293d; Theatine papal mission XIV- 557c

— Island, Parmentier XI-106d; Marco Polo XII-218C

Sumerians, in Babylonia II- 180b; 181c; civilization XIII- 707c; cuneiform alphabet II- 9d; head (ill.) Il-lSOb; religion II-187a; and Semitism HSOc; Turanians I-778c

Sumitsu-in, Japanese Priv\' Coun- cil VIII-299C

Summa, Nasoraean book X-706C

— ad captum rudiorum accom- modata, Peter Canisius XI- 759c

— Angelica, Blessed Angelico Car- letti I-J.S4C; II-317a; XIV- 606b

— archiepiscopi, Henry of Segusio VII-23Sb

— Astesana in~416c; XIV-606a

— Aurea, Henry of Segusio VII- 23sb: IX-OHb

— Aurea, William of Auxerre I- 29Sd; Xn-.WOc; XV-632a

— Aurea armilla, Fumo VI-31SC

— Britonis, Adam of St. Victor I- 134b

— Canonum, Sicard XIII-771a

— Casuum, Rodericus XV-523b

— Casuum, Saint Raymond of Penafort XII-671d

— Casuum sive instructio sacre- dotum, Toledo XIV-ti07d; 761b

— Catechismi Romani, Chapeau- ville in-574c

— Conciliorum, Carranza III- 377c; XIV-756d

— Confessionalis, St. Antoninus XlV-612b

— Confessorum, Rumsik II-317a; XII-364b; XIV-B06a

— contra Alcoranum, Raymond Martini Xll-t'.71c

— contra Cartharos et Waldenses, Moneta I-621C; X^79a; XII- 364b

— contra Gentiles, St. Thomas Aquinas I-f)21b; VII-301d; XII-364b; XIV-666b; 6n6d; in Armenian II-314C

— cum animi Isetitid, Leo XIII VL 146b

— de arte prsedicatorifi, Alain de Lille Vll-446b

— de Bono, LUrich of Strasburg XII-:i64a

— de Catharis, Sacchoni XIII- 292c

— de Creaturis, Albertus Magnus

I-264d — Decretaliimi, Papiensis II-

504b — Decretorum, Haymo III-287c — de Ecclesia, Torquemada I-

621e; ni-131d — de Electione, Papiensis II-

504b; Xl-459d — de Hseresibus, Perpignan III-

367a — de Matrimonio, Papiensis II-

504b; XI-459d — de Poenitentia, St. Raymond

of Penafort II-233d; III-416c;

XII-364b; 672a; XlV-606a — de republica, Henrj' of Langen-

stein VII-237b — Doctoris Profundi, Thomas of

Bradwardine Xn-693d — Doctrinae Christianse, Peter

Canisius II-125C; VII-UOc;


333d; XIII-550C — Fidei Orthodoxy, Denys the

Carthusian IV-735C — Historialis, St. Antoninus I-

S86c; XII-366b — Hostiensis. .Sn- Summa Aurea — in decretum Gratiani, Stephen

of Tournai XIV-291d — in Ou2estionibus Armenonun,

Fitzralph Vl-S7b — Juris Canonici, Canisius III-

2o0b — Jurispnidentiae Sacrae Univer-

sae, Pichler XII-75b — Magistri Rolandi, Alexander

III I-287a — Pacifica, Pacificus of Ceredano

XI-3S2d — Philosophica, Zigliara XV-

759c — Pisana, Bartholomew of Pisa

II-316d; 317a; in-416c; XII-

364b; XIV-606b — PrEedicantium, Bromyard II-

797d — quae dictus Abel, Peter Cantor

XI-762C — quaestionum regtilarium, Le-

zana IX-209b — qualiter fiat Sacramentum

Altaris, Hugh of St. Victor

VIII-470d Summarium Chronologiae Huna-

gariEB. Szentivanyi Xn'-42lb — virtutum et vitiorum, Jacopo de

Voragine VIII-263b — Rosella, Trovamala XIV-606b Summarruff, Saint. See Mael-

rubha Summary procedure, in ecclesiaa-

tical Court IV-453a Summa Sancti Thom£e, Billuart

II-.567a; XIV-699b — Sententiee, Simon of Toumai

Xni-799d — Sententiarum, Hugh of St.

Victor VII-523C; XIV-590b — Summarum, Mazzolini III-

416c: X-95c: XIV-606b — super Titulis Decretalium, Ber- nard of Botone II-198C • — super Ti tuli Decretalium, Henrj'

of Segusio VII-23Sb — Theologiffi, Albertus Magnus I-

264d — Theologise, Alexander of Hales

I-29Sb: XIV-590d — Theologifie Mysticie, Philip of

the Blrs.scd Trinity III-367C — Theologite Sacrae, Lezana IX-

2n9b — Theologiae Scbolasticae, Becan

n-3S0b — Theologica, St. Antoninus I-

5S6b; II-223d; XIV-592b:


— Theologica, Henry of Ghent


— Theologica, Simon of Toumai XIII~799d

. — Theologica, Thomas Aquinaa I-297c; Il-IOOa; III-^63c; X- 436b; XI-427a: XII-2S2d; 364a: 719c: XlV-.';91a: 601d; (iOilc: 665c; .Alagona, compen- dium of I-244C; Alvarez on I- 373d; on angels I-478c; An- thony of Sienna, edition of I-55Sd: on Apostles' Creed I- 032b: on appetite I-656a; Ar- aujo, conmientary of I-680b; in Armenian II-314d; Bafiez on

Largo typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illustrations.