Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/664

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Sacramento, Diocese of (Sacramentenbis; cf. Heart who established the Academy of Manhattan-

C. E., XIII — ^294a), comprises territory in the States ville in 1847, which they still conduct in connection

of California and Nevada, suffragan of San Francisco, with the college. The college buildings include a weU-

The Catholic population of the diocese includes: equipped museum, gymnasium, laboratories and

22,000 Americans, 15.000 Italians, 5000 Portuguese, library. The collie is governed by 11 trustees and a

4000 Germans, 3000 Slavs, 3000 Irish, 1000 Mexicans, faculty of 18. 500 Syrians and Armenians, 500 Spaniards, ana

2500 others. During the World War 2500 young men Sacred Heart, Mission Helpers of the (cf. C.

joined the colore, and two priests were chaplains. E*/ VIII — 55a). — ^The mother-house of this institute

The Catholic societies took active part in the Liberty » "^ Baltimore, Md., and there are branch houses in

Bond drives. Red Cross work, etc. The late bishop. 1^^8*0^, Md.: Trenton, N. J.; New York, N. Y.,

Rt. Rev. Thomas Grace, celebrated his episcopal w^a Pittsbure, Pa. There are 92 Sisters, 13 novices,

saver jubilee 16 June, 1921. He died 27 December, and 13 postulants.

1921 , and at present the diocese is in care of the - ^ » _*. o /t ir \

auxiliary Biahop, Rt. Rev. Patrick J. Keane, who .„"!?^f ?•^•^?!°.'^i^'«?T"°'Y™^*^■ wa8 de^ vicJi capitular by the diocesan council, mi inatitute founded in. 1867 at Verona by Mp. Biahop Keane was W 6 January, 1872, in Co. DMielCombon.asasociety of secular pneete for the Kerry, Ireland, educated in St. Patrick's College, ^r^,""^°°"\. ^ ISfS the society became a CarldW, Irdaild, and the Catholic Univerrity ^^^ fS^'^^^t^^'^^ '^,S^^"' "^"^J"^

Washin^n, D. C^ where he was ordained pri«t ^ZtfL^^f *^f^ ?*?Vk ^^^T^SiT'^ir **** 20 Ju^e, 1896. ±e was consecrated au^liary dwectwn of the Jesuit Fathers untd 1900^ when a Bishop o/ Sacramento 14 December, 1920. ™^^' *»^e "^ conoegationwas elected superior

SUtistics for the diocese for 1922 pve: 50 parishes, gt !S^ttP^'«^'«»' *»«,^.fi5?"y •PPf'T* »7 oK..r<.h«i S7 mi«.mn« A^ «fj.r.nn« 73 ««.nUr by the Holy See. At present this insUtute. besides

the mother-bouse at

and philosophy, the

and an apostoUc

German speaking

Nevada. All county hospitals admit the ministry Ti" "^"""i^"™ t^""' "": y^if^^ ™i«=«i™«:.

of priests. Organisations among the clergy are the ^* P^"* there are two vicariates apostohc, the

Pri^to' EuchaSstic League ani the Di<SU«i Aid V^!^t ^F^^^Ix'^^^Tt^aJ^^^^

Society; among the liityf the Knights of Columbus, AP***2k" < Bahr-d-Gharel and.Uganda, with more

Young Men's Institute, and National Catholic ^""^ ^ ^residences of nusaonanes. Pnesta of this

Counas for Men and' Women. The "Catholic ~««regation are also at Cairo, Helouan, and Assuaa

Herald," published in Sacramento, is the official -"^gyp^*

organ of the diocese. Bacred Heart of Jesus, Missionary Sistbbb of ^ ^ ^ „ , . r^ „ THE (cf. C. E., XIII-305d).~This congregation, -^HV^^A.^^^ r^?!F^^^^^'™^^W' 5* Pi with mother-house at Rome, received the decree of XIII— 3p5b).— In 1912, the Proymce of Canada had praise from the Holy See, 17 July, 1921. The Sisters acquired such an extension, that the General Coun- conduct homes for the aged and the sick, orphanages, cil of the Congregation deemed advisable to divide industrial schools, academies, sewing elates; they It into two provinces: the P^vmce of Arthabaska, visit hospitals and prisons and give religious instruc- P.Q., and that of Montreal. The former has its tion in their convents, which are open to women postulate, novitiate, and scholasticate at Arthabaska, desirous of making retreats. The present superior and the latter at St. Hyacinth, P.Q. To the Rx)- general is Mother Antoinette Delia Casa, who suc- yince of Montreal are attached four houses established eeeded Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini (d. 22 Dec., m French-Canadian parishes of New England. The 1917). The Sisters came to America in 1889, and institutions of the congregation were approval b^^ have convents in the archdioceses of New York, theHolySeeml914. Agener^chapterhddml919, New Orleans, Chicago, and Philadelphia, and the at Renteria, Spam, re-elected Brother Albenc as dioceses of Brooklyn, Denver, Los Angeles, Newark, superior gener^ for a tiurd term of six years. In Scranton, Seattie, and Nicaragua. Among new 1921 the Brothers celebrated the centenary of the foundations are: the Sacred Heart School at Dobba foundation of their order. The congregation num- Perry, N. Y., overiooking the Hudson; a home for bers at pr^nt (1921) 1260 Brothers and 350 pos- young girls, with accommodations for private boarding tulants and novices, 137 colleges and schools, of pupils; an orphanage in Philadelphia: "Mother which 68 are in Europ and 69 m Amenca, with a Cabrini Memorial," one of the best educational total of 30,000 pupils from 40 dioceses; m the Umted institutions in Denver: "Mother Cabrini Pro- States and Canada there are 18,000 pupils under the ventorium" at Burbank, lios Angeles, Cal.: Columbus instruction of 650 Brothers. TTie congregation is Sanitarium, Seattle, Wash.: Columbus Hospital dUvided mto 7 provmces,witii the mother-house at Extension, Chicago, III.; Columbus Hospital Ex- Rentena (Gmpuzcoa), Spam. Like all rehgious tension, New York, formerly the St. lAwrence orders m France, the Brothers furnished their con- Hospital at West 163d Street. At the present time tingent in defense of their country during the World the Sisters have in the United States alone, 500 War. Of the 121 religious mobilized, 22 were killed, sisters, 8 orphanages, many parochial schools in 12 woimded, and 33 cited. The congregation has a various States, day nurseries, 5 hospitals with train- total of 800 deceased members. ing schools for nurses, and a dispensary.

issue the usual academic degrees. Their charter was old pilgrimage, the history of the origin of which is made absolute on 29 May, 1919. The college is partly legendary. Before the apparition of Our under the direction of the Religious of the Sacred Lady in the famous grotto, Betharram was by far