Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/272

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BBS M0INS8 256 l>ST&On

tion; a slight fracture of the cover, however, does dents, 2 colleges for women with 15 teachers and

not destroy the consecration, and any priest mav 75 students, 51 high schools with 127 teachers and

repair it with cement. The desecration of a church an attendance of 1,143 bo3rs and 1,796 c^rls, 6

does not affect an altar, and vice versa. (Ckide academies with 68 teachers and attendance of 480

juris canonici, 1,170 sqq.) bo3rs and 904 girls, 4 normal schools with 180 stu-

^^^^, D,pc«E OF (Dbmoikknos; cf, C. 1^*5. SS ±^f "*???. ^fi^flShK^tJ/f^^^-^

comprises 12,

W.'rh^m,^DrD!!"cTil^'^ted bi^horoV thS"di^ ?, ^^^* wlums, Olbospitels, 2 refuges, and 3 set-

ce^ 21 Mav 1919 He is the Mcond liifihoD^f the ^^^^^^ houses. The Euchanstic League and

diS^ hS^Drede^r havL^ t£ l?t Rel "factum Sacerdotum," are established among the

A,^^' TWi w ifn ^iT^io. ^.^n^rft!:r^ f kI; clciw, and the Holy Name and St. Vincent de Austin Dowlmg^ D-J?-,. who was consecrated the p.„r;^;^*;^ Mo*;«i.i r««fK^i;« w«ifo«. o^„«^i

nrst Bishop of later promoted

dual ^ook with an attendance of 2,918: Various Population numben. 492,767.

w*fp^n«i!i"^lvtll'p™v '^I^J^tJZ^. »«^*. Univbwitt or.-This institution, under w^eiTlSdthSSS.: Th?r"4o-"oS the care of the Father, of the Society of Jesus.

are represented and the Sisters

ones IS isi,}tn. CoUege," with power to grant such Uterary honors

Detroit, DiooBSB of (Dbtroitbnbib; cf. C. E., and confer sucn degrees as are usually conferred

IV~758b), established 8 March, 1833, conmrises a by similar colleges in the United States. The

part of the lower peninsula of the State of Michi- grow^ of the institution and the advancing promi-

gap, U. S. A. Rt. Rev. John S. Foley, D. D., the nence of its alumni, and most of all the almost

third bishop of this diocese, who had filled the see unprecedented progress of the city in population

since 1888, died 5 January, 1918, and was succeeded and extent ana diversity of industrial and com-

by the present incumbent, Rt. Rev. Michael James mercial enterprise, constituted at once a warrant

Gallagher, transferred to this diocese 18 July, 1918. and a demand for new development in its educa-

Bishop Gallagher was ordained a priest 19 March, tional work. For this reason, on the expiration of

1893, appointed titular Bishop of Tipasa and coad- the original charter in 1911, the authorities effected

jutor to the Bishop of Grand Rapids, 5 July, 1915, a new organization on a broader basis, and incor-

and on 17 November, 1918, he arrived in Detroit porated under the title of 'The University of

and was escorted to the episcopal residence by a Detroit." At present (1922) the different depart-

parade of 50,000 men, while 100,000 more lined the ments of the university, along literary, philosophical,

streets to welcome him. In May, 1920, the bishop Family Sodality, Holy Name Society, Sodahty of

called upon the people of the diocese to contribute The School of Law was established in 1912, carries

four million dollars to found and endow Sacred on instructions in two courses: a day course and an

Heart Preparatory Seminary, and within three evening course. Total registration (1^1-^) 275

months over nine million had been subscribed and studento.

the seminary is now opened in temporary quartera The School of Engineering offere a five-year co-

with an enrollment of more than two himdred stu- operative course in civil, chemical, electrical, me-

dents. The faculty is composed of secular priests, chanical, and sronautical engineering. It includes

but the Congregation of the Holy Cross and the alternate bi-weekly periods at the university and

Trappist Fathers have arranged to open houses in actual engineering practice in the shops. This

of study for their candidates, in connection with practice is made possible by an arrangement of

the seminary. The vigorous leadership and fear- the imiversity with the engineering, manufacturing

less attitude of Bishop Gallagher in fighting the and public service establishments of the city. The

anti-parochial school bill, which came up at the fall emplo3rment is under the united control of the

elections of 1920, was responsible for its defeat and university and the employer. Total registration,

the state records show that within his diocese the 236.

issue was defeated two to one. Since the elections The School of Commerce and Finance was or-

an act of the Legislature was passed undertaking ganized in 1916 to meet the demand for supple-

a certain amount of state supervision of parochial mentary training along commercial and industrial

schools and the diocesan authorities are co-oper- lines. The course covera a four-year period,

ating, the bishop having appointed a diocesan super- Studies and lectures in economics, law, business

intendent of schools. administration, accounting, cost accounting, soci-

During the World War the diocese supplied 10 ology, advertising, salesmanship, ethics, languages,

chaplains, and over 18,000 men went into the ser- etc., are arranged to develop careers as certified

vice, of whom about 1,000 gave up their lives. public accountants, business analists, advisore or

Since Bishop Gallagher's incumbency 30 new par- executives. Total registration, 679. *

ishes have been established and 12 new schools The College of Arts and Sciences extends through

opened and the statistics now (1921) show: 202 four years and embraces instruction in the depart-

parishes, 274 churches, 72 missions, 1 monastery for ments of religion, philosophy, economics, pohtical

men and 1 for women, 13 convents for men and 4 science, 60ciolog>% education, language, literature, his-

for women, 336 secular and 70 regular clergy, 34 tory, science, and mathematics. The aim of the course

lay brothera, 1,103 Sisters, 2 seminaries with 345 is to give the student a complete liberal education,

seminarians. Among the educational institutions which will train and develop all the powers of the

are: 1 university with 90 professors and 1,343 stu- mind, and will cultivate no one faculty to an