Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/100

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December, 1878, elected Bishop of Leon, 29 April, 1876, ordained 1899, appointed first Bishop of Flo- 1909, consecrated at Olot, 10 October following, resta 12 May, 1911, and transferred to Barra 25 transferred to Cordova, 18 July, 1913, enthroned 29 June, 1915. No statistics are published for this November following, published 25 May, 1914, and diocese, transferred to Barcelona at the Consistory of 22

April, 1920. In 1907 a diocesan council of Catholic BaslUana, Ruthenian (cf. C. E., II-323d).— On corporations and works was established, and on 20 the eve of the World War the Basilians of the re- January a monster mass-meeting took place in the form of Debromil numbered 234, of whom there Arena to protest against the Law of Associations, were 88 hieromonachs in 16 large or small mon- On 14 May, 1909, the diocesan pilgrimage to Rome asteries. Twenty-seven, one of whom was the was inaugurated. During the tragic week of the metropolitan, Andrew Szeptyckyj, were carried into Revolution, 23--30 July, mobs took possession of the captivity in Russia. In 1918 the congregation capital and the principal manufacturing centers of suffered even more, owing to the violent conquest the Province, setting fire to 12 parish churches, of Eastern Galicia by the Poles. Up to the mo- 30 chapels and convents, educational and charitable ment of their retreat the Russians occupied the institutions and other important diocesan estab- two monasteries of Mychajlivka and Ulaskivce. lishments. In May, 1910, festivities were held to The Poles destroyed the library of the monastery solemnize the canonization of St. Jos6 Criol of of Krechiv and, so that it could not be afterwards Barcelona. In 1911 a diocesan council was held, restored, carried to Warsaw all the typographical and during the following years Barcelona was the material of the monastery of Zovkva, the literary meeting place of the third national Congress of activity of which was considerable. Nevertheless, Sacred Music, 1912, Congress of Christian Art, 1913, their works have been reorgsmized, and in 1921 the Liturgical Congress at Montserrat, 1918, and Marian congregation numbered 206 members, of whom 94 Congress, 1919. In 1918 the seventh century of are hieromonachs. A new field has been opened the apparition of Our Lady of Mercy at Barcelona for their activities since the Sacred Congregation was celebrated. The following year a diocesan of the Eastern Church confided to their care the synod was convoked by the bishop, and in 1921 reform of the Ruthenian monasteries of Ruthenia, the bishop issued a pastoral letter prohibiting the south of the Carpathians, an autonomous province Catholic associations from holding theatricals, of Czechoslovakia. On 4 October, 1^0, the protoh cinematograph productions, balls or worldly assem- egumenos, Platonides Peter Filas, was replaced by blies of any kind for the purpose of raising funds: Anastasius Alexander Kal3rs. The Ruthenian Basil- this letter merited the imanimous approbation of ians tonday have the direction of the metropglitan the Spanish press. Since 1907 the diocese has lost seminary of L6opol and the Ruthenian college at several prominent members by the deaths of Rev. Rome, three missions in Brazil (Prudentopolis, Juan Gatell y Domenech, since 1882 pastor of the Itayopolis, and Curityba), three in Canada (Win- Church of St. Ann of Barcelona, Rev. Jaime nipeg in Manitoba, Edmonton and Mundare in Almera, dean of the Cathedral Basilica, Rev. Dr. Alberta). A novitiate is to be opened in Montreal. Sarda y Salvany, native of Sabadell, professor of The constitutions were defimtely approved by Latin and Humanities in the Seminary of Barce- decree of Propaganda, 27 July, 1909, and were not lona, and the Marquis of Pascual, eminent pro- subject to any change due to the recent revision moter, founder and first president of the Accion of the Code of Canon Law, the prescriptions of Catolica of the diocese. The diocese comprises 264 which do not concern the Eastern Church. The parishes, 291 churches, 522 chapels and shrines, 1 Order admits subjects of any rite, but all belong to monastery for men (27 priests), 30 monasteries the Byzantine-Slavonic Rite from the time of their for women, 1 abbey for men (50 priests), 23 con- profession. The lay brothers niust have a knowl- vents for men (1050 professed rehgious), and 265 edge of some manual art or be apt in the various convents for women (5079 Sisters). duties necessary within the monasteries. The postu*

Bail, Abchdiocesb op (Barbnsis; cf. C. E, lantship lasts six montlw and the novitiate one year n-295d), in the province of Puglie in Southern f°f . ^^J^^^' "^^"^ '"^^u ^'""P^,^ ^"""^ T ^^^^^^ Italy. Rt. Rev. Glulio Vaccaro, b^in Naples, 1851, ^^^« t^!, Jf?"^*^i ^^^'^ T^'^ Sf^^^^L" appointed Bishop of Trivento, 4 June, 1891, pro^ f^f*^®; ^ addition to the usual vows the membeni

moted to AncynTand made coadjutor to the A^h- JS^^^^^^^'qi^J^^^^^?hf n w'in? ^

bishop of Trani, 30 November, 1896, was transferred ^®, Apostolic See at Rome and the other not to to Bin, 24 March, 1898, and now (1922) fiSs the?^^ monastic or other digmties.. As long as there see. He was made an assistant at the pontific^ ".a. ancient number of monks in each monastay

throne 30 May, 1916, and from August, 1917, to P/Tllr^H'^nni.'^h 3nnlpT^/f ^h'o^^ March, 1918, acted ^ apostolic adminikrator of of a closed tumc with woolen gu-dle and over this Conveisano/ This dioceL comprisST^Catholic * ^}'^ of special. form with monastic cloak, or population of 300,400, and by 1921 sUtirti<» counts ff^dyas The abstmences traditional among onen-

^'na^es, m ^uiar and'so regular .cler^, 100 '^^^AJ^Z^^'^CT^^^

students in the upper and lower seminaries, 261 "f"*" "* w**o.x-i«,vc»** v^**u*v»*. ***« viwiow:;* ua ic^aiu

churcha. or chapelflO Brothers, and 200 Sistfrs. ^^JZ^'^^riL^^'of 1L"pf«U^ SZ'^

Barqnisimeto, Diocjesb op. See Carabobo. asi^^e ^^om the usual parochial duties, or in some

manual art.

Barra do Eio Orande, Diocesb of (Babrensis), The Order is governed by an archimandrite,

in the State of Rio Grande, Brazil, suffragan of elected for ten years and approved by the Hobr

San Salvador de Bahia. This diocese was erected See; he is assisted by three consultors. At the

20 October, 1913, by a division of the diocese of head of each province is a protohegumenos elected

San Salvador de Bahia, taking nineteen parishes of for five years by the archimandrite and his council,

that diocese. The episcopal residence is at Barra Until the Order numbers at least two provinces, the

do Rio Grande, and the cathedral is dedicated to protohegumenos of the one province actually exist-

St. Francis. The first bishop appointed was Rt. ing has all the authority of an archimandrite. The

Rev. Augusto Alvaro da Silva, who now (1922) fills Constitutions provide for general, provincial, and

the see; b. at Recife, diocese of Olinda, Portugal, simple claustral chapters. The local hegumenoi are