Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/470

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hospitals, a^ylums, and schools in ox dioceses, the Little Sisters of the Poor, several night shelten

Sisters 475; novices 15; postulants 15; mother-house, under Catholic supervision, and 1 day nursery at

Mount St. Marys' Acaclemy. Leavenworth, Kansas. Bradford. All the public institutions permit the

Benedictine Sisters: founded over fifty years; ministry of Cathohc priests. The Euchaiistic

academy and school work: Sisters 325; novices 20; League, Apostolic Union and Society of Yorkshire

postulants 15; mother-nouse, St. Scholastica's Brethren are organized among the clerey, and among

Academy, Atchison, Kansas. Ursuline Sisters: the laity the Catholic Federation, Koights of St.

foimded 1895; academy and school work; Sisters Columba, Catholic Women's League, St. Vincent

60; postulants 10; novices 10; mother-house, Ursu- de Paul Societv, Rescue Society, and Catenian

line Academy, Paola, Kansas; Sister Servants of Society are established.

Mary, nurses of the sick; Sistere of St. Joseph; t^„«m— f e r* -c^ tv iic\ t -n- -i.

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration; ^ I^8a«iw (cf. C. E., IX-115).— In wilhng^ p^^

Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis: Sisters of the ^ ^he Church the recjuurements of the civiTlaw are

Third Order of St. Francis; Oblate Sisters of Provi- Jo be observed as far as possible; but if any of

dence (colored); School Sisters of St. Francis. By Y^^ ^^"^^ ^^en omitted the heirs must be warned

latest stotistics the diocese comprises 100 diocesan *o carry out the wish of the testator, prieste, 90 priests of religious orders, 100 Legate (cf. C. E., IX-118)^In 1922 there were

churches with resident pnests, 29 missions with papal nunciatured in Argentina, Austria, Bavaria,

churches, 25 diocesan students, 35 clerics and Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czechoslovakia,

scholastics, 35 Brothers, 15 chapels, 1025 religious France, Germany, Hungary, Jugoslavia, Para^;uay,

dents, 70 parishes with schools 10,000 pupils, 12 and Nicaragua. There were five Apostolic Delega-

high schools 600 students, 4 orphan asylums 300 tions dependiii on the Conaistorial Congregation:

orphans; total young people under Catholic care in Canada and Newfoundland, Cuba, Mexico, the

12,200; 6 hospitals 9000 patients; Catholic popula- Philippine Islands, and the United States; and ten

tion 70,000. Thos. H. Kinsblla. depending on the Congregation for the Eastern

liecce, DiocBBBOF (Lyctonsis; cf.C.E.,IX-107d), Church or on Propaganda: in Turkey, Albania,

in the province of Apulia, Southern Italy, sufifragan Greece, Egypt, Syria, Persia, India, Japan, Meso-

of Otranto. Rt. Rev. Gennaro Trama, born in potamia, Kurdistan and Armenia Minor, and Aus-

Naples, 2 January, 1857, and appointed to the tralia.

titular see of Capharnum 16 December, 1901, was Leghorn, Diocbsb op (LrauRNBaJSis; cf. C. E^ ^S^f^^? this see 10 February, 19(G, and still iX-131a), in the province of Tuscany, Central fills It (1922). A consistorial decree of 25 Novem- jtaiy, suJBfragan of Pisa. Rt. Rev. Sabatino Giani, ber, 1915, united to this diocese the panah of St. appointed to this see 17 December, 1900, died 18 CWius, which had been partially subject to the February, 1921, and was succeeded by Rt. Rev. Archdiocese of Otranto. By 1920 statistics^e dio- Giovanni Piccioni. Bom in the diocese of Nami, cese has a Catholic population of 113,000 and he studied and was ordained at Pistoia, served as a counts 32 pandies,^ 220 secular and 70 regular professor and prefect of studies in that seminary, ^^®i%o^¥ seminarians^ 30 Brothers, 125 Sisters, ^^3 j^ade vicar general in August, 1920, and ap- and 123 churches and chapels. pointed bishop 13 June. 1921. The diocese corn- Leads, Diocbsb op (Lon>EN8i8;cf.C.E.,IX-112b), prises a Catholic population of 160,512, and by in the province of Liverpool is under the adminis- 1920 statistics is credited with 33 parishes, 85 tration of Rt. Rev. Joseph Robert Cowgill, the secular and 56 regular clergy, 20 seminarians, 67 fourth Bishop of Leeds. He was bom in Broughton, churches or chapels, 16 Brothers, and 219 religious 23 February, 1860, and consecrated as Coadjutor women.

?l!5KP.fpf^'^w'?f'^!/^^i.!S'^^^^ ^ ^^' LomsB DB Marillac, Blessed. See

a 1 ^viie^irhe^'s^f^^^^^^^^ ^-^^ -^^ ^-^^' ^^'^'

Another prominent clergyman of the diocese who Lehmkuhl, Augustinb, moral theologian, b. on

died within recent years was Mgr. Canon Glover, 23 September, 1834, at Magen, Westphalia; d. at

domestic prelate, d. 13 March, 1918. During Bishop Valkenburg, Holland, 1 Jifly, 1918. He entered

Cowgill's incumbency many new missions have the Society of Jesus on 15 October, 1853; was

been opened ixx the diocese, and there has been ordained on 20 August, 1862, and after teaching

extensive development in rescue work. The Victoria Scripture (1 year) and dogmatic theology (6 years)

Cross was won oy several Catholic soldiers of this filled the chair of moral theology at Maria Laach.

diocese during the World War, and many of the Exiled from Germany during the Kulturkampf,

clergy who served as chaplains won minor decora- he continued to teach at Ditton ELall, England,

tions. till 1880, when owing to ill-health he returned to

The 1911 census of the diocese shows a total popu- Holland, where he completed his 'Theologia

lation of 3,086,897, of whom 122,652 are Catholic, Moralis" (1883), which has since remained the

many of German or Italian descent. At the present standard manual. He supplemented this work with

time (1921) there are 90 parishes, 140 churches, 3 his "Casus Conscientise" (1902). Lehmkuhl made

convents for men and 38 for women, 158 priests, a thorough study of the application of moral piin-

secular, and 31 regular, 1 seminary with 10 semi- ciples to the new problems and conditions arising

narians, 7 secondary schools and 7 academies, 103 in our modern complex world, and his advice in

elementary schools and 2 industrial schools. All solving difficult problems was constantly sought and

the public elementary and secondary schoob re- accepted from every comer of the globe. Be was

ceive aid from the Government, but some few a contributor to the "Stimmen aus Maria Laach"

private schools do not. (now "Stimmen der Zeit"), "The American Ecdes-

Among the charitable institutions are 12 homes iastical Review," "Der Katholik," and other pub-

of various kinds, for orphans, for deaf and dumb, lications, and wrote among other works: "Herz-

and for working girls and boys, 2 hospitals imder Jcsu Monat," "Die sociale Frage und die staatliche