Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/370

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at the Latin-American College, Rome, ordained 17 (1 for boys and 7 for girls), 6 elementary night

December, 1887, elected bishop of Chiapas 29 May, schools for adults (3 for men and 3 for women),

1902, promoted at the Consistory of 2 December, and 1 day school for girls; 7 private colegioa for

1912, to succeed Mgr. Ortiz at Guadalajara. The boys ancf 14 for girls; 3 mixed colegioa; 1 school

archbishop was forced to go into exile in 1914 when of trade and business attached to an orphanage

the Revolution put a price on his head. His cathe- for boys, 4 orphanages for girls; and other various

dral was profaned, his palace converted into a bar- asylums and orphanages for both girls and boys,

racks and 135 priests were imprisoned and later Before the Revolution each parish nad a primary

freed at the cost of 200,000 crowns. In 1917, in school, all of which were closed during the Revolu-

a pastoral letter, he addressed a vigorous protest tion but most of them have been reopened, many

against the new Mexican constitution which seized new schools have been foimded, including a Teresian

property of the Church. The Mexican bishops colegio, in which girls of the upper classefl are

were allowed to return to their dioceses in 1919, educated.

where they were well received,, and evente in o^elonpe (or Bassb-Terrb), Diocbsb or

Guadalajara are gradually retummg to their old /r-TT^^AWTT^w^To^o. t»,-; >rw.,^™?«\ iJr*i^\u2^

status. Since then a Cathohc workingman's con- i^l^^^Trf?!^ i^^f fn^^ ^ J^>K^

gress has been held there for five days. h^^^' f R«!^'?^^f ^ f^^^ w

Mgr. Francisco Uranga y Saenez, b. in Santa te/lJ^^^^I^Ll* J^.,^^

Cruz de Rosales, Chihuahiia, 14 November, 1863, 'ql^^^„ifJ^ ^^^^ c^T^^

ordained 6 March, 1886, elected Bishop of Sinaloa, ?f J^x^^iV?! pi rII pTr^ plnnH^^^

26 June, 1903. resigned and transferred 18 Decem- P^? ^"^ ^Y ^ ^^-.-^^^^ .I^^T ?^-?P**

ber, 1919, is auxilSy to the archbishop. fc'-'^ '^.P^'*^!",' France m 1860 studied at Eviaja-

li the irchdiocese there are 1,350,000 inWitante; les-Bains, served as professor of theology m the

a cathedral chapter of 18; 106 parishes, 10 in the colonial semmapr m Paris then as master of noyic^

capital; 639 secular and 37 regular priests; 350 55 *iS?J'^^±'^^S^^

chSrches. There is a large seminary in buadalajara JL^""^' !?^^/ .i^^A- ^"^^ ""^ ^^ ^u""-"^!' ^^^^'

which in 1914 had 1200 seminarians, two prepara- *^« canons of the diocese were authorized to wear

tory seminaries at Zapotlan and San Juan de los S.^ •J2f*°'^i ""^"^ suspended on a red nbbon^

Lagos, besides 4 auxiliary ones founded by the J^^^'^^J^'^^'^^^y, population of 212,430

pr^nt archbishop. Many of the churches have Xd^^f^^: uJ^^^^T' *• ^^^^^^'^^iS 2 chaoels

dd and miraculous images which are venerated ^^ ^^' ^^ alms houses, 61 priests, and 38 churches.

by the faithful, some of which have been crowned Gnadix, Diocese op (Gaudicbnsis) in the

by papal authority; the sanctuary of Our Lady province of Granada, Spain, sufifragan of Granada,

of San Juan de los Lagos is to have a collegiate 5^t. Rev. Timoteo Hernandez y Mulas, bom in

church erected there. There are 7 hospitab m Morales del Vino 1866, and appointed to this see

Guadalajara (1 under care of Hospitallers of St. 19 December, 1907. died 19 March, 1921, and his

John of God and 6 under Sisters), and 2 m neigh- successor has not yet been appointed. The diocese

boring towns. Among the Catholic social orgamza- covers an area of about 1828 sq. miles and com-

tions are the Catholic Association of Mexican Youth prises a Catholic population of 189,098. The 1920

andtheAssociationof Catholic Ladies both of which statistics credit it witfe 80 parishes, 5 archpriests,

played such a brilliant role dunng the last revolu- 150 priests, 62 churches, 88 chapels and lO.convents

tion and which have centers m almost eve^^ parish, with 11 religious and 110 Sisters. There are also the National Association of Fathers

of Families with 28 centers, the Court of Honor Guam, Vicawatb Apostolic or (cf. C. E.,

of Our Lady of Guadeloupe, and the Order of IX-660d, Mariana). The island of Guam is the

Knights of Columbus. There are other social orders largest and most populous of the Mariana group

and many pious ones throughout the arch- discovered by Magellan in 1621. As a result of

diocese. Among the Catholic papers published are the Spanish War Guam was ceded to the United

"La Epoca," "Restauragion," "El Obrero," "La States and has since been used as a naval station

Mujer Catolica," "La Voz de Maria," "La Semilla with naval commander serving as governor, while

Eucaristica," and various others, besides the bul- Spain sold the other islands in the group to Ger-

letins of the different associations. many (1899). The island is thirty miles long and

2 hospitals; Jesuits, Institute of Sciences in Jalisco Francisco, 1606 miles from Yokohama. The aver-

and Church of San Felipe; Josephites, 1; Salesian a^e temperature is 81* F., varying only sli^tly,

Fathers, 1; Marist Brothers^ 2 colleges. with the highest point at 90* and the lowest 72*.

The religious communities of women are Adora- The natives are called Chamorros and are of trices 2 convents; Sisters of Perpetual Adora- Malayan, Tagal, and Spanish blood. They are a tion 1 ; Discalccd Carmelites 1 ; Carmelites de la peaceful, amicable people, respectful towards strang- Hoguera 1; Dominicans 2 convents; Sisters of ers and apt in learning the arts and sciences. The Divine Providence 1; Sisters of Our Lady of inhabitants number 14,090 natives and 498 Ameri- Guadeloupe 2; Josephites 2; Salesians 1; Minims cans and foreigners. The capital, San Ignacio de 1; Religious of the Orfanatorio de la Luiz 1; Agana, has about 10,000 inhabitants. Reparatrices 1; Sisters without vows in 3 hospitals; The principal agricultural products are the coco- Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament of Sayula 1 ; nut which serves many purposes, maize, suni (sweet 8er\'ants of the Poor 11; Servants of Mary 1; potato), bananas, federico from which they extract Servants of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 11: starch, and manga, a delicious fruit. Third Order Regular of St. Francis 4; Third Since March, 1911, Guam has constituted a Order Regular of Carmel 1; Teresians 1; Sisters vicariate apostolic, entirely in the hands of the of the Incarnate Word 1 ; Sisters of the Eucharist ic Spanish Capuchins. Formerly the island was part Heart 1. 01 the vicariate Apostolic of the Mariana Islands,

The Catholic colleges are (1914) : School of but owing to the difference of nationality since

Juri^rudence of Catholic Society; normal schools the Spanish War, and to avoid future dissenaons,