Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/372

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Dominicans (1 house), Franciscans (1), Augustinians In 1910 a mission was started among the Macushi (1), Fathers of Mercy (1), Jesuits (1), lAzarists Indians in the far interior. That year the Vicar (l)y Christian Brothers (1), Sisters of Charity (8 Apostolic visited the Indian missions in the interior, houses in Guayaquil, 1 at Babahoyo, 1 at Machala),. The cathedral was destroyed by fire in 1913. In Sisters of Providence and of the Immaculate Con- 1915 the foundation stone of the new cathedral was ception (1 house), Sisters of Marie Aiudliatrice laid and by 1921 a portion of the edifice was opened (1), Sisters of the National Congregation of Blessed for service on Passion Simday. The priests of the Mariana of Jesus (1 house at Guayaquil, 1 at vicariate are admitted to minister in the three Babahoyo). public hospitals. Leper and Lunatic Asylums, Gov-

The present bishop is the Rt. Rev. Andres emment Industrial Schools and the Penal Settle- Machado, S.J., b. at Cuenca, 16 August, 1850, en- ment. Twenty-eight elementary schools are aided tered Society of Jesus 19 July, 1866, provincial of by the government and also the girls' orphanage. Ecuador, elected bishop of Riobamba 12 Novem- Three conferences of St. Vincent de Paul have been ber, 1907, published 19 December following, trans- organized among the laity, and a periodical 'The ferred to Guayaquil, 26 April, 1916, published 4 Catholic Standard of British Guiana" is published. December following. He succeeded Rt. Rev. Juan The vicariate has 12 parishes, 3 missions, 37 Maria Riera, O.P., who administered the diocese churches, 10 stations, 4 secular priests, 17 regular 1912-1915. At the present time M^. Machado, like priests, 10 convents for women, 40 nuns, 30 sisters, Bishop Riera before him, is administrator of the 1 high school with 60 boys attending, and 32 diocese of Porto- Viejo. elementary schools with 135 teachers and 5237

Oabblo, Diocese. OP (Eugubinensib; cf. C. E., P"S^^ fenr *'' ^^^^^es, one for boys

Vll-^b), in the province of Perugia, in Umbria *^^ ""^^ ^^^ «^'^^'

(Central Italy). This diocese was originally directly Onlana, Diocese or. See Saint Thomas of

subject to the Holy See, but in 1563 became a suf- Guiana.

fragan of Urbino. In 1918 Gubbio reverted to the « j ^^ ^ « ^ ,r

direct jurisdiction of the Holy See. Ouiana, Dutch (or Surinam), Vicariate Apos-

In 1907 Giovanni Battista NasalU-Rocca, b. in '^^^ ©f ^^L^'}7^}~^^' ^ * ^iritual junsdic-

Piacenza, 27 August, 1872, was elevated to the ^^^ ^jer ^fi^ Catholics under the chaw of Rt.

bishopric of Gubbio. On 7 December, 1916, Mgr. ^l' Theodore Van Roosmalen, C.SS.R., titiJar

Nasafii-Rocca was appointed titular Archbishop of Bishop of Antigone, who resides m Paramanbo.

Thebes and succeeded by Carlo Tacetti, b. in San- ?"^°P ^an Roosmalen, born at Bois-le-Duc, 27

niniateUo, 19 November, 1861, consecrated Bishop July, 1875, and elevated 23 August, 1911, was ap-

of Gubbio on 22 March, 1917. Mgr. Tacetti died pointed by decree the ^oUowmg November to suc-

6 April, 1920, and was succeeded by Leonardo c«ed Bishop Meeuwissen, C. SSil, who had resigned

Navarro Pio, b. in Segni, 22 September, 1877, who and retired to a convent at Amsterdam. The colony

was elevated to the bishopric 16 December, 1921. »? entirely m the hands of the Redemptonsta and

During the years of the war a casa del soldato ^^^ schools and other Catholic institutions receive was founded in Gubbio and both clergy and laity government support. Among the laity the Asso- were always foremost in assisting and organizing ciation of the Holy Fanuly has been organized with the various undertakings that arose from needs of ^^ .™®^ ^°? ^^ women members; also the Asbo- war. The most notaWe event of the diocese in ciation of the Blessed Sacrament with 626 mem- recent years was the translation in 1919 of the ^ere, the Confratermty of the Living Rosary with incorrupt body of the diocesan patron. Saint Ubaldo, 1057 members; the Sodality of the Sacred Heart from his church on Mount Ingino to the cathedral, ^^^j^ 1517 members, and the Confraternity of Our the restoration of the church on the mountain and ^^Z o^ Perpetual Help and St. Alphonsus with the conferring of the title of basilica by Pope Bene- ^795 ™embere. In the vicariate two periodicals are diet XV. On 21 August, 1919, the body of Saint published, "De Sunnamer," ¥^ich is issued twice Ubaldo was aeain solemnly translated to his church, a week and "De Katholiche Waarschuwer," every just as it had been moved there 725 years before, *^o weeks. ., , . . , and was buried under the new main altar. ^? the city of Paramanbo there are 4 parishes

The see has 65 parishes, 43,606 souls, 1 monastery and outade of the city 4 quasi-panshes. In the

for men, 1 abbey for men, 4 convents for men, 79 whole vicanate there are 10 convents for men and

secular priests, 16 regular priests, 7 monasteries for ^o^"* women, 53 churches and chapel^ 8 sUtions,

women, 7 convents for women, 97 nuns, 4 lay broth- 33 regular pnests, 35 lay brothers, 109 Sisters, 2

ers, 259 churches, 1 seminary with 15 seminarians, 1 m^ schools with 21 teachers and 624 students, 2

college for men, 2 colleges for women, and 4 ele- normal schools with 6 teachers and 10 students, 29

mentary schools. The missionary work of the dio- elementary schools with 90 teachers and 3680 stu-

cese includes 2 homes, 3 asylums, and 5 hospitals, dents, 2 industrial schools with 5 teachers and 134

A.,4.^. T> / T^ X Tr A pupils, 1 home for the aged, 2 orphanages, 1 asylum,

Ctalana, Britoh (or Dbmerara), Vicariate Apos- and 9 schools for the poor with 675 pupils, Touc OP (cf. C. E., VII-62d), comprises Bnti^

Guiana and Barbados and is under the care of the Gnlana, French (or Cayenne), Prefectube

Jesuits. Rt. Rev. Compton Galton, S.J., titular Apostolic op (GuYANiB GALLiCiB beu CAYENNiS),

Bishop of Petenissus and vicar Apostolic since in South America. This territory was entrusted

1901-1902, resides at Georgetown. to the Fathers of the Holy Ghost in 1816, but

The Catholic population, numbering about 25,000 owing to the hostility of the Government they

(1922), is composed of Briti^, Portuguese, blacks, were forced to abandon it. A large portion of the

mixed, East Indians, Chinese, and aboriginal Catholic population are convicts, as Cayenne, the

Indians. residence of the prefect apostolic is a penal set-

Gregorio Bettencourt, great benefactor to the tlement, no longer used for white convicts however,

cathedral, Knight of St. Gregory, died in 1919. Rev. owing to the freouency of yellow fever. Rev. Justin

Paul Miller, S. J., head master of St. Stanislaus Col- Fabre was named prefect apostolic in January, 1914,

leee died in 1921 and Rev. Francis O'Donnell, S. J., after having served as administrator apostolic. The

who had been laboring for thirty-two years in the Catholics number about 36,000, of whom 12,000 are

missions died in 1921. convicts, and the remainder of the population is