Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/322

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jmxiAeBf 368 secular and 86 regular dergy, 208 Durixsg the World War four priests of the diocese

sexninariaDB, 40 Brothers, IW Sisters, 660 cbivches served as chaplains at the front.

and chapels. Pfeotln, Maritjs, Benedictine writer, d. on 16

^ ^ •* . « « V •• * September, 1915; he had been a Benedictine monk

Fernando Fo (or Fernando Poo), VicamatbApob- of the Abbey of Famborough, England, for forty

Touc OF (Insulabum Hannobom, C0R8100 HT years. He was highly esteemed as a historian and

Fernando Poo; cf. C. E., XVI-^b), a Spanish his studies of the mozarabic liturgy of Southern

colonv. West Africa, is the most important of the Spain are considered to be authoritative, as are

Annab6n Islands and covers an area of 695 sq. those of the cartularies of the Abbey of Silos, which

miles, with residence at Santa Isabel. It is en- form a part of the history he wrote of that estab-

trusted to the Spanish Coneregation of the Sons lishment.

of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The present _ ' . .__ , -,

(1922) vicar Apostolic, also titular Bishop of rwja». ARcroicpsB op (Febrariensis; cf. C.

lonopolis, is Rt. Rev. Nicolas Gonzalez y Perez, £. VI-46c), m Itdbr, immediately subject to the

F. C. Im. M., b. 3 February, 1863. in La Nuez de Hdy See From 29 December, 1908, to 7 July,

Arriba in the Diocese of Burgos; missionary for 1920, the diocese of* Comacchio was umted to the

twenty.five years, appointed bishop 24 August, 1918, Archdiocese of Ferrara, and admimajered by the

and vicar Apostolic of Fernando Po, 10 September Archbishop of Fwara as Bishop of Comacchio.

of the same year, consecrated at Madrid, 7 Decern- His Eminence Cardu^l Boschi, who had filled ^

ber following, succeeding Mgr. Pedro Armengaudio see from 1900, retired and was transferred to the

Coll, F. C. &!. M., the first vicar Apostolic of Fer- jee of Frascati 3 July. 1919, and was succeedgl by

nado Po. There are in the vicariate (1920) 38 ^^ ^^^?^ ^^^^S^^*' ^\ ?'^^' J^ancesco Rosbi,

priests and 25 Brothers (F.C.Im. M.), and 39 native {>• **« ^*"^?® J,^' apppmtwi Archbishop of Cag-

catechists, 4 Fathera of the Holy Ghost, 12 churches, ^^a" 9 April, 1913, transferred to the Archdiocese of

16 chapels, 66 stations, 12 colleges for boys with Ferrara 15 December, 1919. Accordinsf to 1922

901 pupils, 4 for girls with 409 pupils, 1 high school statistics the diocese numbers 91 panshes, 159 With 40 pupils; 54 elementary 1 seminal all the

Sisters 01 tne. immaculate conception: i:ai,uuu m- «*^-*-"-*^j ."—.«., . ^»^.^. «-«,., *,,«- ^*v.*^^-v«.

habitants. The Spanish government supports 14 l^^ .? mdustnal schools. 3 homes, 19 asylums, 3

missions and dispenses an annual sum of 26,000 frs. horoitals, 1 refuge,, 1 day nursery. Twenty-five

for the schools. "La Guienea Espafiola is pub- P"^^*® mstitutions m the dioc^ admit the min-

lished in the vicariate. Mgr. Armengol Coll, «tiy of the priests. The followme institutions,

vicar Apostolic died 21 April, 1918, after twenty- academies, lyceums, elementary, teclmical, mdus-

eight years of administration, helping the people *"a^' commercial, evening, music, drawing, and

spirituaUy and materially. He invented an agri- normal schools receive government support. Two

cultural apparatus. Events of importance are: the assoaations we orgamsed among the clergy, sjid

internment of more than 20,000 people, both Euro- g "Circolo Popolare CatolM». a Mutiml Aid

peans and natives coming from German Kamerun; Society, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

the dedication of the cathedral 23 January, 1916. t^^^fi ^^^ ^a^^?-,. ^ weekly journal and a monUily

bulletm are pubhshed m the diocese. During the

Perns, DiocBSEcnr (FteNUNBis; cf. C. E. VI-45b), World War the clergy distinguished theinselves as

in the province of Leinster, Ireland, including chaplains, and m the care ^ the poor and the war

ahnost all of Wexford and a part of Wicklow coun- orphans of the diocese. His Eminence the late

ties, is suffragan of Dublin, with residence at Sum- Cardinal Giulio Boschi gave his archiepiscopal

merhiU, Wexford. Rt. Rev. William Codd, Lord palaw as a home for the soldiers, and the citisens

Bishop of Ferns, the present incumbent, b. 6 July, maiiif^ed theu- gratitude by erectmg a commemo-

1864, studied at St. Peter's CoUege, and at the Irish ^^i7®,^°^ ^ *^. n^emory. The laity co-operated

CoUege, Rome, ordained 1889, president of St. ^^P **^e ^^J^rgy m all patriotic works mentmg

Peter^ College, Wexford, 1907; appointed bishop 7 ^^^ ^^ decorations.

December, 1917, consecrated 25 February, 1918, sue- Ferrari, Andrea Carlo, Cardinal, b. at Lalatta,

ceedinc Rt. Rev. James Browne (b. 28 August, 1842 ; district of Pratopiano in the Diocese of Parma,

d. 21 June, 1917). The diocesan statistics for 1921 Italy, 13 August, 1830: d. 2 February, 1921. the

are : 41 parishes, 130 secular and 20 regular priests, son of Giuseppe Ferran and Maddalena Langarini.

92 parochial and district churches, 1 seminary with Andrea Ferrari studied at the episcopal seminarv

100 seminarians; 1 college, higher schools for boys of Parma and was ordained there 20 December,

and girls, 150 Catholic primary schools, all run by 1873, became vice-rector of the seminary and in

the religious communities established in the dio- 1876 was made rector, in 1878 canon of the cathe-

cese; 14 convents, 2 orphanages, 1 industrial school, dral of Parma, elected Bishop of Guastalla in

1 refuge. Five workhouses and 1 mental hospital 1890, transferred to Como 1891, promoted to be

admit the ministry of priests, and all the national metropolitan of Milan 21 May, 1894, received the

and technical schools of the diocese receive govern- hat with the title of Sant' Anastasia 21 May, and

ment rates. The total population of the diocese the pallium 3 June following,

numbers 106,850, Catholics 98,134, non-Catholics At the conclave of 1903 Cardinal Ferrari was

8816. The missionary work is carried on by priests one of the PapabiU most in view. During his long

living in community for the giving of missions at episcopate the diocese conducted three diocesan

home and abroad. The societies organized in the synods, a Eucharistic Congress, a Catholic Congress,

diocese are the Ui Ceinnsealaigh Historical Society, the Centenary of St. Charles Borromeo, and a

and the conferences of St. Vincent de Paul. The provincial council. Many churches and institutions

Catholic presB is represented by "The Past," a were constructed in the city and diocese. During

periodical publifilied in the diocese. Canon Michael the war the cardinal organized a committee of

Ravanaugh spent a substantial sum for the new Religious Assistance, a Secretariate for Soldiers, a

church, new presbjrteries and schools in New Ross. Notification Bureau for Prisoners, and every pos-