Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/154

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girls under the Sisters of Reparation of Nazareth, instruction to 5,551 boys and 3^21 girls. Orphan- with 200 pupils, a boys' school with 60 pupils, 2 ages numbering 35 and sheltering 694 boys and 821 convent schools for girls, 1 with 51 and 1 with girls are established throughout the vicariate, as 40 pupils, and several other small schools. The well as St. Vincent's Orphanage for Burmese girls parish priests conduct orphanages for boys in their at Rangoon imder the Sisters of the Good Shep- respective parishes, and 3 orphanages for girls are herd, a leper asylum cared for by the Franciscan established at Leiktho, Monlaw and Doranko. nuns, Miasionaiies of Mary, home for the aged

Burma, Northern, Vicariatb Apostouc op (Bir- under the Little Sisters of the Poor, and a smiaJl MANI-® Sbptbntrionalis; cf. C. E., III-82d), in home for aged women with 6 inmates. The Society India. The entire population numbers at least of St. Vincent de Paul has four conferences or- 5,000,000 souls, of whom 10,348 are Catholic, divided ganized, and a preparatory seminary is established as follows: 4,000 Burmese, 3,500 Europeans and at Moulmein. A Catholic association, The Band," Eurasians, 175 Kachins, 147 Shans, 2,500 Tamils, is organized among the laity, and two periodicals There are 64 churches and chapels, 22 European the "Voice," in English, and the "Sower" in priests of the Foreign Missions of Paris, who have Biumese, are published. On 22 April, 1920, Rt. charge of the vicariate, 5 Burmese priests, 49 Rev. F61ix-Henri Perroy was appointed titular European nuns, 13 native religious, 17 native lay Bishop of Media and named coadjutor to the vicar novices, 5 European lay brothers and 1 native lay 4 May following. Burma is placed under the juris- brother. A course in philosophy and theology is diction of the Apostolic Delegate for India, His given at the college in Penang, which is attended Excellency Dr. Pisani, who paid his first visit to by 12 students, and there is a preparatory seminarv the territoiy in January, 1922. for boys (15 students). There are also 2 high Bnmand, Sir FftANas Cowlet, editor and schools for boys (9 teachers, 90 students), a second- humorist, b. in England, 29 November, 1836. d. ary school for girls (34 students), 12 elemen- at Ramsgate, 21 April, 1917. His father, a stock- tary schools for boys (1,005 students), 8 elementary broker, was of Huguenot descent; his mother schools for giris (855 students), 20 co-educational whom he lost in infancy was a descendant of schools (374 boys, 290 gu-ls), 2 girls' normal schools Hannah Cowley, playwright. From Eton he en- for the training of elementary teachers (21 stu- tered Trinity College, Cambridge, where he made dente). Twenty-two of these schools receive grants- a name for himself by founding the firet dramatic m-aid or half salary for teachers, all the others club at the universities. After his graduation he are under the care of the mifiBionanes and are prepared for the Anglican ministry under Canon village schools m the jungle. The foUowing in- liddon at Cuddesdon, but his studies served only stitutions exist m the vicariate: 2 orphanages with to aggravate certain doubts that had arisen in 533 orphans, 2 homes for the aged (42 inmate), his mind, and after reading Newman's "Doctrine 9 pharmacies and 10 dispensanes that cared for of Development" and consulting Manning, then 6,831 sick (during 1920-21), 1 leper hospital (283 superior of the Oblates at Bayswater, he was re- mmates; 3 workshops (97 pupils). During the year ceived into the Church in 1857. Disowned by his 1920-21, 183 infidels and 412 children of Christians father he went to live with the Oblates at Ba>'s- were baptized. A conference of St. Vmcent de Paul water where his love of a joke, verbal or practical, has been orgamzed by the laity. At the outbreak made his stay an eventful one in the life of the of the war one missionary was sent to the front community. Convinced that he had no vocation and was made chaplain m the hospital at Nant^. for the priesthood, he left and tried his fortune as The others, with one exception, formed part of the an actor, proved a failure and turned to the reserve army of the Government. The latter was study of law. He was admitted to the bar in 1800. m active service throughout the war and received He then began to write for the stage, and the suc- the croix de gverre. The pr^nt vicar of Northern cess of his "Dido" enabled him to marry And Burma IS Rt. Key. Eugene Foulqmer of the Mis- brought him so many commissions that he gave sions Etrangdres de Pans, b. at Luc, 26 November, up his profession. He wrote about 120 farces, 1866, ordained 7 July, 1889. He went to Burma 21 burlesques librettos of opera and adaptations from August, 1906, was consecrated at Mandalay 21 No- the French, amongst them "Black-Eyed Susan," vember, made vicar apostohc of Northern Burma "Betsy," "Cox and Box," "Paul Olaudian," "La 6 December following. Cigale," and "The Colonel." In 1862 he began his

Burma, Southbbn, Vicariate Apostolic op (Bib- literary burlesque papers in "Punch," "Mokeanna MANI.B MBaiDiONAUS; cf. C. E., III-83a), is en- or the White Witness," which won for him a place trusted to the Seminary of Foreign Missions of on the editorial staff. In 1880 he became editor, Paris, and comprises all that territory of Burma retiring only in 1906. He po®essed the popularity which was subject to the English before the taking of all Punch's editors, and there were few more of Upper Burma, except the province of Arsacan, successful contributions than those which emanated attached to the Diocese of Dacca, and part of the from his own pen. His "Happy Thought" series Toungoo district. The vicariate is presided over issued separately in 1868, went through fifteen edi- by Rt. Rev. Alexandre Cardot, titular Bishop of tions.

Limyra, who succeeded to the vicariate, 19 March, Bumand's humor was based on a subtle sense of 1894. the incongruities of human nature and social life

In 1921 the population of this territory was esti- and was always kindly. A fervent Catholic, his mated at 6,500,000, and of this number 60,392 are piety was part and parcel of his whole life and Catholics. The clergy number 40 European and in his later days he was a daily communicant. Two 21 native priests, and the vicariate has 259 churches autobiographical works are "My Time and What and chapels and 30 head mission stations. Schools I Have Done with It," and "Records and Reminis- and institutions are conducted by the Brothers of cences" (1904). Knighted in 1902, Sir Frances was the Christian Schools, Sisters of the Good Shepherd, for many years editor of the English "Catholic Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition, Franciscan Who's Who," an enterprise to whicn he gave the Nuns, Missionaries of Mary, Little Sisters of the value of his name when it was a new and daring Poor and Native Nuns of St. Francis Xavier. The venture, and which owes largely to him his success vicariate supports 20 schools for boys, 19 for girls as a record of Catholic activities. He was twice and 87 for both boys and girls, thus giving Catholic married and had six sons and five daughters.