Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/49

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and was elected Provincial Superior for all the made a domestic prelate in 1913, appointed titular northern portion of the United States. She was Bishop of Sufetula, 18 August, 1914, and trans- five times a delegate to the general chapter, en- ferred to Amazones 4 May, 1916. In 1906 a large joying the personal esteem and appreciation of portion of the territory of this diocese was detached Popes Leo XIII, Pius X, and Benedict XV. In and united to the Abbey NuUius of Monserrate in 1905 she sent three sisters to Alaska to open the Brazil. There are no recent statistics for this first mission in the Yukon delta. Mother Amadeus diocese.

joined them in 1907, realizing at 1^ AmeUa, Diocesb op (Ambrinbnsib; cf. C. E.,

of her life. At the cost of temble hardships she i_406d), in the province of Perugia, Central Italy,

founded a second mission at St. Michaels; then, jg directly subject to the Holy See. The present

at the request of Bishop Crimont, she journeyed to incumbent, Rt. Rev. Francesco Maria Berti, b. at

aouthwestem Alaska to establish a nussion at Popilio, 1868, ordained 1890, was appointed bishop

Valdez. This was an environment more adapted 31 August, 1907. In 1920 there were 19,650 Catho-

to ease and comfort, and a large and well-eauipped jjcg in the diocese, 20 parishes, 30 secular and 21

building was soon completed. She returned, how- regular clergy, 17 seminarians, 78 churches or

®'^®^*°o.^^r^?'u°»^."^JJJlo*^ u""^^ y^u^ ^^t^^^ chapels, 30 brothers and 64 sisters. tnp to St. Michaers m 1918 she was thrown from aw.-^«« / r i^ -p t 4Anu\ -nr-AU av

her berth by the storm and severely injured. While ,. ^^^^r^t ^^^' u ^ J-fJ^b^—With the excep-

Btill confined to her bed in the convent, the house ^i^^ ^^ .^^^ purchase of the Virgin Ida^ds from

was burned to the ground and the nuns had barely penmark by the United States for $25^^ m a

time to escape. She never recovered from these J^e^^/ proclaimed 25 Januan^, 1917. the status of

repeated shocks and in the following June was ^r *u °^?(J5^ w ^^!J^-'^ a*°^ ^^® colonial possessions

brought to the home of the Uraulines in Seattle, ^ ^^^ Old World m Amenca remains the same,

where she died a few months later. In accordance However, there has beenm the last decade, as a

with her expressed desire, her body was brought ^^^ult of the European War (1914-1918) a closer

back to the scene of her labors and rests at the connection between the Old World and the New.

Tnieei/^n of St Tcm«t«ia Thc Sympathy of the Americas with the Alhes waa

^^ attested m the continuous stream of men, mum-

Amadia, Diocebb op (Amadibnsis; cf. C. E., tions, and food from the British possessions as well

I-376a), a diocese of the Chaldean Rite in Kurdis- as from the countries which had broken relations

tan, Turkey, in Asia. In 1895 this diocese was with Germany. America's concern with the eco-

united to that of Akra, but by a Brief of 24 Feb- nomic rehabilitation of Europe after the war sent

ruary, 1910, it was separated. The present bishop, her representatives to the Peace Conference at

Rt. Rev. Francis David, b. at Aradene 1870, or- Versailles and the beginning of 1922 witnessed the

dained 1893, was appointed to this see 25 January, unusual spectacle of the foremost statesmen of the

1910, to succeed Bishop Sakkar, d. 13 June, 1909. world gathered in Washington to discuss not only

In 1920 there were in the diocese 4,970 Chaldean the limitation of armaments, but the vexing prob-

Cathohcs and 4,000 Nestorians, 19 priests, 16 lems rising from the European War in the Far East

churches or chapels, and 10 schools. and the Pacific. Historical details will be found

Amalfi, Archdiocese op (Amalphitanenbis; cf. under the titles of the various countries of North, C. E., I-^9b), in Italy, is directly subject to the South and Central America. Holy See and has its seat at Amalfi, not far from It is difficult to give accurate statistics of the Naples. Rt. Rev. Antonio Maria Bonito, who was Catholic population of America, for even in the appointed to this see 17 June, 1907, retired and United States the number usually given, "about was appointed titular Bishop of Axum 5 August, 17,000.000," is a conjecture more or less accurate. 1910. His successor, Rt. Rev. Angelo Maria Dolci, The United States of America alone contains 14 appointed 27 January, 1911, was made Vicar Apos- archbishoprics, 86 bishoprics, and 1 vicariate apos- tolic at Constantinople and transferred to the tolic. The remainder of America divides into 213 titular see of Hierapplis 16 November, 1914. The dioceses, 51 of which are seats of metropolitans, present incumbent, Rt. Rev. Ercolano Marini sue- There are to-day four American cardinals: Joaquim ceeded him 2 June, 1915. Bom at Matelica, 1866, Arcoverde de Albuquerque, Archbishop of Rio de and ordained 1889, he was appointed titular Bishop Janeiro, Brazil, created in 1905 ; William 0*ConneU, of Arehelais 29 June, 1904, and transferred to Norcia, Archbishop of Boston, created in 1911 ; Louis- 11 December, 1905, filling that see until his trans- Nazaire B^gm, Archbishop of Quebec, Canada, fer to Amalfi. created in 1914; Dennis J. Dougherty, Archbishop

The church of the Assumption at Ravello (dio- of Philadelphia, created in 1921. cese from 1087-1818) was made a minor basilica American Christian Convention. See Christian

31 June, 1918. Among the relics preserved in this Church.

chureh, which is a gem of medieval architecture, is American College, Louvain (cf C. E., I-424d).—

a sealed vessel containing the blood ctf St. Panta- During the war the American flag flew constantly

leon. martyred at Nicomedia 27 July, 303. In.l920 ^y^^ ^^g portals of the college, and the building

the Catholic population of Amalfi was counted at ^as spared. The few students who remained in

46,000 and divided into 54 parishes. August, 1914, formed themselves into amhulanciers,

Amasones (or Manaob), Diocese of (cf. C. E., and the college was used as a hospital. Monsignor

I-381b), in South America was formerly dependent De Becker, with the heads of the University, was

on SflJi Salvador of Bahia but is now suffragan of roughly handled by the Germans and taken to

Belem de Para, with the seat at Manaos. Rt. Rev. Brussels as a hostage, but Brand Whitlock, United

Frederick de Sou2a e Costa, who was appointed States Minister to Belgium, insisted on his release

to this see 8 January, 1907, was transferred to the and the rector was allowed to return. In October,

titular see of Tubuna, 16 April, 1914, and was sue- 1919, the college reopened with some twenty

ceeded by the present incumbent, Rt. Rev. John students, fourteen of whom were Americans, Rev.

IreiueuB Joffily. Bom in the diocese of Parahyba Charles C. Curran, of Providence, being appointed

in 1878 he was ordained in 1901, became director vice-rector. The numbers have increas^ since the

of the Collie of St. Anthony at Natal in 1903, and reopening, but are far below the pre-war roster,

of the College of Pius X at Parahyba 1908, was The American College course of studies forms the