Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/200

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Cathouc Enctclopedia, was consecrated titular the Pope and TOfiCO from Propaganda to be used bishop of Hierapolis and auxiliary to Bishop Bany for relief woric. Other decorations were conferred of Chatham, who died in Januaiy, 1920. In the on some of the priests who assisted the bishop following AuKUst Bishop Oleary was transfenred during the famine of 1912 or the floods; Revs. J. to the see of Chariottetown, and Bishop Patrice- B. Lepen^ A. Buch, C. Aiond, A. Defehvrej Alexandre ChiasBon, Vicar Apostolic of the Gulf Lasarists; and J. Ing, M. Ou, and J. Chu, native of St. Lawrence, succeeded to that of Chatham, priests, as well as two sisters: Sister Gilbert, of The Catholic population of the diocese is 184,000, the Sisters of Charity, supenor of St. Joseph's of whom 92,000 are fVench and Irish Acadians, Hospital, at Ning-po, and Sister Hel^e de 75jOOO French-Acadians and 17,000 Irish. Hiere Shaohing, a Chinese religious of the Sisters of are 59 parishes, 113 churches, 54 missions, 1 mon- Purmitory.

astay of men (Trappist) and one of women (Trap- The 1920 statistics credit this territory with a pistines), 75 secular priests, 25 regulars, 9 brothers, total p<>pulation of 11,000,000, of whom 38,^ are 15 convents of women, 29S sisters, 18 seminarians. Catholic, 12,577 catechumens, and 17,000 Prot- The educational institutions include 2 colleges for estants. There are 17 European and 7 native boys with 20 professors and 400 pupils^ 10 high priests, 5 lay brothers, 401 catechists 28 churches, schools with 30 teachers and an attendance of 131 chapels, 2 seminaries with 117 students, 16 ho9- 450 (150 boys, 300 girls), 12 parochial elementary pitals, 136 schools, 4 secondary schools, 9 orphan-

is imder government support*, as are also two here. The following statistics of the spiritual fruits

schools. Two public hospitals admit the ministry of the mission for the year 1920-21 give an idea

of priests. The Societe St. Michel is organised of the progress being made; conversions of heretics

among the dergy. or schismatics, 88; baptisms, of adults 1|526, of

Chaavance, Louibb-Th£resb de Montaignac db, ?!fii^^, ^°^r ^'i/^^?^^^ ^^ ?^}^^S^ religious foundress, daughter of Aime, and Anne ^^^ ^^^ , JSSi^^^^r*^ ^^^'^^ °^ 4^^ ^^^ de RuflSn b at Le Ha^ de Grace Normandy ^nfirmations, 1,259; confessions, annual, 15^23; of 14 May, 1820; d. 27 June, 1885. She was educated 5f^S' ^i^^' communions, annual^ 14,965; of at Montlucon by an auiJt, after whose death she tl^%^^^}'l ""^^"^^ u^ctioM, 396. A weekly devoted herself to works of charity, in particular ?.l?2r,-«^i^^K* ^^^^*i?® Ninispo," » pub- aiding poor churches. In 1852 ahe founded an i?*^^i??l ^^^^^ ^ l^^^ the missipn celebrated orphanage near her own home and established in ® jubilee oi one of its oldest nussionanes. Rev. connection with it an association of pious women J^.""? Procacci, CM, who had labored^ this to join in visits of reparation to and adoration j!!^!?/? r'i^"^^ ?^,?^^^? ^^^'^ it. On this of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday. On S^'Sr I^'^'^t^^-l^ ^t^*^'}.^*^^^^^ 21 December, 1874, her Pious Union of the Oblates 5^/,?,^!?l,^°S^^ P\i,^i?^&-®u*^^°P ^F' of the Sacred Heart of Jesus received episcopal ?f"? ]??^r^ *.^"^^ ^^ tiie estabhshment of a approbation, and in 1879 she opened the LitUe t^lu^'io^^A^"^**?*?'^'^!?^ Chm^ pneste, and School of the Child Jesus as a nursery for priestly ^ *ni^ December the Pope sent word that m vocations. As the Oblates had already spread into ™i ^ Jfv?^lJ!^f "^uh ^^ fel ^^P^f^^ many other dioceses a general congregation was f?f^,^i^!,/°^^. ""^ ^^c?M^ould be used for held and she was elected general on 17 May, 1880. *^f, J"?P?'*p5 ft ^^^ ^"^ '^^'^ ^"""^^ ^ The union received its decree of praise from the *^^ **^ ^^P®« missionary. Holy See in 1881, and in 1895 its rule was definitely nitA.w4ft«» Tt7«^..^.... \r a

approved. On 23 December, 1914, the Pope coi r.^^^l^iT^^'iZ^^^^^'^ Apostoucw (cf firmed the decision of the Congregations of Rites wlL^V^^^T i'- 'Sk- ^*^^ comprise the civU introducing the cause of canonization of the found- 6^/1^,^"!^ r?^ Kia^hing, Hu-chow, Hang^ow. -p-p * Yen-show, Chuchow, and King-wa. The present

^ _ ,^ ^ Vicar Apostolic (1922) is Rt. Rev. Paul Albert

Ohe-Elang, Eastern, Vicariate Apostolic op Faveau, titular bishop of Tamaasus, appointed 10 (Cb-Kiam Orientalis; cf. C. E., III-677d), in May, 1910. This vicariate covers a territory of the third ecclesiastical region of China, with 26,250 sq. miles, and comprises a Catholic popu- official residence at Ning-po. This vicariate, lation of 21,161, 7,750,000 infidels and 15,000 first erected in 1696, was re-established in 1846 heretics. The missionary work is carried on by 10 and entrusted to the Lasarists. The present European, 15 natSve priests, and 1 lay brother vicar apostoUc, Rt. Rev. Paul-Marie Reynaud, bom of the Congregation of the Mission; 9 secular in the department of Loire, France, 1854, entered priests, 17 Daughters of Charity, 36 Daughters of this congregation 1873, was ordained 1879, and ap- the Sacred Heart, 127 male teachers, and 35 female pointed titular Bishop of Fussola and vicar apos- teachers and baptisers. The missionaries have tolic, 7 March, 1884. He is Dean of the Chinese established 14 residences, 5 sub-stations, 13 churches, bishops. On 28 May, 1919, Bishop Reynaud re- 106 chapels, 110 oratories, 1 upper seminary with coived a letter from His Holiness congratulating 26 seminarians, 2 lower seminaries with 50 semi- him on his thirty-five years in the episcopate, and narians, 1 normal school with 12 pupils, 54 primary on the splendid work he had carried on for forty schools for boys with 1,050 pupils, 18 primary years in the Chinese mission. At the same date schools for girls with 843 pupils. The various the president of the Chinese Republic decorated charitable institutions include arms and work shops.

financial aid which he gave during the inundations were treated, 2 for women in which 79 cases were

of 1917-18. At this time he offered his fur cloak treated, 2 homes for aged men with 17 inmates,

for sale, and it brought over 10,000 piastres for 2 for women with 19 inmates, 9 dispensaries from

the sufferers; the cloak has since been placed in which 266,169 cases were treated and 5,198 visits

the museum. He also obtained 40,000 francs from made to homes, and 3 pharmacies. The following