Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/793

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777 SUMMA— SUPREME BEING n-249a: Baron on ir-304c; chart XlV-cir.Oa; Chinese III- 40b; Cajetan, commentaries of III-147a; Dante XII- 766a; editions and translations XIV-668b;on Fall Il-lOld; on man XIV-602a; Porrecta, com- mentarj-XII-2S2d; Salamanca, commentary of XIV-594a; Svlvius, commentary of XIV- 373c; Tabula aurea Il-lOSb; t«xt XIV-674d; in Trent, Council of XIV-672d: Ysam- bert on XV-737b Sununa Theologica Scholastica et MoraUs, Hcrincx VII-265b: 205c — Totius HistoriEE, Honorius of Autun VlHtaa — Totius Logicse, William of Oc- cam IX-327b — Virtutibus et Vitus, William Perault I-298b; VIII-263b; XV-642C Summenhart, Conrad, theologian II-5o9b; XV-83b Summer, ecclesiastical season, East STian Rite XIV^lOc SummerhiU College, Sligo XIII- oTsb SUMMER SCHOOLS, CATHO- LIC XI ;i:i4b: 335a: XI- 222d: Cliff Haven XIV-335a; and Lathrop XVI-52a; origin and development XIV-334C; purpose XIV~334d Summl regis cor aveto, in vSalve Mundi Salutare XI1I-408C Summons. See Citation Summute, Soto XIV-152C — logicales, John XXI VIII- 429d: IX-327b Summula Theologize moralis, Annibale I-5-lOd — Theologica, Fabri V-743d Summum analogatum I-449d — bonum. .Sec Good, highest Summus Pontifei, title XII- 270a; Gratian on I-650c Sumna, Bishop of Orense XI- 29 5d Sumner, Charles, statesman, reconstruction policy XV- 173d — Edwin Vose, Colonel, and BjTne III-93b —John Bird, Archbishop of Can- terbury IX-400C Sumter, Fort II-377c; VII-657a; XIV-lo9b, Foster at VI-155d — Thomas, in American Revolu- tion XV-163b Sumu-abi, King of Babylonia II- 181d Sun, in ApocaU^pse I-o96d: in astrology II-i9a; 22d; XIV- 335c; Baal II-175b; in Baby- lonian astronomy II-25c; Bar- desanes on II-294b; and cal- endar III-168b; chemistry of II-28d; and comets II-27b; cooling of XV-705d; Coperni- cus VI-344b; days named from III - 158d; distance II - 27d; Easter legend V-227b; in eclipse, Bible II-30a; in Free- masonry IX-779C; Galileo VI- 343c; XII-57C; Gilbert XII- 58a; Greek theory II-25d; and heU VII-207d; HeracUdes XV- 183c; Kepler II-26b; XII-58b; Le Verrier on IX-20(ia: mon- strance in form of I-358b; movement II-27d; Nicholas of Cusa XII-o2c; photography II-29a; 28b; in Ptolemaic system II-25d; rotation VIII- 8b; Sbamash II-177d; symbol IV-517d; thermodvTiamic proc- ess XV-168b; and tides XII- 55b; imiverse, centre of the XV-184b — town. Eg^-pt. See Sin Sunam VI-445d Sun Circle, South Peru (ill.) XII- fi06d Stmda Islands, .lesuits in II- 346d; Thcatines in XIV-557c Sim Dance, Indian VII-75.3d; Blood Indians II-60.3C; of Cree Indians IV— 477c; of Kiowa Indians Vin-660d; of Mandan Indians IX-587d; Sioux Indi- ans XIV-24a StJNDAY XIV-335C: XII-743a: in Alabama I-243c; in Ambros- ian calendar I-398d; Anse, de- cree of I-.545b; in Armenian Church XII I- 79b; Chris- tian observance of III- 597b; XV -712c; Collects IV-103d; in Connecticut IV- 255a; under Constantine IV- 299c; amongst Copts I-72b; in Didache IV-7S0b; 7S0c; VI- 165d; in earlv Church I-195a; IV-104C; iu East Syrian calen- dar XlV-llfic; Epistles IX- 196a; ill I ;,iM , II lii4c; under Frencli l> . ' ,•: •. lll-14a — inGrr. I, 1 , , |... -n I-G23c; imperial ^1. ■ n . - III-I.'iSc; Jus- tin Martvr on VIlI-.582c; in Lent I-69b; 69d; liturgical vacancy XV-24Sd; in Maronite Rite I-71d —Mass I-314b: 697d; in Bob- bio Missal III-502b; Conven- tual IX-790C; parochial XI- 507c; Requiem III-74b — Methodist observance X-237d: Mithraic X-404a: among Naz- arenes I-132c; in Nestorian Rite I-71d; Nic£ea, Council of VI-42.3b; origin II-159a; Res- urrection, commemoration of XV-57od: Sabbatarian ob- servance XIll-287a; and Secu- larists XIII-076d: and Truce of God XV-69a; Vespers XV- 382d; and vigil I-69c; in Vir- ginia XV-4.54C; and week XV- 575d; West Virginia XV-606d — Easter. See Easter Sunday — Gaudete. See Gaudete Sun- day — Jubilate. .See Jubilate Sunday — Judica. See Judica Sunday — Lastare. See Lietare Sunday — Low. .See Low Sunday — Pabn. See Palm Sunday — Passion. .See Passion Sunday — of the Cross, in Eastern Church IV-524d — of the Roses, Rome XI-517a — Register, periodical II-707C — Schools, origin III-711C — School Society, LTnited States ni-347a Simdby, town. Catholic popula- tion IV-723d Stmderbtmds, missions III-155a Simderland, Robert Spencer, Earl of. .See Spencer Simdial, Berosus 1 1 - 5 1 4 b ; Cla'ius on IV-9b Sunem. .See Sunam Suner, Count of Barcelona III- c Sunesen, Peter, Bishop of Ros- kilde XIV-71C Simeson, Anders, Archbishop of Lund IV-730b; IX-135a Simg, dynasty III-664d; 681c;


Stmgar, ethnological classifica- tion XII-626C Simgaria, Chinese Turkestan XV-96b Simg-hiu-tsoei-tze, residence of Vicar Apostolic III-677b Simgir, origin II-180a Sung Kiun yung (Antoine Gaubil) In-ti7.3d: VI- 39.3b Sun God. .See Sun worship — God, Babvlonian inscription (ill.) II-181a Sung sha tsuei tze, residence of the Vicar Apostolic X-482b Stmid, Mongolian tribe X-480a Stmna, Mohammedan Book XlV-!OIa Sunnan, Marco Polo in XII-21SC Stmnanvader, Peter, Bishop of Westeraaa XV-592C SunnJ, Orthodox Mohammedans X^25b Simnites, ethnological classifica- tion XII-«2Cc; in Syria XIV- 401a Sunniva, Saint, relics X'I-9c Sun Records XIII-669d Sun spots II-2.Sb; discovery VI- 451c; Scheiner VIII-8b; XIII- 526a Suntal, battle III-613d Sun worship IV-683b; 685b; in Africa I-lMd: in Assyria II- 17b; at Axun. II-163d; at Baal- bek 1 1- 177a; in Babvlonia II- 186d; 187b; Blackfoot Indians II-591b; Blood IndiansII-603c; in China XIII-311a; and Chris- tianity III-727b; IV-297b; XI-30oc; XIV- 376a; and Christmas III-727a; Cuzco XII-606b; in Egj-pt II-19d; V-344C; 346a; 348c: VIII- 194b; at Emesa V-402c; Es- senes V-546c: Gaza VI-401b; in Gnosticism VI-593d: 596a; Hindu II-730c; Huron Indians VII-572b: I-410d; in Ireland VIII -99b; Kiowa Indians VIII-601a: in Manichieism V- 72b; IX-.592d: at Mardin V- 234b: among Menominee Indi- ans X-I92d; 193d; Miami X-271C; 272d; and Mithra- ism II-15.5b: X-402a; 403b; and Parseeism XI-509b; in Peru XII-606a; in Phoenicia XII-42d; in Rome II-lOSc; VII-206d; among Sabeans XII-286b; Simonian doctrine XIII-797a; Sioux Indians XIV-23d; in Sweden XIV- 34Sa: Taensa Indians XIV- 429c: in Zoroastrianism II- 153b: 155b Sucre Bigie, Order of IX-3S5a Superga, Academy of, Audisio at II-7{]b: suppression of Xll-79a —Basilica of, Turin XV-93b Superhumerale (amice) I— 129a Superintendent, in Presbyterian Church XII-581C: of Quebec III-234C; school system XIII- 583a Superior, approbation of I-657c; authority of XII-755a; 759b; of diocesan congregations XI- 168c: of nuns XI-167c; obe- dience to XI-lS2a; 182c; and provincial XII-514d; at proWncial councils XII- 515d; in religious institutes Xn-759a; 760b: of religious orders XII-754d: reservation, power of XII-784a; subsidy, charitable XI V-322C; at sjTlods, diocesan XIV-388C —DIOCESE OF XIV-336C: I- 326b: Algonquins 1-31 Id: in- stitutions, charitable XII— 248a; Italians in VIII-206C; mission 1-3 12a; Poor Hand- inaids of Jesus Christ, Order of XII-254d: Polish population (1907) XII-211b; statistics XIV-336d; XV-177C Superman, and Anarchism I— 453c: Nietzsche on XII-237C Supernatural Gift. See Gift, Supernatural —ORDER XIV-336d; 337c; Baius on XIV-338a; Beghard on XIV-338a; Catholic doc- trine XIV-338C; in Church historj- VII-366C; errors XIV- 337d; Gioberti on VI-563C; good works in XIV-337d; and grace XIV-337d: 5S5c; and immanence XIV-338b; Jansen- ist view XIV-33Sa; and man XrV-S84d; and nature VII- 686d; in New Testament XIV- S35c; Pelagian view XIV-337d; and presumption XII-403c; and Rationalism XIV-338b; Semipelagian view XlV-337d: and theosophv XIV-627C; Wolff on XII-652b Supematuralism IX-463a; and naturalism X-714C Supematuralists, and New Testa- ment XII-653b Supernatural sleep, and mysti- cal union IV-325d Super Oblata, prayer XIII-674a Superpelliceum (surplice) XIV- 343d Super populum, prayers XII-318C Superposition, of Fast days I-68d Supersaz, George, and Schinner XIII-52sd —Walter 11 of. Bishop of Sion XIV- 1.5b SUPERSTITION XIV-339b; in Alaska I-248b; amulets I-443C; in Apostolic Constitutions I- 637b; in Buddhism III-31C; Cicero on XIV-339b; the evil eye XIV-341b: Jewish I-444b; MOller on I-529b; Newman on I-555a: ordeals XIV-341a; origin XIV-339d: prohibited III-523c; and reUgion XII- c; and sin I-152d; XIV- 340b; and spiritism XIV-340b; in Sweden XIV-348a; St. Thomas on XIV-339c; witch- craft as X V-674d ; and worship XIV-340C Supertunica (dalmatic) XII-713d Supervia y Lostale, Mariano, Bi,shop of Huesca VII-513C Siiph, in Bible XII-152a; 156a; lo6b Supine Ignorance VII-648C Suppedaneum IV-529c SUPPER, LAST XIV -341c; Vlll-:i78b: Agape I-20Ia —in Art XlV'-342b: BagUoni II- 203b; Barocci II-303c; XV- 221b; Borras II-687d; Calli- garino II-490a; Castagno IH- 408a; Gaud XV-221c; Geb- hardt (ill.) XlV-facing 340: Ghirlandajo VI-546b; Medulift X-145d; Poussin XII-324b; Procaccino VI-420C; Sarto XIII-479b: Tintoretto XIV- 737d; da Vinci X-301d; XI- 223b; 400c; XII-368d; XV- 442b; 442c — bread II-172b:chaIiceIII-561d; Christ's prayer at XIII-530a: controversies XIV-590a; and Cross, Sacrifice of the XIII- 319d; Erastus on V-515C; Eu- charist I-350b; in Fourth Gos- pel VIII-442C; and French Protestantism VII-529d: Geth- semani VI-540d; in Greek Church VI-763a: Holy Grail VI-719b; and Holy Thursday I-197c; and hturg>- IX-307h; Melanchthon X-153c; place XIV-342a; Protestants XIII- 300c: sequence of events XIV— 342b; Socinian teaching XIV— 114d; in Synoptic Gospels XI- 530c; St. Thomas at XIV- 658b; table I-340C. time XIV- 341c: washing of feet XV- 557b; Zwingli XV-773d — of the Lord. See Agape Supplement theory, in Bible IV- 493b Supplica, dispensation by V-44d; forgery of VI-136C Supplication, in Liturgj- of St. James I-572d; St. Mark I- .304d: 305b; in Roman Masa I-3n,5b — of Scotch Kirk IV-459a Supphcationes, in Vatican ar- chives XV-289a SuppUces te rogamus, prayer III- 264c Supplioni., abbr. I-23b Supporters, armorial VI 1-24 7d Suppression of monasteries. See Monasteries, Suppression of — of Monasteries, Act of X^56c Supralapsarianism, and Calvin- ism Il-lOOd; III-199d: XII- 378c; Dort, Synod of III-203b; and redemption VI-699d Supra Qu«e, prayer III-264b Suprasensible, Theodicean teach- ing XIV-569b Suprema, Constitution of Bene- dict XIV V-68Sb —Bull of Pius IX X-4,i2a — Congregatio Sanctee romane et universalis inquisitionis. See Holy Office, Congregation of Supremacy, Act of, England (1534) I-.500b; II-59d; III- .3.5fld: V-143a: 44.5b; 446«; VIII-102b; XIII-534b: Eng- land (1559) I-500c; V-449b; XI-177b: 612b: Ireland (1536) XI-615a —Oath of III-64.5b: XI-177a; 366b; XII-708d; XIII^4c; 124a —Papal XII-261a: in Africa III- 478a; Andrada de Pa-va on I-469a; Apiarius of Sicca I- 594a: Apostolic Fathers on I- 639d; St. Avitus on V-143a; Constantinople. Council of IV-308b: in England, medie- val XIII-649d: Grosseteste on I-643a: Orthodox Church re- jects VI-753b; Valcntinian III XV-255d; See Primacy Supremae, Encyclical of Piua IX V-»14a m- Supreme Being, Cult of, France XIV-624a Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.