Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/199

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1919, the houses on the Belgian frontier in Holland The principal events of the diocese during recent were taxed to the utmost to accommodate the years have been the erection of a new cathedral, refugees who poured in from France and Belgium, a new orphanage, a home imder the Sisters of When Antwerp was besieged most of the women St. Marthisi and the burning of the hospital of and children who escaped from that city fled to Charlottetown.

Tilburg, which is but twenty miles distant; here By present statistics there are: 40 parishes, 40 numbers arrived in a pitiable condition. The Si£h churches, 10 missions, 10 mission stations, 59 secular ters in Tilburg did all they could to relieve the priests, 1 university with 12 professors and an sufferers. In several houses the parochial school attendance of 200, 2 academies for girls with 35 buildings became improvised hospitals for soldiers teachers and 250 girls, 2 academies for boys with and civilians. The inmates of an orphan asylum, 100 boys, 1 elementary school with 12 teachers and about 100 children and their teachers, were received 450 pupils, 1 home, and 1 hospital. St. Bernard's by the Sisters at the Ha^e. It was a difficult Society is established among the clergy, and the problem to provide sufficient food and clothing Knights of Columbus, League of the Cross and for these refugees, but Divine Providence watched B. I. S. among the laity. The total Catholic popu- over the community in a special manner, and they lation is 49,!^ composed of Irish, Scotch, and. never lacked the necessities of life. French.

ni;S%E?^S^in"wit£^ ^»^'~' ^'^^ ^^ (Carnutensib; cf. C. E.,

devote themselves to the twofold work of hospital Sf %^* W ;'n f^ftir?^lnff,^ Jn^ fiTuH and school. The Sisters also direct institutions^ for gee, founded m the third centunr, is now filled the Med^lums for orohan irirls. and schools for ^^ ^*- ^®^- Henri-Louis-Alfred Bouquet, born m Si bSS A^the delFand Cb^Th? ^?dS ^f^d'l^' ^i^^^^^^ Lrn!>S^°t ^I'^iTfro^^^^'^^^h^ o ?iiXnne^'^^^^^^^ 'cff M^nde'lS

't^'riha'^e^'lf^^^^^^^ tet^ '?n Ifc of ^STns?^^^^^^^^^^^ Ae

™L.« nf pP^Lrt W J^>V^l ^7 n3 i^ndpr t^^^^^ re4stablishment of the diocese of Chartres was cele- SLSion ^'^"*' ^^^ ^'^^ P^'P'^ "^"^^^ ^^"' brated, the see having been suppressed from 1801-17. insanci. n. Bishop de Latil, the first bishop after the re-estab-

Charleston, Diocese of (Carolopolitana; cf. C. lishment, was granted the personal privilege of E, in-030c). — ^The present bishop of Charleston, wearing the pallium. With his promotion, how- Rt. Rev. William T. Russell, who was consecrated ever, the privilege was discontinued, but it was 15 March, 1917, succeeded Bishop Northrop, who given back to the see by Benedict XV 15 Novem- died 7 June, 1916. The Catholic population of the ber, 1917.

diocese is 10,000. There are 21 parishes with In 1906 the Upper Seminary was expelled from churches, 17 missions, 95 stations, 31 secular the house which had sheltered ^nerations of priests, priests and 2 regulars. There are 110 sis- and from that time until 1920 it took refuge in the ters in the diocese and 12 seminarians; 1 high Carmelite monastery, from which the Sisters had school with 9 teachers and an attendance of ISO; departed for Holland. In 1920 it became perma- 5 academies with an attendance of 750; 9 elemen- nently established in a house at 1 Rue St. Eman, tary schools with an attendance of 1,221; 1 hos- which belonged to the Religious of Providence, pital; 1 settlement house. All the public institu- and which for centuries before the spoHations of tions in the state admit the ministry of priests. . the Revolution was the property of the Abbey of

Deaths among the clergy since 190^ include those St. John. In 1914 the Apostolicity of the Church of Rt. Rev. P. L. Duffy and Rev. J. D. Budds. of Chartres and the ancient foimdation of the Diocesan clergy administered to the spiritual needs famous statue of the Virgin, which is said to have of the soldiers and sailors at the recreation centers been there in the time of the Druids, was con- which were established during the war in Charles- firmed by a decree of the Con^egation of the Con- ton, Columbia, Spartanburg, Greenville, Moul- sistory, in refutation of an article written by Dom trieville, and Beaufort, S. C. Leclercq, in which he (questioned the authenticity

cf. C. E, IU-632b), comprises Prince Edward ^^""« *^« ^<J™ ^»5 ^*^ RfJ®^. »°<* ^5 semi- Sund (Siada;^ 4 suffragan to the Archdiocese J\?."»™ were mobilized from this, diocese, and of

ofHaUfax. The Et. Reverend James Charles McDon- !^^>T^' | P"^!^ AlcJ^M^^^hfhFuJI

aid. who had filled this see since 1891, died I %^*' ^"^'^ ^ •J^'^f. **^*^!f *-1? ^^M • ^i*™ T!^ZL~Zu^-iinio^^AJ^„.l^LJ^^Xu,,nthJ^^^A ahonneur, 5 with the medaule mthtmre, and 36 Decemlwr. 1912, and wMMcc^ with the r^oix de guerre. According to 1920 statistics

S*^i-,^^*^H^^?h?»^?f PharWfS^^ the total population of this temtoiy numbers 25 May. 1913, and filled J^. «ee of Chariottetown ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ Catholic. The diocese

untd his transfer to theAwhdio^^^^ comprises 24 deaneriw, 25 firat class parishes, 351

» }^A T^t J^™1 nn^iL ?h^^^n/^tn;,,m "uccSisal parishes, 40 vicariates, 450 secular and ^verend I^uis tos Leaiy, the pi^nt mc^^ 4 ^ ^^ ^ seminarians. 4 communities of

^^L^'^^T^.^^^yf^.W*"^' ?rti5(n? nf ««Pous womii and 70 Catholii schools with 4500 ?S?^ '"1 f***^ "^IaZ a**.^^.^^ thi pupils- A number of charitable institutions and Gotham 29 Januaprm4, and traMfe^^ ^i^H^ a« established, and a periodical, «Voix

  • R^ntSS*1?f'X,'diS'whr'hiv?died d« Notre Dame de Chartres." is p'ublished.

within recent years are: Rev. James McDonald, Chatham, Diocesb of (Chathambnsis; cf. C. E.,

Rev. Peter McCarvill, Rev. Father Brisco, Rev. J. III-642a), Canada.— In 1913 Mgr. Henry O'Leary,

T. Murphy, Rev. Augustus McDonald, Rev. James then pastor of Bathurst in the Diocese of Chatham,

Phelan, and Rev. Stephen Phelan. During the was consecrated Bishop of Charlottetown. In

World War two of the priests of the diocese served 1914 Mgr. Louis O'Leary, chancellor of the diocese

as chaplains. and author of the article on "Chatham" in the