Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/491

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LtJJtfilABtma 475 LVOKd

Duchess, a staunch Catholic, made her hesitate to munities established in the duchy are: men, Bene- sign the education bill which would banish all dictines, Dominicans, Jesuits, Redemptorists, White religious instruction from the schools, and although Fathers, Sacred Heart Fathers, Christian Brothers, she finally signed it, the Liberals and Socialists and Brothers of Mercy; women, Sisters of Notre attacked her severely. Thenceforth serious accusa- Dame, Benedictines, Dominicans, Franciscans, Sis- tions were launched against her, particularly that ters of St. EUzabeth, of Our Lady of Mount of pro-Germanism during the war. The charges had Carmel, of St. Charles Borromeo, of the Poor very slight foundation, and many of them were Child Jesus, of St. Joseph, of Mercy, the School gross calumnies, but in an effort to bring peace to Sisters and the Sisters oi St. Zita. There are 381 her country, she abdicated in 1919 and entered a secular and 61 regular clergy, 27 of these teach Carmelite convent. On 28 September of the same in the secondary schools. The "Unio Sacerdotalis," year a referendum was taken m Luxemburg to de- a mutual aid, and support union is formed among cide on the political future of the country, and a the clergy; and the unions of Catholic people, of continuation of the existing government was favored Catholic workmen, and of Catholic young men and four to one. The Princess Charlotte, younger sister women, besides various sodalities of men, women, of Marie Adelaide, then ascended the throne, and and children, are established among the laity, shortly after her accession she married Prince Felix Thirteen Catholic newspapers are published.

?L?°"'^°°:^"°^*j A son was bom in Februanr, Luxemburg, Rosa. See Spartacus Group. 1921, and chnstened John Benedict, after John the

Blind, King of Bohemia, and the present Holy I«wow (Lembkbg), Archdiocese op (Lbopouensis; Father Benedict XV. The papal nuncio came from cf. C. E., IX-144d), in Poland, a see for three Rites, Brussels to represent His Holiness, both at the Latin, Armenian, and Greek-Ruthenian. For the marriage of their Highnesses and at the baptism of Latin Rite the present incumbent is Most Rev. the innint prince. Joseph Bilczewski„ bom in the Diocese of Cracow

In October, 19i5, Paul Eyschen, the well known I860, appointed 17 December, 1900, made a mem- minister of state, died, having filled this office since ber of the academy of science of Cracow and 1888. The present Prime Minister is Herr Emile SPPO^^^ed an assistant at the pontifical throne 11 Renter. In 1918 a change was made in the con- 5?ay, 1904. He is agisted by an auxiliary, Rt. Rev. stitution, granting universal suffrage to all citizens Boleslas Twardowski. titular Bishop of Telmessus. of both sexes over twenty-one years of age. In ^y 1^ statistics the diocese is divided into 29 recent years the duchy also lost two prominent deaneries for this rite, and comprises 256 parishes, ecclesiastics, Mgr. Frederick Loch, of the parish of 129 fihal parishes, 649 secular priests, 49 clerics, and Notre Dame of Luxemburg, and Rev. Peter Schilz, 45 convents of men with 178 religioiw. D. D., canon and member of the Legislature and . Most Rev. Joseph-Theophilus Teodorowicz, born director of the diocesan boarding school. ^^ Z3rwaczow, Poland, m 1864, was appomted bishop

Since 1881 education in the grand duchy has ^or the Armeman Rite 16 December, 1901, at the

some slight changes were made in it, and the priests ^^. {"ite, and about 800 Armenian Schismatics. 10

are again permitted to go into the schools to give Panshes, 14 Armeman and 7 Latm pnests, and 24

religious instruction, ftimary education is given churches and chapels. t>x ^i. j-

to all children from six to thirteen years of age, . For the Greek-IUitheman Rite the diocese also

when secondary education begins. Priests are bears the title of Halicz and includes the diocese

allowed to teach in the secondary schools, provided 9^ Kamenetz , Podolski m RuMia. The see

they hold university degrees and havq passed the w now filed by Most Rev. Andrew Alexander

State examining board. Primary education is under ^e Szeptyckyi. Basilian, born m Poland of a noble

a board of inspectors and, with very few exceptions, Jf niily m 1865, studied at the uniyeraities of

education is entirely under State control, and all Cracow, Vienna, and Breslau, ordamed 1892, served

parish priests, vicars, chaplains, professors, and ^ ami^ionary, professor, and master of novices,

teachers are paid by the government. In the ele- F°^?^ ^'"^l^ especially valuable because of his

mentary schools both French and German are knowledge of languages. He was appointed Bishop

tausht °* Stanislawow at the age of thirty-four 19 June,

The 'statistics of 1919-20 show 19,376 boys and 1^99, and promoted 17 December 190). In 1914

18,662 girls attending the primaiy 'schools; 6476 ^l.^fu^^^P^^^l*!^^^ .^^Lnn^mpnV of hS

boys and 6390 giris attending other schools prepara- \^^?, ***%F^^T o * ^^^ announcement of his

to^ for seconSaiy education; 2632 boys and pirl^?AA«^-^^^^

in kindergartens. For secondaiy education there ^^^^^J^ 3 ^,^'J^^^^^^ 2 fhp xJrVw K^

are 3 Athenaeums, 1 at Luxemburg with 43 pro- ^^ A^^^iuut&^^^^^^

feesors and 650 boys, 1 at Echtemach with 20 pro- f^ ^^f^' v? ^^^^ li^^^oL ^i;i?;^T^ ^l ^

f essore and 300 boys/l at Diekirch with 16 prof eiors Jrt nX 1 l^?•fi7MhoH^^^^^^

and 320 boys; 3 lyceums or high schools for girls, i^,,^i°^!^2'^' rLS^^^^^^

1 at LuxembW with 24 professors and 220 iirls. S^*J^,Srh!^s2^X,l^^^^^^

1 at Sainte Sophie with 16 professors and 250 girls; ^'^^ panshes, 1250 churches and 35 chapels.

a normal school for men and one for women at Iiyons, Abchdiocbsb of (Lugdunensis; cf. C. E.,

Luxemburg; 2 industrial and commercial schools, IX-472a), in France, is under the administration of

1 at Luxemburg with 35 professors and 461 boys. His Eminence Louis-Joseph Cardinal Maurin, Arch-

and 1 at Esch with 22 professors and 200 bosrs. bishop of Lyons and Pnmate of Gaul, b. 1859 in

In addition to these there are State schools for the diocese of Marseilles, ordained 1882, appointed

mechanics and handicraft, for agriculture, a school Bishop of Grenoble 1911, and promoted to the Arch-

of mines, a school for deaf mutes, for the blind, and diocese of Lyons 1 December, 1916, made cardinal

for the weak-minded. The charitable institutions 4 December of the same year. On 11 September,

include a lunatic a^lum in charge of Sisters, a 1912, Cardinal Coulli6, wno had filled the see of

home of correction, and homes for foundlings and Lyons from 1893, died, and was succeeded by Rt.

orphans, in charge of Sisters. The religious com- Rev. H^ctor-Ir^n^e Sevin, b. Simandre 1852, ap-