Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/743

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of five years as formerly. The present cardinal Our Lady of Pity in the Bronx, New York City, for protector of the congregation is Cardinal Merry del mission settlement and catechism work among the Val, appointed in 1916, upon the death of their 5000 Catholic children attending public school; a former cardinal protector, Cardinal Falconio. Among second house in Hereford, Texas, where two missionaiy the recent deceased of the community have been Friars are also laboring: a mission house in Tucumcan, Sister Julia (1914); Sisters Coletta, Dominica, and New Mexico; and a fourth house in Dover, Ohio, Bona venture (1915); Sisters Florentine, Johanna, under the Capuchin Fathers. The cornerstone of a PetroniUa, Genevieve, and Augustine (1916); Sisters new building for the St. Clare's Mission Settlement Cornelia, Lidivina and Dorothea (1919). In 1920 House in the Bronx, N. Y., founded 1919, was laid the Sisters for the first time made use of their privilege 16 October, 1921. There are at present 23 Sisters as voters and took part in the presidential election, of the Atonement working in the missions. Their New foundations have been made as follows: (1912) special work is catechism and social settlement work Kankakee, 111.. , Collegehill, Ind., and Hamilton, for the foreign bom children of the public schools and Ohio; (1915) Cnillicothe, Ohio, Dayton, Ohio, and their parents. Their constitutions, based upon the Houghville, Ind.; (1916) Bowling Green, Mo., Franciscan Rule and revised according to tiie new Fort Branch, Ind., and Wichita, l^an.; (1919) Code of Canon Law, have been approved by his Peoria, III.; (1921) St. Ann's, Jennings Co., Ind. late Eminence Cardinal Farley and by the present

PeekskiUj N. Y. — The general mother-house of this ordinary Most Rev. Archbishop Hayes, congregation is at Gemona, Italy, and the present FrancUcQn Sisters of Baltimore City. — ^These Sisters,

Seneral superior. Mother M. Carmela, succeeded with mother-house at St. Mary's Abbe^r, Mill Hill, lother M. Assumpta who died in February, 1912. London, were introduced into America in 1881, for The provincial mother-house and novitiate is at work among the colored people. At the reauest of Mount St. Francis, Peekskill, N. Y. Mother M. the late Cardinal Gibbons they establishea them- Joseph, provincial superior, succeeded Mother M. selves in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, where they Elizabeth, who died 7 Octpber, 1914. The present now have a novitiate and a home accommodating number of members is 318, novices 13, postulants 8. 300 orphans. Convents have been opened in Nor- The congregation has charge of: 1 academy with 258 folk and Richmond, Va., and in Wilmington, N. C. pupils; 3 business schools with 200 pupils; 20 paro- In some of their schools the Sisters have as maiw as chud schools with 6973 children; 1 institution for desti- 600 pupils. From St. Mary's Abbey, Mill Hill, tute children with 950 inmates; a reception and quar- Sisters were sent to open missions in Africa in 1902, antine house for this institution; 2 boarding houses and the late Mother Mary Paul, who was then for girls with 75 boarders; 5 day nurseries with 300 Superior of the Franciscan Convent in Norfolk, Va. , children; 1 convalescent home with 15 patients, was chosen to be the first superior to lead the mis- Peoriaf lU. — This congregation, with mother- sionarv band of Sisters to this new field of labor in house at Peoria, 111., has charge of the following Uganda, British East Africa. There are now 4 con- hospitals: St. Francis', Peoria, III., 6046 patients vents of this congregation working among the natives from July, 1919, to July, 1920; St. Joseph's, Bloom- of Uganda, where they have 2 hospitals and 3 schools, ington, Al., 2857 patients; St. Anthony s, Rockford, The aggregate number of this congregation is about HI., 4931; St. Nlary's, Galesburg, 111., 1386; St. 500.

James', Pontiac, HI., 509; St. Francis', Burlington. Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, — ^This Iowa, 813; St. Joseph's, Keokuk, Iowa, 1688; Sacred congregation was founded 9 November, 1869. The Heart, Ft. Madison, Iowa. 772; St. Francis', Esca- mother-house and novitiate is at Holy Family Con- naba, Mich., 1464; St. Mary's, Marquette, Mich., vent, Alvemo, Wisconsin. The present superioress 985; St. Joseph's, Menominee, Mich., 1412; a total of is Mother M. Generose, elected in July, 1919. There 11 hospitals canng for 22,563 patients, of whom are 436 professed Sisters, 42 novices, and 41 pos- 1435 were charity patients. The Sisters also have a tulants. The Sisters have 52 parish schools distrib- hospital at Echt, Holland^ founded in 1905 by 28 uted as follows: Green Bav, 32; Milwaukee, 4; Sisters from America. The congregation numbers Omaha, 2; La Crosse, 3; Grand Kapids, 1; Columbus, 258 professed Sisters, 25 novices, and 12 postulants. 6; Superior, 1; Marquette, 2; and a school of music a total of 295 members. The present mother general at Marquette. The number of teachers actively is Mother M. Anthony. engaged m school work is 1^66. Holy Familv Hospital

Tiffin f Ohio. — ^This congregation, with mother- at Manitowoc, Wis., Good Samaritan Hospital at house at St. Francis Convent, Tiffin, Ohio, was or- Zanesville, Ohio, and St. Joseph's Home for the ganized in 1868 and incorporated in 1869 under Aged at West Point, Neb., are in charge of the con- the title Citizen's Hospital and Orphan Asylum, gregation.

The present superior is Mother Bonaventura. The Franciscans of the Immacvlaie Conception, — This foundations of the congregation are: St. Francis community, with mother-house at Little Falls, Minn., Home for the Aged, Tiffin, Ohio, capacity 100; St. has charge of the following institutions: St. Gabriel's Francis Orphanage, Tiffin. Ohio, capacity 150; St. Hospital, Little Falls, erected 1915. dedicated 1916; Francis Convent^ Tiffin, Ooio; St. Joseph's Hospital, St. Francis' Hospital, Breckenriage, Minn.; St. Lorain, Ohio; Pilgrim House, Carey, Ohio; parish James Hospital, Perham, Minn.; St. Joseph's Hospi- schools in Ohio at Adrian, Blakeslee, Carey, Cfustar, tal, Dodgeville, Wis., erected 1913-14; St. Ansgar's Fort Jennings, Lorain, Miller City, Millersville, Hospital, Moorhead, Minn., bought from the New Washington, Paulding, Payne, Tiffin. The Lutherans 24 October, 1920, dedicated and blessed con|pregation numbers 90 professed religious, 7 the same year; St. Ott's Orphanage, Little Falls, novices and 9 postulants. Minn., averaging about 120 children a year, the

Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement, — These Sisters children there finishing the eighth grade; Aged People's form the Second Congregation of the Society of the Home, Little Falls, Minn., averaging about 35 to 40 Atonement (see Atonement, Friars op the), which aged people a year. Connected with St. Gabriel's, was ori^;inally a foundation at Graymoor, N. Y.. St. Francis', and St. Ansgar's Hospitals are training of Anglican Friars and Sisters, who were received schools for nurses. Notable members of the com- into the Catholic Church 30 October, 1909. In munity recently deceased are: Sister Mary Hose, the Second Congregation there are now 33 Sisters, mother general for twelve years, died 7 November, 14 novices, 12jpo8tulants, and 10 Tertiary Sisters, a 1921; Sister Mary Francis, first superior, died 11 total of 69. The Sisters have four mission settlement December, 1915; Sister Mary Magdalen, one of the houses as follows: one in the large Italian parish of oldest members of the community^ died 28 September,