Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/674

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removed to Framingham to the magnificent estate general superiors have been Mother M. of the Sacred

S'ven the Sisters by the late Thomas Fitzpatnck of Heart, Mother M. Scholastica, and the present oston. The mother-house is still at Brighton, superior, Mother M. Austin Teresa. The term of The Sisters are now teaching throughout the arch- superior has been changed from three to six years, diocese, and (1922) number 603 m charge of 1 and the novitiate has been reduced from five to three academy, 27 parish schools, including 5 high schools, years, according to the revised Code of Canon Law. a school for the deaf, ana an industrial school for Since 1910 the Sisters have opened 5 new schools and girls. They have in their schools 14,745 boys and a finely equipped hospital. At present they have girls. The present superior, Mother Mary Borgia, 40 institutions imder their charge, including 1 deaf was re-elected in July, 1920, for her sixth term of mute asylum, 3 orphan asylums, 1 infant asvlum, 1 office. Since 1910 the Sisters have made 26 new hospital, 1 home for women and working girls and 3 foundations, the present number being 38. In schools, of which one is a boarding academy. The addition to their schools they conduct liomes for community numbers 360, and they have under in- working girls, homes for aged women, and rest struction 9000 children.

houses for women. Their foundress, Mother Mary Burlington (cf. C. E., VIII — 513a). — In the

Re^is, died in 1917, at Brighton, where she had Diocese of Burlington 65 professed Sisters, 31 novices,

retired due to failing health. She had entered the and 4 postulants are in charge of 1 home and 7 schools

community at Brooklyn in 1863, was made superior with 2000 pupils.

of the Boston foundation in 1873, and governed it Chicago (cf. C. E., VIII — ^513a). — In the Arch- as an independent establishment from 1876 to 1890. diocese of Chicago 60 professed Sisters, 29 novices. Subsequently she was appointed local superior of and 5 postulants teach 1540 pupils in 7 parochial Saint Joseph's, Amesbury, and again superior of schools and 2 academies. The mother-house is at St. Thomas Convent, Jamaica Plain. La Grange, 111.

Brooklyn (cf . C. E., VIII— 512d).— In 1856. Bishop Clevdcmd (cf. C. E., VIII— 513a) .—In the Diocese

Loughlin of Brookl^ applied to the mother-house of of Cleveland 140 professed Sisters, 19 novice^, and

Philadelphia for Sisters of Saint Joseph who, in the 2 postulants conduct an academy and 12 parochial

rapidly widening field of education in Long Island, were schools with 5200 pupils. The mother-house is

to form the nucleus of a new community. The three at West Park, Ohio.

Sisters named for the foundation arrived 25 August, Concordia (cf. C. E., VIII — 513b). — Established

1856, and 8 September opened Saint Mary's Academy bv four Sisters from Rochester in 1883,. the Sisters

in Williamsburg. Two years later a parochial school ot St. Joseph of Concordia now number 380 and have

was inaugurated in a neighboring parish. In 1860 under their care 37 institutions. Since 1910 they

the mother-house, novitiate, and boarding school have opened a boarding school for girls at Cawker

were removed to Flushing, L. I., whence the varied Citv, Aansas, and a parochial school in connection

activities of the Sisters were extended over the witn it; a diocesan orphanage at 'Abilene, Kansas;

diocese. Several years later, the mother-house and and an old people's home also at Abilene, with 20

novitiate were transferred to Brentwood, where an inmates.

academy for young ladies was opened 8 September. Detroit (cf. C. E., VIII — 513b). — In the Diocese of

1903. Saint Joseph's alumnse includes Flusning and Detroit 253 professed Sisters, 24 novices, and 16

Brentwood graduates, whose loyalty has been sub- postulants have charge of 3810 pupils and 425 or-

stantially proved, especially in reference to their phans. The ^ moliier^ouse is Nazareth Convent,

Alma Mater. The former students' patronage is Nazareth. Mich.

noticeable, in their representatives at the Brentwood Erie (cf. C. E., VIII — 513b). — ^The present , supe-

Academy, even to the second and third generation, rior of this community^ founded from Carondelet in

The Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph in 1860, is Mother M. Helena, elected in July, 1918,

the Dioceso of Brooklyn, now (1921) numbering 800 and re-elected in 1921. She had been appomted by

members, must be filially recognized in 5 branch Bishop Fitzmaurice to fill the unexpired term of

communities: Ebensbuig, ra.; Rutland, Vt.; Boston, office of Mother M. Eugenia, fourth general superior,

Chicopee Falls, and Springfield, Maps. In* the who died 23 December, 1917. Mother M. Ambrosia,

Diocese of Brooklyn the Sisters preside over 6 second general superior, died 9 October, 1916. Due

academies, 50 parochial schools, 4 orphanages, and to the revised Code of Canon Law, the novitiate is

2 hospitals. In accordance with the requirements of shortened from seven to five years; local superiors

Canon Law. several changes have been recently made are changed every three years, and superiors of major

amon^ the local superiors. During the past decade institutions every six years. At present the com-

15 missions were opened, including an academy, 2 munity numbers 227 Sisters and 6 postulante. They

commercial schools, a summer resort for the Sisters, have 19 institutions under their care, all in Pennsyl-

10 parochial schools, and Saint Joseph's Day College vania. These are: Villa Maria Academy, mother-

for Women. house and young ladies' boardins school, Erie; St.

In June, 1920^ the first collie graduates, twelve Vincent's Hospital, Erie; Spencer Hospital, MeadvHle;

in number, received from the State University the St. Joseph's Orphanage, Erie; Cathouc Boys' Home,

degree B. A. At present, several of this pioneer class, Harbour Creek: St. Mary's Home for the Aged,

holding important positions as teachers, are extending Erie: Cathedral, St. Patrick's, St. Joseph's, St.

the work of Catholic education. As the college is Michael's, St. Ann's, St. John's, and Sacred Heart

patronized chiefly by Brooklyn high schools, the parochial schools. Erie; St. Bernard's parochial and

academies in charge of the Sisters of Saint Joseph nigh school, Bradford; St. Francis's parochial and high

are well represented. The college building was school, Clearfield; St. Agatha's parochial and high

formerly known as the Pratt Mansion. On 8 August, school, Meadville; St. Bridget's parochial school,

1921, the college sustained a great loss in the death of Meadville; St. Mary's parochial and hi^ school,

ite venerated founder and president. Bishop Mc- Reynoldsville: St. Leo's parochial and hi^ school,

Donnell, who, five years before, had named the Ridgeway. The Sisters care for 6800 patients, 320

present Bishop Molloy head of the faculty, and is orphans, 50 aged, and 4800 pupils annually,

now succeeded by him. Fall River (cf. (J. E., VIII — 513c). — In the Diocese

Bujfalo (cf. C. E., VIII--512d).— Four Sisters of of Fall River 43 Sisters teach 1781 pupils in 6 paro-

St. Joseph from Carondelet introduced the congrega- chial schools.

tion into the Diocese of Buffalo in 1854, the com- Fort Wayne (cf. C. E., VIII-513c). — In the Dio-

munity becoming autonomous there in 1861. The cese of Fort Wayne 65 professed Sisters, 12 novices,