Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/526

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Shaw, a native of Mobile, and at that time Bishop the Code, the Holy Office replied on 22 March,

of San Antonio, but since raised to the dignity of 1918, that these anti-modernistic precautions were

Archbishop of New Orleans. In the afternoon there still in force and were to continue so until the

was a great demonstration in honor of the anni- Holy See decreed otherwise.

versary, a parade of Catholic laymen taking place, »* jj « 

which in numbers had never before been equaled ModlgUana, Diocese op (Mutilensib; cf. C. E.,

in this present

is city. The celebration was directed by the ?--421a), in the province of Flc Dt bishop, Rt. Rev. Patrick AUen, who was ^Yy suflfragan of Florence. The

Florence^ Northern see IS filled by

present oisnop, ai. rtev. I'aincK /uien, wno was *««-j, «**"*«©»" v,* * .v^.^.*^^. ^^^ ^^ » ^m^^.^ ^j

consecrated by Cardinal Gibbons on 16 May, 1897. Ji*;,^^- Ruggero Bovelli, bom m PantaUa, Italy,

In his address the cardinal spoke a word of praise 1875, served as vicar general of Todi and was aj>

for the splendid work Bishop Allen had accom- Pp^itea 5 Augu^, 1915, to succeed Rt. Rev. Lmgi

plished. and for the spiritual and temporal benefits Capptosti, transferred to the titular see of Thenn®

which he felt would be gained for the diocese by 22 January, 1915. The Catholic population^ this

his marked interest in this event. diocese is recorded by 1920 statistics as 40,000;. the

Ir^J^^^Ftl ^®^^' ^V ^^"^^ p'Grady, Dean of Modjeska, Helena, actress, b. at Cracow, Poland, North Alabama and for several years misatonary ^^ 12 October, 1840- d. at Bay City, California, on to the nwi-Catholics of the Dioce^ of Mobile, g April, 1909; daugWr of Michael Opid, a high- died m Birmingham, and in 1918 Rev. Wm. school teacher and talented musician. She studi^at Demony, one time secretary to the Papal Dele- gt. John's Convent, Cracow, and at an early age gave gate, Mgr. Bonwno, an author of considerable proof of her histrionic talent. On leaving schoolshe promise, died on 8 December. On August 11, 1921, ^ade an enthusiastic study of the Polish patriotic the diocese was shocked by the murder of one of writers, especially of the great poets Mickiewica, Its priests, Rev. James E. Coyle, by a Protestant Slowacki, and Zaleski, and also of Shakespeare, by minister. Father Coyle was Dean of North Ala- whom she was fascinated. In 1857 she married bama, and a model priest, zealous in the perform- Gustave Sinnmayer Modrzejewski, a theatrical im- ance of his duty, and a noted writer, with some pressario. A few years later she decided to follow the poems also to his credit. Upon trial the murderer gtage and joined a travelling company. In 1865 was dismissed without punishment. she came under the guidance of Jasinski, a noted

During the World War the diocese of Mobile gtage director in Warsaw, and achieved a decided

responded generously to the needs of the country, success at Cracow in Schiller's "Don Carlos." A

with a full quota of priests serving as chaplains little later her husband died, and on 12 September,

and numbers of young men in the service; 42 of 1868, she married Count Karol Bozenta Chlapowski,

these gave up their lives, either in action or through The following month she appeared in the Imperial

sickness. Theatre, Warsaw, and, playmg "Adrienne Lroouv-

The Diocese of Mobile comprises a Catholic reur," scored a great triumph, establishing her record population of 46,512, of whom 5266 are colored, as Poland's premiere actress. A few weeks later she It includes 63 parishes, 48 missions, 1 monastery had signed a life contract to play at the Warsaw for men, 1 convent for men, 71 secular priests and 'Theatre. Her success, however, raised a hurricane 72 regulars, 9 Brothers of the Sacred Heart, 19 of professional jealousy, and in 1876 she emigrated Benedictine and 5 Jesuit Brothera, 1 seminary with to California, which was thenceforward her home. 26 seminarians, 1 high school with 5 teachers and She made her first American appearance at San an attendance of 146 boys, 8 academies, and 1 in- Francisco in 1877, when for the convenience of dustrial school. A number of the priests devote Americans she modified her name to Modjeska. Her themselves to various missionary works, and a success as Adrienne was immediate. She repeated her home is maintained for the evangelization of the triumphs through America in Shakespearean and colored people as well as three orpnan asylums and lighter roles, and then captured England and Ire- seven hospitals; all public institutions permit priests land, in the latter country, she being a patriot from to minister in them. The Clergy Relief Society a sister oppressed nation, was dognsd by Britbh is organized, as well as the Knights of Columbus, secret service agents. Madame Modjeska was most the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and the Holy successful probably in the r61es of Lady Macbeth, Name Society' a Catholic monthly is published Mary Stuart, and Beatrice.

by St. Paul's Church in Birmingham. Modjeska, Memories and Imprunotu: an autobioffnphy

Modena, Archdiocese of (Mutinensis; cf. C. E., X — 13a), in EmUia, Northern Italy, was united perpetually in 1821 with the Abbey of Nonan- tola, a former Benecditine monastery and prelature nvUitts. The present bishop is Mgr. Natafe Bruni, bom in Nociveglia, diocese of Piacenza, 25 December, 1856, elected 17 December, 1900. to succeed Mgr. Borgognoni, deceased. During the War the clergy opened a caaa del sddaio in the archepiscopal palace and the seminary was used as a military hospital. According to 1919 statistics, there are in the diocese 220,400 Catholics, 179 parishes, 455 secular and 50 regular priests, 60 seminarians, 20 lay brothers, 244 Sisters, 450 churches or chapels.

Modernism (cf. C. E., X-421).— In reply to a query whether the regulations contained in the motu proprio '^Sacrorum Antistitum" and the en- cyclical "Pascendi" of Pius X were revoked by

Mohlleff, Archdiocese of (Mohiloviensis; cf. C. E., X— 428d), in Russia, with episcopal residence at Petrograd. Most Rev, Vincent Kluczvnski pro- moted to this see 7 April, 1910, retiree! and was transferred to the titular see of Philippopolis 22 Sep- tember. 1914. He was succeeded by M<»t Rev. Edward de Ropp, bom in the archdiocese in 1851, ordained in 18iB6. appointed Bishop of Tiraspal 9 June, 1902, transferred to Vilna 9 November, 1903, exiled by the Imperial Russian Government from 1907 until 1917, and promoted 25 July of that vear. He was taken prisoner by the Bolsheviki, but liber- ated, through the intervention of the Pope and permitted to go to Rome in 1920. The archdiocese nas the privilege of three suffragan bishops, residing at Mohlleff, Polotsk and Livonia, but at present there is ohlv one, Most Rev. John Felix Cieplak, titular Archbishop of Acheida. who resides at Mohi- leff. Mohileff is the primatial see of Russia and the