Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/879

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lanella, canon Xl-r.flflb -Giacomo, writer VIlI-252d

anelli, bishop .\n-l
anelo, Ips.ilc XlV-lSOd; on

Mozaraliic U'lU- X~(illd

anetti. Bishop of Trex-iso XV-

3Sb [anettini, Sigismondo, Bishop of

Fermo VI-44b


TIAN XV-749d; II - 129a;

XIII-672b anguebar, in Book of Marco

Polo XII-218C angwiU, Israel, Zionist XV-~60d

ini, town. Si^e Tanis

Sebastiano VII-288b amnovic, Jordanus, Bishop of

Losina IX-I91b annello. iSfc Zanelo annoni, Bernardino, Jesuit I-

.543b annotti, Francesco I-544b anoa I (Zanu'a) VI-146C -II (Zanuta) VI-446C

ih. See Zanoa

anobi. Bishop of Fiesole VI-70C anobius. Bishop of Florence VI-

110c anoe. See Zanoa anquebar. See Zanzibar ante, island VIII - 91c; and

France XV-338b -l.iwn lill.l VIIl-92 -DIOCESE OF XV-750a; VI-

73Sd; 74l)d; VIII-92b; and Ce-

ph:ilonia VI-743a; hturgy I-

.■|74a; IX-313b; XIII-ti6c

antedeschi, Francesco

X\' 7.50b

anuta iZenoa) VH46c

lanzalos. -S^*? Baradseus lANZIBAR XV-750C; geography

XVI-S.3a; Germans in VI-514C;

I»l:imisru I-lSlia: in Marco

P.,lo'» Book Xn-21.Sc; Parsee-

ism I-lsr,d: Protestant mis- I-1S7C; IS.Sa -NORTHERN, VICARIATE


IV-J3<ib; maps I-facing ISO;



IV _'3i>b; maps I-facing 180;

IV facing 236 iaolan. .Sec Aoalos iaozerski, canonist XIII-264a

aparo Indians VII-758b; VIII-

40.",a Zapata, Bishop of Palencia XI-

ll^b - Carrizo) III-3c -y Sandoval, Juan, Bishop of

(JtlLitemala yiI-o4b [aphon. See Sapbon lapletal, Vincenz, on Ecclesiastes

V-24.5b; 248c; on Totemism

XIV-789b 'apolya, Barbara IX-llb; Krzy-

rki on VIII-702d -John Sigismund, King of Hun- gary. See John Sigismund

(Zapolva), King of Hungary -Stephan IX-735a

apopan, seminary VII— i3a; (ill.)

VI I -facing 42 laporogian Cossacks, polyandry



apoteca (Zapotecos) In-

dians XV-7.51d: VII-756a; XI-180d; and Cordova IV- 360d; ethnology XII-626d; language I-»llc; and Mixe In- dians X-408C; and Mixetca Inilians X-J09b

'appi, Francesco Maria, Bishop of .M.'i-ssa Carrara X-24d

'appohao, battle X-413a

lara, .son of Juda VIII-536C

-town IV-.'ilOc; fiOfib; Crusade IV-304a: 549d; VI-766b; VIII- li'.a: XV-.337a

-ARCHDIOCESE OF XV-7.52a; II 13i;b: IV 1,01 ,d; VI~7.=i.5a; 7.'>.'>b; al.l.f V II J.'.Jc: cathedral (ill. I XV-7."i2b: rcliBir. us orders II-13lJd; San Donato. Church of II -277c; seminary IV-600c; .Slavonic, use of VI-o76b

^aracome. .See Zacome

^aragoza. See Saragossa

^arah. See Zara

JARAI, titular See of XV- 7.-|2b

Jarate, Gil y III-770a

— Juan Lopez de. Bishop of Oax-

aca Xl-lSOd — Juan Ortiz de, governor XI-

470d; .and Barco II-292a — Salmeron, Geronimo de, mis-

.sionary XI-3b Zaratha. .See Zarai Zara the Ethiopian VIII-655a Zarathushtra. See Zoroaster Zar*a Ya* qob. King of Ethiopia

V-,571b Zarbl, writer VII-t47a Zarco, Joao Gonfalvez VII-239d Zardetti, Otto, .Archbishop of

Bukarest III-45d; and 5less-

mer X-320b Zarephath. .See Sarepta Zaretan. See Sarthan Zarethshahar. .See Sarathasar Zargo, Joao Gongalvez. .See Zarco Zariadris, King of Sophene I-


SEPPE) XV-7.52C; Vll-UOa;

XI-29Sb; and Croce IV-513C;

and Willaert XV-(i26d Zamcke, Friedrich Karl Theodor,

philologist IX-141a; on Prester

John XII-400C; 401b Zarpanit, deity II-182d Zarrentin, convent XVI-70b Zarrhytus, Hippo. .See Hippo

Zarrhvtus ZASIUS, ULRIC XV-752d- at

Freiburg VI-26.Sa; and Luther

IX-450a; portiait XV-753a

and Reisch XII-731b Zasodimski, author VII-562C Zaszlonk, periodical VII-5l)2c Zalotchnik, Daniel, writer XIII-

2iisb Zaulis, Domenico de. Bishop of

\eroli XV-339C Zava Indians. .See Yagua Indians Zavagha, Damiano, Bishop of

Mondovi X-478C Zavala, mis.sionary XII-109d — Lorenzo de, statesman XIV-

rnOb — Martin de. Bishop of Pamplona

Xl-43Sb Zavoral, Method, Abbot of Stra-

hov XIV-312C Zayas, Maria de, writer XIV-

199b Zayin VII-170c; XIV-529C Zazzara, Jerome, Franciscan

XIV-648a Zbigniew, Bishop of Kamenetz

I.X-46.5b — of Olesnica, Bishop of Wloc-

lawek. 5ee Olesnicki Zbinko. .See Zbynek n-124b Zbiruiski, Bishop of Chelm VI-

746c; at Brest XV-130d Zbynek, .\rchhishop of Prague

II-124b; VII-5S4C Zdanowicz, Ludovic, Bishop of

Vilna XV-432d; 433a Zdik, Bishop of Olmutz. Sec

Henry, Bishop of Olmutz Zdzitowiecki, Stanislaus Casimir,

Bishop of Wloclawck XV-681d Zea, See of. See Keos — Francisco Antonio, botanist X-

6.59c ZEAL XV-7.5.3a; and contempla- tion XIV-621C Zealand, island. Denmark IV-

722d; XVI-71b; ecclesiastical

law IX-43Sa; Lutheran diocese

1V-723C — pro\-ince, Holland, and Bur- gundy II I-68d; rebellion 1-37 lb Zeal Monachorum III-2.Sa Zealots VIII-38Sd; 3,89a; and

Abomination of Desolation I-

46b; and Antichrist I-.561b;

and Pharisees XI-790b; Sodh

XII-619a Zeb, name X-676d —Prince VI-i03a Zebah. .See Zebee Zebahim, in Talmud XIV-437b Zeballos, Pedro de, viceroy of

River Plate I-703d Z^baro Indians. .See Jibaro Zcbed, in.scription .\III-711a Zebedee, father of St. James the

Greater VIII-279b — father of St. John the Evangel- ist VIII-492a Zebee, king VI-103a Zebennus, Bishop of Eleutherop-

olis V-380a —Bishop of Pella XI-609a

Zebi. .See Zovi Zebinas, Saint l\'-597a Zeboim. .See .Scboim Zebrzydowski, Polish rebel XIV-

34d; 422a; \V-763c —Andreas, Bishop of Wladislaw

Xll-l.s4d: XV-681C Zebii (Cebii) lll-471a Zebulum tZebulun). See Zabulon Zecca, Venice Ill-220b Zecchinelli, Jesuit XIII-199c Zecchino, coin X-335c; XI-154d Zechariah, Bibhcal commentator

IV-162d — .See Zacharias Zedad. See Sedada Zedekiah (Zedekias), King of

Juda. See Sedecias —physician VIII-392C Zeeb. See Zeb Zeeland. See Zealand Zeelstius, calendar reform IX-


XV-7.53C Zeglinski, poet XII-199d Zegma. .See liirejik Zehender, conversion of XII-

llSb Zehngerichtenbund XIV-3ti0b Zehnter, Johann X^'I-23c Zeibeks, trilH- l-7.S9d Zeichen der Zeit im Guten und

Bosen, periodical VII-61C Zeidler, Jerome, Abbot General

of Prfmontrf XII-390d Zeinab, wife of Mohammed VIII-

692d Zeirites XV-.59C Zeitenlik, seminary IV-307b; X-

364d; XIV-fi34c Zeitschrift der deutschen geolo-

gischen Gesellschaft IX-3r)5d — fiir celtische Philologie VIII-

I23b — fiir christUche Erziehungswis-

senschaft .\III-5.54d —fiir christhche Kunst VII-190c;

XI-6S0b — fiir Geschichte des Oberrheins

X-478d — fiir katholische Theologie VI-

725b; VIl-27.Sd; VIII -2.5b;

XI -678b; 67Sc; XlV-llOd;

282d — fiir lutherische Theologie I-

561a — fiir Schweizerische Kirchen-

geschichte X1V-.364C —fur Theologie und Kirche XIII-

S7a — fiir Wissenschafthche Theolo- gie XV-519C Zeitung fiir Einsiedler VI-652d ZELA, titular See of XV-7,53d Zelada, cardinal XV-29IC; 310a Zeladiana, Bibliotheca, Vatican

XV-291b; catalogue XV-292C Zelanti IV-34c; VI-245a; 246b;

283c; 730b; VIII-4S0c; XIV-

231c Zelazna Brama, Warsaw XV-

555b^ Zelezny, John, Bishop of Leito-

mischl VII-58.5d; 588b; Con- stance, Council of VII-586b;

and Hus XIV-312b Zell, abbcv XV-719C —KARL .\V-7.54a —Matthias, r.fnrmer XIV-314a — ULRICH XV-7.54b ZeUa, Interim of VIII-78a Zeller, Edward, philosopher XII-

33c: religious staristics XIV-

274d; 27tid; at Tubingen XV-

S4a — George, musician X-t)58d Zello, missionary XI-451d Zelo domus Dei, Bull of Innocent

X Vni-21b Zelos, Archon VI-596a Zelotes. .See Simon Zelpha, wife of Jacob IV-207c;

XV-39C; and A-ser I-774d; and

Gad VI-33Id Zemaraim. .See Samaraim Zemarchus, Bishop of Sidyma

Xin-778d Zemarite. .Sec Samarite Zemcke. See John the Teuton Zemlianoigorod, Moscow X-

.591d; .592b Zemlja i Volja, periodical XI-

Zempoaltepec, peak X-250b Zen, Buddhist sect VIII-305b


Zenaias. .See Philoxenus of Mab- bogh

Zenale, artist XV-445a

Zenan. .See Sanan

Zenas, and Justin Martyr VIII- 583a

—Bishop of Pinara Xll-lOlb

Zend, language II-I56d

Zendales 1-4 lie

Zend-Avesta. .See Avesta

Zendjibar. .See Zanzibar

Zenea, Juan Clemente, writer XIV-207d

Zenger, Karel, writer IV-600d

ZENGG-MODRUS, DIOCESE OF XV-754d; Slavonic, use of Vl-576b

Zengui. .See Zenki

Zenicetus Xl-790d

Zenki (Zengui), Emir of Mossul X-59Sd; Edessa V-283a

Zennen, Saint. See Sennen, St.

Zenner, Franz II-130a; XIII- 595d

—J. K., on Hebrew metre XII- 541c; on Psalms XII-542a

Zenno, Giambattista, astrologer II-23a

Zeno, Saint, martyr VI-401a

—Emperor Ill-99c; 100c; X- 598a: and .-Elurus X-489d: Edessa school Ill-lOOd; V- 232d; X-1.57C: exile XlV-2d: Henoticon Vn-21Sb; XIII- 533d; and John of Alexandria I-301C: and John Talaia VIII- 4S5c; Monophysite controversy I-82c; and Nepos XIII-180a: and Peter Fullo XI-768a; and Philoxenus X-493c: religious policy III-103b; schism VI- 762c; St. Thecla. tomb of XIII- 6S9d; and Theodoric the Great XIV-576b

— Bishop of Curium IV-573a

— Bishop of Rhinocolura XIII- 19c

—Bishop of Seville XIII-744c; XIV-3b

— Bishop of Sinope XIV~I4c

—Bishop of Teuchira XIV-541a

—SAINT, Bishop of Verona XV- 734d; 361c; Ballerini edits II- 223d; Credi's painting (ill.) XV-755b; cross IV-521d; and Latin literature IX-25b; as martyr II-365d; relics XIII- 380d

— Antonio, explorer I-42Ic; IV- 10a

— Apostolo, poet X-234b; XI- 683b: and Maffei XVI-58c

—Carlo, admiral III-68gb; XII- 665b

— Giovaiuii Battista, cardinal. Bishop of Vicenza XV-405c; and Alexander VI I-289d; tomb XV-334b

— Jacopo, Bishop of Padua XI- 386d

— Nicolo, cartographer IV- 10b; map I-421C; IV-lOa; romance I-418d

—Sister M., religious I-2.50b

—of Cittium, Stoic V-558c: VI- 641d; Xll-31c; XlII-517a; XIV-299b; immanence theory VII-682b: naturalism X-7I.5a

—OF ELEA XV-75lia; in art, Gaddi I-7t>2d; logic IX-325C; scepticism V-142a

Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra I- 667c; XI-433d; 71.5b; XIII- 708d; and St. Anatolius I-457c; and Aurelian II - 108c; and Patilof Samosata l- OOM; XI- S89b

Zenobius, martj-r XIII-777b; XIV-402d

—Syrian writer XIV-409b

—Bishop of Barca Il-288d

—Bishop of Elusa V-39od

—SAINT, Bishop of Florence XV-7.5.5C; in art. Dupi6 XVI- 37a; in art, Ghirlandajo VI- 546c; in art, Ghirlandajo (ill.) XV-755C: reliquary VI-.544d

— Bishop of Seloucia Pieria XIII- 689b

—Bishop of Zephyrium XV-757b

Zenodorus, tetrarch IX-427a

Zenodotus, Bishop of Telmessus XlV-47.Sd

—librarian, at Alexandria I-303b

Zenoc, Saint, Archbishop of

euu^., oHiui, /ii..uh

Benevento II-478b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.