Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/247

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regular clergy, 70 churches, 7 monasteries, 12 houses Oosenza, Archdiocesb op (Cubbntinenbis; cf.

of regulars, 25 convents of nuns, 4 schools under C. E., IV-403a), in the province of Naples, southern

Christian Brothers, 7 undfer Presentation Brothers, Italy, directly subject to the Holy See. Rt. Rev.

4 directed by Presentation Nuns, 6 by the Sisters Camillo Sorgenti, who filled this see for thirty-

of Mercy, and 1 by the Sisters of Charity, 1 French seven years, died 2 October, 1911, and was suc-

community and 1 French institute. ceeded by the present incumbent, Rt. Rev. Tom-

Oometo-Tarquinla, Diocese op. See Civitavecchi £iTi JJS^^' Vol? ^^^""Ti,!,^' P^^i?^ "^^5^"

A*rn Pnoievm berfam 13 June, 1911, appomted 14 December, 1912.

AND i^BNBTO. j^^ jggQ ^j^^ diocesc lost its vicar general, who had

Ooxptu Ohristi, Diocese op (Corpus Christi; cf. served in this capacity for thirty-five years, through

C. £., XVI--3Sa), in Texas, was erected out of the the death of Mgr. Federico Piragino.

Vicanate Apostolic of Brownsville, 23 March, 1912, By latest statistics (1^) this diocese comprises

ber, 1870, appointed Bishop of Corpus Chnsti 4 seminarians, 1 normal school for girls with 100

April, 1913, retired and made titular Bishop of pupils. All the superior schools, lyceums, technical

Gerasa 22 April, 1920. He was succeeded by the and industrial schools are under the control of tJie

present incimibent, Rt. Rev. Emmanuel B. Ledvina, government. One periodical, "L'Unione, is pub-

D.D.y appointed 30 April, 1921. Bshed; 2 societies are organized among the clergy.

By present (1921) statistics the Catholic popula- and 4 among the laity, besides numerous rural

tion of this diocese numbers about 98,000, of whom federations. 92,000 are Mexican and the remainder chiefly

American with a small percentage of German, Oosta Sica, Repitbuc of (cf. C. E., IV-417d). —

Bohemian and Spanish. There are 31 parishes, 75 The area of the Republic is estimated at 23,()00

churches, 83 mission stations, 14 secular priests and English square miles, divided into seven provinces,

31 regulars, 189 Sisters, 1 college for boys with 6 San Jose, Alajuela, Heredia, Cartago, Guanacaste,

teachers and 176 students, 4 academies, namelv, Pimta Arenas, and Limon. Accordix^; to an esti-

Brownsville, Corpus Christi, lAredo and Rio Grande mate made on 31 December, 1918, the population

City, with 62 teachers and 1,617 pupils, 1 orphan was 459,423, of which approximately 300,()00 were

a^lum and 3 hospitals. The Knights of Colimibus of the peon class with a small daily wage. There

and Catholic Daughters of America are organized are some 18,000 colored British West Indians, mostly

in the diocese. on the banana farms in the Limon Province. The

Ocrilentes, Diocese op (Corrientensis), in the Yjf^\ ?Ji!f„ ^"lut^, w^H•^^;S^Si^ ^^1^^-^

Argentine Republic, suffragan of Buenos Aires. ^'iS>' ^^^^Jl^h ^^^^^* ^®'^^A,^*^"*

Tffis see, erected 21 January, 1910 (see C. E., ^^ffi^^^T'ls^ll?^?^^ i

XVI-^), is filled by its firat bishop, Rt. Rev. Economic STATU8.-The pnncipal agricultiu^

Louis Niella, bom in this province 1854, or- Products are coffee (24,000,000 pounds ^imated

dained 1879, appointed 3 February, 1911. By a FJ^^^^iJ^K ^ l^^^Vj""!^ ?^o*T' w^'1^o*t?S?^

Decree of tile &cred Congregation of the Council, i^k\^'^l ^'".^S.^^V^^^^ '"^ ^^^% at about $3,100,-

13 November, 1920, the iurisaiction of the bishops 5?^?;^^^°^ ^,700 acres are under tobacco. The

of the Argentine over the female societies of St. F^^^ ^A^cJ^o/ J"™^^m q ^^^^/^^ ^^u^'l ^^

Vincent do Paul, in all dioceses where they are ^joports (595%) m 1918 and took a still larger

oiKanized, was established. Although not canon- ^^^ J« ^^^ exports (90.^%). Coffee represented

ically erected confraternities or pious unions, the ^P^® than one-third of the total exports of Costa

Decree nevertheless defines them as coming under ^*^«" and bananas amounted to only a little less,

the bishop's jurisdiction, as do aU local socieUes Y^^^j^ ™^^^^i j^^ifj^j?^!? r^I?I^VJ^^!^ and afioliations formed diocese covers an area

prises 370,000 inhabitants, ^w .» v.v,v..^»u^v. v^ «.~w ^ant^m

Holy Cross of Milagros, and includes 26 parishes, *"j»^'« r^ _x -n- i. • *. « 

48 chapels and 3 c^veits. CoMMUNi^TioNs.-Costa Rica has m actual

'^ operation 338 miles of railway, mcludmg branches

Oortona, Diocesb op (Cobtonensis; cf. C. E., and sidings, all of 3 ft. 6 in. gauge. Of this mileage

IV-401b), in the province of Arezzo, Central Italy, 82 miles are the property of the Government, 67

is directly subject to the Holy See. This see is nules belong to the Northern Railway Co., and

filled (1922) by Rt. Rev. Michael Baldetti, bom in 189 miles to the Costa Rica Railway. As a matter

the diocese in 1854, after ordination incorporated of fact, the Costa Rica Railway is leased to the

in the Diocese Perugia, and appointed to this see Northern, so that the whole system of some 256

16 December, 1901. The territory embraces a miles, having its local focal point at Port Limon,

Catholic population of 30,2()0, scattered through ^ under one general management. In 1919 there

50 parishes, served by 81 secular and 36 regular entered the ports of the Republic 479 vessels of

clem, 23 seminarians, 34 Brothers, 90 Sisters, and 486,131 tons. «• . „

60 churches or chapels. Manufactures.— ^There are officially enumerated

3,296 factories in the Republic, including coffee

Oonmlia, Diocese op (Corumbenbis), in Brazil, diying establishments, starch, broom, and wood« 

suffragan of Cuyab^, was erected 10 March, 1910 i^ork factories. In 1919 the first attempt was made

(see C. E., XVI-35). The first bishop, Rt. Rev. at labor organization throughout the country.

Cyril de Paula Freitas, retired and was transferred There is a pronounced opposition to the continua-

to the titular see of Antipatris, 8 February, 1918. tion of the national liquor business. Liquor manu-

The present incumbent, Rt. Rev. Maurice Da facturing is a government monopoly, and its exis-

Rocha, then serving as secretary to the Bishop of tence is temporarily prolonged by the fact that it

Maceio, was appointed to succeed him 10 March, stands as security to the loan of 35,000,0(X) francs

1919. The catnedral is dedicated to the Holy made by France to Costa Rica in 1911, France

Ooss. No statistics are yet published. having first mortgage on the revenues of the alcohol