Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/471

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Gewalt," "Der christlichc Arbeiter," "Probabiliflmus >[ear his bitter article on Renan placed him in the

vindicatus.** He edited De Ponte's "Meditations"; limelight, and a little later he became literary critic

Schneider, "Manuale sacerdotum"; Hausherr, "Com- in the "Journal dcs Debats/' though he contributed

pendium csremoniarum"; Bona, "De sacrificio also to the "Revue des deux mondes" and daily

missffi"; Reuter, "Neo-confessarius practice instruc- papers like "L'Echo de Paris," and "Le Gaulois/'

tus"; Herder, "Bibliotheca ascetica mystica"^ and His criticisms, in which he displays a keenness of

others, and collaborated on the "Kirchenlexicon/' observation and great power of analysis, reprinted

"Konversationslexicon," "Kirchliches Handlexicon," under the title of "Les contemporains" (6 vols.),

and the Catholic ENCfrcLOPEDiA (cf. articles on are his masterpiece. Notable among these studies

Divorce; Thbologt, Moral; Marriaqe, Sacrament are the articles on Hugo, Ohnet, Zola, and

of; Mariana). Lamartine. His theatrical criticisms re-united in

T^i*4a Tfc,,.^«- ^-. /T»»,«r.,.,o\ i>^^,,^„i «.* "Les impressions de theatre" (10 vols.) are also

Lelria, Diocbbb op (Lhiriensis), ^orty^&ljuS^ brilliant, but less permanent. These essays won for

fragan to Uie Patriarchate of Lisbon ^StJlT^^ him a chair in the French Academv in 1805.

by Paul m 22 Ma2^ 1662 Owing to a^^^ Lemaltre was more than a theatricaf critic, he

cun^ances tiie (Wse w^^ ^^^e a number of plays like the psychological

^ tF^'^^ J^^^'^K^ 1 '*!^*m^^^+« f^! "La R^volt^e," the political satire "Le depute united to the See of Lisbon, the other 25 to the Le^ean," "Manage bl^c," and "Le Pardon." His See of Comabra. In answer to the wisha of the j ^^^ | ^^ ^^ ^^ criticism, and were bishops, of Portugal,, particularly thc«e of Lisbon {i^^oubtedly of a high order, but the pubUc was and Coimbra, Benedict XV rejestablirfied the dio- ^^^^le to appreciate their novelty as it deserved.

^^^^'k''^f}'^^'i^'^^u^^^ Among his other noteworthy Writings are his

1918, The fifty parishes which had constituted the treatises on ComeiUe, Rousseau, Racine, Fenelon, on^mal diocese were taken back from Lisbon and Chateaubriand. Lemaitre was a royalist and a Coimbra and re-united, withLema as the episcopal ^^j^^^ ^^^ ^o this we owe his "Opinions k city. A revenue fund of 5000 francs was offered f^pandre." La campagne nationaliste," "Tli^ories et by the pnests from revenues of mdults, the chan- impressions," "Discours royalistes," and "La cellery treasury and from offerings of the faithful, francmagonnerie," as well as the foundation of the and plans were made for the erecUon of a diocesan ^igue de la Patrie Frangaise, of which he was a seminary as soon as circumstances should permit, founder and a' director. Until a bishop should be appointed the Patriarch

of Lisbon was appointed apostolic administrator Le Mans, Diocbsb of (Cbnomanensis: cf. C. E., of the new see. The first bishop, Rt. Rev. Jo86 IX-143b), is under the administration of the Most Alves Correia da Silva, was appointed to the newly Rev. Georges-Francois-Xavier-Marie Grente, who erected diocese on 15 May, 1920, and consecrated was elected Bishop of Le Mans on 30 Januaiy, 1918. in Oporto, the diocese of his birth, 25 July of the to succeed Bishop de La Porte, who had retirea same year. on account of poor health, and had been made

The diocese comprises 150,000 Catholics and now Titular Bishop of Berisa. Bishop de La Porte came (1921) includes 51 parishes, 61 churches, 1 monas- to the See of Le Mans in 1912 as successor to the tery for men, 80 secular priests, 3 regulars, 1 lay Most Rev. Marie-Prosper-Adolphe de Bonfils, who brother, 1 seminary with 36 seminarians, 4 hospitals; had filled the see from 1898 until his death on 2 and 1 day nursery. Two Catholic periodicals, June, 1912.

"Mensageiro" and "Portomosense" are published in Bishop Grente was bom at Percy in 1872 and the diocese. made his studies at the diocesan college of St. L6

Leitmerlti, Diocese of. See Iitombbicb. ^^4. ^^® ^^M seminaire of Coutances. He was a

T.i«^ n 1 • 1 u 1 i_ X -n" -n_ professor at the petit semmatre of Mortam, later

^^S^' ^^i^'/^?^'H'^^°fen* ^v?'^*'i' ^^"^^ director of the diocesan collet of St. L6 in 1903,

on 3 May, 1861; d. in July, 1920. This voluminous ^j^^ ^^ 1912 was chosen for the vice-rectorship of

contributor to Thb Catholic Encycwpedia was ^he Catholic Institute of Paris, but was retained

^ucated at Pans m the School of Higher Studies, ^y his bishop. However, in 1916 he was made

He was ordained to the priesthood m 1890, and in Superior of the Institute of St. Paul at Cherbourg,

that year was made professor of Latin philology ^^ ^^ 30 ^prii igig, he was elected Bishop of

at the Catholic Institute, Pans. He was fellow of Le Mans and coftsecrated 17 April of the same

the Umversity of France, vice-president of the yg^j.

Section of Philology at the International Catholic D^^ing the Worid War 33 of the priests of this

Congress, Fnbourg, Switzerland. He was a col- diocese gave up their lives, 6 were named

aborator with Vacant m his "Dictionnaire th^o- chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 10 received the

logique and the author of many linguistic, jriidaille miUtaire, 3 the midatUe dea ^pidemies,

archaplogical and theological articles which ap- ^nd 100 the croix de guerre.

peared m the scientific reviews of Europe. bv the present (1921) statistics the diocese in-

Lemaltre, Fran^i&-Elib-Jules, French author eludes 394 parishes, 400 churches, 33 convents for

and hterary critic, b. at Vennecy, Loiret, on 27 women, 400 religious women, 600 secular priests,

April, 1853; d. at Tavers near Beaugency, on 5 2 seminaries witn 150 seminarians, 5 colleges for

August, 1914. He was educated in the petit 66mi- men with 110 professors and 1000 students, 4 high

naires of La Chapelle-Saint-M'esnin near Orleans, schools with 40 teachers and 250 girl students, 149

and Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Paris, and after elementary schools with 160 teachers and 4470

graduating from the Ecole normale superieure in pupils. Among the charitable institutions main-

1875, he taught at Le Havre and Algiers, and sub- tained in the diocese are, 1 home, 5 asylums, 30

sequently was appointed to the chair of French hospitals, 1 refuge, and 2 nurseries. Four of the

literature in the faculties of BesauQon and Grenoble, public institutions allow the priests of the diocese

As early as 1878 he had begun contributing literary to minister in them. Various parish bulletins are

essays to the "Revue bleue" : these were followed published as well as two others papers, the "Semaine

by two volumes of pleasing and delicate verse, du Fiddle" and the "Pays Sarthois." The Catholic

In 1884 he resigned his university chair to devote population of the diocese numbers approximately

himself exclusively to literature. The following 400,000.