Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/327

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number of inhabitants to the square mile was 17.7 branches of Methodists report 436 preachers, 1434

as against 13.7 in 1910. There are 967 election churches, and 14,821 members,

precincts and 2 military reservations. Florida has Florida Indians.— Descendants of the few defiant

48 cities, of which Jacksonville with a population Indians who refused to withdraw to reservations

of 91,558, is the largest. The other large cities after the Indian War in 1842 were assigned a reser-

are Tampa with a population of 51,608; Pensacola, vation by the Legislature in 1917 and granted

31,035; Key West, 18,749. There are 638,153 whites, ioo,000 acres near the Ten Thousand Islands

of whom 43,008 are foreign bora, and 329,487 Lbgislativb CHANGB8.-Armi8tice Day, 11 Novem-

negroes. Of the native whites, 632,295 are of native ^er, has been added to the number of legal holidays,

parentage. 35,751 are of foreign parentage, and ^he State prison is now permanently located at

J7,099 are of mixed parentage. The PopjJation of Bradford Farms. The custom of leaang prisoners

ten y^rs of age and over numbered 751,787, of was abolished in 1913, when the Legislature provided

whom 71311 were dhterat^ (9.6%). Of these, 56.639 f^^ ^he new prison. On 1 JanSaiy, 1917, there were negroes (2U%).^ Most of the foreign-born . ^^^^ lg20 State prisoners, 82 per cent of whom were

^me from Cuba, Spam, England, Germany, and colored, 643 in prison, 979 employed outside,

tne west inoi^ , , . . . ^ ^ recent times the political situation of Florida

Education. — ^The State school fund in 1919 was has been marked by unfortunate religious bigotry,

about S2,000,000. Statistics from the latest biennial Goveraor Sidney J. Catts put through the Legis-

report (1920) of the State superintendent show: lature a Convent Inspection Bill, under the terms

total public schools, 2996; white, 2128; colored, 837; of which in every county in Florida, there is a

enrolment, white, 137^26, or 70 per cent of school committee of three men and women, who shall

population; colored, 58,579, or 30 per cent of school at least once a year visit and inspect all convents

population; total expenditure for school year and Catholic institutions. He also put through a

ending June, 1918, $4,383,445. There are 6062 Compulsory Education Bill, compelling all the chil-

white and 1288 colored teachers. Annual grants dren of school age to attend the public schools,

from the Federal treasury for higher educational Not satisfied with the feeling of bigotry which he

institutions aggregated in 1918 about $75,000. The stirred in Florida, he stumped the State of Michigan

faculty of the Umversity of Florida numbers forty- in favor of the anti-parocnial school amendment to

three, the experiment station staff seventeen, enrol- the State constitution, which later failed to pass,

ment (1919) 988. The Florida Female College has In 1921 reports accusing Goveraor Catts of graft

54 professors and instructors and 598 students. The were circulated and on 16 April, the Florida Senate

colored normal school at Tallahassee reports a adopted a resolution authorizing investigation. In

faculty of 10. The productive endowment funds May he was indicted for peonage by the Grand

of the John B. Stetson University, Deland, amount Jury and arrested, but in June he was acquitted,

to $1,023,000; its enrolment in 1919 was 649, facultv, Florida rati^ed the Federal prohibition amendment,

32. The faculty of Rollins College, Winter Park, 14 December, 1918, the fifteenth State to do so.

numbers 25, enrolment, 175; of Southern College, The State did not take any action on the Federal

Southerland, 20, enrolment, 258; of Columbia Col- suffrage amendment which went into effect without

lege, Lake City, 15, enrolment, 93; St. Leo's Col- Florida's ratification, lege, St. Leo, has 70 students, the Sacred Heart

College, Tampa, 125 students. The Sisters of St. Fogaras and Alha-Jnlia, Archdiocese of (cf. C.

Joseph have academies at St. Augustine, Jackson- E., VI-123a), of the Greek-Rumanian Rite, in

ville, Loretto, Orlando, Palatka, Miami, Feraandina, Rumania, with residence at Blaj. The suffragan

and Ybor City; the Sisters of St. Benedict at St. sees are: Oradea-Mare (Grosswardein or Nagy-

Leo; the Sisters of Mercy at Apaiachicola ; the Sis- Varad), Gherla (Armenopoiis or Armenierstadt or

ters of Perpetual Adoration at Pensacola. Szamos-Ujvar), and Lugoj (Lugos). Through exist-

The State laws relative to private and parochial ing political agitation a prominent part of the

schools are as follows: no school fund or any part archoiocese was taken away by the Hungarian ele-

thereof shall be appropriated or used for the sup- ment in 1912 and erected into the new diocese of

Eort of any sectanan school (XII, 13); property Hajdu-Dorogh (q.v.). On 1 December, 1918, the

eld and used exclusively for religious, scientific, exertions of the national union of Alba-Julia in

municipal, educational or charitable purposes shall bringing about the incorporation of the archdiocese

be exempt from taxation (XVI, 16). Bible reading into the kingdom of Rumania were crowned with

is neither permitted nor excluded in the public success. The present Archbishop Basil Suciu (b. at

schools. Capocel 13 January, 1873) was elected in May, 1918,

Rkuoion. — ^The Catholic population of the State in succession to Archbishop Victor Mihalyi de Apsa

of Florida (1916) was 24,650. For Catholic statis- (d. 1918), who wr,s a learned scholar and defender

tics see St. AuousTiNB, Diocese op; Mobile, Diocesb of the Church, and bequeathed all his possessions

or. to the archdiocese. During the World War most of

Of the other religious denominations the Baptist the clergy were subjects of Hungary, and they

National Convention has the largest membership: succeeded in confirming the people in their hope

69,865; next comes the Southern Baptist Conven- of a future incorporation in the kingdom of Ru-

tion, with 57,732 members; the Methodist Episcopal mania. Some sought refuge within Rumania itself.

Church South comes third, and in 1916 reported and there labored to bring about the desired union.

590 churches and 155 parsonages; estimated mem- The Hungarians either imprisoned or interned

bership 51,500. The Episcopalian denomination had many priests and laymen, and some died during

(1916) 10,399 communicants, 95 Sunday school or- their imprisonment. Of special note are the fol-

ganizations, and 59 parsonages. The Episcopalians lowing recently deceased : Rev. Johannes M. Moldo-

maintained 132 parishes and missions, 8 churches vanu, cathedral provost, and Canon Augustine

and 4 schools for colored people and have an enrol- Bunea, member of the Rumanian Academy,

ment of 315 teachers and 2491 students in their The Catholic population of 500,000 is Rumanian.

Sunday schools; their church property is valued There are 570 secular and 2 regular priests; 706

at 1728,038. Presbjrterians, North and South, num- parishes; 1 monastery for men and 1 for women;

ber 10,170 with 61 parsonages; Congregationalists, 1 abbey for men; 1 convent for men; 1 theological

2878, Among the colored people, five distinct seminary with 7 professors and 75 students; 3 col-