Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/837

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XI-489b; Peter I of Cyprus IV-553C; pontifical XII-232C; Ricmeratrope, Albert of XIII- 504c; and Saint-Germain d'Auxerre XIII - 718d; St. Thomas Aquinas, relics of XI V- 665d; at Vatican Palace XV- 27fid; Vienna University XV- iL'la; at Viterho XV-4SSb: and William of Wvkeham XV-641C

URBAN VI (BARTOLOMEO PRIGNANO), Pope XV-ilfia; I-lOlb: XII-112d: 274b: XIII- 539b; 54lb: Acpiajuoli I-96b; Acerenza episcopate I-lOIb; Alexander V I-2S8c: arms of (ill.) XV-216a: Bari episcopate II-296b; Brigittines II-786b; Carmelite indulgence XIII- 290a; Saint Catherine of Siena III-447d; Saint Catherine of Sweden III-448d; Cologne Uni- versity IV-121d; Dietrich von Nieheim IV-789C: Easton V- 240d; election XIII-539b; Fra- ticelli VI-248d; Gobelinus VI- 607c; and Orsini, Toramaso XI-326d; Pilgrim II XIII- 413b: PL^a Studium Generate XII-112a; Portugal XII-301d, Regent of Chancery XIII- 151a; on Sacred College XV- 216d; Saint Peter's, baldachino of XIII-371d; Suhiaco XIV- 321c; Tivoli XIV-747c; and Vatican Palace XV - 276d; Vienna University XV-421a; Vilna XV-432b; Visitation, Feast of the XV-464b; 481a: Wenceslaus. King of Germany VI-495d; Western Schism XII- 112d: Uoc

— Vn (GIAMBATTISTA CAS- TAGNA),Pope XV-218a: XII- 274c; Bishop of Rossano XIII-203b; beatification Bull II-366a: Carranza case III- 377b; charities XV -218c; monument to (ill.) XV-218a; Perugia University XI-737c; on the rochet XIII -104b; tomb in S. Maria Sopra Mi- nen-3 XIII~lV2d: and Vatican XV-277b

— Vin (MAFFEO BARBERIND, Pope XV-21Sd: xn-274c; 768d; Alexander VII I-294b; Alexander VIII I-29.5b; Alias felicis XIH36d; Alle- gri I-319a; .\ltieri IV-28d; Babylon, Bishopric of II-202c: Barletta episcopate XV-17c; Bentivoglio II-483C; Bernini Il-olOb; Berrettini II-516a; de B^rulle II-524C; Bohemia, Concordat IV-203c; Bre_\-iar>-, revision of II-775d; IX-30a; 302a; XI-442a; XII-769b; Brigittines II-786d; bust of (ill.) XV-219C; Campanella III-221C; Capuchins III-323b; 324d; 32.5d; Ca.stelli III-»08d; St. Cecilia I-88c; III-472a; Chiabrera III-652a; China XIII-38a; Christendom, Union of XV-14Gc; Cistercian Con- gregation Ill-783a; clerical costvime, regulation of IV- 420c; Collegio Pontificio Greco XIII-134a; Collegio Urbano di Propaganda XIII-134C; confession, faculties for hearing I-65.8a; Congregation of Melk X-167b; convents Xl-lfi.ia; onCopemicanism VI-34.5d;Sta. Cosmas and Damian, Church of XIII-171b; Crosiers IV- 517a; Cum S»pe VI-1.58b; Di\'ine Office, reform of XI- 220b; Dominic a Jesu Maria XIV-661a; ecclesiastical con- ferences IV-213C; English archpriest. Decree on I-6.5.Sa: epitaph I-281b; III~514a; Ex delicto V-691C: Franciscan Reformat! VI-2.SSd; Galileo VI-.34.ib; VII-79Sd; Genaz- sano, pilgrimage XI-3Glb: Guastallinea VII-54a; Her- mits of St. Paul of France. Congregation of XI-.5SSa: Hi|)- polvtua of Rome VII-3RIb; hvmnodv VII-fi04a; IX-22a; Xni-7da; In Coena Domini VII-718a; Indian enslavement VII-47a; Institute of Mary

VIII-54a; Jansenism VIII- 287d; Jogues VIII^20c; Lat- eran baptistery IX- 16a; Latin studies X1I-769C; Lessius IX- 192b; Lisbon, English College XII-231b; Lorrain, Claude de, commissions IX-361d; Lugo, John de IX-418C; St. Malachy, prophecy of XII-476b; Mar- garet of Cortona IV-401C; martyrology IX-741d; on Maurists X-70a; and Mazarin X-92b; Menestrier XVI-63c; Missal, rev-ision of IX-300d; X-357b; Molo, medals X- 443b; monks, imprisonment of XII-436b; Morin X-570b; Miinster school X-639d; Ori- entals, Creed for the IV-478c; Pamplona University XI-438c; on papal elections I-99b; pa- trons, selection of XI-562c; Plantata II-t47b; V-149a; Pontificale, revision of XII- 23 Id : Portiuncula Indulgence XII-286C; Presentation, Daughters of the XII-398d; Promoter Fidei I-168b; and Propaganda XII-i56d; Re- union formula on divorce V- S8c; Riccardi XIII-33a; Rich- elieu Xni-49b; Romani Pon- tificis IV-193a: Rome, rising against XIII-169b; Rospigliosi IV-28b; Rules of Chancerj- XIII-151d; Ruthenians, De- cree on V-239a; Sacra Congre- gatio XI-146a; sacristy. Decree on XIII-323a; Sant' Angelo, Castle of XIII-176b; Sant' Angelo and Urbania, Dioceses of XIII-159C; Saint Peter's, dedication of XIII-371a; Sar- biewski XIII-171C; Saint Ser- nin's, Toulouse XIV-797b; Scarampi, commissions XIII- 514d; Seminario Vatican© XIII-132C; on slaverj- XIV- 39b; Slavonic Rite, regulation of VI-576a; Theatine nuns XIV-558d; Thesaurus sacro- rum rituum, dedication VI- 399b; Thomas & Jesu XIV- 660c; tomb II-510d; XIII- 372d; Vatican Library XV- 296c; Verbum Supemum Pro- diens, revision of XV-348a; Visitation Order X V-482b ; Wadding, Luke XV-523a; 523d; 524c; Ward, Mary, work of XV-552a

— and St. Cyprian XI-139c

— Jesuit, and Catholics in Russia XIII-259d

— prefect, and St. Aphian I- 593b

■ — .Servite theologian, epithet V- 74b

— Saint, Bishop of Langres IV- 794d; VIII-790a

— Bishop of Llandaff IX-316a: 316b; body translated V-179b

— Bishop of Parma XI-506a

—Bishop of Passau XI-520a

— Bishop of Sicca Vencria XIII- 771a; and Apiariur, I-594a

— Saint, Bishop of Teano III- 195b

— Sir Benjamin d', governor. Cape Colony XV-766d

— Boniface Caspar von. Arch- bishop of Bamberg II-24.5a

Urbana, Ohio, Swedenborgian institution XIV-356C

Urban College, Rome IV-112b; X-37Sa; XII-457a; 4.58a; XIII-134C; American students I-424c; Antonelli I-.584C; Bor- romini II-689a; Cajetan and Constantino III-14.Td; customs XII-460C: foundation XII- 457a; Xni-134c; XV-219b; priests in Montenegro I-583a; Quer^taro I-753b

— de Saint-Gelais, Bishop of Comminges XIV-79t>d

Urbaneja, Diego B. XV-.330c

Urbania, town, founded V-207b

— Diocese of. Sfe Sant' Angelo in Vado and Urbania

Urbanists, Donatiat sect V-127a

— rPoor Clares) XII-252C

Urbano, Fort, Caatelfranco XV- 220a

Ur-Bau, King of Shirpurla II- 181a

Urbebentum. See Orvieto Urbi (Arabians) I-fi65d Urbicciani, Bonaggiunta, jurist

\III-247a; lX-406a Urbicius, Saint XI-319a Urbicus, on ancient medal X-ll'2a — Saint, Bishop of Clermont IV-

.i4a —Bishop of Thcvestp XIV-634C URBI ET ORBI .\\ -221a Urbina, Isabel de l.\-:5r,4c -Pedro de. Archbishop of Va-


Urbinates graeci, MSS. in Vatican Library XV-292b

— latini, MSS. in Vatican Library XV-291a

URBINO, ARCHDIOCESE OF, in Italy XV-221b; Albani, Ar- nibale I-255c; Baroccio, pic- tures II-303c; cathedral (ill.) XV-221d; ducal lihrari.-. ican XV-296d; map VIII- facing244; nunciatures, in Vat- ican Archives XV-289a; papal mint X-334d; papal possession XIV-2fi4d; Vatican collection XV-288a; 296d Duchy of VIII-220a; Belisarius in XV-221d; ceded to Clmrch XV-220a; ducal hbrar\-. Vat- ican XV-296d; Leo X IX-10.5c; house of, and Titian XIV- 743a; Italy, annexation to XIV-265a; palace of architec- ture VIII-22Bb; and Sinigaglia. accession of XIV-13C; Vergil Polydore XV-363C

— Dukes of. ,S'cc Rovere

Urbinum Metaurense XV-221d


— vetus. .s',f Orvieto

Urchin, in BiLle I-.i22b

Urci, See of I-:i2Sa; XIV-755d

XJRDANETA, ANDRES, pioneer vovager XV-223a; VII-2S3d; mission ni-171a; VII-2S7a; Xll-12b; monument, Manila (ill.) IX-600

Urdaz, monastery XlV-lSOd

Ur-Devil, in Manichjeism IX- S92b

Urdinola, Francisco founder of Saltillo XIII-404b

Urdun, province, S>-ria XIV- 400a

Ure, dictionary' V— il8a

Ures, mission station XIV-145b

Urfa (Orfa) V-2S2b

Urga, town, MongoUa X-480b

Urgel, town, Spain, and (Charle- magne III-42SC

—DIOCESE OF, in Spain XV- 223b; XIV-173d; Biblical MSS. XV-,519b; blessing of bread II-750d; map XlV-faring 200; religious communities, statis- tics III^29d; sacerdotal con- fraternity XII— 420c; statistics III-429d; XV-224a; synod (892) XV-223C

Urgia, Bernardino d* scientist XI-12!a

Urgur, King of Sumer and Akkad II-lSlc

Urhai (Edessa) XIV-679b

Uri, Swiss canton II-52Cd; III- 157d; IX-407C; XIV-360d; XV-143b: charter XIV-359a; and Lucerne IX-408d

Uriah the Hittite. See Urias the Hethite

Urianghai, tribe X-480c

Uriankhfli, town X^80b

Urias the Hethite I-432c; IV- 643d death I-432c; and Joab IV-64.3c; Vni-J06a

Urie, Theodore, and Council of Pisa Xn-114b

Uriel, angel, on Gnostic amulets I-443d; 47Sc; XII-640b; in IV Esdra,s V-.538a; in Book of Henoch I-603b

—father of Ozias XI-379C

— of Gemmingen, Archbishop of Mainz IX-.5.VJa

UHIM AND THUMMIM XV- 224b; V-497C; XI-20.')a; XII- 40Sc; 477a; and Aaron I-.5C; and high-priest XII-408C; 413b; in rationale XII-413b

Urio, Francesco, Minorite, Te Deum XIV-470C

Uritana, Diocese of. Sec Oria


Urizar, governor, and Chaco tribes IX-429b; and Mocovi X-412d

Urkagina, King of Shirpurla II- 180d

Urkhan, sultan I-785b

Unnedji XV-225a

Urmi, lake. See Urmiah

URMIAH (URMIA), See of, Chaldca XV-22.5a: XIII-8Sd; Apostolic delegation of Propa- ganda XII - 457d; cathedral XI-724b

— (Urmi; Urumyah), lake, ex- pedition of Asshur-nasir-pal II- 12c; expedition of Ramman- nirari III II-13a; Protestant mission III-SBOa

Urmui XV-22.1a

Urumyah, lake. See Urmiah

Ume, pretended miracle, Amor- gos Xll-SSb

— Lage, Bishop of Roskilde XVI- 71cl; at Copenhagen University IV-352b

Ur-Nina, King of Shirpurla II- 180d; imports II-179d

Ur Ninib, ruler of Isin II-lSlc

Urns, imperial, cross on IV-526a

Ur of the Chaldees, Abraham I- 51b

Uroro, vestment XIV-301C

Uros, tril c n-629d

Urosch, Zupan of Rassa, and Bela II XIII-732b

—V, King of Servia XIII-733b

Urquhart, David, Biblical intro- duction VIlI-80d; pope, ap- peals to V-565d

Urquinaona, Bishop of Barcelona II-2S9b

— Bishop of Gran Canaria XIV- 507b

URRABURU, JUAN JOSfi, philosopher XV-225b; X-749b; and Lossada XVI-56a

Urraca, Queen of Castile, daugh- ter of Ferdinand I Ill-»llc; 412d; 769b; VIII-7(;id: XIII- 391c; at Zamora XV-258b; 74Sb; 749b; and Segovia XIII- 6S5b; XIV-181C; and Diocese of Tfiy XV- 105c

— Queen of Navarre III-51c; 412b

—wife of Ordofio III, King of Le6n ni-411b

Urri, Archbishop of Sweden XVI- 76d

Urries, Pietro de. Bishop of Syracuse XIV-397b

Ursacius, bishop I-79b; Arian leader XIII-693b: St. Athana- sius I-710a; condemned IX- 218c; Council of Rimini XIII- 57c; on Donatism V-124C; and Gregory Ba?ticus Vll-9d; St. Hilary IX-221C; Julius I VIII- 561c;'Marcusof ArethusaXIII- 57b: retracts II-38b; Sirmium, second formula of IX-220a

UrsaUm VlII-344b

Ursatius, ostiary. Trier, epitaph XII-285b

Ursberg (Urspergt, basilica II- 78a; institutions II-77b; 77d; monastery VIII-691a; Sisters of St. Jo.seph XV-7ISd

Ursel, Due d', founds "XXe SiMe" XI-671C

Urseolus, Peter, Saint. See Peter



— Peter 11 Doge of Ve


Ursicin, Saint. See Ursicinus Ursicinus, Saint, Ravenna XII-

666a; and Saint Vitalia XV-

486a -writer IV-588d — Bishop of Albano I-2S6a — Saint, Bishop of Bourgea II-

720b — Saint, Bishop of Cahors III-

141b; Innoccntius, Bishop of

Rodei XlV-333b —Bishop of Ceneda III-5I9b —Saint, Bishop of Chur III-743d —Abbot of Ligug« IX-247b;

antipope I-.582b; IV-613b;

XIV-26a; Valentinian I XV-

2.i.5a: \'alcntinian II XV-255C —Bishop ol I'avia XI-.593b —Bishop of Ravenna XII-663d — Saint, Bishop of Sena XIII-

716d —Saint, Bishop of Turin XV-94b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, o, d, quarter of page.