Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/587

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pABoxraiA 571 pabtob '

Magani, and retained the personal title of archbishop. 3 houses, at Passau; Fresrung and Burdiausen;

In August, 1918, he was named president of the Union Salvatorians, 1 house at Griesbach and the Benedic-

of Italian Missionaries, createa for the development tines at Niederalteich. The i>rincipal association

of foreign missions. The Catholic population of the among the clergy is the Association of Priests of the

diocese is 232,913. There are 306 parishes, 407 Diocese. Among the laitv the following Q,ssociations

secular priests, 66 regular priests, 100 seminarians, are formed: Catholic Women's League, Catholic

2 Brothers, 99 Sisters, 406 churches and chapels. Merchants' Association and Catholic Women Clerks'

•* . ^ -« ^ -«-.,,, ^ ..^ iT^Mi- 1 Association. The principal Catholic paper published

Paroii8ia.~On 18 June, 1915, the Pontifical Biblical j^ the diocese is the Donauaeitung.^ Commission handed down the foUowmg decision m

reply to the accompanying queries regarding the Paste, Diocese of (Pastensis, Pastopolitan-

Parousia: enbis; cf. C. E., XI — ^537d), suffragan of Bogota,

I. Whether to solve the difficulties which occur Colombia. The present bishop is Rt. Rev. Antonio

in the Epistles of St. Paul and of other Apostles. Maria Pueyo de Val, C. M. F., b. 1864, elected 1917.

where the 'Tarousia," as it is called, or the second The Catholic population is 315,640, and there are

coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, is spoken of, it is 41,000 infidels, 68 parishes, 90 secular priests, 23

permitted to the Catholic ex^ete to assert that the regular priests, 133 cnurches and chapels. Apostles, although under the inspiration of the Holy

Gnost they teach no error, nevertheless express their Pastor (cf. C. E., XI-537d) — All dioceses are own human views, into which error or deception now to be divided into parishes and where this has can enter? been done the pastors, technically rectors, have be- Reply. In the neg^ative. come parish priests. The rectors of parishes are per- il . whether, keepmg before one's eyes the genuine manent, yet all of them may be removed under certain idea of the Apostolic Onice and St. Paul's undoubted conditions laid down in the sacred canons; the same fidelitv to the teaching of the Master; likewise, the degree of stability not being granted to ail, some of Catholic dogma regarding the inspiration and in- the rectors are called removable and the other irre- errancy of the Scriptures, whereby all that the sacred movable, which expressions are often used in speaking writer (hagiographus) asserts, enunciates, suggests of the parish itself . While the parish may be declared must be held to be asserted, enunciated, suggested irremovable by the bishop, once it has been done it bv the Holy Ghost; also, being wei^ea the texts cannot be rendered removable except by permission of the Apostle's Epistles, considered m themselves, of the Holy See. Those who rule quasi-parishes and which are before all in harmony with the speech of parochial vicars enjoying full parochial powers are the Lord Himself, it is meet to afiirm that the Apostle mcluded imder the title parish priest in canon law Paul in his writings certainlv said nothing which is and have the ri^ts and duties of pariah priests (except not in perfect harmony with that ignorance of the that the obligation of saying Mass for the parishioners time of the 'Tarousia which Christ Himself pro- is limited to eleven feasts^ an exemption granted also claimed to be men's portion? to rectors of parishes subject to Propaganda. Occa- Reply. In the affirmative. sionally a moral person, such as a cathedral chapter HI. Whether, attention being paid to the Greek or a religious house becomes a Tparochus with leave of phrase jiiult 6i ^(arrtu ol ireptXciir^Mciw ^l^o the Holy See, in which case the actual cure of souls is the explanation of the Fathers being weighed, es- entrusted to a vicar. The parochial pastor must now pecially that of St. John Chrysostom, who was be a priest; this abolishes a former practice by which highly versed both in his country's language and in a cleric could receive a benefice with cure of souls the Pauline Epistles, it is lawful to reject as far annexed, on condition of his receiving the priesthood fetched and destitute of solid foundation, the in- within a year. A religious who is a parisn priest is terpretation traditional in tlie Catholic schools always removable at the will of the local ordmary or (also retained by the reformers of the sixteenth of his superior according to the constitutions of his century themselves), which explain the words of order; each of these must give notice, but need not St. Paul in chapter iV of the 1 Epistle to the Thesar state his reasons, to the other; an appeal against the lonians, w. 1&^17 without in anywise implying the removal may be made to the Holy See with devolutive affirmation of a "Parousia" so imminent that the effect.

Apostle added himself and his readers to those of Parish priests are nominated and instituted by the

the faithful who should survive to meet Christ? local ordinary, except for parishes reserved to the

Reply. In the negative. Holy See; all customs contrary to this have been

reprobated while respecting all lawful privileges of

Passau, Diocese of (Pasbavienbis; cf. C. E., election or presentation. If the episcopal see is vacant

XI-519b), in Bavaria, suffragan of Munich-Freising. or impeded and a rector dies the vicar capitular or

The present administrator is Rt. Rev. Sigismund other ruler of the diocese should appoint a parochial

Felix de Ow-Felldorf , b. at Berchtesgaden, 18 October, vicar but not a parish priest unless the see nas been

1855, ordained 25 July, 1884, elected auxiliary Bishop vacant a year. Quasi-parish priests are appointed by

of Ratisbon 8 January, 1902, consecrated 24 Febru- the local ordinary, with the advice of his council,

ary following, transferred 18 October, 1906, enthroned from his own secular clergy. A vacant parish is to be

6 March, 1907. The diocese is divided into a city filled within six months by the local oroinary, unless

deanery and 22 rural deaneries. In 1921 it contained he decides that owing to special circumstances the

259 parishes, 72 benefices and expositurerif 550 time should be extended. He should appoint the

churches, 632 priests of whom 259 are pastors, and 45 priest who is best qualified for the position; to decide

in diocesan educational institutions (these include this point he is to consult the diocesan records, take

those stationed at the cathedral), 86 regulars, 92 lay note of the examinations of the priests in the years

brothers, 1 diocesan seminary with 55 seminarians and immediately following their course of studies, and

a preparatory seminary at Passau. The schools and with his S3modal examiners is to hold another exam-


with 11 teachers, 380 elementary schools, 2 mission- the sug^stion of the bishop, a new examination is schools. Since 1911 the following orders of men have not required; if the change is made at his own request, established themselves in the diocese: Salesians, it is optional for the bishop to order it; if the change is