Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/872

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Woodward, John, naiuralist XII- 636c; loasils, theory of -Vl- 410b- on Niagara, recession ol XV-Tn.ic: 707b . .

—Samuel Bayard, physician VllHOd „VIT-

Woolhampton, town college .\11 •^OTa- monastery 11-44(C

Woollen, J°s<=Ph^S°?M M

4-,0a- VIlI-272d; and M. M.

^°?XtirJt^T7l'xpi64|'^ WooUton, Thomas, deist IV-

Wo^MSter, town, England, under Heptarchy VII-242a

—town, Massachusetts, Arnien- ians Xlll-Sld; 82a; Church in XIV-237a; Holy Cross College n - 705d- XIII - b99a; Holy Cross College, Bishop Baltes at I-367d; Holy Cross College, rebuilt II-597C .

—Dean C, on Filipinos MI-J-l"

-DIOCESE OF. England XV- 703c; I-508C; ^>^-^i^\' -^^J-

-^^ke'dU%l) XV-703C; ca- thedral, architecture VI-674b, Giffard VI-551d; chantry III- 577c- (ill.) XV-703b; rebuilt XV-687b; Saint Wulstan, tomb of XIII-761d; schola cantorum XIII-547d; shrine XUl-it>iQ —chapel, seventeenth-century III-364a; chapter-houses lU- iMcfchlrrch of I-Ua; lands V-103b; monastery ot vu 678b; Fleury tradition I-o08d, Saint Wolstan j^t XV-68(b, Shrine of Our Lady XIU-7Gla, synod of C1240), on confirma- tion IV-221c; and \ork I-oOSc -eSs of. See Somerset, Henry, second Earl; Somerset, Ed- ward, fourth Earl „„ — CoUege, Oxford XI-366b , 369c ,

founded n-«"<:. „

Word, Divine, Society of the. bee

Divine Word —Incarnate, Sisters of Char- ity of the. See Incarnate Word —of God I-708b; X}-Mb; 5oc in Apocalypse I-o9od: 597b Avicebron'a philosophy 11 157a- Clement of Alexan- dria 'lV-46a; Druze, theology V-1fi7a- Incarnation, ana 'a salvation Xin-i07a;

Logos IX-328d; Ph°'j,'"^^": 43b- in Roman Creed I-630d, RomerCouncilof(381)I^16a; sign of the Cross XUI-7S^a.

temporal g?n«'V'iS. vl-fiSOa —of God, Society of the XI-68Ua _^f God (Scripture) II-543c^

Protestants on III-202C, All

496a; See Bible WORDS, in canon law X\--<04B Wordswo'rth.Chnstopher Church

historian IV-lblb; \ II-380a,

New Testament V-292C -Jo^. B'!'>°P,?i.!e"'?K8¥d:

—Gardens IV-244d

— Party, and Brownson III-ID

Working Women's Protective

Union XV-694a Works, Good X-204b; XII-496b , Antinomian teaching l-5b4a, 5G7a; ApostoUc Fathers on 1-- 639b; Augsburg, teaching ot V-760c; St. Augustine 111- 203b; XIII-703d; Calvin III- 201d; CathoUc teaching -'s.- 205b; external, and Qmetists XII-609d; and faith v-/58b; Indiculus, teaching of X111-- 706a; St. James, teaching Qt XIII-162C; Joviman on XIV 26c; and justification \T-iOJc; Malanchthon .X-152b; peni- tential, and Qmetists XII-609d, Peter of Bruys XI-781b; pre- Scholastic teaching XI '" 617d; Protestant teachmg -\.ii-; 496b' XIV-6d; Reformers teaching IIl-202d; regenera- tion XII-714d; Scotism XIII- 610d; Semipelagiamsm XUl 704c; Sikh teaching XII ^-789a, Simonianism XIII-797D- su- pernatural order XI\-33-o. Swedenborgianism XIV-3oba, Univeraalist teaching XV -181C, Wessel XV-590b World, and We XIV- 61ob; and Church III-7olb, and cloister XlII-67od , —(Earth), as centre of universe XV-183c; Confucians worship iv-227b; denudation XV- 706a; duration I-716b; VI-

End of: ^neas of Gaza I-IJ^"*;

calculated I--561a; St- M^la- ,hy's . prophecp,^ XII-476C

architecture VI-677a; (lU.) XV-707C , ■ ..

—Concordat of (1121) ecclesiasti- cal nomination XI-94a; (1122) III-186a; IV-197a; 203b; VI- 490c; VII-233a; 456c VIII- 8Sa, xni-412c; XV-246b; 70Sb; Lateran Council (1123) IX-16d; on papal power XI- 454a on St. Otto II-243C; (1123) VII-456C

—Diet 0/ (1076) Gregory VII VIII-85b; terms VII-233a, (1460) Bessarion II-52Sa; (1495) Berthold of Henneberg II-520d; universal pacification of Empire VI-498c; (1521) 111

tJisnop Ol '-*""""„ ■'.o; J vsoa- on celibacy III-484d ^6?; on Swedish Church XIV-350a ^ „ ...

-William V-46Sa; De \ere IV- 763b; Geoffrey of Monmouth

Worgan, Bishop of Llandaff. See

Work,scicntific meaning Vr'22c -Servile, in Anglo-Saxon Church I-510c;on tolxdaysXU -34^, on Jewish feSt'vals XIV--341d 426a; obligation to V-5b3b, on Sunday XIII-287d; XIV-335d;

Workhouses, and Wiseman XV-

Working Bee, periodical XIII-

— Boys' Home, Chicago -\II- 493c , , ,,,..

Workingmen, abstinence l-'ua, association II-3a; association. Catholic XIV-70C; cloister fe- male IV-61C; Germany XV- 6.5r,c, XVI-21C; Russia XIII-

Worllrngmen's Benevolent Un- ion, tilovenian Xl\-^t>a

—Compensation law, Wisconsin XV-064a; C64d


chys propuecj .^-. -•--. Thomistic teachmg XlV-bb/a, Zoroastrians II-lo6b

—Form I-581d; yi-449b: de Agreda I-230a; Albertus Mag- nus I-i66a; Clairaut XII-63a, Vergilius of Salzburg XV- 354a

—map: Mauro Vl-facing 4o0; map Waldseemilller XV-531a. measurement of. Eratosthenes XIV-367d; and mmd theory

-lkoti!n XII-50d; XV-185»; Alexandre I-299C-, Aristotle I- 716c; Calcagmm XU-MC, Copernicus yi-344b; XII-53d XV-lS4b; Foucault Vl-157a, GaUlei Vl-344a; GUbert XII- .■jSa- Greek astronomers 11- id;GugUelminiVII-61c;Her- aclidean system XV--183C, Nicholas of Cusa XII-3-C, Ptolemy II-25d; R'cnoU XIII- 40b; Tvcho Brahe XII-54C; da Vinci XII-53a — in mythology, Indian X-3«c —Origin: Albigenses I-268a; Aris- totle I-716c; Chinese phdoso- nhv III-667C; Creation theol- oev XIV-584d; Filipino myth XII-14d; immanence theory VII-684a; 6S5b; Ionian philos- ophers VIII-93b; Mamchseans IX-S92C; Simonians XIU- 797a; da Vinci XV-444b -Pantheism XI-447d; Plato Xll-lOla; population (19Ub-») XIV-280C; solidification XV- 704d; temperature XV-70,5a — ANTItJUITY OF XV-704d,

lll-731d ,, .

—Systems of the. .See Umverse,

Systems of the World-constituting, in Nasoratan-

ism X-706d , .,

WorldUness of clergy, and the

Reformation XII-7()0d Worlds. Plurahty of XH-Slb ,

625d; IX-446a; XV-70Sc; Bal- bus II-217b: Charles V VI-^ 500b; Contanm Iv'-323a, George the Bearded VI-457d, Luther XIII-499C; on works V-758b; (1540) Badia II-20pb; Pelargus XI-608C; Peter Faber

— DiVJutaltan of (1540) BiUick II-566d; Eck V-272d; (1557) Staphvlus XIV-249a _ —Edict of (1521) Chieregati, em- bassy of lll-658d; Speyer XIV-215a; (15'24) Campeggio III-223C; enforced V-272C —monastery at VII-281d; relig- ious colloquy (loo7) X-la3b —Synod of (WIG) VI-794c; VII- 521b; XIII-412b; Benno II II- 482a; German bishops VII-63c; Gregory VII IV-287c; VII- Vslb? on Henry IV VI-490a; (1122) I-127b; III-lS6a; on investiture VI-490c —Treaty of (1743) on Vigerano XV-426b; View of the city (ill.) XV-70Sb; war with von Sickingen VI-499b — Rene, sociologist .\1V-11>D Wormwood, in Bible I-596c;

XII-1.57b; See Absinthe WORNDLE, AUGUST VON,

painter XV-709C , —EDMUND VON, painter X\ -

709b — Hemich von XV-<09c — Hermann von XV-709C — Johann von X\-7i)9b

Joseph von X\-~10a

—Joseph Anthony von XV-709a — Paula von XV-710a

PHILIP VON, soldier XV-709a

—Wilhelm von XV-709C Womes, island Xin-232c Womitz, river II-354a Woronicz, John Paul Pawenza, Archbishop of Warsaw XV- 555d; poet Xn-l?8c Worringen, battle IV-116d Worship, -Msace-Lorraine 1-3420, Blackfeet Indians II-591b; ceremonial. Sikhism XIU- 789c; in earlv African Church I-194d; false gods I-lo2d — Freedom of: Arkansas Consti- tution I-725d; Canada II I- 229d; religious toleranc^ XIV- 765a; Wisconsin XV-6b5a —Jewish XV-712b; Jewnsh and Christian worship Xy-711d, pagan XV-712C; Pans XI- 509b; Peter of Bruys, teaching of XI-781b; relative I-152b; Sabbath Xni-28Sa; Sikhs XIII-789C; Sivaite II-734d; state XIV-765b; and supersti- XIV -339c; 340c- - " -<

XII-37.3a; liturgical IX-305b; private XV-710C; public X\- 710c; public, use of .\nien 1- 408a; public. Le Play on Xll- 163c; organic articles I-7oba; of relics XII-734d; religious XII-741d; and Rites. Congre- gation of Xin-144c; social XIV-77b; temple, paean XIV-495d; term I-lo2c; VII- 668d; 670d; of Trinity XV- 710d; unity of XV-180a; un- worthy I-i52d; voluntary as- sociations, necessity of II-3a Worshippers, Christian I-668a —of the Devil IV-767C WORSLEY, EDWARD, contro- versialist XV-713b Worth, battle (1870) VI-ol2c;

monastery XVI-Sa — Charles, physician VIll-4oa Worthington, John, Jesmt X\-

714b , ^^ .,

— Lewis, and Sisters of Charity

XIV-28d —Richard XV-714b —Robert XV-7Ub —THOMAS XV-713C; XI-755c; and Burgis ni-65c; Douay Version V-llOb; XV-3,bd translation of IX-728b; and Hatton VII-l.'?Ob; as president of Douai V-138d; 139b; Ver- sion of Bible XV-3/6d; on Wharton XV-608a —William VI-3SSa Worthy First Commumon, con- fraternity X1V-127C Wortley, Francis XV -6310 Wotan, deity X-276d . .

Wotten, Henry, and de Dominii

V-113C — John, catechism V-/80

worias, r-iuia."j -: . li oo7r World-Seed, Gnosticism U-iSiC World-Soul, Avicebron on 11- fiTa- in Emanatiomsm V- 398b'- hypothesis IV-472d; Plato on Xil-161a;XIV-1.53c; theories XlV-l.Wb . World's Women's Christian Tem- perance Union XIV-4.l-b Wormhoult, \nu^Ty X\ b.^sb Worms, in Bible l-525b; 52bd WORMS XV;^707d; assenibly (l'i40) V-35d; IX-456a; (107b) Burchard of Basle at III-63b: Burchard of Worms lll-64a, cathedral lll-64b; XV-708d-

sy-mbolism XIV-373d; temple Roman XIV-496C; Temple of Jerusalem XIV -499a- in •' Testament of Adam l-l'>-;°' in Theophilanthropism XIV- 624c; Vishmute II-734d . —CHRISTIAN XV-710a; begin- ning of XV-71 ic; censer use of III-519C; ceremonies 111-03&C, and Church XI V-251b; Church and State XIV-2.i2d —Christian, Disparity of. .bee

Disparity of Worship —Divine I-1.51d; XV-710d; de- cree of Baltimore II-237C; '">38d- distinctions. Euscbius of CiDsn'rca" I-4.86a; in early Church I-197a; exterior XV- 710b; exterior and interior 1- 152a; interior XV-71()b; and Jewish worship XV -aid; la- treurical, of Precious Blood

wiulfe", David XIV--92d; am O'Donnell, Edmund XI-210C —Stephen, Chief Baron of th Irish Exchequer, at Stonyhurs XIV-309d Wounded Knee Creek, battl XIV-23a

WOUNDS, FIVE SACRED X\ 714c; devotion to XI 1-2, 61 feast XI-527a; 52,b; Offic XI-527b; Office, and Panf lingua XI-442a; symbohzed I 346a; IV-525d

— Five Sacred, banner \ 11-/.^..

—of Our Lord, Five, Rehgioi of the, founded IX-;4< 6b

Wourali poison XV-567b

Wouters, Andreas, martyr VJ

—Cornelius IX-280b; and Co

Sander III-403a . G. HENRY, historian XI

715b- vn-37Sc Wovoki, Indian chief. V 1-548: Wrangel, mission I-2oOD, .Jou — Friedrich Heinrich Ernst, ge

eral XIII-544d; Thirty Yet

War XIV-656d Wrangham, David S. .Xlll-2 Wranglers, at Cambridge II

Wrappeier, William, missions

XI~793d , ^ 1 -

Wrath, Vessels of, Calvan

XII-378C ^ . , Wratislaus. See Wratislaw yon Mitrowitz, Johann Aoa

^,e Adam, Johann Wratislaw I, Duke of Boher

XII-338b — n, Czech king II-613c; recei

m tre X-40.'id; 561c; 5b

XII-'.5c; 339a; XIII-411' — ix, Duke of I'oiiierania.

Greifswald I'liiveraity V

2f)a; XU-22tia Wraugham, Agnes Evenlda A

Wray, CecU M. A. IX-71Sb Wrbna-Rydzynski, Franz Xai

count. Bishop of Culm .

Wreaths, Greek wedding 1 70Tb

Wreckers, Protestant organ tion Vll-3'20c . ^.

Wrede, Adolf von, in jVrabu l'i63d

—WiUiam XIV-393a

Wren, Sir Christopher, archi XV-593C; as anatomist , 495b; at Cambridge 111-2 215a; churches V-255C; on

^— ^at^tltlea^f^^^ii^le^;^^^^^^^^^^:^"^^ ^"'•' = """'""""^