Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/731

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workrooms, where poor girls can get suitable employ- Ss^kesf eli6nr&r (Gbbman Stuhlweissenburg,

ment; 1 home for the aged; numerous religious Bodau- Diocese of Albaeregalensib, cf. O. E., XIV —

ties for boys, girls, men and women, with thousands 317b), in Hungary, suffragan of Esztergom. The

•f members; conferences of St. Vincent de Paul in present bishop ot Ss^keseh^ryi&r is Dr. Ottokar

most of the larger cities; workingmens' societies; Prohaszka, famous preacher and leader of the

circles for the youn^; catechetical societies. Frovi- Hunearian Catholic movement, b. at Njatra 10

sion is made for giving the spiritual exercises to October, 1858, professor of theology in the University

ecclesiastics and the faithful, especially Orientals, of Budapest, elected bishop 11 December, 1905,


periodical, _ . .

Capuchin Mission. — The Capuchin Syrian mission part Hungarian; about 3000 are either German or

was established as early as 1825. Its present superior Slavonic. Hoepita s were erected during the World

is Fr. Jerome de Lyons. The Fathers have char^ of War and equipped with the necessary furnishings

six quasi-parishes or missionary districts at Beirut, and providea w th ample food for the care of the

Mersina, Antioch, Tarsus, Baaldath and IQiodulek: inmates. Among the recently deceased of note is

with 10 churches and 7 stations, 30 Franciscan Third Ferdinand Zichy, founder of a political faction that

Order sodalities with 2850 tertiaries. They have defended the cause of Catholicism in the public

organized and now direct 29 charitable institutions — assemblies. There are 146 secular and 33 regular

reniges, work-rooms, sanatoriums, and especially priests and 12 lay brothers; 99 parishes, and 132

orphanages — ^with 4700 inmates or beneficiaries. In churches; 6 monasteries for men, and 1 for women:

1910 they had 106 schools with 6000 pupils; as a sequel 1 seminary; 2 colleges for boys with 4 teachers and

to the war they have had to curtail their efforts in this 78 students, and 3 for girls with 9 teachers and 132

field, but they have already 24 schools — 3 of which are students; 1 high school with 14 teachers and 270

colleges — ^witn 62 teachers and 335 students. All the boys students; 147 normal schools with 268 teachers

schools and institutions receive Government aid. and 20,738 pupils; 3 industrial schools with 28

teachers and 400 pupils; 1 hospital; 2 orphanages;

Ssamos-Ujvar, See Ghebla 1 day nursery. The Government supports the

Catholic institutions liberally and all the public

Sze-chwan, Eastern. Vicasiatb Apobtolic of schools and gjrmnasia admit religious instruction.

(Se-ciuensis orientalis, cf . C. £., XIV — 419a), with The clergy have an association for mission work;

residence at Chiong-!King-fu, China, is entrusted to and among the laity there is a popular Catholic

the Society of Foreign Missions of Paris, the present organization. One Catholic daily is published,

vicar apostolic being Rt. Rev. Celestin-Felix-Joseph «,..., ,a \ tx

Phouvellon, titular t>ishop of Dansara, to which ree ^^Ssombathe^ or (Stbinamanger), Diocese of

he was elected on his appointment to this vicariate in (Sabaribnsis), suffragan of Esztergom m Hungarv.

1891. The mission reporte for 1920-1921 a Christian Szombathely was an episcopal see even before the

- mvasion of the Huns, but King St. Stephen gave it to

" '"* ' "* ' '"""" " e see was re-

count John

EJi^"^^: m s"chcI^kTo7'b^s^^ni^^^^ Mikes von Zabok,Jwm at Zabola, Diocese om

159forgirl8 with 3116 pupils. There are a theological S^,^'?^i'^'^®' ^?^^' -^^^^ n?!^^»- ^^lu'

seminary with 25 semi^afians and a lower semiEary Bishop Mikes was impnsoned m Budapest durmg the

with 60 studenta, and a probatorium with 45 students. ^ » ^J^ 'f »°^« ^ It^^A^^ ^i^""^ ^^ Saq SV?

There are a CanAelite convent with 10 nuns, a hospital ^"^ TiJ®"' •?" ^S, J^^S^ u^^^^^ T w '^^^

conducted by the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary ^^fei'^^^ ^^^1^' Iw'^^'T^f 'i t°£f^^-^a

(7 Sisters), 1 native convent of the Sacred Heart with ^ abbeys.and 6 titular abbots, 2 titulw provosts 8

41 Sisters, who conduct 2 hospitals; 1 home for aged ^onastenes for men and 20 for women with 288

^^T^^^ J^^\. ino; "a "^47'w»«i X wuiiic 1^1 o^^ members, 1 semmary with 42 semmanans, 1 college

women, i«ath 102 mmates, 2 orphanages with 394 ^^^ ^o mth 2 teachers and 70 studente, 5 colleges fSr

orphans. La Vente a weekly pubhshed m Chmese g^i^ ^th 210 students, 423 elementary schools with

with a supplement in French, has about 2000 sub- 730 teachers and 63j^7 pupils. 6 industrial schools,

scribers. A printing press with bindery attached 3 homes for poor, 6 Catiiolic puolications and various

issues Chinese and French books. associations of the clergy and laity.