Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/362

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mort de f^es/' a charming, excellent history of the Almeiria, 19 December, 1907, promoted 7 March,

fairies throughout the ages. 1921. In 1919 'he was appointed a corresponding

Hbuzbt. Lucte-Fiiix-Faure Ooyau: aa vie et aes auvres member of the Royal Academy of History. TllJ

(Paris, 1918). Church of St. John of God was erected into a minor

Qoyai, DiocBSB of (Gk)TABEa^8i8), includes the basilica 20 December, 1916, and granted special in- state of the same name and a part of the state of dulgences 12 June followmg The archdiocese com- Minas, Brazil, suffragan of Marianna. A part of P"8es an area of about 3261 sq miles and a Catho- the original territory of this diocese was separated !»« PpP^^^^io^ o( P^OOO. The 1920 statistics credit from it by a Decree of 29 September, 1907, to '^ ^iL^- 5.""^^.? ^u""'^^ ^^o^^V^ archpriests form the new Diocese of Uberaba. It now comprises ^""^ .^^ PT^^sts, 247 churches, 312 chapels or sanc- about 288,160 sq. miles. Rt. Rev. Prudencio Gomes ^V^nes, 66 convente with 180 reliwous and 935 da Silva, appointed to this see 17 November, 1907, Sisters, 1 umveraity and 1 seminary founded by St. died 19 September, 1921, and his successor hks not W»^^^ l^'^t W ^^ fhhXT^^ yet been appointed. The population is chiefly ^^^^""^^F ^^^^^'^h^^^ Catholic, counting 300,748 fcatholics against 50 ^onte (founded m 1610), with 150 students.

Protestants and 10,000 infidels. The diocese accord- Granada, Diocbsb op (Granadbnsis), in the Re-

ing to 1920 statistics, comprises 36 parishes, 39 public of Nicaragua, Central America, is dependent

secular and 38 regular priests, and 158 churches on Managua. On 2 December, 1913, the diocese

and chapels. The secular clergy are gradually dis- of Nicaragua, hitherto dependent on Guatemala,

appearing owing to the great dfifficulty in obtaining was dismembered and three dioceses and a vicariate

funds to maintain the seminary, and now more than apostolic were formed, one of which, comprising

half of the parishes are administered by priests of four civil provinces, was Granada, where the epis-

religious oroers. copal seat is situat<ed in the province of the same

name. The first bishcp of Granada was Rt. Rev.

Gozo, Diocese of (Gaudibibnbis; cf. C. E., VI- Jose Candida Pinol y Batres, b. in Guatemala 2

687c), comprising the Island of Gozo in the Mediter- February, 1878, elected 10 December, 1913, resigned

ranean. The present bishop is Giovanni Maria and transferred 10 July, 1915, and published 9

Camilleri (b. 1843), elected 1889, succeeding the December following as titular bishop of Phaselis.

late Rt. Rev. Pietro Pace (b. 9 April, 1831 ; d. 29 The second and present bishop is Rt. Rev. Canuto

July, 1914). Educated at Rome Bishop Pace Jos^ Reyes y Balladares, b. at Leon, Nicaragua,

there took first honors in theology and canon law. 24 September, 1863, ordained in 1887, and elevated

Ordained priest in 1853, he was at one time secre- to the bishopric 12 July, 1915.

tary to the Cardinals Vincenzo Santucci and An- There are twenty-five parishes, three of which lie

tonio Panebianco. He became vicar general and in the epbcopal city ana which include the church

administrator of Gozo in 1864, and was created of St. Francis, in use as a temporary cathedxrd

bishop of that diocese by Pius IX in 1877. In while the cathedral proper is being erected. There

1889 ne was appointed by Leo XIII, Archbishop of are no permanent missions establi^ed, but the

Malta, where he had at one time been professor Jesuit Fathers hold missions in those places where

in the university and seminary. Made a £[night there is no parish priest. There are 4 houses for

of Malta he was decorated with the Order of Vic- religious communities of men, the Jesuits having

toria by King Edward VII of England. He in- 2, the Salesians 1, and the Capuchins 1. There

creased the teaching faculty and the number of are 5 convents for women, 2 of the Sisters of Our

students at the seminary, opened houses for nuns. Lady of Help, and 3 of the Sisters of St. Joseph

and under the care of the Sisters of Charity re- of Mexico. There are a diocesan seminary and 5

stored in its entirety the orphan asylum, after add- colleges, 2 for boys, one of which is conducted by

ing a nuEsery. He purchased from the Government the Jesuits and the other by the Salesians, and

the episcopal residence and lands, and provided 3 for girls, 2 of which are in charge of the Sisters

for daily communication with the Sisters of the of Our Lady of Help, and 1 of the Sisters of St.

diocese. Joseph of Mexico. There are 2 hospitals, 1 in

The spiritual needs of the Catholic population of Granada and 1 in Rivas. The Government con-

23,000 are looked after by a total of 180 secular tributes to the support of some of the Catholic

and 18 regular priests, assisted by 14 lay brothers, schools and institutions, especially the colleges.

There are 13 parishes and 42 churches, 14 convents Practically all of the inhabitants of the diocese are

for men and 6 for women, 1 seminary with 14 pro- Catholics, except a few Protestants, who have come

fessors and instructors, 100 boarders and 100 day from other places. There are 4 religious organiza-

students, 1 college for girls with 20 students taught tions among the laity and 4 monthly papers are

by 7 Sisters of Charity, 1 high school for boys with published, one of which has as its aim the fostering

2 teachers and 40 students, 9 normal schools for of religious vocations,

boys with 6 teachers and 196 students, and 9 for ^^^ j^^^^ j^ (Insulab Gbandis).

S>S r^i,-i?nn«;^^n^.«f« 1 ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ectcd ss the Dioccse of Kearney 27 January

^'J^^L?^ 5?^.i?[i ?n ^L'^fc 1913, out of a portion of the Dioceie of Omahk!

KeTf 4ta^he'i^^ ^rS^t'^^^^re^^tl^^ t'ir^nil^o'n'a! tf :L\7'^^JS^^or^l^l

i^niL^Ti^dil'il tr L'cr Vel^ d'^col^te'd"' the S?ed CaVoSj ^Xt^Sfrthr "ouS^ and many soldiers of the diocese were decorated. ^^ ^j^^ ^-^^^^ ^^^ ^^ be extended, and in May.

Oran, Abchdiocese of. See Esztbrgom. 1916, the Holy See decreed that the mother diocese

should cede four additional counties (Arthur,

Qraaada, Archdiocese or ( Gran aten sis), in Wheeler, Greeley, and Howard), including the city Spain. This see was filled by Most Rev. Jos6 of Grand Uland. This was made the see city in- Meseguer y Costa from 27 March, 1905, until his stead of Kearney, and the name of the diocese death 9 December, 1920. He was succeeded by was changed to Grand Island. It is still adminis- Most Rev. Vicente Casanova y Marzol, bom in tered by the first bishop, the Rt. Rev. James Albert Borja, Spain, 1854, served as a pastor and visitor Duffy, who, while still resident at Kearney, suc- of the religious communities, appointed Bishop of ceeded in erecting a parochial school there, through