Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/697

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miseionfi, 1 college. 2 academies, 3 hospitals, 50 Cath- Ware^ and after winning first place in the LL.B.

ohc schools, 70 public schools with Catholic teachers, examination in London University, with honors in

3 industrial schools for Indians. jurisprudence and Roman Law, graduated in theology

from the English CoUege, Rome, and was ordained

Saolt Salnte Marie and Marquette, Diocese of. in 1878. He taught phflosophy at Ware, and subse-

See Marqxtette quently served on the English mission, becoming

XIII-488a) , comprises the State of Georgia. After ^j^ , commission on Anglican orders (1896) . and

R^Rjf.*^*nii^^^^ besiSes^ contributing to the^"Dublin Review"' ^d

?cL^TK?v?,^^ tS^tTX^^^^ ^^^^^ periodicals, hi is the author of "The Priest's

1^. The Venr Rev. Jos^h D. MitcheU is the pr^ Studiei/' "A I^anual of Catholic Theology" (in

S.'lflH^^^fZ^n^ O^ collaboration with Dr. Wilhelm), and reviSd aid

ment of a new bishop. On 11 September, 1921, the enlarged "The Catholic Dictiona^" of Addis and

Cathohc Laymen's Convention was held at Atlanta. Ajuq^ ^ ^^^^ »"ix The diocese contains 23 parishes, 34 missions, 57

mission stations, 57 churches, 6 convents for men, 11 Schleswig-Holstein. See Germant, Vicariatb

for women with 137 Sisters, 21 secular priests, 40 Apostolic of; Denmark regulars, 8 lay brothers, 10 seminarians who are bein^

educated in another diocese. The educational insti- Scbools, Clerks Regular of th£ Pious. See tutions are: 4 hi^ schools with 18 teachers and 320 Pious Schools, Clerks Regular of thb students (200 boys, 120 girls), 6 academies with 20 - . «.* ,ji ^ « ^ r^ ^ teachers and 250 giri students, 9 elementary schools ^^^®^^'^*^*^ (°r Schwenkfblders; cf. C. E., with 88 teachers and 2316 pupils. For the campaign XIII--597) .— In recent years a responsiveness to against the forces of anti-Catholic prejudice in the modern influences has taken the place of their early State see the article on the Catholic Laymen's Asso- clannish exclusiveness ; all rules and regulations ciation of Georgia. The following hospitals and against secret societies have been dropped and par- homes exist in the diocese: Home of the Little Sisters ticipation in war, formerly forbidden, is now left to of the Poor, Savannah, St. Joseph's Orphan Home for the individual conscience. The establishment of Boys, Washington, Ga., St. Joseph's Hospital. Sa- the Perkiomen School (Pennsburg, Pa.), has in- vannah. St. Joseph's Hospital, Atlanta. One Cath- creased their general interest in education. In 1921 olic periodical cafied The BuHetin is published in the this sect reported 4 churches. 6 ministers and 1150 diocese. The clergy have founded the Eucharistic members, all in Pennsylvania. League. Among t£e laity there ei^t the ^^^^ C^^S^Tn^w Yorr^^"!***""' '^^^^^ societies: Holy Name, Children of Mary, St. Vmcent tsj a T[7'n» de Paul. ete. There are 20,517 Catholics in the dio- ^' ^' ^™™- cese with about 300 Syrians and 65 Croatians. Dur- Scopia, Archdiocesb op (Scopibnsis; cf. C. E., ing the war two priests of the diocese served as chap- XIII— 609d) , in Albania, under the direct jurisdiction lains. of the Holy See. The present administrator is the

a ^«« ««ji v^M TV. /a Most Rev. Lazare Miedia, b. at Scutari, Albania, 6

Savona and Nol^ Diocesbof (Savonensw et March, 1859, elected Bishop of Sappa 28 March

Naulenms; cf. C. E., XIII— 489d), m northern 1900, made titular archbishop of Arepolis and co-

Itely, suffragan of Genoa, is governed at present by adjutor to the Archbishop of Scutari 24 December,

Mgr. Giuseppe Scatti, who was born at I^cco in the 1904 transferred 14 ApriL 1909, published 29 of the

Diocese of M^an on 19 January, 1843, and aijpomted game month. He succeecied the Most Rev. Pascal to the see on 9 " ~ is the Basilica

World War njanv of the parish priests were with the 4 secular and 14 regular pri'ests; colors; and all the colleges, semmanes, and reujnous

houses were converted into military hospitals. Some Scorallle, Raoul de, author, b. at Perigueux,

of the cler^ were decorated with the Cross of Merit France, on 24 January, 1842; d. at Toulouse on 11

for their invaluable assistance. On 25 October, July, 1921. He studied at Sarlat and Paris, pre-

1921 . there was a violent explosion in Fort S. Elena paring for admission to St. Cyr; but in 1860 he entered

which caused great destruction in Berseggi and its the &>ciety of Jesus at Pau. He was ordained in

environsjthe dergy rendered great aid to the suf- 1874 and consequently taught philosophy at Vals.

ferers. The diocesan reports for 1922 are as follows: In 1887 he was appointed director of "Etudes," the

63 parishes; about 270 churches and chapels; 245 noted CathoUc review, which was to resume publica-

.^^4- ^* «,!,««. TK ««. ^i;«,;«„o. Q «a1;.*;^,,. i,^„««« *:^« au^ r^ii — : — yg^j.^ ^f^j. ^^ enforced suspension

mtolerant Ferry decrees. He was

_ . _ _ . . Toulouse province when the Society

state trade school: 4 state classical schools; refuges was again exiled from France at the time of the

and hospitals in almost all the parishes. There are separation, and he became rector of the scholasticate

the following clerical associations or societies: Apos- at Gemert in Holland where the young Jesuits found

tolic Union, Borsa Ecclesiastica, Operai Evangelici, refuge. It was during this exile that he wrote his

and the Clerical Cooperative Society; for the laity "Francois Suarez," a valuable biography of the great

there are among others the Catnolic Workers' Spanish philosopher and theologian.

Society and the Young Men's Society. The Catholic Dudon in Etudea (Paris, 6 October, 1921).

population ia about 90,000. ^^^ Morement. Catholic BoTB:.-The Boy Saxony, Vicariate Apostolic op (Saxonibnsis; Scouts of America represent a nation-wide movement cf . C. E. . XIII — 501b) , incorporated with the Pre- for the betterment of the American boy. Educational fecture Apostolic of Lusatia, in the ancient diocese of ^ ^^ spirit and purpose, this movement aims to de- Meissen, reestabli^ed by a decree of 24 June, 1921. velop self-reliance, initiative, resourcefuhiess and the

spint of service in ^wing boys. Membership in a

Scannell, Thobcas Bartholomew, theologian, b. scout troop and active participation in the attractive

in London on 8 July, 1854; d. at Brighton on 17 scout program brin^ to the boy opportunity for clear

February, 1917. He studied at St. Edmund's College, thinking, a broadening of his interests, the formation