Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/545

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solidated the aeveral boards and commissions under Patriarch of Lisbon in 1883, and cardinal in 1884,

the governor with secretaries forming his cabinet, with reoeiying the hat in 1886. In 1907, he resigned his

the puipose of imifsring the admmistration of the office as patriarch to become once more an humble

State's business^ doing away with duplications and friar in a convent of his Order, and when the Revolu-

overlapping jurisdiction. The legidature of 1919 tion of 1910 broke he was banished from his native

reproduced the Sabbath-breaking legislation of New land by the fanatical mob. He found a refuge in

England, but exempts families who are emigrating, Spain near Seville until his death.

watermen, ferrymen, keepers of toll oridges, nulways iii-i„,«i,i rw.^«— «» a^ xiAVToir ^ xi«.o»«.w^/

runninij n^cessirjr trims. Public dancin^on Sundajrs »«««>"• Diocese of. See Banska Bystrica.

is perzmtted in cities of the metropolitan class, having Nentra^ Diocese of. See Nitra. a public welfare board with authority to regulate such

dancing. Inl916 there were 1675 divorces and 12,786 Nevada (cf. C. E., X— 775b).— -The area of

marriages. The Ck)n8titutional Convention in 1919 the State of Nevada is 110,690 square miles. The

voted 41 amendments to the constitution, and referred population in 1920 was 77,407, a decrease of 4468 or

them to the people in the next election. The Federal of 5.5 per cent since 1910; in the decade 1900-1910

Suffrage Amendment was ratified on 31 July, 1919; the population increased from 42,335 to 81,875. or

the Prohibition Act on 16 January, 1919. 93.4 per cent. Reno, with a population of 12,016,

History. — Nebraska's recent history is mainly a was the largest city. Of the population 19.7 per cent

legislative history. In 1919 race riots, however, is urban; 80.3 per cent is rural. There are 46,240

broke out in the city of Omaha. The mob surroundea males and 31,167 females. The whites number

the court house and set fire to the interior of the build- 70,699, of whom 2603 are foreign-bom. There are

ing in order to foree the sheriff to turn over a neno also 4907 Indians, 754 Japanese, 689 Chmese and 346

praoner held in the county jail which was over the negroes. The iUiteracy of the popiUation of ten years

roof. While the sheriff was removing the prisoners, of age and over is 5.9 per cent, a decrease of .89 per

the negro was secured by the mob, hung, shot, ana cent since 1910.

cremated. Mayor Smith was captured by the mob. Economic Conditions.— Farmmg is on the mcrease and narrowly escaped being hung, his rescue being for since 1910 the number of farms has increased 17.6 effected by a group of citizens. During the European per cent. At present there are 3163, with an area of War Nebraska's contribution was 47*805 so-diers or 2,357,163 acres, worth $99,779,666. The agricultural 1.27 per cent, of the United States Army. The mem- products of Nevada for 1919 were valued thus: wheat bers of the national guard formed a part of the 34th $1,067,560; oats $86,252; barley $259,379; potatoes Division at Camp Ckxly, New Mexico, and those of $1,099,228; hay $10,946,159. In that year the entire the national army joined the 89th Division at Pun- number of sheep m the state was 880.580, and the ston, Kansas. The summary of casualties of the wool clip amounted to 5,554,342 pounds. The Fed- Nebraska members of the American Expeditionary eral Irrugtion project embraces 160,000 acres in the Force was as follows: deceased, 25 officers, 830 men; State. The development of Nevada is hindered by prisoners, 20 men: woimded, 36 officers and 2130 men. lack of transportation facilities. In 1918 the value EcdeHaatical History, — In 1912 the western part of the entire mineral production of the State was of the Diocese of Omaha was erected into the Diocese $61,080,169; the gold was worth $6,619,937; the of Kearney, this name being later changed to Grand silver $10,000,599, Iwth totalling $16,620,536. The Island. area of the national forests in the State is 4,971,335

acres. The census of manufactures in 1919 showed Nellie of Holy Ood, Little. See Organ, Nellie, a decrease of 7.8 since 1914 in the number of estab- •>>• 1 ^ a ^-^ « lishments. There are altogether 166, with 3563 per- Nepi and Bntrl, Diocese of (Nepesinsis bt Su- sons engaged, earning salaries and wages totalling TWN8is,cf.C.E.,X— 750b), united sees of the prov- $14,905,687. The capital invested was $16,834^1 ince of Rome, are under the direction of Mp. and the value of the products $22,874,311. The Olivar^ who was appointed to the diocese upon the principal industries were: car and sen^tu shop con- death of Mgr. Doebbing 14 Marah, 1916. Mgr. stniction and repairs by steam raSwajr companies, Luigi Olivar^ was bom at Corbetta in the diocese flour mill and gnst-mill products, dairying, printing of Milan in 1873. He received his degree of Doctor and publishing. The railway mileage in 1919 was of Theology and became pastor of Santa Maria 2843,of which 2281 was first track. In 1920 the State Liberatrice at Testaccio in Rome. He was ap- debt was $165,000; the assessed value of property pointed Bishop of Nepi and Sutri 15 July, 1916, being $214,000,000.

and consecrated at Rome 29 October, of the same Education. — Hie State laws governing private year. During the World War the clergy and laity and parochial schools are as follows: It shall be unlaw- of this diocese took an active part in assisting the ful for any board of school trustees, regents or board families of the soldiers and war prisoners. Accord- of education, or for any teacher or other person teach- ing to present (1921) statistics there are in the ing in the public or private schools to cause to be diocese, 30 parishes, 95 churches, 3 monasteries for tau^t or to teach any subject or subjects, other than women, 13 convents for men, 16 for women, 61 foreign languages, in the public or private schools in secular priests, 36 regulars, 23 Brothers, 148 Sisters, any language but English. No public fimds of any 2 seminaries with 23 seminarians. Among the kind shall be used for sectarian purposes. The i)rop- charitable institutions are 14 asylums in charge of erty of corporations formed for charitable, religious. Sisters and 4 hospitals in charge of either Sisters or educational purposes may be exempt trom taxa- or Brothers. Sisters teach in eight of the govern- tion. Education is compulsory between the ages of ment schools. The total Catholic population of eight and sixteen. There were (1920) in Nevada the diocese is approximately 49,000; 6 Catholic 22,604 persons under 21 years of afl», 65 of whom societies are organized among the laity. were negroes and 164 Mongolians. Of these, 12,936

attend the public schools and 372 private schools.

Netto, Joseph Sebastian, cardinal, b. in 1841, at The total number of schools in the State is 390, with

Lagos, Portugal; d. in 1920 near Seville, Spain, 717 teachers. The educational expenditure was

Cardinal-priest of the Church and occupant ol the $1,318,396. The State University at Reno with an

Patriarchal See of his native land. He was a simple attendance of 295 and a faculty of 35 in 1919 was

parish priest in 1873; a Franciscan friar in 1875; given $122,818 bv the legislature of Nebradca. Of

Bishop of Angola and Congo in Africa in 1879; this $24,420 were for repairs. The annual expenditure