Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/519

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include a theatre, large dormitory, baths, moving 1910 the following religious orders have come into

pictures, field for sports, etc. the diocese: Redfemptorist Fathers, at Oconomo-

The new Catholic press includes a political daily, woe; Palatini Fathers, at Wauwatosa; Dominican

7 weeklies, 10 business papers and 16 cultural ones, Fathers, at Madison; 3 houses of Carmelite Sisters

with 12 editorial houses and 8 religious libraries, of the Sacred Heart.

The diocese contains nearly 3,000,000 Catholics Archbishop Messmer celebrated his golden jubilee

(2,967,876 in 1919), 795 parishes (54 in city), 2162 27 July, 1921.

secular priests, 92 regular priests, 141 churches in the During the World War the diocese contributed

city; 1724 outside, total 1865; 18 orders of men with 13 chaplains to the army and 13,000 soldiers.

35 houses, 50 congregations of women, 103 houses in __ _ _. ,^ r, ^

city, 397 in the diocese; 155 lay brothers, 5 seminaries. Mind Healing. See Christian Science; New

750 seminarians; 16 colleges for men, 28 for women; Thought.

1 university; 1 mission work; 29 refuges, 10 hospitals, __. ,, . _ n^ t».i *g:^.;^^»„

61 day nui^ries; 1 organization amoSg the cler£r and J^?^^* ^ Amedc'^RiBio, Bishop of SigUenza

49 for the laitv & &j a^^^ historian, was bom at Egeo de Comago, Logrofio,

^' Spain, on 16 April, 1836; d. at Monteagudo on 1

Mlleto, Diocese op (Miletbnsis; cf. C. E., August, 1920. After completing his secondary

X— 303b), in the province of Catanzaro, Southern studies with distinction at Tarragona, he joined the

Italy, directly dependent on the Holy See. This see Discalced Aimistinians at Monteagudo and after

is filled by Rt. Rev. Giuseppe Morabito, bom in being ordained was sent to the Philippines Islands in

Reggio-CaJabria in 1858, appointed titular Bishop of 1858. He labored at Las Pinas, Selang, Imus,

Di^ea 15 June, 1898. ancl transferred 15 December Rosam, and Cavite Viejo and was secretary general

following. On 14 Febmary, 1919 Rt. Rev. Paolo and chronicler of the Philippine province of his order.

Albera, Bishop of Bova, was named apostolic admin- He was sent later to Madnd as commissary procurator

istrator of the diocese. It embraces a Catholic pop- and was nominated rector of San Mulldn and elected

ulation of 220,000, 126 parishes, 27 vicariates, 300 a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of

seciilar and 8 regular clergy, 120 seminarians, 10 History. In 1894 he was made Bishop of Porto Rico,

Brothers, 35 Sisters and 300 churches and chapels, where he displayed extraordinary pastoral zeal; three

years later he was transferred to the See of SigUenza,

Mill HilL See Foreign Missions, Saint Joseph's from which after an episcopate of twenty years he

Society for. resigned in 1916, at the age of eidit^^-one, and was

--.,_ 1-^ A /%» appointed titular Bishop of Basilopolis. Mgr.

imwaukee, Archmoc^b op (Milwauchibnsis; Mmguella is recognized as one of the greatest scholars

cf. C. E., X-^19a), m the State of Wisconsin, U. in Spain in his day. Among his linguistic published

S. A., covers an area of 9321 sq. miLM with a Cath- ^orks may be mentioned his Spanish-Tagal Grammar

ohc population of about 274.^. The see is filled (Manila, 1878), and "Metodo practico para que los

by Most Rev. Sebastian Gebhard Messmer, D.D., ninos y ninas de las provincias tagalas aprendan a

D.C.L., b. 20 August, 1847, at Goldach, ordained hablar espanol" (Manila, 1886), a work crowned by

28 July, 1871, appointed Bishop of Green Bay 14 the Government and published at ite expense;

December, 1891, consecrated 27 March, 1892, trans- "Unidad de la especie humana probada por la filo-

ferred and raised to the archiepiscopal dignity 10 logia" (Madrid); an extensive treatise on Filipino

December, 1903, proclaimed 14 November, 1904, p^»ography, the fruit of long and varied research,

succeeding Mgr. Frederick Xavier Katzer (b. 11 is as yet unprinted. His chief historical contribu-

February, 1844; d. 20 July, 1903); made assistant tions are "San MuMnde la Cogulla" (Madrid, 1883);

at the pontifical throne 16 November, 1906. "Conquista espiritual de Mindanao por los agostinoo

According to 1922 census there are: 233 parishes, recoletos" (Valladolid, 1885); "Cronologia de Roma

70 missions, 338 secular and 102 regular clergy, p. fray Gabmo Sanchez Cortes" (Madrid, 1894);

6 monasteries for men, 11 convents for women, <<Historia del P. Ezequial Moreno, obispo de Pasto"

3 clerical seminaries with 524 clerical students, 1 {Madrid, 1904), and "Historia de la diocesis de

university with 274 professors and 4300 students, 1 Siguenzaetdesusobispos* (3 vols. Madrid, 1910-13),

college for men with 100 boys, 1 high school with a masterly work crowned by the Academy of History. 260 boys and girls, 7 academies with 1080 girls, 165

parochial schools with 45,000 pupils, 1 industrial Minnesota. — The total land area of Minnesota

school for girls with 95 pupils, 5 homes for the is 84,682 square miles. In 1920 the population was

aged, 4 for girls, 1 for working men, 7 asylums for 2,387,125, an increase of 15 per cent over that of

orphans and dependent children with 680 inmates, 1910 (2,075,708). Of this 55 per cent was rural.

14 hospitals, 1 institute for deaf-mutes with 85 The average number of inhabitants to the square

pupils, 1 institute for the feeble-minded with 190 mile was 29.5. The largest cities are: Minne-

pupils, 1 day nursery. Most of the public institu- apolis, 380,582; St. Paul, 234,585; Duluth, 98,917;

tions admit the ministry of priests. None of the Winona, 19,143; Stillwater, 12,435.

Catholic institutions or schools are supported by Economic Conditions. — According to the census

state or government aid. Three societies are or- of 1919 there were in the State 6225 manufacturing

fanized among the clergy: Eucharistic League, establishments, in which were employed 115,600

^urp^atorial Society, St. Michael's Priest Fund for wage earners. The capital invested amounted to

Indigent Priests; among the laity: Holy Name $690,384,000, and the total value of products was

Society, St. Vincent de Paul Society, League of $1,218,130,000. In the same year Minnesota had

Catholic Women, Missionary Association of Cath- 178,478 farms, with an acreage of 51,749,120. The

olic Women, Association of Catholic Hospitals, value of the crops was $506,020,665, the principal

Four Catholic weeklies are published: "Catholic crops being maize (118,125,000 bushels), wheat

Herald," "Catholic Citizen," "Columbia," "Excel- (29,116,000 bushels), oats (126,488,000 bushels), bar-

sior**; three Cathohc monthlies : "Hospital Progress," ley (25,000,000 bushels). The wool clip amounted

"The Ligorian," "Mater Dolorosa." Catholic to 3,594,000 pounds of wool. The national forest

nationalities represented in the archdiocese are: area is 1,044,233 acres. In 1917 Minnesota had

169 English-speaking parishes, 89 German, 21 Polish, 9161 miles of railway, besides 732 miles of electric

5 Lithuanian. 5 Italian, 4 Slovak, 3 Slovene, 1 each railway. St. Paul is a famous railway center through

for French, Croatian, Syrian, and negroes. Since which ten railroads pass. The Great Northern Rail-