Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/342

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FBEiBTnta 326 fbejus

The following monasteries for men are situated bischof scheim ; 3 boarding schools for high school in the diocese: Beuron (Benedictine) 65 priests, students. 1 home for theological students (Col- 17 scholastics, 12 lay brothers; Gorheim (Sigmarin- legium Sapientise), 1 home for students (Albertus gen lYanciscans), 1^ priests, 17 scholastics, 15 bmise), 1 home for girl students {Hildegardisheim), lay brothers; Freiburg (Franciscans), 7 priests, 3 lay 2 schools for the training of women social workers^ brothers; Sackingen (Capuchins), 6 priests, 3 lay 1 training school for kindergarten teachers, 1 caritas brothers; 2iell (Capuchins), 5 priests, 1 lay brother; school, 1 creche, 5 housekeeping schools, 1187 sew- Waghausel (Capuchins), 5 priests, 3 lay brothers; ing and needle-work schools. In the archdi9cese Bickesheim (Redemptorists), 3 priests, 4 lay there are 4 homes for shop-^irls, 12 for servants, brothers; Birnau (Cistercians), 6 priests, 4 lay 4 for apprentices, and 7 for journeymen, brothers: Bronbach (Cisterciuiis), 6 priests, 4 Mention may be made of the following societies lay brotners. Since 1918 male orders and congre- among the clergy: the Unio Apostolica, the Unio gations are permitted to have foundations in Baden cleri pro missionibus, the Assecurantia clericorum, and the following orders are now established there: and the Association for the support of sick priests. White Fathers at Haigerloch (10 priests, 8 brothers) ; The following societies and organizations are under Pallotini Fathers at Bruchsal; Fathers of the Holy the care of the clergy: Marian Association of Ghost at Donaueschingen. There are also Brothers Priests, St. Bonifatiusverein (its income during the of Charity at five stations. The entire number of past year was 516,453 m.); Bonifatiusverein for monasteries for men in the archdiocese, inclusive of poor children and for missionary works in the arch- 3 missionary establishments, is 12, including 1 abbey diocese; society of the Holy Childhood, St. Francis with 360 regulars (including lay brothers). The Xavier Association, Marian Congregation for young total number of lay brothers is 114. The entire women (420 branches), Marian CJongregation for .lumber of monasteries and convents for women is boys and yoimg men (60 branches), Marian Con- 8, situated as follows: Sisters of the Holy Sepulchre gre^tion for men (20 branches), Marian Congre- (40 members), Benedictines at HabstalXSO), Domin- gation for students (3 branches). Association of icans at Constance (60), Cistercians at Lichtental Christian Mothers (620 branches), Catholic Jour- (65), Ursulines at Villingen (75). The total num- neymen's Unions (70 branches), Workingmen's ber of nuns exceeds 300. Unions (120 branches), boys and young men's asso-

The following congregations devoted to charitable ciations (240 branches), working women's associa- works are active in the archdiocese: Sisters of St. tion (30 branches), servant girls' associations (35 Vincent de Paul, mother-house at Freiburg, 327 branches), association for women and civil service establishments, 1199 Sisters; Sisters of St. Francis employees (12 branches). People's Union (Volk- from Gengenbach, 317 establishments, 1037 Sisters; verein, 490 branches), Borromausvereine, Catholic Sisters of the Holy Ooss from In^enbohl at Hegne, Women's League (10 branches), Catholic Studenta;* 304 establishments, 1134 Sisters; Sisters of the Third League, Association of High School Students of Order of St. Dominic at Neusatzeck, 4 foundations; New Germany (15 branches). Association of Cath- Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Mark (Alsace), provin- olic Social Workers (13 branches). The confra- cial house St. Trudpert, 45 convents, 114 Sisters; temities include the Association of the Holy Sisters of St. Francis of Milwaukee, 104 convents, Family, the Caritas Association with 8 bureaux 400 Sisters, provincial house at Erlenbad; Sisters of and committees in all parishes, St. Vincent dc the Holy Redeemer of Oberbronn (Alsace), pro- Paul Society (25 branches), Elizabeth Verein, Girls' vincial house at Biihl, 68 convents, 574 Sisters; Protective Associations (14 branches), Association Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul, mother-house Stras- of asylums and day nurseries. * burg, 12 convents, 75 Sisters; Sisters of the Holy There are 11 periodicals published within the Cross, Strasburg-Neudorf, 10 convents, 36 Sisters; limits of the archdiocese, and 39 Catholic news- Sisters of St. Francis of Mallersdorf, Bavaria, 5 coh- papers.

vents, 32 Sisters; Sisters of the Divine Infant Jesus, The following distinguished clergymen have died Wiirzbur^ Oberzell, 3 convents, 6 Sisters; Sisters since 1915: Most Rev. Thomas Norber, Archbishop of Christian Charity, Paderbom, 2 convents, 9 Sis- of Freibuig; Rt. Rev. Justus Knecht, auxiliaiy ters; Sisters of the Divine Redeemer, WUrzburg, 3 bishop of Freiburg: Rt. Rev. Mgr. Lorenz Werth- convents, 7 Sisters; Sisters of the Holy Cross, mann, founder ot the Caritas Association for Menzingen, 4 convents, 9 Sisters; Sisters of St. Catholic Germany and organizer of the charity Vincent de Paul, Augsburg, 1 convent, 2 Sisters, organizations throughout the country; Rev. Theo- The following institutions and charitable organiza- dore Wacker, for many years the distinguished tions are in charge of the various orders of Sisters: leader of the Center Party of Baden. 560 homes for visiting nursing Sisters; 125 hospitals Archbishop Norber, bom in Waldstetten 1846, in charge of the Sisters of Charity; 30 homes and ordained 1870, served as vicar at Schwetzingen and alms houses; 7 foundling asylums; 400 day nur- Mannheim and pastor at Seckhch, Hardheim Lich- series; 20 asylums; 4 refuges for wayward girls; tenthal, Thiergarten and Baden-Baden, was ap- 1 asylum for the feeble-minded; 2 homes for crip- pointed archbishop 5 September, 1898, named an pies; several soup kitchens; 7 convalescent homes assistant at the pontifical throne 9 May, 1900, and for children; 1 convalescent home for mothers; 1 died 27 July, 1920, having celebrated the golden convalescent home for war veterans; 5 homes for jubilee of his priesthood. He was succeeded by working women and employees; 1 convalescent the present incumbent. Most Rev. Charles Fritz, home for priests. born in Adelhousen 1864, appointed 12 October,

Aside from the above mentioned schools, educa- 1920. tional institutions and university, there are in the

archdiocese of Freiburg: the University of Heidel- Fr^jus, Diocese op (Forum Juuenbib; cf. C. E., berg with 2481 students and 188 professors and a VI-269d), suffragan of Aix. The present diocese Protestant theological faculty, an Institute of comprises the territory of the ancient Diocese of Technology at KarTsriihe, an Institute of Commerce Frejus, as well as that of the ancient Diocese in Mannheim, altogether 43 high schools, gymnasia, of Toulon. The most important events which have 6 obcreahchulcn and girls' high schools, 6 training taken place in the diocese since 1909 were the schools, 5 gymnasial boarding schools at Freiburg, solemn canonical coronation of the statue of Notre Rastatt, Constance, Sigmftringen, and Tauber- Dame de Consolation at Hy^res, and the centenaries