Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/402

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and to break tnc power of the anti-religious and arc : Rev. Francesco Luzi, O. F. M., d. 30 April, anti-Christian press, which has tempered its Ian- 1916, at the age of forty-three, sixteen years of guage and abated much of its insolence. Without which were devoted to the mission. For many counting provincial sheets and reviews, the Central years he was pro-vicar, director of the Holy Child- Press ^^ociation now issues the following dailies: hood, and superior of the Franciscan Missionariei*.

    • Uj Nemezedek" (the New Generation), "Nemzeti He supervised the building of the hospital at

Ujsag" (the National Journal), "Uj Lap" (the New Laohokow; and with contributions fron^ America Sheet), "Pester Zeitung" (Pest Journal), for Ger- enlarged the orphan asylum of the Holy Childhood, man-speaking Hungarians. Catholic leaders in Rev. Fabian Landi, O. F. M., died 30 June, 1920, at Hungary include Mgr. Molnar, deputy, who died in the age of forty-eight, twenty-six years of which 1920; M. Haller, Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs were devoted to the mission; for sixteen years be and Public Instruction; the former Premier Charles was titular Bishop of Taenarum and Vicar Apos- Huszar; and Marerave Palavinci, men highly tolic of Hu-pe; the development of the vicariate respected even by their opponents. since 19(X) may be attributed largely to his personal

The Apostolic Nunciature of Hungary was efforts. A man of great goodness and kindness, he

created in 1920, and Hungary is represented at won the hearts of even the pagans. His example

the Vatican by Count Sonissich as Envoy Ex- stirred everyone to labor, for he performed at the

traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Mgr. same time the duties of bishop and missionary,

Schioppo, titular Archbishop of Mocissos and hearing confessions and preaching whenever occa-

auditor of the nunciature at Munich, was named sion arose. He compiled an Italian-Chinese die-

nuncio to Budapest, and presented his credential tionary, which was published by the Jesuits at

letters 6 October, 1920, on which occasion he gave Shanghai in 1920. Until the appointment of a new

50,000 crowns to the municipality for the poor, vicar the vicariate is being administered by Rev.

There are in New Hungary the following sees: the Hermenegildus Ricci, O. F.M.

Archdiocese of Eger (or Erlau), the Archdiocese of The following is the report of the activities of

Esztergom, with suffragans, Gyor, Pecs, Szekes- the mission from 1 August, 1920, to 1 August, 1921 :

fehervSr (or Stuhlweissenburg), Szombathely, Vacz, Catholics 35,012, catechumens 18,000, missions 315,

Veszpr^m; and the Archdiocese of Kalocsa-Bacs. churches and chapels 145, 19 Franciscan priests from

For lurther statistics see articles on the above. Europe, 18 native priests, of whom 3 are regulars,

TTn nA !?.««««*, /tttt ».. AoTvi^rrAf To^ I'n riiino lay brothers 2, sermons to Catholics 3358 and to ^^V^ni3^tr?^7n^^n^l S^v?«fnn nf fhp oS nal non-Catholics 2537, adult baptisms 1340, infant bap- vtorfnfi^nLnll? nf Hn n^ T Rpv FnXfo ^^^^ »50, anuual confessioils 17,057, and of devbl cK^ra O F M wh? h^'filSd thi^sef'fS^S ^on 62,915, amiual communions 16.383 and of devo- id if^iSi Vi Anrn ^QrtO Hp wa« hi!^^f Mnn ^ion 145,064, confirmations 122, marriages 181, ex- Lll^L^.^.i^il^li^,;3l^ 1^.^} ^??: treme unctions 306, adult deaths 430 and of minors

high school for boj's for girls with 35 the Government 1 upper seminary

to wh!^ Lr S.if vilriaL t^^L^IT"" '^"'° ^enV ioufnumb^' of TtGdentelntlTe SSote lIS^"

%TirthrA«r" wVcrSrSkelut m Wu. J^^,^dmii1iL o?b\^±%f^Zo?'r^

»k»»» :« r^«*^u«- loin «.»,.«:•««. ♦u^ <?•»«! ^,r»*f !«,.»«* ^^^' admmistrations of baptism 146, mfantsof non-

oft Ta-T«t"aSy*^Td"the^i^^^ g-^^^ Kl^LTi^^^of ^^^1^ ti!

the republic, thire have l^een conBtant small revolu- L 2 Zk!!' Tt^'^fJtL^^h^i o^« I.l"f L-

In' addition to^he 32 Friars Minor and ^ native ffihlLr^M^a^ t£ sTdeaL^^Tthl pnests m the vicariate, there are 8 Marist Brothers, u^ •* i xu A -cC . i..z2 "^**"» JSJ* "-"^

12 Franciscan Sisters of Mary, 44 Sisters of Charity ^'^fii^^'JoS? P,^™»?„°li^.l'"^'?<..^^ of Canossa. 60 members of tie Third Order of St. 2*, mfinn, 33307 externs, to ^om medical care Francis, and 109 Catechists. By present (1921) ^|3 ^ "«*"'* baptwms. 397 infant baptisms, statistics there are 267 churches and public ora-

tories,.332 mission stations. 4 convents for men. Hu-pe, Sotjthwestbrn, Vicarutb Apobtouc or, 2 seminaries, 88 seminanans, 2 secondary schools /tt„ ' rwnniT/..Mi»™<r»«,Vc.TVrf o K^TT!i9o-\ for boys witk 40 teachers, one of these, conducted l^rt^^F^h^^^^i^^lKASthhl^^ by the Marist Brothere is maintained by the '^„h^- J^L^'llTn^^nr^c^t^o^^!^?;.^^

w f K ift^h^^.SfJLLrj^A'J.MfK ^nrm!? «t«J" ^^°P ^^ Tadama ii 1905. The Franciscan

I^M wrh'^tSr a'Tllo1,KVjl^^^^^^ Sn^/aZd diTLILl^'aTKhS^S- tary schools with 462 teachers and 27 boys and ZS ih^ » L^f fnf Sm ^n«i/ 9 i"fj^!iri^"

'&&onI^! wSKnTn^tTnarKtat Jsn^-iS^Sei^'S^iVSrnS^lsaT"^

SXife '^^isS^tZ^irM^^^iii,t^^& St'- native'^'k^J^c&Ua^is^^rr^l^rr; 6 orphanages, and 2 asylums. The Catholic popula^ ?'«*'?. native Franciscan tertianes are ei«^d in

tion numbeS 43.914.1ll of whom are Chinese Nrith Jf^'^H^F »* K'°f;?^«"' ^^^^^^^ ^*lSj?;i;*

the exception of about 205 French, Irish. Italians, _L'?- u[^^ I5'?w irf rll^K^ T^ .Z^iSS^<

^n?;re*"l'i29^S= oWufts VS' tC^ ^« -^-^--^^3^"^^^^ P^S » Cl^SS

|x p^t Xa^trdVi c^oi g.tte p-s Vn^i-r^^^i^rwiihV^sr "oi

theology and 21 in preparatory courses, 1 college

Hu-pe, NoRTHWESTERK, VICARIATE AposTouc OP, with 23 students, 5 primary schools with 108 pupils,

in China. Among those of note recently deceased 93 parochial schools with 1846 pupils, 2 hoq>ital8»