Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/360

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primary schools, supported by the Govemment and Sergiopolis and coadjutor to the vicar apostolic of

under its inspection, have been added to the dio- Western Good Hope, 29 January, 1886, succeeding

cese. A beautiful church, built at St. Mark and as vicar 10 February, 1909. He is also adniinistrator

paid for partly by the Haitian Govemment and apostolic of the prefecture of Central Cape of

partly through the generosity of the faithful, was Good Hope. The total population of the ter-

completed during the present year (1921). ritory according to 1920 statistics, nimabers

Owing to the general mobilization during the war, 209,580, of whom are 6500 Catholics. The mission

the total number of priests and religious has is served by 25 secular priests and 6 Salesian

diminished noticeably since 1911. Seven of the Fathers, 8 Salesian and 12 Marist Brothers, 78

priests of the diocese entered the service during Dominican Sisters, 48 Sisters of the Holy Cross

the war^ and of these two were killed, two received and 16 Sisters of Nazareth, 46 churches or chapels,

the croix de guerre, and three others received other and 32 schools.

!l*2'i°o°fL: AlP^l^^i^^^^ .^Oood Samaritan, Sistbrs op the (cf. C. E.

The former conduct 2 government primary schools, ^m^\'^\^ fio"^o«'I?r*«?[^?aHo^J«/u?®,.^

1 at Gonaives and 1 at St. Mark, and have in all ffiin^pi,^,*^p^^

8 Brothers and 700 pupils. Unde^ the direction of V^ ^^r^Zt^^J^h^r vl^^lt^^^^^^Z

the Sisters there are 2 hospitals and 4 govemment ^iJf f/<rr^^^^^^ hv « ^fW^fnlo^;^ w

&2^ ^a'tl^^i^ifi^^^ ^ ^' ^" "^ '^ ^- ^^^f wVoTrrei^Ld TeS^^r Sl^'The dren m Cathohc schools. mother-house, to which is attached a training col-

Oonsaga Unlyerslty is situated in the city of lege for teachers, is in Sydney, N. S. W. The Spokane, Washington, and conducted by members novices and postulants are trained in one central of the Society of Jesus. It originated in 1881 when novitiate house, which is also in the Archdiocese the Rev. Joseph Cataldo, superior of the Jesuit of Sydney. The Sisters devote themselves to works Missions in the Rocky Mountains, bought a half- of charity, suqh as education, the care of penitent section of land from the Northem Pacific Railroad women and orphans, and the visitation of the sick. Co., and in 1883 began the erection of the first There have been 17 new foundations since 1909. Gonzaga building. It was formally opened on 15 The present number of members is 440, with a total September, 1887, and incorporated on 22 April, number of 46 foundations, of which 24 are in N. S. 1894, and empowered to print literary honors and Wales, 12 in Queensland, 8 in Victoria, 2 in South confer degrees. The rapid erowth of the city so Australia.^ The Sisters have under their care the increased the value of the land that the sale of following institutions: 2 homes for penitent women, portions of it made possible the erection of new 1 orphanage, 1 domestic training school, 62 schools. Duildings in 1898 and 1903. In the homes 200 women are provided for. In the

The system of education is substantially that of orphanage there are at present 80 children, but an aU imiversities conducted by the Society of Jesus, additional building, which will accommodate 200, is It includes the following departments: graduate being erected. The children attend school until school of philosophy and science, school of com- they are fourteen years of age, after which they merce and finance, law school, college of arts and are taught domestic work, needlecraft, or trades, sciences, including pre-engineering and pre-medical In the domestic training school 30 poor giris are courses, and the preparatory high school. For the boarded, receive religious instmction, and are year 1920-21 the school of philosophy and science trained in domestic work and needlecraft. The registered 121 students, law school 40, arts and schools include boarding schools, secondary and sciences 102, and the high school 721. The Rev. primary day schools. The pupils number over John A. McHugh, S.J., is president of the uni- 12,000. versity. Oorisia, Archdiocese of (Gorz; cf. C. E., VI-

Oood Hope, Eastern, Vicariate Apoerouc op 654c) .--Gorizia was formerly the capital of the THE Cape of (Districtus Oribntaus Promontorii Austrian crownland of Gors and Gradisca, which BoN^ Spei), one of the divisions of the original Pf^/^^^S.^*® ^°Tu- u extreme northeastern part of vicariate of the Cape of Good Hope, divided in J^^ly. The archbishop has the title of pnnce and 1847. The bishop resides at Port Elizabeth. It is ^js archdiocese is compos^ of the united sees of at present administered by Rt. Rev. Hugh Go""? ^^^ Gradisca, and has for its suffragans McSherry, bom in Loughgilly, Ireland, 1852, ap- J?® dioceses of /arenzo and Pola, Trieste and pointed titular Bishop of Justinianapolis, 2 June, papo d Istria, and Veglia. The prince archbishop 1806, and made coadjutor to the vicar of Eastern « Most Rev. Fran^sco Borgia Sedej, born at Good Hope, whom he succeeded 1 October, 1806. perkno, 10 October, 1854, elected 21 Februay, 1906, The population of this territory numbere 163,210 of ^^ succeed Mgr. Andreas Jordan, deceased. The European origin and 432,270 natives: about 13,296 5^*^tm^*T®^J^l^"^l^u 1^*^,^^^*^^ ^^oke out of these are Cathelics and 466,621 Protestants, i^ ^^}^ devastated all the countries bordering on The 1920 statistics credit the vicariate with 27 \^« ^^f^ ^^^^^5 43 churches were totally de- secular and 15 Jesuit priests, besides 2 missionaries s^^oyed, 42 more or lera damaged The inhabitants, of Marianhill, 74 churches and chapels. 20 houses includmij the clergy dispereed throughout Austria of religious, 43 Brothers, 407 Sisters, and 48 schools ^ ^^"^ interned by the Italians. According to the with ^K) Duoils Treaty of Rapallo, the archdiocese of Gora was

  • ^ ^ * annexed to the Kingdom of Italy. The new cir-

Oood Hope, Western, Vicariate Apostouc op cumscription gives to the archdiocese three rural THE Cape of (Districtus Ogcidbntaub Promontorh deaneries, those of Lubiano and Klagenfurt with Bona Sepi), one of the two vicariates in the an addition of 60,000 inhabitants. During the war Cape of Good Hope. The official residence is the clergy by their zeal and unselfishness made at Cape Town. It is at present administered themselves much beloved by the Govemment and by Rt. Rev. John Rooney, bom in Edenderry, the people. While in exile in Austria and Italy Ireland, 1844, and appointed titular Bishop of they shared the hardships of the faithful, adminis-