Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/502

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Superior is Rev. Ange de Clamecy, bom in Clamecy, Rev. Salvator Peter Walleser, appointed titular

France, 1 July, 1863, entered the Congrej^ation of Bishop of Tanagra, 21 August. 1912. He is the

Capuchins in 1892 and was named head of this mission author of a Palan dictionary ana granunar. Having

18 March, 1910. According to 1920 statistics the submitted to Japanese donunation, these islands arc

mission comprises 1445 Catholics of the Latin Rite, dependent on the apostolic delegate for Japan, since

9 stations with resident priests, 11 churches or chap- 3 March, 1921. The official residence is atPonapa.

els, 18 schools with 2585 children, 1 college with 48 In 1911 the Caroline Islands had a total population

students, and 2 orphanages with 22 orphans. The of 20,000, of whom 1700 aie Catholic; 12 missionaries,

mission is served by 10 Capuchin Fathers and 5 12 Brothers, 11 religious, 11 stations, 11 churches

Brothers, 6 secular priests and 22 Sisters, Tertiaries or chapels and 14 schools with 600 pupils. The

of Lons-le-Saimier. Mariana Islands count a Catholic population of

«j>«^4. A /»;r * ^ 2800, and 1000 non-Catholics: 3 Capuchin priests, 2

IP ^Sf^^^w^u^®^ OP (Mardbnsis; cf. C. BrotLers, 3 stations, 3 churctes. The mission dies

E.,IX^-650d)of the Syrian Rite and a diocese of the not conduct any schools here as the Government

Armenian and Chaldean Rites m Mesopotamia, holds complete control over education. Asiatic Turkey. This is a patriarchal see of the

Syrian Rite, the Patriarch of Antioch, His Excel- Bia riannhiTl, Vicariate Apostouc of (Mari-

lency Ignatius Dionysius Rahmani, resides here, annhillensis), in South Africa. On 27 July, 1921, a

A patriarchal vicar also resides here, at present, Most portion of the vicariate Apostolic of Natal was taken

Rev. Behnan Kalian, titular Archbishop of Sarugh. and entrusted to the missionaries of Mariannhill, and

The diocese comprises 4200 Syrian CaUiolics, 3900 on 10 September, following, it was erected into a

Schismatics, 350 Protestants, 10,000 Mussulmans separate vicariate under the name of Mariannhill.

and 1000 Jews. The 1920 statistics credit it with It extends from East to West between the Rivers

14 secular and 13 regular clergy, and 8 churches or Umkomaas and Umlaas, and is bounded on the North

chapels. by the Division of Impendhle, on the West by the

The see for the Armenian Rite is vacant, the bishop, I>ackensbure and on the South by the Great Key

Rt. Rev. Hussig Ghulian, having died, 18 February, River. Rev. Father Fleischer has just been appointed

1922. The diocese comprises 6500 Amenian Catho- vicar apostolic and titular Bishop of Tiberiopolis.

lies and 2^,000 Schismatics; 14 missionary priests, 2 Statistics are not yet published.

regulars and 14 churches or chapels. The diocese is liT--^^^— t.i...^. xt a .

a^inistered for the Chaldeans^y Rt. Rev. Israel ,, Marquesas Islands, Vicamato Apostouc of

Audo, bom in Alkosch, Mesopotamia, 1859, studied (Jnsularum Marchbsi; cf. C. E., IX--;688c). m

at the Seminary of Moiul ancTwas ordained in 1886, Pplgiesia, with residence at Atouona^ on the Island

served as patrmrehal vicar at Bastorah in 1892 and °' ^iva. It is entrustedjjo the (^ngre^tion of

appointed bishop 11 May, 1909. Statistics of 1920 P»^P^' the present vicar bemg Rt. Rev. David Le

cfSit the dioce^ with 1670 Chaldean Catholics, 6 ?oTo'®'^°'*^?^P?^l ?? ^^^ "^^^ r^, •^'^"^'

regular clei^y, 3 churohes or chapels, 2 stations aiid 1912, admmistrator apostolicll Novemher foUowmg,

3 schools named vicar apostolic 30 December, 1920, and ap- pointed titular Bishop of Demetrias 5 January, 1921.

Margaret Mary Alacoqne, Saint (cf. C. E., The population comprises 2750 Catholics, 450 Pro-

IX-«53b), canonized by Benedict XV, on 13 May, testants and 100 pagans. By 1920 statistics the

1920. vicanate is served by 8 missionary pnests, 2 Brothers,

9 Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, 9 cathechists, and

Margaret of Irf»rralne. BLBSsca) (cf. C. E., 37 churches or chapels. The schools were closed in

IX-655b) . — Her cultus was approved at Rome, 20 1904 by order of the French Government, which has

March, 1921. had control of these islands since 1841.

Mariana, Archdiocese of (Marianbnsis; cf C. Marquette (SauCt Stb Marie and Marquette), E., lA— 660b), in the state of Minas Geraes, Brazil. Diocese op (Marianapoutana et Marqubttensis ; This see is filled by Most Rev. Silvdre Gomes Pimenta, cf. C. E., IX-689a), is under the administration of bom in Congonhas do Campo, in this diocese, in the fourth bishop, the Rt. Rev. Frederick Eis, D. D., 1840, ordained in 1862, made a professor in the who was consecrated 24 August, 1899. The present seminary, vicar capitular, vicar general ,and pro- (1921) statistics for this diocese show a Catholic thonotary apostolic in 1878, appointed titular Bisnop population of approximately 85^96; 90 secular of Camachus 20 June, 1890, and tran^erred to priests and 8 regulars, 76 churches with resident Marianna 3 December, 1897. When the diocese was priests, 61 missions with churches, 54 mission sta- raised to the dignity of an archdiocese in 1906, he tions, 29 chapels, 12 ecclesiastical students, 3 acad- was made its first arehbishop 1 May of that year, emies, 27 parochial schools, 8413 pupils in schools. On 19 June, 1912, he was made an assistant at the 1 orphan asylum with 100 orphans, 1 school for pontifical throne, and on 28 May, 1920, he was made Indians, and 4 hospitals. The diocese comprises a member of the literary academy. He is assisted the northern peninsula of the State of Michigaan by an auxiliary, Rt. Rev. Antonio- Augusto de Assis, and is suffragan of Milwaukee, titular Bishop of Diocletianopolis, appointed 2 -, ^^ ^ i i^ .. . j . ,*• i August, 1918. By a decree of 22 February, 1921, the Marquette University, situated in Mdwaukee, limits of the archdiocese, as well as those of the Wisconsin, was founded by the Jesuits in 1857 as diocese of Aterrado were slightly changed. The St. Aloysius Academy and incorporated m 1864 diocese of Aterrado had been erected in 1918 by a ^ Marquette College until 1907, when a new char- division of the archdiocese. Statistics of the arch- *er was obtained and the institution became a diocese have not been published since this division university. This same year the Milwaukee Medical was made. College was affiliated with the University, and in

1908 the Milwaukee Law School, the College of

Mariana and Oaroline Islands, Vicariate Applied Science and Engineering being begim at

Apostolic of (Marianbnsis bt Carolinensis; the same time. In 1910 the College of Economics,

cf. C. E., IX — 660d) , formerly a prefecture Apostolic School of Business Administration and School of

and raised to a vicaiiate 1 March, 1911. On 18 June, Journalism were opened. The affiliation between

1907, this territory was entrusted to the Capuchins Marquette University and the Milwaukee Medic&!

of Westphalia, the present vicar apostolic being Rt. School was discontinued in 1912 when the UaivcT-