Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/609

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valuable for its studies of social legislation and its Population (cf. C.E.,XII — 276c). — Fresh interest

detailed articles on practical social work. A younger has been developed the past ten years in the Maithus

magazine, "La Vie Syndicale," was created for the Theories on over-population and the consequent

purpose of encouraging Catholic trade-unionism, necessity of controlling or limiting the number of

But the most important of the periodicals was "Le t)irths^ not by contmence or the practice of self-

Mouvement Social^" a continuation of "L'Associa. jestramt, as he came to. counsel m/his later works,

'ir^s^rr '" i'^^'r ^^^^r t "^^^ '- tS' r^rhe?T^e^^ii^rn ^^f &"^:

Albert de Mun s Association of Catholic Workmg- Neo-malthusianism is the name given to a movement men's Clubs in 1876, and had won an international to propagate by books, periodicals and newspaper reputation as one of the most informing and best- advertisements, a knowledge of these preventives or documented reviews dealing with the labor question, contra-conceptives, as they are styled. Discussions This review was taken over by the Action Populaire on over-popiuation as the cause of poverty, of vice and in 1909 and edited by Abb^ G. Desbuquois and M. of war lea many at first to take this movement Joseph Zamanski. With scholarly leading articles seriously, but its unnatural and inunoral principles, on economic and legislative problems, with biblio- ^^ apparent quest of lucre on the part of its pro- graphical notes on French and foreign books, with motera, disillusioned the pubhc, and it is now re- brief summaries of important articles published by «arded for what it is, a gospel of unrestrained lust French and foreign penodicals, and with news items «"^ ^ '^•Vl^ ^^® physical and moral disorders, covering all sorts of social and economic events, ?i^**. "f*, stenhty when pregnancy is really desuied, •Le Mouvement Social" was invaluable to any serious ^^^^^^ *"°^5"' ^.<* ^^^^ *^y derangements for the student of social welfare. Even anticlerical Social- woman, and vanous forms of neurasthenia for both ists quoted it ™^^ ^^d woman, causing unhappmess, melancholy. Only a few words may be said about the annuals distmst. as when chQdren appear despite the use. of and other books published by the Action Populaire. Preventives, remorse, loss of mutiwl respect, m- One of the most interesting, as weU as the earliest, fidelity, separation, divorce. To the woman the of these was the "Guide Social," published yearly, PJ^^^i^^ ^, particularly hurtful and degradmg, as beginning in 1904, a volume of several hundred ^* ^^".s ^ ^^^ ^^t, according to the advocates of the p^ giving the latest information, statistics, and f'??^^^;. ^ "* }^^ artificial preventives, thus bibliography on the various aspects of the social ^^ Jj^^ "^5!f. ^^^ *»*™ l^J^ ^«f™' ^^^ ^ problem-housuiK, hygiene, tradCunionism. co-ope- accept the conditions of prostitute for those of mar- ration, labor legislation, etc. This year-book proved ^^ea^ne proper. ,.u • u j so useful that iJeginniii in 1911 a much more pre- The tfieones of the Neo-malthusianP are based on tentious thousa^-pag? annual, "L'Annde Sociale f^T^I^L®™'?' ^^f.'* ^ °°* *™®' ^ \^fy ^^""' ^^J Internationale," wa^iSued. This was a truly monu- J5i^";tf',^^^ f ,^^^i5 as over-population, nor is it mental reference work, a veritable annual encyclo- true that population increases by md pedia for social workers and sociologists. But enough ^oodanf otW supphee increase only by addition. Cbeen said, for this brief artiSe, of the ActiSS ?S'J^^L nV'hf.h^^^^^^

Populaire's publications, although mkny other useful SSS?ni f!^ m^L ifL^f K^Jn Ji^;. f^ SSShl anH

manuals and books have not b^ mentioned. S!?Sfr ^V>l^^hi^^.o^^S ^i« A L^J^al^

inJnSt'^SvV^^ ^^^^ SXLKf^re^hTaS^ISot^^^

L'tictpS S'th^^ra'^^Wn^'^^^^ ^-y ^-^P^-^ that it could support only four

the Holy W Up to 1916, th?lnstitution had re- Jr^^^lST^JS?!^^*^

ceived w)mmendaUons from the pope, the papal ^,.^ ^^^^ ^u^P^if® a l"^ ^^ ^^^"^ ""T^

F^crbil^rakd^'^arSS^^^^ Sa^dXtr efei^T^d ^ S^l^^

HXLpitTsaM,n'^^^^^^^^^^^ 3t\l^.hT S^f tV^nfen '^ S'S'

In 1909, Cardinal ISlerry del Val, then pap^ secre- ^J^'t^^f^ ^"^^^J^ (fl ^^^^Z ^^ ^nl^'f

tary of state, wrote: "What esp^ially >feases the «'«^"^ for centunes, they manage to find sufficient

5;?;rei^ Pontiff>.to ol^^^ ioTe^rnflesX^in:;^^^^

as well as the talent and science of your collaborators, catastronhies wfll occur to kUl off DODuUtion and

make the Action Populaire, in my opinion, a trust- dS^ mw ^ reK- b fOTn^ wmWiS^ d^^Cte

worthy school of social studies, and make its publi- ^SioTl^tSJSiK^^t^^l^^^^

cations the classics, ^ to speat, of Catholic work." TO^SX«~.^^"o*t Z, t^ bdlZ th*^mS^

of ^?3ESJbi;,^h"S;::'^J:sTyX'uT<r?i5;uS«^ *a» 40. ?? did Gn«ce two hundred yea^f ore Christ.

GOYAV, L'Action Populaire deRheinu.aonhUtmre, ton role in Le anticipating aS they did the COUnselS Of MalthUS,

Correspondent (June 25, 1912, pp. 1058-1077); Hernaman. living in luxury, controlling, that is to Say, avoiding,

r?^'?^ 5?f*Ji i^ *'Vf~'!f*' » brochure published by the pregnancy, and decaying as a consequence, as dS

Csthohc Truth Society of London; Dutbgit, Vere VorganxMUion XdXL au "Vi * "^ •* *.^*«i^^**v.«v,«j oo «.**

pro/ewnonelU: Turiiann, U deveioppemeni du Cathoiicisme eociai ^?®f^ conqucrors, the Romans, who m tum imitated

depuU VeTicyelviue "Rerum Novaxum": Hacrin bt Aoassb, Rt^- their viccs, and since then notably the Mohammedan

^J^.'ri!^y^JiJP^y'^^'f^^^^ and other peoples who, to indulge in lust have

The Labor Problem and the Social Catholic Movement in France :-_.^-,vJ ^\^^\^S^^^A f^v ;«»•»« .^ ««J i,»»1«:..i..

(New York. 1921). pp. 321-339. A more extended bibliography ignored the command to mcrease and multiply. 18 given in the last-meDtioned book. Increase in population may be made a cause of

Parker Thomas Moon. greater production and wealth, under proper polit-