Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/880

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.:..!.. a„o nt Zever. TuUus


ZENONOPOLIS, titular See of

XV-75lia Zenophilus, Donuhus, consular of

Thignica macripUoQ XIV-b.lbB

und Geodynamk. .Ve Central Meteorological institute Zentrum party, •«■ C™"^;^^^ Zentrumsverein. .See centrum,

Ze^crbat"^ (1S7S) II-696C zlSedas, Francisco. .S«. Cepeda Zephaniah. .S«, Zephath. N,.- ^ephaath Zephrona \ I-44C)d Ze?hyria (.HaUcarnassus) VII

117b FeX^^mU'^aXeVch, Canada

XlSd; church, United States


^^XV 756b- XII-273a-, on altar

bread I-349c; and CalUs ua

Tn-lS4b; 505b; chalice III-

562a; on Christ X-450c; m

Doctrine of Add^i Vqld ' ml Eucharistic host VII-494d^ and


wntiT XIV-207b Zeques i Shamans) III-6o3a Ze?a'im, Seder, in Talmud XIV-


Zinn, Johann Gottfried, anato- mist X-132d; 135c_

Zinna, monastery 11-' 39a

Zinovi of Hua, writings XUl- 269b

7inuchi, Georgius IX-477C

zi^La. i^^^^^^ishop of -?^^„S^:

4763; and the Herrnhuter Xll- 7Q9c; and Moravian Brethren Il-eiSa- VI-770d; in Philadel- phia IX-461a; jegeneration

Zeyer, JuUus, poet rV-600b Zgoda, periodical, Chicago XI- ^??Sd;XII-20Sd;212a;Xyi-8a Zhadovski, poet XIll--'3a Zhamakirk, liturgical book -Vlll 79a

Zhitomir, Diocese of. See Lutzk,

Zhitomir, and Kamenetz Zhukovski, VassiU Andreievitch,

author XIII-2'.lc Ziadeth, family, Sicily XIII-775a —Allah. Prince of Kairowan

XIII-775a Ziamo, periodical XI-688a Ziba See Biba Zibaro Indians .See Jibaro Zichnffi, Sec of \ l-'f'^ . Zichy, Ferdinand II-135d — Johanni IV-249b

Melanie X-246d

Ziddim. See Assedim . Ziebarth, church histonan \U

•(•iSc- XII-415d ZieA^Jaiuarius. wood -carver


XV-758a; II-f62b Ziegenhagen, blacksnuth V ii

—k'ti. II-619b

Zieeenhain, Johann von VI-314b

-dttS? Archbishop of Trier XV -

ZIEGLER, GREGORIUS THOMAS xy-/^b. VII S64a; IX-274C; XIV-4o8d. works II-129a —Martin V-160a Zielenbach, A. Vll-tOOb Zielinski, poet XII-199d Z InSowicz, Michael, Bishop of

VilnaXV-432c;433b Zienichzee. battle XIM^_

Soctrine of Xli7715b Zinzgha, in Armoman Rite -Xm

Zion!" Stakes of. See Stakes of ZIONISTS XV-760C; VII-703d;

VIII-!03b 7IONITES XV-7fila Zion Union ApostoUc Church X-

241c , ,

Zipangu. Sff Japah Ziph, Palestine III-157d. IV

750a; VI-446d; David in I\-

643a' ^ ,

Ziphron. See Zephrona Zipoetes, King of Bithynia XI-


Zera "jacob emperor I-76c

Hits, l^c'ho^ "^ S»fs li^tllE'-C^RN^mS VAN

Zerbi, Gabriele, anatomist I- ZI^RIKZEE,. C^_^^^^^_^

459c; X-129d vv-727b Zifteh, mission, Egypt IV-701d

llfbK'zSeT'Le^JerS ii|^-._EutIiyrniu_s, theolo-

ofZutphen yprbst. mission l"'^>i"**\„ ifrklS. Wady VlII-196a Zeromski, "nter XII-2Ula Zerqa,Nahr es- (Jaboc) Vl-44ua,

Ze^rr?An°on. Bishop of Tiraspol

Ze^bVbel* frv^°08a^X-^02d Zervanites, sect IV-^USa, jv-iu^u Zerviah. See Saryaa ^_^^g^ Zeta, Slavic principality X o-Ja ZEUGMA (ZEUMA) XV - 7570, „il V-7.'i7d

"^"rn"rV-l"65^-VI-768b, St Matthew's Gospel X-6.3d, on Paulicians XI-585a; works I-239d , , . ,, ,_-^.

Ziggurrat, Babylonia 11-17 <d.


IlA36c; XIV-421b Ziiconium XV-706C ZIRCZ, abbey X\-'blc. VU

Ziriksee, ComeUus von. aee

Zit-rikzee Ziritu, John XI-162a zirkel, Bishop of Wurzburg X\-

Ziski?John n-VHh: XIII-785a; XV-245a; and Hunyady VU- V;«a and Picards I-135b; and Sicismund VI-496d

-of Troznow, heretic yiI-5S7a

Zislinska, M ana XI I- 56 la


Zitacuaro, Mexico X-28.C, siegt

7tta'shome for friend-


20c- in Nasorseanism X-707a; Psalter of Kmg Athelstan (ill.) I-facing 766 Zoe, Saint XII-94d — Bvzantine empress lU-lu/a,

108c; 109b:. X-273b._ Zoega, Christian XV- (03a — JORGEN XV-763a; IlTBSSa: XU-460d; portrait XV-763a Zoen, Bishop of Avignon I-2B7C Zoe Pateologus, Empress of Hus-

sia XIII-255d Zoestius lX-248d Zogho, J. C, nuncio V^09c, XI-

Zographu, monastep' fl-**.^,^- Zohar. Kabbahstic book V- 02b,

Vl-OOla; VIII-394b; 590a Zoheleth VI-446d; VIII-352a Zoilus, Patriarch of Alexandria

-pftria^rch of Antioch X;lV-70^ —Bishop of Khaphansea XIH-lSc ZojedzdoviJ, Angelus y-^^^^-

and Mohammed II n-b97a Zoker, grandson of St. Jude VU-

Zol^.^'^Emile, novelist VI-203C; and Brunetiere III-lOc; and German literature \ l-528a —Giovanni Battista, Blessed. Set

John Battista Zola —Giuseppe VII-37bd; at Pavia,

University of XI-594b ZOLKIEWSKI, STANISLAUS XV-763C; XIV-61C, memoir: XV-764a; portrait X\-/b3d ZoUem, Friednch von, B|shop o Augsburg II-75a; \I-404c svnod Il-78d Zolii, Marcantonio, Bishop c Crema IV-481C .


ZoUverein VI-510a

Zoltan, Hungarian ruler \ 11-54.

Zomzommims I-431d; ^-.^T^^it

ZONARAS, JOHN X\--764. Vll-37oa- on abstinence i-/^^ chronicle 'lll-117a; as hymi odist VII-600a; portrait X> 7r,4b; scriptural glossary- V Iock! „.riAn,.s XIII-267b

council X-757a

ofPherecydesIV-411a-,asFate V-793C; in pagan mysteries X^ •W2a- as Logos lX-3zaD, lTcU%. Mount. Athos II-; 47d; shrine, Olympia XI-2bba in Simonian doctrine XI U 797b; Stoic doctrine XIV-^MMC temoles XIV-496a; worship of, Seb?sLxiII-«67c;S6eTydeuB

Ammoa. See Zeu3

ZcS^saoreus, temple. Straton-

icea XI.V-315b — Epicarpios XIV-14»c —Kasios, temple, Mylaaa IH-

-fal'an^etoT temple, Mylasa -^arasios. Tralles XV-16C —Mamas, temple VI-401a —of OtricoU, bust, Vatican .W

— Os"o\oa. temple, Mylasa X- -SieUenius. temple VII-104C Pater See Zovis _.^ ,.,.


?Xriy^-«3!i;and^'l-- Ze"arstratios.^SeeZeusLabran-

Zet'iSppus. Baths of IV-302a Zeuxis XIV-t50d , -„

ZeSSusr Bishop of Sycdra IX-

7pvalles Sancho, martyr X

^'^ilnodf'xiii-sob; XV^MC

Zevi, Sabbatian XIII-287C

ZIGLIARA. TOMMASO MARIA (FRANCESCO) XV-759a. X 749a; XII-369b; Catholic re- \-ival XIV-596b; on certitude in-539d;on cruelty to animals TV-S4d- on tyrannicide AV- 109c on "Utopia- XIV-692C Zileh (iZela) XV-753d Zi-ka-wei, observatory III-b74c. VI-453C; Vn-309a; meteor- graph (ill.) III-674C Ziklag. See Siceleg „ ,040- ZiUertal. Protestants in U /a4C,

XIII-596a ,

ZiUisheim, gj-mnasium 1-J43Q Zilpah. See Zclpha Zimarra IV^20b . „ ,<,„v Zimbabwe. Great. ™ins X--4|9b Zimeke, John, glossanst V l-58Ja ^t;™r.s^°ryoh^/f?&ce"5 Zimmer. Jacob II-801d


Wcf Vll-379b; Celtic .study VIII-l-'3b- on Christianity in Britain XV-o83a; at Dill.ngen


Widmer XV^blib Zimmerer. periodical XI\ -67b

Zimmermann, A. Vq^*'^"

— B.. writer XlII-290a

— Dominik XV-591d

—Johann XV-o91d .

—Johann Georg. physician X

132c —Karl V-r.44c —Robert I-176C , -n^^ |irTn"AKfo^"ndTchito-

7-':'r"v'rnnr^ Hiinvar I-673b 7mr,'ARElXI. NICCOLO AN- ^'tONIO XV 71.0a; and Napo- leon lll-649a . . . • iti.ii .. Snlari Antonio

IfN^aiR^. «US\V-V60a; Greek prayers XV-lOia, ai. Marienbcrg IX-669a

ZiteUe e S. Charia, church, Udine XV-U8C ,,,_

ZiteUi. canonist,. on "Jisus III .533c; on marriage li-jooa

Zivena League XIV-5od

Ziw. Jewish month Ill-lbiC

ZizanirLaiSence XIII-269d Zizers. conferences V l-b9ti Zizin. son of Mohammed 11 lA-

264d Zizka. John. See /,\^\.>i Zizyphus spina Christi n-.'41b Z ednoczenie Polsko .Rzyn>|ko. KatoUckie pod Opieka Bos- kiego Serca Jezusa. organiza- tion XII-208b . Zmar. episcopal residence X\

lOld; seminary l-io.'a Zmicowska.Narcyza.poetessXU

200a ^,,, ,._.

Zmorski. poet .XII-199d Znaim. Mora\ia X-562a; battle

Znamenlki. Russian professor

zSVimlia. siege XIV-419d Zoan. See Tanis Zoar. See Segor ZOARA. See of X\ -762? Zoatar. Iranian priests XII-40tia S.tT M.ichior von. Bishop of

Zoatar, Iranian piis;'..'"-- Zobel, MelcUor von. Bishop

Wiirzhurg XV-719d . -Placfdus, Abbot of ManJnberg

— i^Giebllstadt. John George I. Prince Bishop of Bamberg II- Zobor, monastery yil-549a |SJ^?lr6.tofpro/rstaS"^eolo- gian IV-161b; XIV-620d; on V™. texts of I-122d: on Ec- clesi, stes V-247b; encyclopedia V-415c; on St. Proclus XV- 461d Zocum. See Zacomc 7ndiac coin (ill.) Xl-facing 152 -Sens of the li-19a; 25a; .31a; Ill-lliSc- Hermes Trismegistus II-19d- in Hindu astronomy II-19d; 25c; medical use 11-

,Sb; w'rXgs XIIIr267b Zondadari. Felice, ^ardmal Arc

bishop of Siena XIII--81b Zone, girdle, in Orthodox Chur

IV-316b . Zones, geological .X\-iU5C Zoolatry. See Animals, Worst

ZoBlogy, Albertus MaBn"s "n

264d; Ampere I-438a, Aristo

I-71.3d- 718b; Cm-iet IIr57'

Lamarck II-575a: L.nna

II-574a;andpal£eontolog> ^.


Zoora. See Segor ...-t^

Zopffel. encyclopedia V-417B

Zophar. .Sec Sophar . .

Zophesamin. in Phoenician c

nioR..nv 1V-410C Zoppel, George xn-211b 7oovros, Bishop of Barca 11-2 Io'qUE' INWANS M-.b and Mixe Indians X-408C,

Zor"river VI-430c; VIII-51 vilayerxiV-400b; Set Tyi Zora Zorah. Fuphlagonia, mscrip

Zo'rcit, Paul. Bishop of One

lV-490d Zoreah. See Saraa Zom. Alois. Archbishop of (

VI-655a , .,.„ ..,„. Zorndorf. battle XlI-o23d Zoroaster II - .53c; I\ - -i XIlI-309d; birthplace 225a; dualist ic teaching 154c- e\-il, theory of > -' on hiiman sacrifices XII-^ Gnostic Apocrypha Vl- as prophet II-l;i5C. ser ll-152d; temptation 11- IV-715a . _ ,_

Zoroastrianism I-' '""■.'J,, l.o.5d; XI-50SC; XI1-109< i^s MSla; II-154d; A II-151d; 154b; and cons, IV-269C; cosmogony Y^- demonologj-II-l-.'.-'C.l',- Harlez de Deuhn Vll-^ dualism ll-1.54b; eschal II-156a; V-530b; eth.e lood; evil, theory of V