Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/838

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Ursicinus, Zachary Bar, cate- chism V-7iJ3a

Ursidongus \'l-547c; monastery VI-5!7d

Ursins, Jacques Juvenal (Jou- venel; Juvenel) des, Bishop of Reims XII-726b; and Balue 11-24 Ic

—Jean Juvenal {Jouvenel; Juve- nel) des. Bishop of Reims XII- 726b; as Bishop of Beauvais II-37Sa; as Bishop of Laon XIV-131b; and Orsini XI-32SC

Ursinus. Sse Ursicinus

— CoUege XII-711b

Drsion, Saint XV-68b

Ursis, Sabbatino de, scientist XIII-">20c

Ursize, Saint. See Ursicinus

Ursmar, Saint, Abbot of Lobbes III-210d; IX-31Sb

Urso, Bishop of Tortosa XIV- 785c

Ursperg. See Ursberg


Ursula, name X-674a

—SAINT XV-225d; 22Rc; in art, Bonvicino II-67Sd; in art, Lochner IX-319d; Elizabeth of Schonau, revelation of V-392b; Dream of St. Ursula (ill.) (Carpaccio) XV-226a; Legend of St. Ursula (Carpaccio) XI- 400d; St. Ursula and Cyriacus (ill.) (Carpaccio) XV-227c; relics of, discovered Xl-lOOd; shrine, Bruges XII-762d


Ursulina, Blessed, and Western Schism Xlll-.539d

DRSULINES XV-228c; Aachen I-2d; Alaska I-250d: Angela Merici 1-48 Id; XV-227d; Can- ada III-239C; of Chateau Gon- tier IX-45C; tertiary congrega- tion XIV-643a; of D61e XIII- 342b; educational system XV- 229c; England IV-343c; found- ed I-482b; III-86a; XIV-557b; habit XV-229b; (ill.) XV- 229b; Kitzingen Abbey XIV- 563d; Montana X-ol9a; Nano Nagle XII-398C; of Nantes X-682b; New York XI-26c; Ontario XIII-56ob; papal en- closure XV-229b; de la Pel- trie Xl-eiOc; Pittsburg XII- 125d; Poland XII-195d; Ro- man union of XV-229a; Spain XIV-176a; Three Rivers VI- 275c; XII-595a; United States XV-228d; at universities II- 135a; vows XV-229b; Wil- mington XV-647a

— of Christian teaching, founded XV-68d

—of Jesus IX-413d

—OF QUEBEC XV-229C; I- 234a; constitutions XV-229d; first r.'sideiui- (ill.) XII-595C

^of the Sacred Heart, of Samtes I.\-7a

Ursun Gol, Mongolia X-479C

URSUS, SAINT, martyr XV- 230b

—Saint, and Tours XV-4b

—Doge of Venice XV-336a

— imperial prefect at Carthage IX-595d

— Patriarch of Aquileia, and Salzburg I-662a

— Saint, Bishop of Auxerre XIII- 718b

— Bishop of Castellaramare di Stabia XIII-408b

— Bishop of Nomcntum XIII- 291a

— Bishop of Havenna XII-662d

— Bishop of Rioti XlII-54a

— Bisiiop of Santa Rufina XII- 290b

—Saint, Bishop of Toul X-680b; XV-3d

^Saint, Bishop of Troycs XV- 07c

— spelseus, remains V-6G5b

Urtica. See Nettle

Uru. .SeeUr

Uruapan, town. Mexico XV-74'.ld

Uruazaga, doitv of II-ls7b




— Church in XV-231b; Jesuit Reductions IV-32C; XII-«90d; Jesuits XV~231c; papal repre- sentative XI-161d; Ruiz de Montoya XIII-223d; Saint Vincent de Paul Society XIII— 390c

— commerce and finance XV— 232d; education XV-232C

—Geography XV-230d; area XV- 230d; boundaries XV-230d; Melo, Diocese of X-169b; Montevideo, Archdiocese of X- 539b; natural features XV- 230d; population XV-232c; rivers XV-231a; 233b; Salto, Diocese of XIII-405b

— government and justice XV- 232b; history XV-231d; liter- ature XIV-207a; Masonic council in IX-776d; religious statistics XIV-281a; Walden- sians in XV-.')30b; war with Paraguay XI-471a


Uruk (Unug) III-143b; temple II-16C

Uru-ku Dynasty. See Ura-Azag

Urumtsi, town, Chinese Tur- kestan XV-96a

— Pass XV-96c; prefecture XV- 96c

Urumush. See Alusharshid

Urusalim. See Salem

Urusi, gate of VI-324C

Urvio, Francesco, Bishop of Patti XI-567b

Ury, John X-792b; XI-35b; Griffin's history XVI-42d

Us, grandson of Sem IV-611d

Usatges, of Catalonia III-428c; XIV-186d

Usbegs XII-626C

Usbek, Khan of Kiptchak, and Marignolli XVI~60c

Uscochs Uskoken, and Venetians XV-339a

Uscub. .See Uskub

Uscudama (Adrianople) VII-104C

Usdum, Jebel IV-659b; XI-fi46d

Uselli (Ales), See of I-283d

Usener, on Conradv XV— 450d; on Virgin birth of Christ XV- 450c; 451a

Use of York. .See York, Use of

Usertsen I (Usertasen; User- tesen), and .\menemtret I V- 349b; 560d

— Ill XI-7S9a; invades Ethiopia V-566d; conquers Nubia V- 338a

Uses, English III-592a; chari- table III-592d; trusts abol- ished XV-72c; distinguished from property XV-723b; law, English III-592a; law, Roman IX-82a; liturgical XV-735a

Usha, Sanhedrin at VIII-390c

Ushaia, town, Tierra del Fuego XI-541a

Ushakova, conversion XIII-259C

UshanahuTU, Egyptian prince II- 16a

Ushant, naval battle II-724d; VI-728a

Ushas, god XV-318d

—goddess XV-318d

USHAW COLLEGE, England XV-233C; III-2I5d; XIII- 697b; 700c; alumni XV-234d; Barrow, negotiations of II- ■^09c: St. Cuthbert. ring of IV -579b; and Douai XIII- 572b; 573a; education XV- 234b; Evre at V-736C; origin V- 4,';7b; XIII-573a; origin V- 4.)7b; and Pugin XII-560a

Ushebtis, meaning of V-346d

Usher, James. .See Usshcr

—William, at Boyle Abbey II- 726b

Ushkup. .See Uskub

Ushtavaiti, in Avesta II-152d

Ushumgal, King of Shirpurla II- ISla

USILLA, titular see, Byzaccna XV-23.'-,a

Ustmbardi, Usimbardo, Bi.'ihop of Cnlle di Val d'Elaa IV-107b

Usingen, Amoldi von, theologian lX-l.'i3c; XV-235a; Martin Luther IX-4.39a; See Arnoldi, Burtholomseufl

Usirmari, See Ramses II

Usk, town, Baker, martyrdom II- 212c; Benedictine monastery IX-316a

— Adam of. .See Adam of Usk

Uskub, Archdiocese of, modern Scopia IV-307a; VII-603d; Xni-609d; See Scopia, Arch- diocese of

— Greek Diocese of Vl-755a; Bulgarian exarch Vl-744a; %'ilayet of I-103c; VI-755a; Prusias ad Hypnim. ruins XII- 519d; riot of 1896 V-238b

Uskudar. See Scutari

Uskup. See Uskub

Usora, Banat of II-696a

Usq., abbr. I-26a

Usque, Abraham, Version of the Bible XV-371C

— Samuel, and Portuguese litera- ture XII-.309a

Ussel, Gabriel, Archbishop of Santa Fe Xnl-457b

Usserman, Emil, historian VII- 130c

Ussher, James VI-16a; VIII- 125a; and .\rthur I-755c; bigot- ry I-733a: chronology in Au- thorized Version II-142c; and Lynch IX-471b: and Malone IX-573b; and O'Sullivan Beare XI-348C: on prayer for the dead in Irish Church IV-657c; on Pseudo-Clement I-637b; and Stanvhurst XIV-248b; on White XV-612d

— William, at Boyle Abbey II- 726b

Ustarroz, Saragossa, professor at XIII-470b

Ustav. See Organic Statute

Ustica Island VIII-209a; XIII- 772b

Ustrialoff, dramatist XIII-273c

Ustritzki, Jerome, Bishop of Przemv^, Sambor and Sanok XII-533C

Ustura. See Ruaicade

USUARD, MARTYROLOGY OF XV-235b; IX-741c: Bouill.'irt, edition II-711b: on Eleven Thousand Virgins XV-2:2f)d: and Longinus of Pomaria XII- 224a; Sta. Savinian and Poten- tian XIII-716C

Usucapio, operation of XII-396b

Usucaption, and prescription Xn-395b; in Roman Law IX- 82b

Usufruct, in Roman law IX~S2a

Usurers, as testators IX-116C

Usurpation, Tyrant by XV- 108d

USURY XV-235c; St. Basil II- 333b; Ballerini II-223d; Bene- dict XIV II-434a; Catholic teaching II-434a; III-597a; VII-22d; XII-269b; XIV- 611a; and Israelites I-227a: medieval III-599c; VII-23a; modern I-227c; Mohammedan teaching X^27c;pope3on XII- 269b; and rectors, irremovable Vin-174c; in scandal XIII- ,507c; unlawfulness of VIII-77b

Usus V-64d

— Sancti Pauli IX-34Sb

UsyUt, father of St. Teilo XIV- 473d

Uta, abbess, evangeliarium V- 641c

Utlchim, mother of Mani IX- 591b

Utah, lake XV-238b; discovered XV-238d

UTAH, State of XV-238a; 174b; education XV-239c; 239d

— Hislory XV-238d: acquisition XV-lfi6d; ecclesiastical XV- 239d; French Americans in VI-273b; Hollanders in, statis- tics VII-394b; Mormons X- 572d; XV-239b; statistics, table of XV-176b; and Wyom- ing XV-727d

— legislation XV-239C; material resources XV-23SC; physiog- raphy XV- 238b: publications. Catholic XI-692C; seal of con- fession XIIl-601d; religious denominations XV-239d; suf- frage XV-692c; Tametsi decree IV-2a; XV-li96c; university XV-239d

Ut bonus paterfamilias. Constitu- tion of Pius V XIII-148b

Utchenyja 2apiski, periodical XIII-274d

Ut commissi vobis officii. Bull of Boniface VIII VIII-31C

Utel, Bishop of Hereford VII- 25Sd

Utenheim, Christopher von, Prince-Bishop of Basle II-339c; and Emser V-410d

Utenhove, Van, version of the Bible XV-373a

Uterus, Fallopio I-460a; V-772b; Steno I-160b

Utes, tribe, in California missions X-372C; in Colorado IV-129b; in Taos Pueblo mission XIV- 449a; in Utah XV-23Sa

Uther Pendragon, legend IX- 123c

UTHINA, titular see, .Africa Pro- consularis XV-241a

Uthman, Mohammedan caliph X-425b

UTICA, titular see, Africa Pro- con3ulari3XV-241b

Utica, town, Africa XV-8Sd

— town, New York, Bishop Bacon at n-191b; first Mass XIV- 398b; protectory XII-492d

— White Mass of. See Massa Candida

Utiessenovicz-Martinuzzi, Georg. See Martinuzzi, George

UTILITARIANISM XV -241c; XII-29C: and absolute imma- nence VII-684C; Aristotle VI- 640c; Association theorv XV- 242d; Bentham Il-482d; XV- 241c; Cumberiand XV-241d; and ethics V-559c; HartleyXV- 242a; Hedonistic teaching VII- 188a; Hobhes XV-241d; Hume XV-241d; individual VI-641b: Mill XV-241C; Paley XV- 241d; and PositivismXV-242b; Sidgwick XV-242d; social VI- 641b; Spencer XV-242d

Utility, in political economy XII- 214b; Spencer on I-369d; and truth XV-76a; value XII- 215d

Utinum. See Udine

Utjesenovic, George. See Mar- tinuzzi, George

Utlateca Indians. See Quiche

Ut-naplshtim, Babylonian hero XI-8Sd

UTOPIA XV-243a; IV-180C; V- 462c; XII-767c; XIV-691a; 092c

Ut periculosa. Constitution XII- 756d

Ut pestiferarum. Bull of Gregory XIII IIl-522b


Utra, in Nasorscanism X-706d

Utra Mkayyema, in Nasoreeanism X-706d

UTRAQUISM, heretical doctrine XV-244d; II-013d; Calixtines II-617a; Hussites VII-585C; in Karinthia VIII-608a; and Lutheranism II-12ob; in Mo- ravia X-562d; Prague Univer- sity X-244d; Rokvzana VII- 5S9b; Tanner on XIV-444b; See Calixtines; Hussites

Utrecht, district, in Natal vicar- iate X-70SC

— province, annexed to Nether- lands III-70c; Teutonic Order, Protestant branch of XIV- .'>42b: Town Hall and Old Ca- thedral Tower (Ul.) X\-247a

— Adrian de, cardinal Xn-292c

—ARCHDIOCESE OF, in Hol- land XV-24Sd; IV-117d; IX- 550d; XIV-(i36d; bishopric es- tablished Vn-391c; dispute XIV-662a; Groote VII-.36b; and Haarlem, half holy days VI-22d; old cathedral (ill.) XV-246a; Saint Willibrord XV-645b; synod (1S64) XV- 247c

— Conrad of. See Conrad of Utrecht

—Schism of VIII-293C; XV- 247a

—Treaty of III-233d; VII-3S7a: IX-372C: \-301)b; 4,i2a; tiSOb; 762c: Xl-136b: XII-77a; XIV- lS4b; XV-158C; Gibraltar VI- 5,50d: Melchior attends XII-

Largc typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.