Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/836

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modyav XV-188C: courses of study XV-WSb; Cracow IV- 465c; XII-196d; Creighton IV^SOb; degrees XV-19?.b; Denver IV-129d; De Paui VII- 655c; XV-203a; Dillingen IV- 795c; discipline XV-194b; doc- torate V-72d; Douai V-138a; Dublin XV-200a; Dublin, Jes- uit XlV-lOld; Dundee,_ St. Andrews, affiliation with XIII- 332a; Ecuador XV-202b ; Edin- burgh V-284d; Erasmus XV- 195c; Florida VI-117d; Ford- ham XV-203b; Freiburg VI- 267c; 302b; Georgetown VI- 458b; XV-559d; Glasgow VI- 578c; Granada VI-724a; XIV- 175b; Graz VI-733d; XIV- 318d; Greifswald Vn-25a; Grenoble VII-28a; Guadala- jara VII-42d; Guamanga XV- 201d; Havana XV-201C; Hei- delberg VII-196a; Helsingford XIII-241a; Humanism XV- 195b; Illinois VII-654d; Ingol- stadt V-272c; 368d; VIII-7d; XIV-249a; India VII-727C; Indiana VII-739a; Innsbruck Vni-24b; Ireland XV-199b; Japan VIII-302d; Kazan XIII- 241b; KharkofI XIII-241b: Kieff XIII-241b; La Paz XV- 202b;LeipzigIX-140b; Leyden, manuscripts IX-620a; Liberal Arts I-764a; Lille IX-252c; Lima XV-201c; London IX- 351a; 351b; London, founded IX-351d; Los Andes XV-202b; Louisiana IX-384b; Louvain V-166b; IX-391C; XV-628c; Loyola VII-655C; XV-203c; 203d; Lund XIV-350a; M. A. degree I-759b; Madrid XIV- 175a; Marquette XV-204a; Mavnooth X-87c; medical study X-126a; medieval XV- 194d: medieval, Mexander III I-287d; medieval censorship III-520d; medieval, DeniHe IV- 720a; medieval, Dominican convents XII-361d; medieval, influence of teachers I-758a; Messina XIII-772C; Me-dco X-259c: XIV-202C; Michigan X-280c; Missouri X-399a: Modena, Italy X-413b; 414c. modern XV-196b; modern, England XV- 196c; modern, Scotland XV-196C; Montpel- lier X-547a; Moscow XIII- 241b; Munich X-633d; Mun- ster X-639c; Narino XV-202b; Nevada X-776c; New CoUese, Oxford XV-64 Id; Niagara XV- 2(Mb; North Western, Evans- ton VI I-655b; nuns, admission of II-135a; Odessa XIII-241b; of the West, Universities V-214d; Oklahoma XI-231b; Olmiitz V-184a; origin I-757d; origin and organization XV- 188d; Orleans XVI-54a: Oviedo XIV-175b; Oxford XI-369b; XHI-600a; Oxford, and Will- iam Archdeacon of Durham XIII-759c; Padua XI-387a; Palermo XIII-772c; papsil foundations XII— 419a; papal prerogative XII -269a; Paris Xlll-eOOa; Paris, censorship of books III - 520d; Paris and Jesuits XV -196a; Pia- cenza XII-71a; Pisa XII-112a; Poitiers XII - 179b; 17'.lc; Pragtie XII-342b; preparatory schools XV-197b; present law of the church XV-198a; Ref- ormation XV-194d; 19Sc; re- ligious orders XV - 194a; Re- naissance XV - 194d; Rome XIII-177a; Rostock XIII- 205c; Russian XIII-241b; St. Andrews XIII-332a; St. Au- gustine XV-202b; St. Francis Xavier XV-198d; St. Gregory the Great XV-201d; St. John's XV-204C; St. Joseph's XV- 199a; St. Louis V-179a; St. Mark XIII-.3R,ib; XV-201c; St. Mary's of the Lake, Chi- cago III-654a; St, Omer .XIII- 36.5d; St. Petersburg XIII- 2Hb; St. Thomas, Manila XII -IBd; XIII -381d; St. Thomas, Santo Domingo XV-


201c; Salamanca XIII-392b; XIV-175a; Salerno XIII-39Sa; San Antonio Abad XV-201d ; San Cristobal XV-202b; San Fuigencio XV-201d; San Luis XV-201d; Santa Cruz XV- 202b; Santiago de Chile XIII- 461d; XV -202b; Santiago, Spain XIII-460a; XIV-175b; Saragossa XIH-470a; XIV- 175b; and science XIII-600a; Seville XIII-746b; XIV-175b; Siena XIII -781d; .Sigiienza XIII-788d; Spanish American XV-201C; statistics XV-193c; students XV-193c; and 15tud- ies. Congregation of XIII- 146a; Sucre XV-202h; Sydney XIV-3e6b; Tomsk XIII-241b; Toronto XI-256c; XIV-7S2d; Trujillo XV-202b; Tubingen XV-S3b; Turin XV-94d; United States XV-190d; 202d; Upsala XV-208b; Urban V and XV-215d; Valence XV-251b; Valencia XIV-175b; XV-253b; Valladolid XIV-175b; XV- 259c; Vermont XV-356a; Vien- na XV-421a; Virginia XV- 453c; Warsaw XIII -241b; West Virginia XV-606b; Wis- consin XV-664a; Wittenberg IV-353C; XV-679a: Wurzburg V-271C; XV-720C; Xaverian XV-201d; Yale IV-257a; Yuri- eff XIII-241b

Universities Missions Society, in Africa I-lSTc; IV-23Gb

University Bill, Irish \1II-I13c

— Church, DubUn 1-40118

— Church, Wiirzburg XV-719a

— of the Roman Study (School), Congregation for XIII-136c

Univers, L', periodical ^'I-178d; 334b; 398d; XI-676a; XV- 395a; and Migne VI-lS8a; X- 290d; and Montalembert X- 514c; and Pius IX XV- 39Sb

Universe, periodical, Brazil XIII- 466d

— periodical, Spain lX-518a; XI-69UC; XIV-lSSc

Univocatio entis. Duns Scotua on XlII-611a

Unkh Khan, Mogul Prince XI- 722a

Unknowable, Absolute as I-60d ; VI-608C; in Agnostic pbiloa- ophy I-215d; 21Sb; analogy I-450a; as first cause 1-6 lb; VI-610C; God as I-216b; God in Gnosticism VI-594C; Kant I-97a; 216a; 216c; Spencer I- 217c

Unknown Dynasty, Babylonian II-182C

—Young Man (Titian) XIV- 744b

Unkulimkulu, Zulu deitv IV- 687a; 688a

Unleavened Bread. See Bread, Unleavened: Azymes

Unna, Paul Gerson, dermatolo- gist X-141a

Unni, Saint, Bishop of Hamburg- Bremen II - 757a; VII - 121c; and Denmark, Christianity of XIII-542d; in Jutland VII- 141a

Unold, Anton, Abbot of Weisse- nau XV-57Sa

Unoriginate, Ancemean I-70Sa

Unparteiischer Literatur- und Kirchenkorrespondent, periodi- cal X-fi27a

Unrelated, in -\gnoatic philosophy 1-2 17b

Unsere Hebe Frau, church of, Munich \'II-110c

Unstrut, battle VIN231a

Untermarchtal, convent. Sisters of Charily XV 71Sb

Unterthiener, William VI-30Ia

Unterwalden, .Switzerland IX- 407c; XIV-35ga: alliance with Lucerne IX-408d; Catholic canton of X-«43d; XIV-360d; XV-143b

Unthinkable, .\gnostic theory I- 4.iOb

Unug (Arach; Erech), town, etv- moloKV II-179d; III-143b

Unwalled Places, redemption in XII-6S2b

Unwan, Archbishop of Hamburg- Bremen II-757a: IX-434b;

among Slavs X-lU7d Unworldliness I-769a Unyamwezi, race X\'-413d UNYANYEMBE, VICARIATE

OF XV-204d; 614a: map I-

facing 180; mission XV-205a Unymuezi, vicariate IV-236b Unzaga, Luis de. Governor of

Louisiana IX-381a; XI-8c;

Xin-782c Upanishads, doctrine II-730c;

III-2SC; 28d: in philosophy.

Indian XII-30d; theosophic

teaching XIV-626C Upemivik, Greenland VI-778b Upham, Warren W., on age of

the world XV-70od Upland, Indiana, university

VII-739b — Pennsylvania, council XI-639C — Mennonites X-190C Upolu, island XIII-421a Upper Bethoron VI^36a — Canada, Vicariate Apostolic

of l.\-490c — Congo. Sre Congo, Upper

Vicarialcof the — French Congo. See French

Cttngo. I'ppcr — Michigan, Vicariate Apostolic

of ix-cnoa

— NILE, Vicariate Apostolic of XV-205b; I-190a

—Pool, Palestine XII-235b

— RHINE, Ecclesiastical Province of the XV-205C; 708d; Con- cordat (1821) IV-204a; (1827) II-645C; IV-204a; XV-717d; "Tametsi" IV-2b

Upplandslagen, code XIV-354d

Upsala, town. Sweden XIV-35!b; diet (1593) XIV-349d; immi- gration of Catholics XIV- 771b; synod (1503) XII-706d

UPSALA, See of XV-207b; XIV- 348d

— cathedra! XIV-354a; architect XV-207d; (ill.) XV-207d

— maps IV-facing 722; and Vesio XVI-78d

—UNIVERSITY OF XV-208b; XIII-600a; XIV-347C; decline XIV-333a; founded XIV- 349a; hbrary IX-618a; Luther- anized XII-706c; manuscripts IX-620a; revived XIV-350a; XV-208C

—Codex, of Edda V-280b

Uqcin, treatise in Talmud XIV- 437c

Ur, Babylonia II-179b; 179d; VI-446c; X-677a: early his- tory II-lSlc; in Nasoriean senologrv X-707a; temple re- built Il-lSld; Thare, migra- tion of VIII-193d; tower XV- 6a

Ura-Azag, djmasty II-lS2c

Uraba, province, Colombia X- llOd

— Gulf of, Cosa, Juan de la IV- 402d

Urach, Conrad of. See Coiurad of Utrecht

Uragala, Babylonian, in Epos Il-iasd

Uraia, in Goth X-299a

XTrakami, Japan, Christians exiled VIII-307d

Ural, mountains VII-547d

Urald, abbot of Priim XII-519b

Uranion, Bishop of Selge XIII- 692b

Uranium XV - 706c ; atomic weight II-52C

Uranius, commentator I-717d

—Bishop of Dodona II-609d

— Bishop of Imeria V-49l)a

— Bi.=ihop of .Sura XIV 343b

—Bishop of Trallos XV-16d

Uranography, Babylonian II-2.')C; Crcf'k II J.- d: Jewish II-30b; mn.l.Tii II 2yb


Uranus, <■.'. W ■- d

— pinni'i II ' ' 1 I ivlmillner r.n VI -M. I \ :. . on IX- 206a; I I I 1 ill \ I 1112b; Sec- chi on Mll-Olrtic

Urara, vestment XlV-301c; 4 1 Ob

Urarina Indians X-90d

Urartu. Sec Ararat

Uratu (Ararat) I-736a

Urban, Saint, bishop and con- fessor, tomb III-514d

—Saint, martvr XV-253d

URBAN I, Pope XV-209a; 111- 472c; XII-273a; relics III- 473a; schism under XIII-.533b: Valerianus, conversion of III- 472b

URBAN II (EUDES; OTHO; ODO OF LAGERYl, Pope XV- 210a; XII - 274a; Adhtoiar XIll-409b; t^t. Anselm I-M7c; V-!33d; on b.lptism II-269d; in Pari I-.>t8a; II-296a; at Bazas II-6S3c; B^renger XV- 3d: Blessed Virgin, Preface of the XIl-3S6a: and St. Bruno III-14d; 15b; at Carcassonne III-332b: at Cava monaster\' ni-467c: on celibacy III-4S6b": at Clermont IV-54b; VI-<66b: at Cluny IV-73d: Constantine V-121a; Crusade Bull IV- 543b; and crusade, first IV- 546a: 546b; cult of XV-211d: Gebhard III of Constance VI- 402a: Geoffrey of Vendome VI- 42Sc; Guitmund Vll-Sla; Hen- rv IV VI-490b; VII-231d; on holy orders XI\'-320b; Hugh the Great Vll-525b: on in- vestitures Vin-.86d; at Ma- guelonne X-545b; Molesme XIII-9Sa; Monarcia Sicula X- 451b; Odo of Bayeux XI-210b: ordination decree Il-oSOa; Os- tia episcopate XI -346c; and Pisa Xll-llOd; Ra\Tnond of .«aint-Giles XII-669d; Regesta XII-716b; Reims chapter XII- 728c; Robert of Arbrissel XIII- 96b: Roger I of Sicily XIII- 77od; in Rome VII-64a; in Saint .Sauveur, Church of, Li- moges IX-264a; Saint Sernin's, Toulouse XIV - 797b; .Sens XIII-717b; Toledo XIV-756d; union of Christendom XV-146C

URBAN HI (UBERTO CRTVEL- LI), Pope XV-2nd; XII- 274b: Jcachim of Flora VIII- 406d: Milan episcopate X- 301a; Odo of Canterbur>- XI- 21 Id; St. Magdalen, relics XIII-719a;on usury XV-236a; at Verona XV-362a; writings, examination of lll-520d

URBAN IV (JACQUES PANTA- LOON), Pcpr- XV-l'lL^C; XII- 274b; on ,\U ;<aiii!^ 1-315C: Annibaldi I-o40c; arms (ill.) XV-212d; Bolsena, miracle of XI-332C: St. Bonaventure 11- 650a; Celestine Order XVI- 20a: Charles of Anjou VII-58a: XIII-169a: XV-3S4a: Corpus Christi. feast of IV-391a: XIII- 413a; Holy Name Vll-llld; Jerusalem patriarchate \'TII- 368c; at I.aon XIV-131C: Lauda Sion IX-37c; Louis IX IX-369d; Poor Clares, rule of XII-252C: Regesta Ill-SOd: rule of XII-252C; Sacchoni Xni-292b; Saint Lazarus. Or- der of IX-97a; 97b; Saint Louis, mission to l-209b; Sa- lutati XIII-405C: the Sorbonnc XlV-150b: Tannhauser legend IX - 12.ib; Troves XV- 67d: eSc: III Vil.-rlio XV-lSSa

URBAN V iGUILLAUME DE GRIMOARD', BLESSED, Pone XV -21 lb; VI -o.Wc: XII-274b: ,\malricus Augerii I-3S0b: arms (ill.) XV-214b- St. Bridget of Sweden lI-7S2b: Brigittines II-7S6b; Cahors University X1V-797C; Ca,simir the Great Xn-190c; at Clunv IV-73d: Cracow University IV-46.TC; English tribute V- 322b; Gne.sen episcopate IX- 145b; godfather V-397b: Groote's mission VII - 36b: •In Coena Domini" VII-71Sa; Jesuati VIlI-4.5Sc: Latorun Basilica IX-14d; Mende epis- copate X-lSOb: and Milic X-304d: .Monte Cassino X-,527d; at Montpellier, University of X-I80c: .54.'ic; Oxford University, chancellor's election IV-446d; Padua Uni- versity ■XI-387b; Paleeologus, John I-220c; Paris University

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^illustrations.