Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/575

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(1922) vacant, the former archbishop, Mgr. Leme da Silveira Cintra having been appointed titular archbishop of Pharsalia and coadjutor to the archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, 15 March 1921. He had been promoted to the see of Olinda in 1916 to succeed Mgr. Da Silva Britto, deceased. On 5 December 1910, the diocese of Olinda was erected into an archdiocese. By a Bull of 26 July, 1918, it was decreed that the church of St. Peter in Recife should be a co-cathedral wih Olinda, that the archbishop and the canons could reside there, and that the title of the diocese should henceforth be Olinda and Recife. In 1920 the church of Recife was erected into a minor basilica. According to 1920 statistics there are in the archdiocese 81 parishes, 365 churches and chapels, 88 secular and 22 regular priests, and a total population of 1,030,244, of whom 1,028,541 are Catholics and 1683 are Protestants.

Oliver Plunket, Blessed (cf. C. E., XII—169c), beatified 23 May, 1920, by Benedict XV. On 30 June, 1920, a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites authorized the translation of the relic of the head of Blessed Oliver Plunket from the Dominican Convent to the Oliver Plunket Memorial Church, St. Peters, Drogheda. His feast is kept 11 July.

Olivetans (cf. C. E., XI—244d).—The sixth centenary of the foundation of the order was celebrated in 1919. At the general chapter held at Monte Oliveto in June, 1920, a new procurator general, Dom Lugano, was elected, and the election confirmed according to the rules formulated by Clement XII in 1733. Tha abbot general is Dom Mauro Parodi. The monastery of Lendinara, in the Diocese of Adria, was erected into an abbey by brief of 15 Dec., 1920, and Dom Celestino Mari Colombo, prior of the monastery and rector of the famous sanctuary of Notre Dame del Pilastrello, which adjoins it, was named abbot by the Pope himself and received the abbatial blessing from Bishop Rizzi, 21 Dec., 1920. This sanctuary, confided to the Olivetans, was erected into a minor basilica by Pius X, 15 Feb., 1911. In 1912 the Olivetans had 4 abbeys (3 in Italy and 1 in Carniola), 2 priories (in Italy), and 3 residences (2 in Italy and 1 in Istria). There were 124 members, of whom 72 were priests, 24 clerics and novices, and 28 Brothers. The French houses are now dispersed.

Olmutz, Archdiocese of. See Olomouc.

Olomouc, Archdiocese of (Olomucensis; cf. C. E., XI—247a), in Czechoslovakia. In 1921 Mgr. Antonin Stojan was appointed archbishop of Olomouc to succeed Cardinal de Skrbensky-Hriste, resigned. Born in Moravia, 22 May, 1851, he was ordained in 1876 and for twenty years was curate and pastor in various churches. In 1896 he won his doctorate in theology and the following year was Czech Deputy to the Council of the Empire. In 1902 he was deputy to the Diet of Moravia, and was made canon and provost of collegiate chapter of Kromerizi in 1908. He was a delegate to the National Assembly in 1919, and the following year was elected to the Senate of Czechoslovakia. At the same time the pope made him a papal chamberlain. He was consecrated archbishop of Olomouc by Mgr. Micara, 3 April, 1921. Mgr. Wisnar, titular bishop of Calliopolis, is auxiliary of Olomouc. In 1916 there were in the archdiocese 51 deaneries, 664 parishes, 1536 secular and 145 regular priests, 2121 nuns, and 1,860,150 Catholics.

Omaha, Diocese of (Omahensis; cf. C. E., XI–249c) in the State of Nebraska, U. S. A., was divided into two parts by a Decree of the Sacred Consistoriai Congregagion of 8 March, 1912, and the western part

was erected into the Diocese of Kearney. It now comprises an area of 14,051 sq. miles, where formerly its territory extended over 52,996 sq. miles. Rt. Rev. Richard Scannell, D.D., who had filled this see from 1891, died 8 January, 1916, and was succeeded by the present incumbent, Most Rev. Jeremiah J. Harty, former Archbishop of Manila, P. I., who was transferred to Omaha with the title of Archbishop-Bishop. Archbishop Harty was born in St. Louis, Mo., 1 November, 1853, and was ordained 28 April, 1878. He labored in his home city as an assistand and then a pastor until 1903, when he was appointed Archbishop of Manila, which see he filled until his transfer to Omaha. He took possession of the see on 28 December, 1916, and his administration has been marked by the establishment of new parishes and parochial schools and the introduction of new religious orders into the diocese. An event of special importance was the establishment of the Chinese Mission Society in Omaha on 14 December, 1918. The mother house of the Society is at Dalgan Park, Galway, Ireland, and their present headquarters in Omaha, St. Columbans's Mission House, is devoted to the education of young men for the priesthood in China. “The Far East,” a magazine devoted to the conversion of China, is published here. Another Catholic paper, “The True Voice,” edited by Rev. P. C. Gannon and having a very extensive circulation, is also published in the diocese. The religious orders now (1922) established here include men: Augustinian Recollects, Basilians, Francisans, Jesuits, and Redemptorists; women: Sisters of Mercy, Poor Clares, Religious of the Sacred Heart, Sisters of Notre Dame, of St. Dominic, of St. Francis, of the Good Shepherd, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity and Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. Tha latest statistics credit the diocese with 163 diocesan and 56 regular clergy, 142 parishes, 164 churches and 2 more under construction, 59 chapels, 4 stations, 78 men of religious orders, 844 women of religious orders, 1 university with 1945 students, 32 ecclesiastical students, 7 colleges and academies for girls, with 84 teachers and 701 students, 8 high schools with 30 teachers and 336 students, 90 parochial schools with 11,216 pupils, 1 orphan asylum with 166 orphans, 4 homes for young ladies with 181 residents, 1 House of the Good Shepherd, 1 industrial home for boys, 1 home for the aged, 3 hospitals with 590 beds, 188 hospital nurses, and a total of 15,005 young people under Catholic care. In 1921 the total Catholic population was 83,357.

Ontario, Northern, Vicariate Apostolic of. Detached from the Diocese of Haileybury in province of Ontario, Canada, and erected into a prefecture 18 April, 1918, and into a vicariate 27 November, 1920. The majority of the Catholic population of 12,000 are French-Canadian with the rest Indian or Irish. There are 8 secular priests, 9 parishes, 50 missions, 10 elementary schools with 16 teachers and 450 pupils, a boarding school for Indians at Albany with 30 pupils taught by 5 Gray Nuns of Ottawa, a boarding school for boys and girls at Hearst with 50 boarders and 80 day pupils taught by 8 sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The present vicar apostolic is Rt. Rev. Joseph Halle, elected prefect apostolic in 1919, titular Bishop of Theveste and vicar apostolic in 1920, consecrated Bishop of Petraea, 17 April, 1921, with his residence at Hearst.

Opporto, Diocese of (Portugallensis; cf. C. E., XI—260f) in Portugal, Suffragan of Braga. Mgr. Antonio Barbosa-Leao is the present (1922) Bishop of Oporto, having succeeded to the see in 1919 on the death of Mgr. de Souza Barroso (1918). He was born in the diocese 17 October, 1860, was appointed Bishop of Angola and Congo in 1906, transferred to