Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/455

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anxiety. The present administrator of the vicariate Redemptorist Fathers. The Hotel Dieu and orphan

ai)OBtolic is Rt. Rev. Charles Cox, O.M.I., titular asylum are in charge of the Hospital Sisters of

Bishop of Dioclea and Vicar Apostolic of the St. Joseph, and two other hospitals and a Home

Transvaal, succeeding Rt. Rev. Matthew Gaughren, of Providence are also maintained by the diocese

O.M.I., who died 1 June, 1914. There are in the in the interest of charity. All the elementary

vicariate 9 Oblate Fathers, 1 retired Oblate Father, schools are aided by the Government. The Priests'

2 secular priests, 1 military chaplain, retired, 15 Eucharistic League is organized among the clergy,

Christian Brothers, 3 Oblate Brothers, and 130 Sis- and the Holy Name Society, Knights of Columbus,

tere of the Holy Family of Nazareth, of Mercy, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Catholic Men's Benev-

of the Holy Cross, of Notre Dame, and Dominican olent Association are established amons the laity.

Nuns. There are 18 churches and chapels, 2 semi- The diocese publishes the "Canadian Freeman/' a

public oratories, 1 college imder the Christian Catholic weekly.

art and where he

1923, buUd a college at Bloemtontein, the site 'for t'^^ .T°!5r^w'^ signs of talent in

the purpose having been granted by the munici- i* I'S "8® °' ******? *«?* *<> Ifede. ;

paUty. The Sisteri of Na^reth in 1921 opened a ?"„ ^.jS"*?5'^,«?l"*"*f^"^ sculpture for

iew building on their premises in order to make f^^ ^^^ J^^aI^I „f 5^°? to Rome, entenng

room forlmJre inmates, their work for orphan chil- ^ ♦^^^l.^^^^ ^^ ^*- ^^^' '?»«'*. <*"'«»8

dren and the aged poor being much appreciated. fcfJS?o(^ Y^^kfAhj^""! ^a"" ?^f^*^^ ^"^

There are flouAhing native missions at Tawngs fe^!^^!|fi \ *i^tl°L^V^P **C ^^^ ?»*«"?'

and Bloemfontein. a native school at KroonstaS, ^Tth! pLn./S^^ » '.m °**!i"f t *"? J4^1>-. °^

an Indian school at Kimberley, and a colored school ^° *¥ ^^Fa- P^*«' ,» 8;°H ™ej??'- ^S-l*? Ki^on

(Indians and othere) at MaJFeking. The Sacred ?^^ * f "^° ^ t^f ?°'y 9?*^- Fjfx,^* "•""-

Heart Confraternity, Children of TJllary Sodality. ^Tw.}TS^1a L^\h^ ff**"^ °^ ^^ "»

and St. Vincent de Paul Society are established m „LS,«^ fi.v^ht>,!, t n^^^l ^^ ^'""I^ ,f ""j

f he viMnnfP Dussions from Sir Thomas Brooke for "Nydia," and

King, Habriet Eleanor Baillib Hamilton,

lish poetess, d. on 10 May, 1920, in London, , , ^ ,

the age of eighty; daughter of Admiral W. A. and "Biana." While in Rome he did a marble

and Lady Bailie Hamilton. From early life Miss life-sized "David" for Sir Edward Acroyd. In 1879

Hamilton displayed her interest in the welfare of Kitson made a tour of the United States and

h,umanity and her enthusiasm after meeting Maz- Canada. He produced "Ole Bull" and "Longfellow,"

zini in London found expression in "The Disciples," after which he returned to Rome. A little later

a work which led to her marriage with its pub- he was called to the United States to execute the

lisher, Henry Samuel King, J. P., of Cligwell, Essex, sculptural decorations of the W. K. Vanderbilt

In her special work for the poor she met Cardinal residence in New York, and pauels of "Music" and

Manning, who received her into the Catholic "The Drama" for the Marquand home, together

Church. By her poetry Mrs. King has won a with three Greek busts in marble. Then followed

permanent place in English literature. "The Hours the sterling example of character portraiture from

of the Passion" are reminiscent of the seventeenth life, "Samuel J. Tildeiv" In 1885 he modeled the

century. Among her other writing are "Aspro- north frieze of the Soldiers' and Sailorj' Monument

monte"; "A Book of Dreams"; "Ballads of the at Hartford, Connecticut, which has been termed

North," and "Letters and Reminiscences of Maz- a "Miniature Gettysburg." In 1884 he had married

zini." Miss Meredith of New York, a fellow-sculptor, who

-.. ^.^ TT A o rr became his helper and inspiration in all his later

Kingan, Vicabmtb Apostolic op. See Ki-an. work. About this time he opened a studio at Bos-

Klngston, Archdiocbsb of (Kingstonibnsis or l°°jjL^^^i^itiw7°/^^ Then followed

Rbchopolitana; cf. C. E., VIII-668d), in Canada. fJflZjLri^lf.^t}!^^^^ o^kk'*^

On .6 September,. 1910, Most Rev. C. H. Gauthier, ^fj.ii^ ?«i°V9^^^^^^

War this diocese was distinguished by having one 1?^*?' '^'^^u^^f'^STV^^

of the three chaplains which it supplied for mflitary P^°°„",^,f^*' oL^Sfl^^ ^"^ ^A^ Su^^^^'^^^f sCapt. Rev. X F.Nicholson, decorated Witt 'r^'^^'T'j.t^L^^r.l^'^^^^^^

schools with A* vcavucio axixM. ou at^vcuvmuvc vri «w f roillltrv

girls, 1 academy with 6 teachers and an attendance * country,

of 265 girls, 54 elementary schools with 250 teachers Ein-ldaiig, Vicariate Apostolic of (cf. C. E.,

and a total attendance of 47,500. In addition to VIII-634a), in China, formerlv the Vicariate Apos-

these, St. Mary's College for boys at Brockville, tolic of Northern Kiang-si, which comprised 6 civil

Ontario, is established under the direction of the prefectures: Kin-Kiang-fu, residence of the vicar