Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/179

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stage, and aa so many hundreds of Catholic young obedience to authority and to the Constitution

men and women are constantly arriving there to upholding liberty, religious freedom, justice and

pursue the study of the arts, the Guild is desirous equaUty for all/' Finally the National Catholic

of having all Catholics register at its office. There Welfare Council made the national extension of

the stranger in the metropolis will find a welcome the Brigade one of its activities,

and a bureau of information and guidance through The special aims of the Brigade are: (1) to

which he or she may be helped in the realization reach boys not attending parochial schools and

of worthy ambitions. The Guild in this way is a therefore in no immediate contact with their clergy;

broadly based effort to supply a practical and pro- (2) to draw Catholic boys away from non-Catholic

tective influence to our young Catholics who desire organizations by providing something which is at-

to enter the theatrical profession. It acts also in tractive, really Catholic and within the reach of

the spirit of guidance and direction for managers nearly every parish; (3) to reach through the boys

and producers who desire the Catholic viewpoint their families, especially those who are in need of

on any given subject. pastoral care; (4) to keep pupils of parochial

It is planned to open branch offices in the larger schools longer under the influence of the priest

theatrical centers and to establish organizations of by promoting higher Catholic education and pro-

a similar nature throughout the country under the curing suitable positions for those who desire • to

supervision of chaplains to be appointed by the work; (5) to lead boys to join religious societies

bishops of the various dioceses. Eventually a large or sodalities and to the regular reception of the

buildmg capable of affording living accommoda- Sacraments. In a word, having the motto 'Tor

tions for members will be erected in New York. God and Country," the Brigade seeks to make

Included in its membership of 2,700 are many non- boys faithful Catholics and patriotic citizens.

Catholics and social members. The office of the Guild The Brigade has a neat uniform. It has chosen

is situated at 220 West 42nd Street, New York City, the Immaculate Virgin as its primary patroness

Mabtin E. Fahy. and has adopted a special standard consisting of

Catholic Big Brotlien.— This organization was two square fields of papal yellow and white, with founded in New York in 1914 by Rev. Thomas a blue circular field surroimding a white star in the J. Lynch as a preventive and protective agency center. A cross surmounts the pole. The stand- in regard to juveniles just begmning to become ard symbolizes the pledge of the Brigade. The delinquent or who had already appeared in the indulgences granted by the Sacred Penitentiary Children's Court. Its object was not to coddle or on 19 April, 1921, can be gained only by members countenance ill behavior on the part of the boy of duly chartered branches, who are registered at through any mistaken leniency because of his of- New York General Headquarters. The continual fense; but to bring home to Mm the necessity of extension of the Brigade and its welcome reception doin^ what was right by having some one outside by the hierarchy prove its need, usefulness and of his family interest mmself in him and exercise adaptability. Affiliated cadet corps although re- a beneficial influence upon him. Its measure of taining their original scope, name, government and success has varied with the years; but its value outfit, participate in all present and future privi- as a boy-saving agency cannot be disputed, de- leges of memoership in the Brigade, pending upon the efficiency and zeal of those who Father Kiuan. seriously take up its work. Statistics are not Catholic Colonization.— Colonization is here as- available in regard to its success. sumed as the grouping of a class of people in one

CathoUc Boys Brigade of the tXnited States place to promote their mutual interests. In Catho- (C. B.B.U.S.), a semi-military organization intro- lie Colonization the religious feature is emphasized, duced into New York in 1916 with the approval without, however, neglecting the temporal aspect and special recommendation of his Eminence, Car- of the work. Religious instruction, the Sacraments dinal Farley by the Rev. Thomas J. Lynch, with and the Mass, are of such importance that the the assistance of Michel Loner^an, who brought settlers, or at least their children, lose the faith from Ireland experience in this kind of work. The if they are long left without these influences. Catho- movement was completely re-organized in Novem- lie example and a Catholic atmosphere are equally ber, 1919, and the best features found in other boys' important. It is a recognized law of history that organization were worked into a varied but well immigrants scattering broadcast over churchless regulated program, including simple military drill, districts first greatly miss the religious practices athletics, games, sports, contests, outings, paradesi in which they formerly engaged, but soon get ao- exhibitions, camping, procuring of employment and customed to live without them. It is also a matter promotion of higher Catholic education. The regu- of experience that Catholics grouped together grow lar weekly meetings are divided into a recreational, in number and in fervor, and graaually form strong a military and an educational period of aCMO Catholic settlements. Catholic colonization en- minutes each. Everything is subject to the selec- deavors to group Catholics together, so that they tion of the reverend director. can strengthen one another in their faith. It makes

Many prelates and prominent educators have sure of church and school facilities, and supplies

approved of the Brigade, which is entirely imder priests and Sisters, and bjr systematically grouping

ecclesiastical control and exclusively Catholic. The Catholic settlers in certain well defined districto

Holy See blessed it and granted a plenary indul- it multiplies Catholic parishes and communities.

gen<5e for the monthly corporate Communion and Besides providing for the religious needs of the

an indulgence of 300 days for each pious recital Catholic settler. Catholic colonization endeavors to

of the following Brigade Pledge : We pledge alle- guide and protect him in the choice of lands suited

giance to Jesus Christ, our invisible Head, to His to his means and his other personal qualifications.

Vicar and other representatives on earth, our lead- General History.— There were two kinds of

ers in the battle against our outward and inward colonies established in North America, political and

enemies, and to Mary our Immaculate Queen under social. Political colonies were organized by Euro-

whose protection we hope to gain the victory and pean powers for the benefit of their respective

an eternal triumph in heaven." To which is added: nations. These colonies generally shared the for-

"Equally sincere we pledge allegiance to our flag, tunes of the mother country, some prospering, others

and loyalty to the country over which it waves; gradually dying out. The result of the Colonial waw