Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/675

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and 7 postulants teach 1000 pupils. The mother- ture in 1839. Mother Celestine Pommcrel (1839-

house is at Tipton , Ind. * 57) succeeded Mother Delphine and governed the

Ogdenaburg (cf. C. E., VIII — 613c). — There are congregation for eighteen years. She organized St.

80 Sisters in the Diocese of Ogdensburg, with mother- Joseph's Academy, chartered in 1853, and in 1845

house at Watertown, N. Y. sent Sister teachers to the oldest parochial school in

Philaddjj^ia (cf. C. E., VIII-~513c).— This St. Louis, St. Vincent's, now (1921) celebrating its

communit^r, with mother-house at Chestnut Hill, 76th anniversary and to a school for Catholic colored

Philadelphia, conducts establishments in the areh- children of the city. This was maintained until

dioceses of Baltimore and Philadelphia, and in the obstacles were placed by the civil authorities in the

dioceses of Harnsburg, Newark, and Trenton. There way of its contmuance. During her term of o£Bce,

are 712 professed Sisters, 350 juniors and novices, and houses of the congre^tion were established in the

41 postulants. Statistics for 1921 are as folloi^: dioceses of Philadelphia, St. Paul (Minn.), Toronto

5 academies, 655 pupils: 1 deaf-mute institute, 53 (Canada), Wheeling (Va.), Buffalo (N. i.), and

boarders, 225 Sund^ School deaf-mute pupils; 3 Natchez (Miss.). Her successor. Mother St. John

high schools; 4 parisn high schools; 17 conomercial Facemaz (1857-72), on the advice of Archbishop

schools; 63 elementary schools; 36,840 pupils; 3 Kendrick of St.. Louis, and with his cooperation,

asylums, 970 inmates; 3 day nurseries, 125 children; formed a generalate comprising the houses in Missouri,

1 settlement house. Minnesota, Mississippi, and Illinois, with mother-

PiUaburgh (cf. C. E., VIII — 513d). — This com- house at St. Louis, ana obtained for it the approba-

munity has its mother-house at Baden. Beaver Co., tion of Pius IX. Mother Agatha Gutiirie (1872-

Penn., and conducts establishments in the Dioceses of 1904), a native of St. Louis^ was an indefatigable

Altoona and Pittsburgh. There are 266 professed worker in the cause of chanty, and extendea the

Sisters, 45 novices, 11 postulants, and 9000 pupils, activities of the congregation to the Creole children

Rochester (cf. C. £., VIII — ^514a). — ^In the dioceses of the South and to the Western Indian tribes. At

of Rochester and Syracuse there are 441 professed her death in 1904, the congregation counted numer-

Sisters, 115 novices, and 12 postulants. Tney have ous institutions in 17 dioceses of the United States.

under their caro 2 orphan asylums with 357 orphans Mother Agnes Gonzaga Ryan (1905-17) was suc-

1 home for the aged with 85 inmates, teach and ceded by the present) mother general. Mother Mary

14,152 pupils. '^WSH^ Kossiter (1917 — ).

Sacramento, — On 22 June, 1912, in response to The congregation numbers (1921) 2300 professed the late Bishop Grace's urgent call for Sisters, Mother members, with a large novitiate in each of the four Bernard Cosselin, then assistant Superior at La provinces, the average number of novices being 150. Gran^, 111., with nine companions, established a At the last enumeration in 1920, novices and postu- novitiate in Eureka, Cal., under the direction of lants numbered 173. The community maintains ^ Mgr. L. Kennedy, V.G. Shortly after their arrival 2 instituutes for deaf-mutes; 1 Creole and 4 Indian * a Targe academy and parochial school were built, schools, among the latter that of San Xavier del Bac In 1916 St. Bernard's Institute for boys was opened in Arizonaj one of the largest day schools for Indians at Femdale, Cal. The Sisters also conduct schools in the Umted States; 17 academies; 1 conservatory inBrawley, Imperial Valley, Santa Ana, and Ontario, of music and art, with over 1000 pupils; 3 colleges, in the Diocese of Monterey and Los Angeles. On two juniors and one senior. The last, a member of 1 Nov., 1920, the Sisters opened to the public one of the American Association of Colleges, was opened the most modern and fully equipped hospitab on the under the auspices of Archbishop Ireland, in St. coast. The following year mark^ the opening of St. Paul, whero his sister. Mother Seraphine, was pro- Mary's Chinese Mission, conducted by the raulist vincial superior for many years. The sisters aro Fathers, San Francisco, where the Sisters of St. teaching in 34 high schools and 163 parochial schools, Joseph teach 600 Chinese pupils daily. On the feast with a total enrollment of 56,791 pupils. They also of the Conversion of St. Paid, six months after the have charge of 1 day nursery; 1 infant asylum; 1 birth of this new mission, over 75 converts were home for the friendless; 7 orphanages* and 10 hospitals baptized, four priests performing the impressive which cared for 16,605 patients during 1920. These ceremony at the same time. T^e Sisters of St. educational and benevolent institutions are spread Joseph of Eureka follow the rules of their original throughout 23 archdioceses and dioceses, foundation of Lyons, and in addition to educational Savannah (cf. C. £., VII — 515a). — ^In the Diocese and hospital work, undertake all missionary works of Savannah there are 58 Sisters, with 750 pupils and works of mercy. Though only ten years es- under instruction. The mother-house is at Augusta, tablished the community already numbers Nearly Ga. 100 members. Springfield (cf. C. E.. VIII— 515a).— In the Dio-

St. Augustine (cf. C. E., VIII — 514a). — In the cese of Springfield 400 professed Sisters and 30

Diocese of St. Augustine 113 professed Sisters, 7 novices teach 4600 pupils m 23 parochial schools,

novices, and 2 postulants conduct 8 mission houses, Superior, — ^This community was founded in 1907

1 orphanage with 70 orphans, 3 academies, 15 by three Sistere of St. Joseph from Cincinnati, Ohio,

schools, attended by 2434 children. at the request of Bishop Schinner of Superior and

St, Louis (cf. C. £., VIII— 514b). — The six Sisters through the kindness of Rev. Albert Dierckes, S.J..

of St. Joseph who came from Lyons in 1836 to Saint president of St. Xavier College, Cincinnati, and

Louis were: Sisters F^licit^Bout6,FebronieChapellon, Rev. F. X. O'NeiL S.J. Mother Evangela, accom-

Phtlomdne Vilaine, Saint Protais Deboille, Febronie panied by Sisters M. Xavier and M. Joseph , first

and Delphine Fontbonne. They were joined in took chaiige of a school then in course of erection in

1837 by two more Sisters from Lyons, Sisters Celestine Superior. The first mother-house was in Billings

Pommerel and Saint John Foumier. Sister Delphine Park, in St. Patrick's parish. In 1909 the Jesuits

Fontbonne, niece of Mother Saint John Fontbonne, from Cincinnati took charge of this parish in Superior

superior general of the Lyons congregation, was and began the organization of the Cloude Alloues

appointed superior in Carondelet, then a small College. Fr. Dierckes died in 1914, and being short

Piench village of several hundred inhabitants. The of men the Jesuits were withdrawn from Superior,

Sisters were eiven charge of the village school in 1837. and the Sisters of St. Joseph took over the Cloude

and in the rollowing year began the instruction ot Allouez College, establishing a girls' high school

deaf-mutes. BishopKosati ob&ined an appropriation there. In March, 1909, the Sisters undertook the

for this deaf-mute school from the Missouri Legislar work of a government day school for Indian children