Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/730

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religious superiors and any of the secular priests; schools with 430 teachers, attendance 16.344. The

he can punish any of those who neglect to be present following charitable institutions exist in the diocese:

after being summoned , except exempt religious not 3 hospitals, 5 settlement houses, 1 home at Syracuse

acting as parish priests. Those who attend have callea the Ludden Home for Working Girls. R^^^ular

merely a consultive vote, the bishop being the sole Sunday services are held at nine public institutions,

legislator; he alone signs the synodal constitutions. Associations existing among the clergy are: Euchar-

which, if promulgateain the synod, begin to bind istic League, Clerical Fimd, Society for Infirm

ipso facto, unless the contrary is expressly provided. Priests. Among the laity: Knights of Columbus,

In each diocese there are to be selected not more Catholic Welfare. Society of St. Vincent de Paul and

than twelve priests skilled in canon law, who need the usual Catholic societies. A paper called "The

not belong to the diocese, to whom the bishop is to Catholic Sun" is publi^ed at S3rracuse. delegate power to act as judges; the bishop decides

the number that ought to be appointed and submits ^ ^7^ (^- ^- E., XIV— 405a).— While four of the the names to the synod for its approval; if between Catholic Oriental Rites have archbishops in Sjyria, synods any vacancies occur the bishop can fill them "J® Latins are organized in the Vicariate Apostolic of after consulting the cathedral- chapter; the former Aleppo. This flourishing vicariate was ahnost ruined judges are calted synodal; the latter pro-synodal, ^"™? *ne war. Most of the missionaries, including but they are otherwise identified in the eyes of the *"6 Sisters, were esmelled; ahnost all the churches, law. "niey hold oflBce ordinarily until the next wbools, colleges, andother institutions were closed or synod, but may be re-appointed and may not be taken over by the Tittkiah Government. The few removed by t^e bishop except for grave cause and workers who remamed were helpless to stay the after consulting the cathedral chapter. The Code devastation. After the armistice in 1918 the mis- does not mention any obligation on the part of the oonanes and Sisters besan to return to undertake bishop to send the names of the judges to Rome, as % work of restoration; but even in 1922 not all the was formerly the case. vicariate has been blessed with peace, Christians are

still being slaufliitered, especially in parts of Cilicia

Byon Abbey' (cf.C.E., XIV— 394c).— On 21 April, ^^ Northern Syria, where mx of the Fathera had

1920, the fifth centenary of the first profession of already been slam. Most of the faitMul, abandom^

monks and nuns of the Bridgettine monastery of Syon everything, have followed the French forces mto

was celebrated. In honor of this event Pope Benedict exile. The Vicar Apostolic of Aleppo is ex-officio

XV restored to the monastery of Syon its former ^P^**^ ,P®^®f»*^ ^ ^y™- , ^he present incumbent

privileges of perpetual abbacy and solemn vows. On Mgr. Frediano Giannim, titular Bishop of Serres, was

4 May, the anniversary of the canonical election of bom at Bosxano in the dk>oese of Lucca, Italy, on 16

the first abbess of Syon, Rev. Dame Mary Teresa Jui^e, 1861; he joined the Friais Minor on 8 Au^pst.

Jocelyn was blessed and instaUed by the Bishop of 1876. was professed on 22 November, 1881, ordained

Plymouth. ^^ ^^ December, 1883; he was appomted custodian of

the Holy Land, and on 19 January, 1905, named

Syra,DiocB8SOF (Strensis, cf.C.E., XIV— 3D5a), vicar apostolic and Apostolic Delegate. In March,

one of the C^clades Islands in the Greek Archi- 1920, he was decorated with the Orosa oi the Com-

pelago, suffragan to the Archdiocese of Naxos and manders of the Ligton d^Honnewr by General Gouraud

Tinos. The present incumbent, Rt. Rev. Antiiony in the name of the French Government. In 1921 the

Macrionlti, succeeded to the see in 1912 upon the vicariate comprised 28 quasi-parishes and missions*

promotion of Bishop Darmanin to the Archdiocese 49 houses of clerical religious, 15 of lay religious, and

of Corfu. He was bom in Smyrna in 1853, studied 90 of Sisters: there are 170 priests, all regulars, 130

at the College of Propaganda, and was chancellor Brothers and 669 Sisters of different congregations,

of the Archdiocese of Smyrna until his appoint- There are about 7500 Catholics of the Latin Rite and

ment as bishop. The Catholic population of this 335,000 of various Eastern Rites,

island numbers about 10,000, living mostly in the The Jesuit University at Beirut has faculties of

old town or in a few outlying villages. There are philosophy, theology, medicine, seicnce. Oriental

a commercial school for boys conducted by the letters, law, architecture. The university and college

Christian Brothere— and an academy under the have about 1000 students. Annexed to the university

Vincentian Nuns, who also conduct a hospital, ia a seminanr for students of various Eastern Rites

The Capuchin Fathers have had a residence and with thirty-four seminarians. The university astio-

church here since the Seventeenth Century, and nomical observatory is looted at Ksam on Mount

the Jesuits have been established on the island Lebanon. The faculties of law and architectore we

since the Eighteenth Century. The 1920 statistics dependent on the University of l^^^ ^d the

credit it with 25 secular and 6 regular clergy, and faculty of mediane belongs to the French Govot-

20 churches or chapels. ^^^Vi but all three are under the direction of the

Jesuits who have the appomtment of the professors.

Syracuse, Diocese of (Stracusensis; cf. C. E., In addition in 1919-20 there were 15 colleges for hojB

XIV— 397c), in the state of New York, suffragan of with 3630 pupils, and 10 for girls with 2230 pupils;

New York. The present incumbent is the Rt. Rev. 120 elementarv schools for boys with 10,016 pupils,

John Grimes, b. at Lisnagrey, Ireland, 25 Jan.. and 64 for girls with 11,284 pupils; today (1922) the

1856, ordained 19 Feb., 1882, rector of the cathedral pupils number over 30,000: finally there is a normal

of Ssrracuse, elected titular bishop of Himeria. 1 Feb., school for men, and one for women. Most of the

1909. and coadjutor bishop of Syracuse, published 29 teachers in the schools, most of which are aided by

April, consecrated 16 May following, succeeded the the French Government, are religious, while the re-

Rt. Rev. Patrick Ludden, 6 Aug., 1912. The maining teachers are dependent on them. The

diocese contains 98 parishes, 137 churches, 39 mis- different Catholic Oriental Rites have also colleges,

sions, 5 convents for men, 6 for women, 483 Sisters, schools, and institutions of their own, but the Latin

143 secular priests, 18 regulars, 4 lay brothers, 25 schools receive pupils of all rites, and even schia-

seminarians who are being educated in seminaries of matics and infidels. The Catholic orphanages oon-

other dioceses. The educational institutions include: tain more than 1000 children, who, in addition to an

11 hig[h schools, average attendance 946 (402 boys, elementary education, receive suitable manual and

544 girls); 3 academies with 43 teachers, average technical training. Tiiere are 3 foundling asylums;

attendance 579 (boys 321, girls 258); 34 elementiuy various dispensaries; 3 hospitals; numerous ataroirs or