Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/445

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was bewnniM to flourish when the war broke out. Hermits ol St. Paul at Csestochowa, the residence

K wSr^^imBoSble to obtain the machinery of the general of the order. At C«Mtochowa is the

L^e mdeffiS was abSidoned. In 1913 a famous shrine of .Our Udy. the "^CH,!";^ »»^?« 

^on wS (MtablisBed on the Sepik River. The of the Virgin having been ornament^ in 1910 ^th

foTstotiTwM at Marienberg. iS the same year a gold, crown given by PoE^.f^w X Other con-

K^serwilhelmsland was erect«i into two separate vents in the diocese are: Fnars Minor, 5;. Fnars

SKS aSuc Twestem and Eastern ^iser- Minor Conventuals^ 3; Domim<»n^ 1 ; .Sa^«^, 1 ;

wSielmsland and the Congregation of the Sacred Lasarists. 1; Jesuits, 1; Olivetans, 1; Dominican

HeartfTje^ aiid Ma^^ to be placed in Nuns. 1; .Dau,^te« of Charity, 12 ;o|ier religious

Ke of the former territory. This has not yet congregations, 8. ,The Catholic population of the

been accomplished. Rt. Rev. Adalbert Otto diocese is about 1,600,000.

resigned in 1921. Eastern Jlaiserwimeimsiana is con- "r"'v™l"itr«l. "in^iQTo the whole renon of Bacs, fidJS^to the Society of. the Wvine Word and the g J^fcari^. with its^ popE parishes'. p,«ent prefect apostohc w Rt Rev. Andrew Puff, Xh^inS^"h^ V^ter part of &ie arcfidiocese, S.D.V., with residence at Tumleo. was included in the kingdom of Jugoslavia, and so

m 1914 the first °»«'<>^,.«^t'°f P,.*« f *«"iS T new dios^ miS^^ frected. There would then of Alexishafen were established and m 1917 two " "~7_T^|l^ nunshps in the orieinal archdiocese, more were founded at a distance of two days inland ^TcSp^ S^arishel ^1^ 289 secula^ journey from the former. lii "IS Rt. Rev. Eyrad ^"j Sc^JL^gr priests. 15 lay brothers. 6 convents Limbrock, Pref«st Apostohc of Eastern Kwser- f^°^„^SS^y*"^omen,^2 seminaries with 45 wUhelmsland and founder of the mission, raimed Jg'^S^^^S^srBeminarians. 4 colleges for men The wisdom and foresight which, he showed m *'?'^%*rj°i™^„*

laying out the settlement so as to msure the mate- ^^*^ Sot and 53,605 students. 1 home for nal success of the undertaking, made hm one of T^^^^ ™^ | orphai^ges, 1 hospital, and 140 the greatest benefactors of the mission The pro- the ««ea^P^f' »^ o^" ^ | Society of Perpetual tracted wax evinced the mestimable value of this. W "V^^i^' the clenty and for the laity there The large herds of cattle were especially u«ful and ^;J°S'^'7X^^ oSatlSns or societies: Most proved a source of real blessings. Li 1916 as a |[^^5 Wotn^T^irH olilpr of St Francis. Rosary political precautionary measure, flie mission station gi^^,^„ ^*'?^; J'^^ietv Ma^n Co^rWaS West of %tape, the government station, was sup- f^e'^^'^^.f ^jet^'^^^^onSf A«^S. fo^ pressed. The stations of Malol and Aissano sirf- *;"*™*wt„ '^'^' rltholio dailies and three feredgreaUy. It was impossible to take care of the Young Men. -^0"^ ^thoUo aaiUM ^a i^^ paridi^aa^no priest Was permitted to go there penoicals "« P"""'^*^- .^be gov^^^ Sntill919 In l&l all the p^ests who were will ng ^^^J^ *|i.r£afhohc ^poj&on nu^^ to teke the oath of loyalty were given permission "SjJJJ"*""*-. ;„,rt,^H numbers is composed of to remain for ^veu yea.iB longer. All voluntarily |0.945. g^^^^i^^'^Jo^^^rnli J^X emi- complied with this requirement. . Mi^jw • TrSonl IftAr f Hp pxnukion of the Turks

In 1921 the prefecture apostolic contained 35 fJ^^J,^*^,??^^!^^ churches and chapels, 47 stations, 21 regular priests, <J'?^^>V.*^„^„.^6^:^^^^ 19 Brothers, 34 Slstera, 25 catechists. 55 elementary of Dalmatia a^d Sema ^^ *^^^^^^ schools with 3119 pupils, 3 orphanages, and 2 hos- The P/esent archb^ho^ app^^^^^^ pitals. During the war the sick and wounded were Pold An>ad X^^fy'^^^^""^^^ ChdiW of Sared for at all the mission stations. Formerly the (1911-13). ^i^^^*J?^^^"^^^ of

schools and institutions received a small sum, about gsztergom, crowned King Cl^^^^^^ ^ueen ^ita m

1000 marks, from the government. The present Hungaiy. The Preceding archbwh^^^ government does not contribute to their support. (190^10 , ^^^^f^J*^^ Jf^^^^^ Since 1910, 5 Fathers, 3 Brothers, and 12 Sisters perpetual adoration within Xio^s i^d l^tv belonging to the prefecture apostolic have died. orgamzed societies for both religious and laity.

,^ V x^- Kamenete (Kamibnibc), Diocese op (Camenb-

Kallsi-Knjawy or Wlooawbk (Wladislaw), Dio- ^^^^q, cf C. E., IX-465b), suffragan of Mohilen,

caesi of (Caubsibnbis; Cttjaviknsib bbiu Yuxlat p^ggio * The diocese was founded in the fourteenth

viBNSis; cf. C. E., XV-680C), suffragan of Warsaw, ^^^^ ^nd administered by the Bishw of Luck

^^s^..^ ^..^ ^^ ^rr -T-^ -;b -' diocese. Rt. Rev. Peter Mankowski, b. 1866,

7632 square miles. The present bishop is Rt. Rev. o-j^jned 1899. rector of the cathedral of Kamieniec Stanislaw Zdzitodiecki, b. 1854, ordained 1877, jg^g removed from this post in 1911 by order of consecrated 1902, succeedinj^ Bishop Beresniewicz, ^^^ Russian government, vicar general and official who was transferred, appomted assistant at the • .^^^ j. qJ ^^e Diocese of Luck occupied by pontifical throne 1920. The auxiliary bishops are: German and Austrian troops 1917-18, honorary Rt. Rev. Wladyslaw Krynicki, b. 1861, preco- ^^^^^ ^^ i^^^^ ^as elected 24 September, 1918, nized 1918, consecrated titular Bishop of Acanthus «• u^^ ^f Kamieniec, after the long vacancy of 1919: Rt. Rev. Wojciech Owczarek, b. 1875, preco- J? - *; consecrated 30 November, 1918, and took nized 1918, consecrated titular Bishop of Ascalon rJLession of the see 26 August, 1919, succeeding 1918. The bishop resides at Wloclawek, where jrjr. piialkowski. promoted in 1870. According to is the Cathedral of the Assumption, the cathedral i^te^ statistics kamieniec had 312,087 Catholi^, chapter comprising 4 prelates and 8 canons. To -„» secular priests, 3 regular priests, and 101 the collegiate Church of St. Mary at Kalisz are ^^j^es For the diocese of the Ruthenian Rite also attached 4 prelates and 8 canons. The diocese ^^^ Lwow.

comprises 39 deaneries with 377 parishes, 419 ' A-^o««tTn no rrAMRRnNiEN-

chuiihes, and 179 chapels. The number of con- Kamernn, Vicariate ArosTOUCO^^

vents of religious has considerably increased since bis; cf. C E., VIII^96a , ^^P"?^.^?^^^^

the restoratipR of Poland, There is a convent of German colony of Kamerun, now divided betweeu