Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/705

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1905 Christian communities. 373 churches or chapels, his chief concern. Of his later works, "The Blindness

15,215 Catholics, 16,533 catechumens. 25 FrancLscan of Dr. Gray" and "The Queen's Fillet" were the most

Fathers, 3 Brothers, 18 secular priests, 1 upper successful. "Under the Cedars and the Stars and

seminar V with 10 seminarians, 1 lower seminary with "Parerga" are collections of literary and philosophical

22 seminarians, 2 boarding schools for girls with notes and observations. In addition to the works

70 European and 95 Chinese pupils, 198 schools with mentioned above Canon Sheehan wrote "Glenanaar".

2493 pupils, 4 orphanages witn 23 boys and 444 "Lisheen", "Miriam Lucas", "The Intellectuals", ana

girls, 4 noepitals, 1 leper hospital. 5 dispensaries, a volume of poems, "Cithara Mea". "MariiB

1 prmting plant with 23 boys, 4 work rooms with 660 Corona" is a volume of sermons in honor of the Blessed

girls, 15,186 instructions given to the pagans. Virgin, and "The Graves at Kilmoma", published

posthumusly, is a novel of the Fenian rising in '67.

Shan-tung, NoBTHERN, Vicariate ApOS'TOLIC of Hbuseb, Cawm Sheehan ofDoneraUe (London. 1918).

(SciAN-fli SEmNTRioNAUs; rf C^., XIII^^^^^ gj^en-sl, Central, Vicariate APOffrouc of

in China, comprises the northwMtera p^^^^ (Scen-si Centralis; cf. C. E., XVI-^84d), in

ProvmceofShan-tung^mcluding^eciti«ofT«^^^ ^^ina, separted from Northern sU-si and eiii^ted

fu, Tung-chang-fu, fuJ^I^M^vJ'^;'^^^^^^ into a seiSated vicariate 12 April, 1911. It is en-

tamg-chou. It is entrusted to the Franciscans. *_,„*^^ *v/*u«!?.;«•« A>r:««. *^t>* t>«„ i?„««,.;^

Si;wIn^??SS^"lnH 14 fvJ^^ *^Thp~*f^^ ^^^^^ate (1921): 208 churches, 64 chapels, 11 Euro- between 13,000,000 and 14,000,000. There are in ^^32 j^^j^g ^iests, 38,198 Cathoh'cs, 46,559

tfJ'^^A^ ^^9^1;h\^f^^n?^?^^^ St^hmnens, 2040 baptismk of adults, 1092 confiiia-

miasionanes, 732 sub-stations, 1900 smallw stations, ^ 35 ggjiinarians in the upper seminary and 45

^i^KJi.'^C^hi^iJ^fa^^^^^^ '^ ^^ lower semmary, 112 schSL withS pupils,

^ rui^tS^S^ 9 i^Ji^ '«i Jr^V TSS^^lS 4 homes, 2 asylums, 1 orphanage of the HolytJfiild-

r^H 95Val^^tn^^^^ hood with 20 boys. InStitutiSus in charge of the

and 22 male students, 179 reh^ous schools with 1327 py^ciscan Missionaries of Mary are: 1 orohanage,

male and 1913 female pupils, 36 elementary schools i ^^ZXl7;JL q K^ifTio /o f^\J!>L.Lrs 1 fi^T.\«^^

with 487 boys a^d 147^^/2 dis^ari^in wluch « a-X^th^asT^S 4 boS 'ad^^bT^

age with 49 boys, 5 orphanages for girls with 364 Shen-sl, Norphern, Vicariate Apostolic of

inmates, besid^ 671 orphims placed^ m Christian (Scbn si Septbntrionalis; cf. C. E., XIII— 755d),

homes, 1 prmtmg plant. The missionary activity in China. On 12 April, 1911, the Vicariate of North

has been greatly hampered on account of the famine em Shen-si was divided into two vicariates, Northern

which obliged many Christians to nutate, and the and Central Shen-si, and both entrusted to the Friars

help of the miMionaries was requisitioned for the Minor. Northern Shen-si has a population of 3,000,000

distribution of the rehef funds. pagans, 2257 Catholics, and 4109 catechumens. Rt.

Kev. Celestin Ibafiez y Aparicio. O. F. M., titular

Sheehan, Patrick Augustine, novelist, b. in Bishop of Bagis, b. at Becerril de Campos, Diocese

Mallow, Ireland, in March, 1852; d. at Doneraile, of Palencia, 19 May, 1873, was appointed Vicar

County Cork on 5 December, 1913; son of Patrick Apostolic of Northern Shen-si, 10 September, 1911.

and Joanna (Regan) Sheehan. He received his classi- fife resides at Yen-an-fu. Statistics for 1921 credit

cal education in St. Colman's, Fermoy, and entered the vicariate with 5 rural districts, 11 missions, 11

Ma/nooth College in 1869; despite his delicate consti- principal residences, 13 churches, 14 chapels, 92

tution he completed his theological studies with hon- gecular Tertiaries, 10 Franciscan priests, 1 upper

ors, while still a year below the age for the priesthood, seminary with 14 seminarians, 1 college for boys with

which he received at Cork in 1875. He was sent to 30 students, 23 primary schools for boys with 266

Enjdand to begin his pastoral career and after serving pupils, 8 primary schools for girls with 76 pupils,

at Plymouth and Exeter was recalled in 1877 and ap- 2 orphanages for girls, pointed curate at Mallow, where he spent four years,

and later at Queenstown. On 4 July, 1895, he was Shen-sl, Southern, Vicariate Apostolic of

madeparishpriestof Doneraile, and in 1905 was made ^Scen-si Meridionalis; cf. C. E., XIII — ^756a}, in

a canon of the cathedral. As early as 1881 Fr. Sheehan China. It is entrusted to the Foreign Missions of

had begun writing in the Irish Ecclesiastical Review" Sts. Peter and Paul of Rome. Rt. Rev. Antonio

and other periodicals; he was encouraged by Father Maria Capettini, titular Bishop of Evaria, b. in the

Matthew Russell, S.J., then editor of '"fne Irish Diocese of Vigevano. 11 January, 1877, was ap-

Monthly" the literary mentor of so many of the Irish pointed Vicar Apostolic of Southern Shen-<i, 8 l^p-

writers. His first novel, Geoffrey Austm, Student." tember, 1919. He resides at Han-chung-fu. The

which appeared in 1895, depicted student life in Duo- population of the vicariate is 6,000^)00, of whom

lin and was well received. It was foUowed by The 16,900 are Catholics, all Chinese. There are (1921

Triumph of Failure'^: "Luke Dehnege" and "My census): 55 parishes, 55 churches, 100 missions, 85

New Curate" 2 whicn attained great popularity, stations, 22 secular clergy, 17 European and 25

This was due m part, aside from the literary merit, Chinese Sisters, 2 seminuies with 40 seminarians, 4

to the fact that the reader was introduced into an colleges for boys with 8 teachers and 110 pupils, 4

unknown but real world, the genuine life of the colleges for girls with 8 teachers and 200 pupils, 40

average Irish priest, with its joys, its troubles, its elementary schools with 40 teachers and I2SDO stu-

difficulties and consolations. Qinon Sheehan orew dents, 1 mdustrial school with 2 teachers and 30

largely on the life around him for his characters; in pupils, 5 orphanages, 1 leper hospital, 4 hospices for

his writings he reveals his ideeJs and aims as a pastor the aged, 5 homes. 4 asylums, 2 hospitals, 5 refuges,

of souls; there is a vast vista behind the action in his 2 day nurseries. None of the institutions are aided

fiction that leads the reader to thoughts of higher by the Government. Several pious associations ap-

things. His novels were written mainly as a recrea- proved by the church are organized among the clergy

t ion, a rest from his pastoral work, which was always and laity. Among the recently deceased of note are: