Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/871

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Wold, W., martjT, at Bridlington

IU-293b Wolder, editor, Hamburg Bible

XII-222C; facsimile Xll-facing

Wolf, animal, in Bible I-520c; worship of VII-63Sb

— Antonius Aloysius, Bishop of Laibach VIII-744a; X-624d

— Christian. See Lupus, Chris- tian

— George D., and American Catholic Quarterly Review XI- 696c: and Catholic Congress IV-2.50b: and Catholic Stand- ard XI-694a

— Johann Nepomuk von, Bishop of Ratisbon X-('>.32b; .XlHioSd

— Joseph, and Bartolocci's work II-3ISa

—Mai ll-26d

— Sebastian, in California \ I- 4Slb

—Tobias XI-ITiSc

— Tribe of (Potawatomi Indians) XII-321b

— Dance, and Tonkawa Indians XIV-778C

— Dietrich, Archbishop of Salz- burg XIII-414b

Wolfe, David, in Ireland IV- 444b; 469d

— Tames, death IX-380b; monu- ment at Quebec (ill.) XII-596b; at Plains of Abraham XV-I59C

—John, martyr VIII-167d

Wolfenbiittel, Germany, abbey XV-537C; church III-19d; library of Placius III-535a; parish III-19a; witchcraft in XVH377a

— Fragments, controversy VI- .i23d

Wolferstan, B. III-482b

Wolferus, on Gunther VII-S5b

Wolf Expedition II-9b

Wolff, Boniface, Prior of Erding-


— Charles, on psychology XII- .54.5c

—Christian von VI-.522d; VIII- 603a; SESthetics, system of I- 174c; conversion of XV-682d; cosmological theories IV-413d; at Halle VI-.506c; XII-522d; and Leibniz IX-13Sb; logic of IX-327d; and ontology XI- 258c; on philosophy XII-27d; and Rationalism XII-652a

— Dorothea Klara V-388b


—Julius VI-.527d

— Kaspar Friedrich II-o74d; X- 133d

— Mayken de XV-.507C

WOLFGANG, SAINT XV-682d; XII-t'/o7d; and .\bbcy of Ratis- bon \'-40Gc; consecration of XIII-412a; mission, Mag>-ars II-122C; Othio on XI-350d; relics V-518b

— Patriarch of Aquileia. See Poppo

— Andrew, missionary VlII-712b; IX-74i)C

— of Anhalt V-760C; XIV-58b

— of Neuburg, at Breslau II- 763d: conversion II-7«a: and Peter Canisius XI-761b

— Theodorich. See Wolf Dietrich

Wolfhard, abbot, and St, Boni- face II— 656b

— of Herrieden, on St. Walburga XI-229b

Wolfhauer, Dietrich, Bishop of I.aviint IX-49b

Wolfhold, Abbot of Admont I- U.'ic

Wolfmannshausen, Saxe-Mein- il.t'cn XIll-49.-.b

Wolf-Metternich, Francis Arnold

of, Bishop of Miinstf-r X-638a Wolfold, priest 11-44 lb Wolfradt, .^bbot of KrerasmQns-

t.r VIII-70ic Wolfram, metal V-3Sla — .\bbot of Hirschau VII-363C —VON ESCHENBACH XV-

683d; VI-518C; VII-266a;

Grail, legend of the VI-719d;

Prester John, legend of XII-

400d; work of Vl-491d Wolfrath of Cologne, Anthony,

Bishop of Vienna XV-419d Wolgast, Pomerania XII-226a:

battle XIV-652a


684b: and Durer V-209d: at Nuremburg XI-399d; portrait XV-684C: and Schedel's work XIII-52.5b

WoUcki, Cyprian, Bishop of Wloclawck XV-682a

— Theophilus von, Archbishop of Gnesen-Posen VI-591C; death V-192d

Wolke, Christian Heinrich, and Basedow, Johann Bernard XI- 796d

Wolkenstein, Oswald von, minne- singer VI-.520a

WoUbring, Hildegonda, and Sis- ters of Notre Dame XI-131C

WoUey, EUzabeth IV-639C

WoUgang. See Poppo

WolUn, monastery Xn-225d

Wollner, Johann Christoph von, and Frc.lcrirk WiUiam II XII-

WoUowicz, Andrew, Bishop of Wloclawck XV-681d

— Eustachius. Bishop of Vilna XV-131C; 432c

WoUstonecraft, Mary XV-696b; on woman, status of XV-689b; 692a

Wolmar, Melchior, and Calvin III-196a: VII-528d

Wolmir, Bishop of Wloclawek XV-681C

Wolmundstein, Gerwich von, at Waldsa-ssen, .\bbey of XV- 530c

Wolonzewski, Matthias, Bishop of Samogitia XIII-421C


Wolpert, Abbot of Hersfeld VII- 297a

— Gerard, Abbot of Mariannhill IX-661b

Wolseley, Sir Garnet Joseph XIV^2Sb: XVl-lSa

Wolsey, Robert XV-685a

—THOMAS, cardinal XV-685a; 6.50c; 7:itc; II :i48a; IX-267b; and Allen, John I-321c; on Anne Bolevn V-445C; Arms of (ill.) Vll-facing 246; attainted II-59c; and Bonner II-675a; and Campeggio III-223b; and Canons Regular III-292C; and Carmelite convents III-3.56d; and Church of S. Cecelia XIII- 174b; and Clerk IV-51a; in divorce case IV-25d; XIII- 44c; and Gardiner, Stephen VI- 383a; and Henr\' VIII V-44.5d; VII-222d; and Humanism IV- 109d; and Kite III-349c; and Leo X IX-166a; and Mary Tudor IX-766b; medallions by Rovezzano XIII-212d; and Ox- ford College XI-368C; and Pole, Reginald XII-202b; portrait XV-685d; and Saint Alban's XIII-329b; and Thomas More XIV-691a; tomb XV-655a; and Vergil, Polydore XV-353c; and Vives, Juan Luis XV-492d; and William Warham XV-554C

Wolski, Marcin. See Bielski

— Nicholas, Bishop of Wloclawek XV-6S1C

WOLSTAN, SAINT XV-687b: 704a; I-507c; II-462d; and Aldwyn IX-577b; canonized VIII-16d; on grace, saying of XVI-555b; and I.osingo VII- 255b; shrine XIII-761d; and William the Conqueror XV- 643b; Worcester cathedral XV- 703d

Welter, Maurus, Congregation of Beuron Il^Sld

— Placid, at Maredsous, Abbey of II-4.51d; X-679d

Woltingerode, ahbcv at VII-129b

Wolucki, Paul, Hishop of Wlo- clawek XV-681d

Wolverad H von Altshausen. See Altshaosen, Wolverad II von

Wolverhampton, Convent of Mer- cy at VII-13.5d

Wolvinus, cloisonnC-c artist, St. Ambrose, Church of, Milan X- 221b

Wolzner, Octavian II-123b

WOMAN XV-687C: abduction of I-32b: .?4a; abstinence I- 7.3d; in Apocalypse I-.596d;

598d; XV-469c; and Athos II- 48c; and Axum sanctuary 11- 163d; in Babylonia II-187d; blessing of II-601a; in Byzan- tine Empire Ill-lOOa; in canon law XV-697a; Catholic atti- tude XIV-611a; and CathoHc College, first, of New York XV-229C; 693 c; 696c; Chaucer on III-644b: in China XV-689d; churching of III- 761b; as civil ruler XV-691a; and clerics IV-49c; 50b; XV- 691a; and cloister, female IV- •61c: and cloister, male IV- 6Ia; community of. Ana- baptists I-446b; creation of I- 130b; as deaconess IV-651b; devoutness of XV-698b; eccle- siastical disabilities II-6.59d; as ecclesiastical judge VIII-546a; education IV-89d; 90a; educa- tion, in Alabama I-241d; educa- tion of, Blanchard on II-593b; education of. Catholic attitude XV-696d; Encratites on V- 4I3a; in English-speaking coun- tries XV-694d; and exogamy XIV-794a; and Flagellants VI-90d; form of address XV-467b; and Franciscan Third Order XIV-641c; and genuflection VI-427a; in Greece III-639a; V-297b; XV- 690a: in Hammurabi's Code VII-126a; history XV-689c; in Japan XV-690a; among Jews XIV-437a; XV-464Hc; 690b; jurisdiction, power of XV-697C; labour and St. Anne I-539a; labour in Wis- consin XV -664a; labour, Wo- lowski on XV-685a; in Laws of Manu IX-613d; legal position XV-694b; in Marian prophecy XV-464bc; as Mass server X- 20d; as minister of baptism II- 269d; in ministry XV-696a; XV-697b; in Mithriiism X- 404a; modern question XV- 691c; among Mohammedans XV-690b; and monastic life X-476b; nature of XV-6S7d; among non-ciWlized people XV-689C; oblations XI-217b: pagan attitude XI-389b: pa- tristic attitude XV-691b; por- trait, by Giovanni B. Moroni X-576c; in presbyteries XV- 698a; as priest V-589a; prop- erty rights XV-665C: Protest- ant attitude XV-693C; in Reductions of Paraguay XII- 692c; as religious XI- 164a; re- ligious life of XV-691b; in Rome III-639a; V-298b; XV- 690a: among Sabeans XIII- 286b; in Scutari I-254b: in secret societies XIV-74a: seed of the XV-464BC; among Sen- ites XV-690b; as Shaman XIII-750d; and singing, litur- gical III-694a: IV-241b; X- 653d; XV-697d; sociological study of XIV-116b; and sol- emn vows IV-62a; as student, at Salerno X-126b; as student, in Russia XIII-241C; as stylite XIV-318a; subordination of XV-688b; suffrage XV-691d; as symbol XV-464d: and the sjTiagogue XIV-382b; and Sy- nod of Tara I-135C; at univer- sities XV-196d; as university professor II-642d; and Utopia XV-243d; and Vatican Ar- chives VIII-64C; and Viaticum XV-397d; virginity XV-458b; 690c; as witness XV-678a; as witness when married III-,592a

Woman's College, Baltimore IV- UOd

— Commonwealth XlV-69d

— Suffrage, International Con- federation for W-<'.»2c

Women, Association of Catholic IV-248a

— Holy, at foot of Cross XV-468d

— Towers of the, Jerusalem VIII- 35.5b

— of Jerusalem, in Way of Cross XV-.5r)9b: 57iid

Women's Christian Temperance Union XIV-492a; in Canada XIV-492C: in Japan VIII- 309c; work of XlV-484a


—Crusade XIV-492a —League, Catholic IV-249d;

XV-596C —Rights Convention XV-692C —Union, Alsace-Lorraine I-345b Women Teachers of Germany,

Catholic IV-24Sb Wonastow, Monmouthshire XV-

659d Wonder of the World, eighth V-

534d Wonderworker of England (St.

Cuthbert) lV-579a Wonder-working Triad, Acts of. See Acta Triadia Thauma- turgffi Wonersh, English-speaking semi- naries at XIII-700C Wonnow, Saint. .Sec Winwallus Woo, Chinese kingdom III-664C Wood, in altar I-346b; 362c: in

altar. Greek I-359c; in altar

screen I-356c; in antependium

I-366a; chalice I-357b; III-

663a; in chancel I-364b; in

ether I-44Sc; gathering, on the

Sabbath XIII-287d; teredos

I-366d; sculpture XIII-642c;

tabernacle I-364d Wood, Anthony & VII-511d; on

Cressy IV-lS6d; on Erdes-

wicke V-517d: on Fowler VI-

164d; on Habington VII-99c;

on HeyTvood, John VH-320a — Benjamin III-682d —Eugene D. I-258b — H. G. VI-673a — James XI-795b — James Frederick, Bishop of

Philadelphia XI-795b; XV-

554a; and Bishop Tuigg XII-

124d; at Vatican Council XV-

305b — S. A. M. I-243a —THOMAS XV-698C; VI-631d:

and Maillard, Antoine-Simon

IX-539C —William, death V-477d; 478a Woodall, John, surgeon X-133a Woodbyme, William VIII-155C WOOD -CARVING XV-698d;

(ill.) XV-ii99c; 700a Woodchester, priory II-164d;

Franciscan terliarics VI-419b Woodcock, Dorothy, and John

Woodcock XV-702a — Harriette Bard XI\-239a —JOHN, VENERABLE XV-

702a; n-242d; and Whitaker

XV-609a — Thomas X\-702a Wood Cree Indians Ill-229d Woodcutter, Francis Vll-547a Woodfen, Nicholas, martj-r V-

475d: XIV-313b Woodford, Elizabeth, religious

III-296d — Sir Ralph, Governor of Trini- dad XIl-291b WOODHEAD, ABRAHAM, con-

troversiali.'it X\-702b Woodhouse, Thomas, Blessed.

See Thomas Woodhouse Wood Lake, battle XIV-20d Woodley, Robert, missionary II-

705d: VII-144b; XII-509c;

XIII-22a Woodlock, Bartholomew, Bishop

of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise I-

31.5a —Ellen II-51a — Henry, Bishop of Winchester

XV-650C Wood Offering, feast II-556d Woodruff, Wiflord, Mormon X-

57,3b: XV-239b Woods, altars in I-360b — James Dominick XV-702C —JULIAN EDMUND TENI-

SON, scientist XV-702C: I-

140c; as journalist I1-120C;

portr.ait XV-702d; and St.

Joseph of the Sacred Heart,

Sisters of VI 1 1-5 18c; works

II-I19b: 119c — Terence, Brother of the Sacred

Heart XV-703a Woodstock, Council of (1175)

XI-211d — College II-2.34b; 280c; library,

Polyglot Psalter in (Ul.) I-

facing 412 Woodville, EUzabeth, queen H-


Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of pa^.